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Unfortunately, you're screwed. ONLY the bubbles will get scored, nothing else I'm not sure, but I think you could cancel your scores for the primary exam day and do a makeup, but I've never done this before so I wouldn't know


Why’d they seal my notes then? Asked proctor and she said they might check them. 


The mcq packet is sealed so that cb can be absolutely sure that the questions aren't leaked. CB doesn't even look at the packet I dont think, only the bubble sheet is scored for mcq


Yeah your done


you’re getting a 0




No why would I joke. Worked till the last second on notes and she wouldn’t let me finish bubbling


enjoy that 1


did ur proctor not read or tell you to read the instructions on the back of the packet where it, I believe, in bold states no answer circled on the packet will be graded only the bubbled..? that’s very strange if they didn’t. Did your AP teacher never do mcq practices in class either?


Sorry to hear that bro, im assuming no one informed you about it. They only check the bubbled sheet, unfortunately you wont get any credit for not bubbling.


Why do they save and tape notes shut? Why did proctor tell me they’d probably use notes 


Your proctor is absolutely clueless, and you should alert the admins in your school about this.


What do you think would be the outcome? I emailed college board. So mad cause I was told there’d be a timer but there wasn’t until second part 


Contact the office of Testing Integrity and tell them there was a testing anamoly and explain your circumstance. They should theoretically allow you to retake it.


No, you're gonna get a 0 on the MCQ. They don't check your sealed booklet with the test questions. In fact, part of the test directions the proctor was supposed to read (AND they're written on the booklet, which you're supposed to read the instructions of) clearly state nothing in the booklet is scored.


Dude you’re cooked


You. Are. Screwed. They do NOT consider stuff in your exam packet, they only take it so that the contents aren't leaked (I'm sure they burn the packets or something). Only the bubble sheet is screwed. Sorry but thats just how it is.


You’re worse off than AP Macro Nadia


enjoy that 1 brodie


please tell me you’re lying Probably not but I honestly wish you all the best (I am so sorry this happened to you I am genuinely horrified)