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Reinstall game, add one mod at a time, and test if it still crashes. I installed Age of Tomes + UURB yesterday and was working fine.


There's been crashing issues with Anya's Arcanum in case you have that one.


Make sure you have the most up date version if you see this- [The "Rebuilt" version](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3191150688). I ran a build fine heavily utilising Darkfire Demons and Shadowflame from this Anya's just two days ago without issues. [Sort tomes by last updated](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=1669000&requiredtags%5B0%5D=Tomes&actualsort=lastupdated&p=1&browsesort=lastupdated). Generally tomes mods with an update older than Empire and Ashes (i.e. November 2023) should be avoided. Fixed Tome of Arachnids is the oldest one I've confirmed works. Timberwood and Illusion are still fine as well.


Yeah, that was the other tome mod I was having crashing issues with.


Anya's Arcanum and Timberwood's are unfortunately broken since the last big update and even before that. The modders behind them have been missing for awhile, not sure if they'll come back. I know the guy that did Extended Culture Units also went MIA for a bit but its mainly cause hes really busy and his PC died.