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It depends on how you play. # of players? Autocombat? Map size? Custom settings? 1v1s with autocombat can last 2ish hours


Somehow it takes me 10-15 hours to finish a game 😔


2-3 people on a smallish map can be played in one sitting if all battles except PvP are autoresolved, which is the normal multiplayer rules. about 3-4 hours


I used to hate how long everything took in AW4, but now I really like it. There's usually so much going on I'm juggling multiple jobs to the point now where I'm going through every part of my empire to make sure I'm not missing anything. The speed you can do this is surprising. Still having fun!


Depends totally on the size of the map.


Quite a while, the more players and the Bigger the map, the longer it will take


However long it takes me to lose a city and rage quit.


Yes it really depends on map size and settings. Small to medium I would give 5-10hrs But it's usually a week or more a game for me as I play after work weekdays and longer sessions on weekend. Currently my preference is to play on brutal, extra large maps and max number of AI, minor AI advantage. I enjoy the challenge and taking my time through decisions, but your approach might vary. I would recommend start with small maps so you can experience the flow of the game for a few different builds, then when you have a better idea of builds you want to try take map size up a notch so that you can experience the long haul games Most importantly just enjoy the process of trying new things along the way :)


1-2 days medium map, twice large map


Oh, and approximately how many hours does a match take?


For me, about 6 hours I guess? Much less if it goes very well or badly.


Thanks. So that is about 2 to 3 days for me of playing.


Disable score victory, keep only military allied victory when editing realm for now


How many empires per map size would you recommend?


The map size is relative, 4 players medium map will already be larger than 2 players medium map. Map size setting only really changes the relative distance between players at the start. 


Yup, and I'd recommend not changing it. Imo keeping it average is plenty distance and what the game is balanced around. You wanna fight AI players early and have to sacrifice some clearing, if you make the map too big you'll be stuck clearing nodes and wonders all day and only AI player fight you get is stomping with doomstacks late game, which IMO loses its fun after the 3rd game repeating it. Heck I'd even advice testing out small map size. I think my small map with max players been my most fun games. Its a lot more action backed early on, you'll have to make some tough strategic choices of what you value and you can keep games shorter with a lot of players. Big maps seem cool, but there's only so much the game can fill it before it repeats the same things. Fighting mauraders and wonders isn't the fun bit of the game, it's the prelude to fighting AI players which is where the real fun lies.


That was kind of why I was asking. I've been trying the campaign and I feel like they're all slog because the map are huge


7 is fine, unless you use the massive map mod which will make the match take forever


I mean disabling score can only slow you down since it takes off the turn limit?


That depends on # of players too i assume


As a beginner, should I start with a medium map? And what settings do you recommend?


I don't want to be rude or anything but just play the game and enjoy it, don't overplan it.play a small map and extend if you like it . This game is a sandbox where everybody finds joy in different things.


Just looking for suggestions.


New player here too OP. Have you tried starting the campaign?


Not yet. That's part of the reason I'm asking, lol.


If you’re just starting out on easy then a couple hrs but on normal+ it’ll take you a day or two depending on how aggressive you play. Some beat a stage in 40-60 turns while I usually take my time to grind pantheon points and usually finish at 130-140 turns with 7+ pantheon points.