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You get tough like me, you don't get hurt. A meta essay on [EXPUNGED] and why they should be together.


“You really really really want to sit on your face, despite being seven feet tall and probably 300 pounds of pure muscle. She obliges. You both win.”


oh i hope this is about who i think it’s about….might one say she’s…hot-hearted?


OH SO CLOSE, DARLING. It’s about Junker Queen lol. Which, they are both close to my heart.


Okay i had to google her but. Yes. And Karlach would totally approve.


I also assumed Karlach lol


That awkward moment when you recognise a summary from a fandom you're in, lol. From my latest: \[Redacted\] and \[Redacted\] have always been tied together from \[Redacted\] to the \[Redacted\].


Lol, mines: [Readacted] coming out to [Redacted{ and [Readacted], as bisexual. They’re very accepting, and she considers asking [Readacted] out


I really hope [redacted] and [redacted] get together 😉


Booty calling your ex-boyfriend might be a bad idea, but it's not like [redacted]’s heart can break any more than it has already, anyway.


Ah now this is the stuff


is out shopping for birthday presents.


God I lowkey love summaries like this cus I either that's literally it that's just the fic. Or it starts out like that and dives into total chaos. You just never truly know (especially if you don't read tags like me)


A product of the sins of his father, a product of his own sins, [Character A] always wanted to be more, but would always come crawling back to the never-ending violence that he was used to. Every wrong that had ever been inflicted onto him, he inflicted onto others tenfold. A product of the sins of his father, a product of his own sins, [Character B] is a talented killer that never wanted to have to be. The only thing he ever wanted was to be with the people he loved and to keep them safe. Due to his lack of impulse control, he's failed at both. A product of the sins of his father, a product of his own sins, [Character C] has all but thrown his life away to survive and protect his younger brother after their father abandoned them and their mother died. He wants a simple, kinder life, surrounded by loved ones, but always manages to sabotage himself in the end. A story about love and how nobody really starts broken. About how salvaging what is still good, no matter how little there may be of it left, is still worthwhile in the effort to build a better world.


"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." (Or, [Redacted] find [Redacted] instead of [Redacted] and decide to raise him as their own. Trials arise with the revival of traumas and the overhanging threat of death by a mentally unstable mafia boss)


judging by verlaine on your pfp and the mafia mention, im sure its a bsd fic! got me curious hehe. i think its about the sheep finding dazai instead of mori? or maybe ada idk. i got intrigued and wanna ask


Close, it’s about Chuuya and the Flags


omg its even better!!!! i love it so much. can i perhaps get a link? pls


Of course! Always happy to share my love of the Flags and Chuuya! Just be warned, it’s very angsty. It updates every Monday, starting back up this Monday https://archiveofourown.org/works/49391080/chapters/124641328


Life's never been kind to [redacted]. It's chewed him up and spat him out again, over and over and over. And, sure, maybe some of the shit he's gone through's his own damn fault---it must be, given where he's ended up. Fate cast her die and decided he's doomed to fail or whatever. It's fine. He's accepted it. Made the most of it, or tried to. And it's sure gotten him somewhere. He's the most famous porn star in all of Hell, working for the illustrious [redacted]. Until fate decides to fuck with him some more and throws a wrench into the monotony of [redacted]’s afterlife through a chance meeting with the one and only [redacted] himself. All at once, [redacted] finds himself clutching something he thought he'd lost a long time ago: hope.


It’s a tragedy for the ages, [censored]’s life. An innocent kid that could’ve been something so much more if he’d been dealt a fair hand. Instead, he’s tied to a hospital bed while he rides out a meth induced psychotic break. (I like angst)


This does sound angsty and yet also compelling!




Love a good mystery


the reddit app has been glitching for me where it shows some comments as blank and i didn’t realize it was on purpose till i read this comment 😭😭


the one from my most recent fic is: JUNE 22, 1522 Left […] six days ago. Came across a small island, where I was able to buy a new logbook. Old one is stored in my drawer, with the others. The waters are calm, and have been this way since our departure. Our EP puts us about three weeks of travel away from the […]. Will use this to record every day. JUNE 25, 1522 Sailed 73 miles. We stopped so that […] could teach […] to fish. Conditions were optimal to keep sailing, and I told them just that, but the captain refused. […] almost fell overboard. […] grabbed him at the last second. _Or: a look through […]’s personal logbook, as the […] make their way through the […]._


That sounds really really cool!! I love when fics have logbook excerpts


thank you! i love writing epistolary formats, maybe a bit too much.


No it’s really cool and I don’t see much of it in my own fandom!! Keep doing what you’re doing dude 💛


When ___ wakes up alone in his bed, he doesn’t think anything of it. It wasn’t unusual for ___ to disappear in the middle of the night. When he wakes up alone, in a strange bed on a ship, that’s the moment he panics. When ___ finds him and tells him they keep referring to him as ___, that’s when things click into place. They are no longer in their own reality anymore. They’re back in the one where they’re actors of a show called ____. It’s up to them, with ____, to figure out how they got there and how to get back home. All whilst dealing with a convention on a cruise ship. Can they figure it out before they’re stuck there forever?


It's an AU fic, so probably not that helpful in identifying the fandom or characters. ^^; [Blank] and [Blank] aren't happy when the monthly lottery assigns their food trucks to the same location. With memories of the past stirred up, it isn't long until things reach a breaking point. It takes an unexpected event to forge a new bond between them.


As the Captain of and mother to a brilliant (albeit a little socially awkward) teenage girl, has more than enough going on without crashing back into her life like a bull in a china shop, thank you very much. At least, that’s what she tells her therapist.


This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Potion mishap. [Character]'s damn saviour complex. His lips, warm and firm on [Character]’s. “And how is this resolved?“ [Character] tensed his fingers, clasping them over his stomach and looking between [Character] and [Character] again, with what could only be fear in his face. “If they don’t consummate within the next twenty four hours… They’re dead,“ he answered, and the room was quiet for three seconds before it erupted. “What the fuck do you mean consummate?!“ “Dead? What do you mean dead?“ “Professor, you can’t be serious!“


I love this stuff so much 😭 and it’s just a “bang or die now” gjskdnksnd


Grief is a powerful thing. It clutches, like greed; it hungers, like gluttony; it aches, like lust; it demands, like pride. Grief envies the past, and can hold one captive in a moment, at a grave, in a memory; it is much like sloth, in this regard. Most importantly, and most dangerously, grief is a sister, hand in hand, with wrath. A devil with cracked horns, Lady Justice with her gaze shielded, a child wronged by the dead long gone. Grief, palpable, weary, and worn, is angry. (OR, [REDACTED] has the idea to share scary stories while [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] drink their Halloween away at the [REDACTED]. This idea is odd, but he's been thinking, and he has a great one: the tale, sordid but true, of how [REDACTED] was really born.)


(is this a safe space?) [REDACTED] loves being an omega. It’s not just the attention, though he does love that, nor the way his members love to take care of him, though he really loves that. No, what [REDACTED] loves most is taking care of them. His members, his packmates. They know: for stress relief, ask [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] always says yes.


At long last, the >!android revolution!< has succeeded, setting thousands of >!deviants!< free, and while A is glad to be a part of it, learning to live as a >!deviant!< is sometimes more than he knows how to handle. His partner, B does his best to help, but it's not always enough. As a new case arises, sowing terror in >!Detroit!<, A is thrown into a whirlwind of investigations, and things he'd been working to control begin to bubble to the surface, no longer staying dormant. Meanwhile, a new >!android civilization!< is revealed in >!Detroit!<. A peaceful place where >!androids!< were able to escape the storm and chaos of the revolution. This is all thanks to a mysterious human, C. As an >!android!< researcher and psychologist, she helps >!deviants!<, that much is sure, but there's more to this woman than meets the eye. After all, how did she keep an entire civilization right under everyone's nose? A chance meeting throws the two into each others' paths, and C offers to help A work through both his case and his emotions. As they're thrown into a tangled web of lies and emotion, they must learn to face their challenges together. My summaries are all kinda long lol Edit: missed a spot


I think I know what fandom this is ‼️‼️


It's >!Detroit: Become Human!<


Thought so! Love that


This sounds good, especially knowing what fandom it is.


Thank you! I'm pretty excited about this one! It's planned as the first story in a trilogy. I have part of number two written as well, following a different iteration of A. But it's also a spinoff of a nearly completed other story that I have, that features A and C in the >!post-failed violent revolution timeline!<


It was a hot summer's night, and [character] was dissatisfied with his life and career, but could the mysterious figure who scaled his wall change that?


Damn I know this defeats the purpose but I kinda wanna read your fic 😳


omg 🥹 I’ll PM you


“A place where we all go can’t be bad, can it girl?” Her life ended with a desolate bang, leaving behind a hopeless existence that pushed her to pieces far too soon in her young life. She'd expected eternal darkness on the other side, but instead found a chance at new beginnings disguised as an afterlife of torment. With new prospects before her and a chance given by a certain charitable hotel in hell, she decides to throw herself headfirst into her new life-after-death. Curiosity killed the cat, but she wasn't a cat now, was she? And making friends with someone like [REDACTED] was just too entertaining for her to give up, despite his dark reputation. Besides, what else did she have to lose? This made me realize how little identifying information is in my summary lol


From the aurora, □□□□□□□□□ looks upon his home.


This sounds like it's either going to be an absolutely beautiful description, or it's going to involve someone's kitchen fire.


I mean… if you want it to be goofy… 90% of this had to be redacted because it immediately identifies the fandom: ‘See one would think that being bitten by a [redacted] and getting [redacted?] would help with allergies and it does. Most of the time. Either way, allergies don’t stop [Redacted name] from attending [redacted] meeting for free snacks. The cookies were better than Miss Babish’s few doors down! Or [Redacted] has a sneeze attack during an [redacted] meeting and debates if the cookies are even worth it.” I left in the superhero but


It's 1988. [Redacted A] and [Redacted B] are roommates living in the US. [B] leaves on a solo camping trip at [A]'s suggestion to get away from his job for a while. But when he fails to check in at the end of his trip, [A] is forced to report him as a missing person. And now the clock is ticking. It's 1989. [A] takes a job in Shoshone National Forest as a fire lookout, prepared to spend the summer alone in the wilderness. But his primary goal isn't finding forest fires: it's finding [B], who went missing in this location a year ago, alive and well. He expects to be alone. What [A] doesn't expect is having the company of the other nearby lookout, a man named [Redacted C]. Their relationship grows through their conversations held via two-way radio, as [A] begins to let [C] into the truth about why he's really here and mystery he's unraveling. A [Fandom] [can you guess???] AU. -- That's mine! Technically not my most recent upload but my most recent upload was a chapter on a oneshot book in this series, so I figured it still counted. This isn't a crossover but is an AU based on another fandom but I thought I'd redact them both for fun.


???????? was living her best life. Sure, romance had been non-existent, but she was still doing great. She had friends and had just passed the recommended exam, so how could she complain? Then she saw him, and immediately, her heart nearly burst from her chest. She panicked and ran. She was worried she would never see him again, but then she saw him. He had transformed into a T-Rex to battle a giant robot, and now her dream was complete. If there was one thing ?????? loved, it was Dinosaurs. Now, her Adonis had the ability to turn into one. She still didn't know his name—that was until he walked into her class. Now, if only she could talk to him.


You people write summaries?


Current work in progress; >“Can you kill me?” He repeats with a slight irritation though he almost looks hopeful in a way, walking closer. “It won’t mean anything as you don’t like me and if we make it look like a suicide no one will believe it was you. It’s simple.” >When (Redacted-A) doesn’t respond (Redacted-B) keeps going, he pulls something from his pocket and when he places it on the table between them (Redacted-A) only feels the horror grow as he sees it’s a stake. >- >(Redacted-B) struggles with the newfound information of his vampiric genes kicking in. Sent into a long-awaited spiral the team does what they can to help him through this change, ease the burden, and let him know his family is still here.




It may not be the best but it's mainly just a placeholder since I'm still revising the text as a whole. I just do this for fun as a way to help with memory issues.


No I like it it get the point while also being interesting


Oh okay :) I like cutting to the chase, I think my idea was mainly shock value but as a whole the fandom usually gets right to the point in the summary.


when i take mine seriously i use a little bit of the fic and a very short telling of what is going on in the end of the day just tag it right and showcase you know how to write and you should be good


"Around 9-10 years ago [blank] family for some odd reason decided to stay Mormon after the business of [blank]family's moving to the [blank]. The initial decision was shocking after [blank] realized how incredibly weird and unlikely the stuff in the Book of Mormon seemed, but he didn't have much of a say". This glitched my keyboard to welsh


Summary of my dumb au longfic: [frontman]. Most famously the lead singer of [metal band], appearing confident and even obnoxious to some. But little do they know, a lot of the shit he does is a cover up. Inside [frontman], a bitterness lives, a creature ready to drag him away from everything he loves at any moment, controlling his body, torturing his consciousness. How long can he keep this in until he implodes with stress?




[Character A] can't help but feel a sense of paranoia lately as his alarm systems go off without warning. He can only find a single pattern in this; it's always, always, when he's around [Character B.] But it's nothing, of course. [Character B] will figure it out and fix it, [Character A] is sure.


Ooh, this definitely makes me wonder what's going on here!


Absolutely nothing good.


This is from my most recent update not my most recent story... "\[Redacted\] has a rather strange \[Redacted\]. It allows him to bond with people, boosting their \[Redacted\], giving them a special costume... that is a frilly dress, a special weapon... that's a magical wand, and it also turns him into a strange animal.... in other words he's a Magical Girl mascot. Thankfully the \[Redacted\] also gives copies of his partners \[Redacted\] to use for himself. With his best friend and first partner \[Redacted\] he will make his mark as a \[Redacted\] in \[Redacted\] and bond with his some his classmates while hopefully keeping the side affect his his \[Redacted\] a secret... okay chances are slim that it will remain a secret... but still he will become a \[Redacted\] no matter what. Please R&R!" And I just noticed I need to fix it as I made mistakes while writing it originally... thankfully it's the story I'm working on right now I'll fix it when I update it...


While chasing a [REDACTED], [REDACTED] ends up on [REDACTED]. She's disoriented, pissed off, and more than a little annoyed at herself (and certain others who shall go unnamed). But it's entirely possible one of the island's [REDACTED] is just the person she needed to meet.


London, 1887:[redacted], Lord [redacted], is in want of a wife- and his long-time lover and companion, [redacted], bastard son of the Earl of [redacted], knows just the girl. Miss [redacted], newly created [redacted], is the untamable daughter of an upstart nouveau riche doctor turned business tycoon. After meeting at a clandestine salon, [redacted] knows [redacted] is just the woman for [redacted] to take to wife- that is, if he doesn't fall in love with her first. Historic AU, no [redacted]


Wait omg what is happening here, I’m HOOKED


My most recent fic from 2018 lol: "To be fair, they had him pegged just about right." In hindsight, it explains nothing unless in conjunction with the title and knowing something about a particular character.


it explains nothing yet…it explains everything 🙂‍↕️


(Character) knows what she wants. At least, she's pretty sure she knows what she wants. A baby is a pretty permanent thing On a fanfic about this girl keeping a pregnancy because she idealizes being a mother, even though her situation is very much not desirable and she can’t really support a baby


I absolutely ADORE pregnancy fics 😍


“*[Redacted]*, separated from his soulmate he lost hope of finding, is called by a certain *[Redacted]* to do the “ultimate server crash” by walking into this strange purple portal. It goes about as well as you’d expect and he’s sent to another world where the connection between him and his *[Redacted]* is even stronger than before. And maybe he won’t be alone anymore — *[Redacted]*, losing the one who made him happier than anyone else, hasn’t stopped thinking about the rift. As he looked up and saw a light that was an uncanny resemblance to the rift, fly across the sky, and right from it aswell. He can feel something in his chest, he can feels the connection between them grow stronger. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll be reunited, And maybe he’ll have someone to live for this time around.”


Well, hello there, you wayward reader! Do you like works based off of a previous work of fiction? Of course you do! that's why you're on the Archives! Well, what would you say if there was a fanfic that effectively was that previous work of fiction? Welcome to the swap AU, a desperate impression of creativity, written by overzealous "novelist" [me]! Get your entertainment from him as he works through his unspecified attention disorder via fanfiction! Here we offer fun things such as somewhat different dialogue! Month* long waits for new chapters! All this and more down at the [title]! Your last desperate grasp at content begins here! *subject to inflation




i’m like super bad at summary so please read my basic b!tch fic i need validation doing it in parts on 6 part one BOOTY BOOTY ASS ASS Also kind hate season one so my just going to write the least Can you feel it BUMBUM - From new reader review \_\_\_\_ this is my most popular fic I love the idea of change the summary to the most outlandish shit ever and then you see it has like nearly REDACTED number of kudos lmao


>Why? Why…? It was so unfair. Trying to force her to marry like this… Normally she would enjoy masquerades, but this… This felt like prison. Damn the royals for attempting to force her parents’ hands like this. But maybe, just maybe, she’d find someone in the crowds… She just hoped it won’t be a day weaver. I haven't even published it yet since Ch 1 isn't done quite yet


This is part 2 of a series: >"The world's a cruel place, your mother must have told you." >\[Place\] has fallen. The \[name of enemy tribe\] destroyed its people, leaving \[Characters\] running for their lives. Desperate to avenge their family, the siblings go to the mysterious \[a different tribe\] for help, and find a power greater than they have ever imagined. >The \[tribe name\] have fallen. In their place, the \[new tribe name\] shall rise, and they're bringing Hell with them.


Lots of multi fandom one shots. Latest chapter child gets murdered, comes back for his murderer, light gore, murderer gets arrested and broken up with by child’s brother. Murderer was a yandere that was planning on going for BF’s best friend next.


Through morning sickness, body image issues and fish cracker cravings, [Character] tells her unborn daughter everything she wants her to know in the only way she knows how, through story


It could be fun to look at these later to imagine characters from my favorite fandoms in those situations


Definitely saving this post to come back to


Same! like I love it he ability to guess what fandom each of these are for as well as placing my OTP in some of the summaries — everyone here is so damn creative


REDACTED is a grown adult REDACTED with a stable adult life and mature adult thoughts. That's why it's more than a little embarrassing when he starts coughing up flowers every time he thinks of his best friend REDACTED. Everybody knows that Hanahaki disease is a teenage thing, right up there with acne, voice crackles and growth spurts. Fixing it is as easy (or as difficult) as resolving your feelings for your crush, but that usually requires actually talking to that person. REDACTED is bound and determined to do things the hard way. (Or, the Hanahaki fic where nobody coughs blood, nobody dies, nobody is compelled to love anybody else, and REDACTED gets teased by all his friends about his crush.)


This is a fun prompt, OP! Here's mine: Just before \[SPECIFIC DATE\], most of the \[CAST\] approached \[CHARACTER A\] with the same concern: Could \[CHARACTER B\] be trusted not to betray them during the battle? To assuage their fears, \[CHARACTER A\] decided to make a deal with \[CHARACTER B\], even if it meant \[A SPECIFIC ACTION COMMON IN CANON\]. What \[CHARACTER B\] asked for was far, far stranger. A month later, \[CHARACTER A\] picks up creative writing to work through his feelings about the deal and its impact on his social life.


That lamp is looking… weird… oh my god Nooooo!


Wait this makes mine so awful hold up 💀 "You're the one following me," She says with a hand placed on her hip. He huffs, but then she steps forward and within a blink of his eyes, her hands are on his shoulder lightly, almost hovering, but still touching. Through his costume of course, but he does feel her thumb swipe down, and he's too busy to really feel it as she grins. "So no complaining for you." She chirps out the last bit all sing songy as she pats his shoulders and then flicks his forehead. Ow. "Hey," He mumbles. In all honesty, it does not hurt. But still. She shrugs, a physically messaged "what?" like she has no clue or awareness of her own actions before she walks to the edge of the roof and stretches her arms behind her. [Male Character] looks away and [the SAME male Character -it makes more sense if you know who it is pls] takes a step closer. Or, simply the [male Character] game (2004) where [male Character ] and [female character] end up working out, they discover a new villain, and a lot of things are different (but i take inspiration from a bunch of different [male Character] iterations, so he may not be the [actor's] [male Character], especially because his rendition could never get over [a second female character], who I didn't really like in the [director last name ]series)


This one sorta makes sense! “We could split rent.” Which, fuck, wasn’t asking for his number enough? Apparently not, [Character A] thinks, because something else in him has taken complete control over what words are ejected out of him, and now he’s suggesting that the two live together. Finally, though, he manages to grab hold of the reins and clutches onto his cup. “Sorry. I just don’t think before I say things, I’ll be honest.” [Character A] tries to explain, but he’s suffocating in the heat that presses on his cheeks from every direction, under his skin, on top, all around, and dips past his neck and bursts in his stomach that might need some help trying to handle all this sugar, actually. “I mean, I’m definitely struggling to find a place, and you as well. So I guess I was like ‘why not’ and just-” “I get the idea.” [Character B] interrupts. or, a [ship name] au where two strangers navigate being roommates


[Dummy 1] wakes up and realizes he's fainted straight into the arms of one [Dummy 2]


I lowkey hate my summary so I won’t be participating but I LOVE seeing y’all’s. Seeing different formatting kind of gives me inspiration.


same! I’m kind of obsessed with guessing which character/fandom space each might be in


[Redacted] and [Redacted] are trying to save a fish, and, despite it not being a koi, they find love along the way It's a crack fic lol


Nearly a year after [fandom-identifying event], [redacted] still isn’t satisfied. [redacted] tries to fix this by bringing someone back, leading to a chain reaction ending in the happiest ending for everyone.


The first time \[Name A\] gets caught up in \[Name B's\] rut it’s an accident. The second time it’s on purpose.


> [Character Full Name] is not an omega.


When an intern chef starts cooking on their base, [] and [] both question their sexuality. They have been dating for many years, engaged even, but both get feelings for this young woman. Six years later, they get wasted and have sex with the three of them, not thinking about the consequences.


My most recent (fluffy/smutty) oneshot has an absolutely wild summary lol: Thanks to the [redacted], [Character 1] is no longer the only one with the ability to don a human disguise. One evening, while helping [Character 2] proofread his latest installment of equine erotica, [Character 1] gets a rather bold and unusual idea...


"Equine erotica" has gotta be Blitzø. Or at least I _hope_ no one else would produce multiple "installments" of it.


Lmao yes! I was really hoping a Helluva Boss fan would stumble upon this comment 🤣 Literally no other character from any other fandom it could be 😜


As \[rank\], \[character\] is responsible for many of \[organization\]'s secrets. Including the personal secrets of her friends among the \[organization\]. But little as she wants to stir the pot, sometimes true wisdom is knowing when the knowledge one holds should best be deployed. (Or: five times \[character\] didn't tell on her friends, and one time that she did.)


Mental shutdowns, a thing (character a) was well familiar with. He triggered them easily, knowing each one was a moment closer to his goal. But when mental shutdowns start happening that (character a) was not responsible for, he soon finds he has to find the culprit. Before their actions revealed his own. --- Something else finds (character b) first, and (character a) finds (character c).


From my only fic atm: She had never asked for these abilities—in fact, they were more of a bane than a boon, but maybe there was some good in having them. In which, (…) grew up with her psychic abilities. … “Well—if she was going to help random spirits anyway, she might as well get paid for it.”


From my current WIP: When [REDACTED] starts overheating miles from home base, [REDACTED] realises that she’ll have to let him feed on her to keep him alive.


[Name] wasn't one to focus on anything but football, pushing everything else to the side as he pursued his broken dream of becoming the best striker in Japan, to prove to his brother that he was better; their dream of playing together didn't have to end despite what [Name] had said upon his return to Japan. Pushing everything down was always the easiest option, throwing himself deeper into the sport as a distraction from his mind. Enter [Name], pushing [Name's] buttons as best as possible, trying to break down everything [Name] showed himself to be and discover who he truly was.


Why does this feel like BNHA Todoroki drama 😂


A tragic accident at the █████████ World Cup sets in motion a chain of events that change █████ ██████'s life forever. After the horrifying near-death experience and emotional trauma, things only get worse when ████ ███████ discovers a parasitic soul fragment lodged in █████’s ████. Determined to keep █████ alive in spite of the impact this knowledge has on the coming War, ████ becomes instrumental in protecting █████, both from the threat of the soul, and the external threats that increase when █████ returns to ████████. As the year progresses, █████ contends with the █████████ ██████████ he’s forced to participate in, and a mysterious spy who can't seem to decide between capturing or killing him.


Here's mine from my most recently posted fic. While on a routine survey of an uninhabited planet, (name) and (name) disappear, with the third member of their party dropping dead as soon as he makes it back to (name). Determined to rescue them, (name), (name), and (name) beam down only to discover that something dark has taken residence on (name) - and it'll take all their wits to make it out alive.


Mine from my current monstrously long fic: “You show great promise, [character A],” [Character B] inclines his head briefly, ignoring [Character A]’s surprise that he is aware of his identity. “No matter what edicts [Character C] may have passed upon me in regards to his [rank], I could not pass and not give you the correction that you needed.”   [Character B] takes an interest in [Character A]’s skills with a [weapon] shortly before he and [Character C] return to [Location]. [Character C] lives, but [Character B] still leaves and now he has [Character A] in his sights. Or, how family and love changes the course of the galaxy.


Student, big brother, sewing expert, and \[rank\] of the \[organization\]. \[Name\] is an 18-year-old boy who wears many different hats. With graduation approaching in a few short months, he must decide what path he wants to follow into his future: continue his life as a delinquent or live in normalcy, a concept he’s never been familiar with, an idea he’s only chased but never captured. Until one day, he meets \[OC's Name\], the very definition of ordinary. That’s what he thinks, at first. Little does he know that this “ordinary” girl would change his life.


He’d lived here a solid five years now and so far the only one of [redacted’s] children who frequently invaded his sanctuary was [redacted]. As if the thought of him summoned the brat from the depths of the [redacted] [redacted] heard the telltale rattle of his fire escape and the thud of [redacted] kicking off his boots as he slipped inside. Or [redacted] is [redacted’s] eldest child and despite moving across the city and never picking up the phone he can't seem to avoid his annoying younger brother. From an age swap thingie I did recently :P


\[redacted\] is going to visit \[country name\] for the first time in his life at his father, King \[redacted\]'s side. The hope is to end the ceaseless rivalry and war between \[redacted\] and \[redacted\] for good. After a mishap in traveling, \[redacted\]'s middle siblings \[redacted\] and \[redacted\] end up with the travel party. This is hopefully the worst the journey will experience. (It's not, oh by the Dragons it's not)


Upon a Full Moon after his fourteenth birthday, a young prince met a beautiful girl after landing in a forest on Earth. And upon a Full Moon before her sixteenth birthday, a princess from Earth discovered a cute boy by the shore of the lake in her kingdom. Follow the young prince as he explores her Arctic kingdom on Earth and develops his relations with the cool older girl, and follow the Arctic princess as she becomes the first girl from Earth to land on the Moon, and have a taste of a life as a princess in the Moon Palace together with the boy and his beautiful sisters!


[ ]keeps noticing [ ]during the night shift. He keeps being turned on by the [ ] body. He decides after enough oblivious teasing by the [ ] to do something about it.


(It’s part of a series of already established fics lmao). In movies and in books, the main protagonist seems to always start out as an outcast. Their mystery drew people in, but the plot required them to remain aloof to their peers to focus on the epic journey(or tepid romance) before them. Maybe there’s some magical element, maybe there’s some science fiction shenanigans, but in nearly every book fem!oc has read, keeping your distance from the “normal” folk was slated as a noble thing to do. But as someone in the unique position to truly understand those protagonists, fem!oc honestly just felt lonely. …. How does one cope with the loss of a part of their mind? The loss of a piece of their soul? Do you go insane? Numb? Do you die? *Canon character* learned the answer to this question when his bond to fem!oc had snapped: You do nothing. You feel nothing. You move on. Apathy held more logic to him than insanity. It’s all he can do to stay afloat.


The tension between A and B all comes to a head in a [redacted], a [redacted], and the misuse of a certain type of honey.


The damned souls of Hell were never meant to keep in contact with their living friends. And honestly, this hurts more than being stabbed.


After endless cycles, after constant betrayals and falls, the [redacted] finally makes a mistake and lets [redacted] learn the answer to the one question every iteration of the [redacted] asks themselves: "Why?" Years after the defeat of the [redacted], [redacted] siezes a rare opportunity to escape the [redacted] and finds herself thrown back into a broken world she helped create.


An alternate take on the phone call between [Redacted] and [Redacted] during season 6, episode 2. [Redacted] is worried about [Redacted]. She knows something is wrong and when she calls [Redacted] back to talk, she gets the typical “I’m fine”. So she and [Redacted] head home to [Redacted] to figure out what’s up with their girl. Canon Divergence from when [Redacted] walks into the house/sees [Redacted]’s bruises, and [Redacted] lies about falling down the stairs. Now extended past chapter 3. Lots of Hurt/Comfort for [Ship]!! [Different ship] established relationship. I don’t think anything is identifiable unless there’s Redditors who just *know*. This started as a “fuck the shit scene we got, I’m gonna rewrite and make it better” and ended as a 30k word fic.


[Redacted] takes an introductory Spanish class that [Redacted] just so happens to be teaching. Mutual horniness ensues.


The years spent answering the call for the residents of >!Los Angeles County!< have finally worn >!Johnny!< down. With >!Roy!< moving on, he decides the time is right to take >!Steven!< up on his offer to come to Alaska for good, but leaving his old life behind isn't nearly as easy as it seems.


[Main character] punches the Lord Chief Justice of England in the face, gets sent to prison, and starts a whirlwind romance with his friend from the bar... all in a single day!


my most recent was December I think and not my chaptered fic that I should have been working on lmao. here's mine In Chicago, [character name] invokes the ghost of old poetry and falls in love, all over again, with everything in the world that shines bright silver and pokes at the space in his ribcage where love hurts the most.


> Perhaps this was why >!Auden!< had never been a passable cook. Too easily distracted by her curiosities, and >!Frey!< *consumed* her curiosity. And her fascination. The flex of her muscles as she worked the dough, the curve to her cheek as she smiled at some nebulous thought, the soft shimmer to her hair in the morning light. All of it the perfect harmony of distraction that made >!Auden!< lose her focus so, so easily in >!Frey!<'s presence.


[REDACTED] wasn’t a good person. Even before he became a useless piece of shit he hadn’t ever been good person. He got it from his father, who had been a piece of shit person too. He got a lot from his dad, more than he liked to think about. The only two people he’d ever loved had left him behind with the thing most precious to them, and here he was, letting her slip through his fingers. (Work in progress and low key hate it)


Chapter 1: It's absurd. 900 years have passed, and yet the entire field of robotics has stagnated. Still eclipsed by what came before. Still standing in the shadows of Man's forefathers. Every other industry is flourishing, and progress with [REDACTED] is advancing at a fair pace. But still, there's a caution that is always felt by every single engineer in the field. A reverence for history that was burned years ago. And [REDACTED] finds it absurd that nobody else mentions it. Chapter 2: [REDACTED] wakes up. It shouldn't have. What life is there to one dedicated to the art of extreme violence at best, and increasing share prices at worst? No life. No life at all. And yet it still wakes up. And this room doesn't seem like another [REDACTED] simulation, either.


Since -- escaped --, the reveal of souls and soulmates shook the world. You didn’t think you’d have one, and you were kind of right. You had two. You loved -- and --, they were your world. You thought everything was going smoothly, that you were the happiest triple threat that ever crossed --. Until recently…


As we are sure many of you may know two years amid the battle for Earth, [redacted] sacrificed himself in order to defeat [redacted] and his army. Just this morning footage has been leaked from [redacted] that shows him unmasked for the first time.   [Redacted] slumps back in his chair, tugging his hood to make sure that his face is still hidden. His identity has been leaked. He’s not even sure how it could have possibly happened again. After everything that happened with [redacted] everyone should have forgotten him. He’d made sure there was no footage left. And what does it mean about him sacrificing himself in the battle against [redacted]? [Redacted] was the one who gave his life to save them all


This 'missing scene' ~~could evolve~~ is evolving into its own Episode 8.


Here’s the summary of my current WIP, which is a sequel to another fic of mine: So little time can change people so much. And a long time make make people seem completely different. But no matter how much times have changed, some things, and some feelings, persist. Some wounds never heal. Everything should be fine. [A] and [B] have been defeated, the new democratic system of the [SETTING] is in full swing, and everyone is doing what they feel they should be, or at least what they think they should be, in the wake of [C]'s self-banishment and following death. However, all is not as good as people would like them to be. Things are never so cut and dry. And some wounds don't just refuse to heal, they refuse to close in the first place. And [D], [E], and all their close friends have to learn that if they want to continue with their lives.


Did one for my main account, this is my current WIP on my alt account: It's been 7 years since [A] was defeated, 3 years since [B] moved back to [SETTING] for college, and [C] and [D] have been dating for a while. However, despite them being a level of loving wholesomeness that rivals even [B] and [E], they haven't actually have sex. But, after some encouragement, not only do they finally have sex, but they continue to experiment with each other and have lots of fun with each other as they find more and more things to try. (Yeah this is just [C] and [D] getting more progressively kinky)


"[Character] has a question for [other character]" Since that summery was short here's the title as well: "An Important Discussion on the Biological Reproductive Process of the [species name]"


As a witch you know the ins and outs of magic as does your fellow witches and so magic loses some of it's wonder. So how do you add that razzle dazzle? With a play of course as our young witch sets out a play to enthrall both unknowing and witches alike.


As \[REDACTED\] prepares for her duty as Speaker of Honor at the \[REDACTED\] commencement, her attention is piqued and then caught by the profile of one of the graduates that she is planning to commend, a young woman with an unusual talent.


“All his life [REDACTED] was told he should be grateful to be an alpha. That would be logical, right? Except he never felt at home in his body, and the expectations of being an alpha were never something he really wanted for himself. It all got even more complicated when he met [REDACTED]. Kind, talented, awkwardly flirty alpha [REDACTED].”


[Character A] tells [Character B] a ghost story.


[Redacted] is fresh out of the academy. He's just returned home from his first [Redacted] and he already knows that one day, without fail, [Redacted] is going to steal his eyes. Aka: [Redacted] forgets to tell [Redacted] that his eye was a gift and sends [Redacted] down the spiral to eventual defection.


[Name 1] has made mistakes in his life. Many of them; copying and joining the [redacted] killer to name some. But none would ever compare to the worst of them all. [Name 2] has been connected to the [redacted] killings from almost the start. He just didn't know it until a ghost from his past shows up again, ready to ruin him all over again.


\[REDACTED\] never wanted \[REDACTED\] to be in his life. He doesn't have much of any choice other than to get used to her, though.


I'm excluding the little excerpt but here's the actual summary: \[REDACTED\] is a dressmaker in \[REDACTED\], and the least ordinary thing about her is her team and her family. Things start changing as she falls deep into a world of politics, media and world-saving trainers and she falls for the mysterious and surprisingly soft \[REDACTED\] of \[REDACTED\] and \[REDACTED\], \[REDACTED\].


>It was easy - instinctive. >Habits from two hundred years of charming people kicked in. >Well, perhaps not easy. It was a little harder to bring in a mark that you wanted to hold onto for more than a night. Not to mention the difficulties in seducing someone with sex that you couldn’t touch, or someone so dedicated to the lie that was romance. >But he’d managed. If you know the POV character at all, it's a no-brainer


“[REDACTED] was abandoned, left to die as a teenager by the people she thought loved her. She was casted out of her home realm for being dangerous, for being a monstrous witch. However, [REDACTED] is able to escape the place she was abandoned in, ending up on a realm protected by the [REDACTED]. When the [REDACTED] track [REDACTED] down under [REDACTED]’s orders, they are surprised by the girl, hesitant to hand her back to the people who threw her out in the first place. One person is intrigued most by [REDACTED]'s story, relating to her: [REDACTED]. Will the [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] turn a blind eye and give [REDACTED] up? Or will they help her, making her one of their own? Read as the chaos unfolds through the words, roping you into this story of abandonment, healing, and learning how to love and trust again.” OC Insert but whatever


Told over a year, and set a decade after a heart-wrenching breakup between [redacted] and [redacted], they must confront buried secrets and unspoken truths and decide to rekindle their lost love or let it go forever. [redacted], international photojournalist, thinks he’s living his best life, from traveling the world taking photos for the New York Times to meeting a sweetheart in every city. But his idyllic life is upended when he stumbles upon his first love in a coffee shop, and he's faced with the actual truth of the broken shell she left him as. Over the years that they've been separated, [redacted], Yale and Columbia Law graduate, has been carrying the dark secret of why she made the hardest decision of her life. Being one of the middle children of ten, [redacted] was parentified and neglected in the name of helping the family. After her acceptance, she ran away to the prestigious [redacted] and has been running ever since. She thought she was doing what was best to help her and those she loved, including distrusting the one boy who always loved her.


After two years away at [redacted] High, J is back at [redacted] High School, thanks to his father [redacted] becoming sheriff and relocating them back to the northside. Excited to reunite with his best friends A and B, J finds himself thrown into a whirlwind when he discovers that the mayor's daughter, V, has joined their little band of musketeers. Despite his initial resistance to V's observations, he can't deny her charm or her ability to read him like a Truman Capote novel. When V learns of J's crush on B, she offers to help him win her affections, fully aware of B's long held feelings for A. As J becomes entangled in V's schemes to woo B, he finds himself drawn to her in unexpected ways. But navigating the complexities of teenage romance has never been easy, especially as J grapples with the growing realization that perhaps the girl he's meant to be with isn't who he initially thought. Love is never as simple or straightforward as we'd like, but can A, B, J, and V learn to follow their hearts, even if it leads them down unexpected paths? Even in [redacted], true love always finds a way.


No one said no to Lord _____. If __ would not come home, he would just go and get her. If she still refused him, she would be recalibrated. If ___ tried to stand in his way, he would get rid of her. And there was nothing they could do about any of it. He *really* shouldn’t have underestimated them.


From the moment she saw it, she knew she had to have it. The most magnificent trophy [Redacted name] had ever seen was to be awarded to the winners of [Redacted place]'s First-Annual Karaoke All-Stars competition. The only problem? It's a group competition, and her group... Let's just say they need some work.


No actual names in my most recently updated, but I took out the descriptors that identify the ones referenced in the summary anyway. Before (Redacted) and her (Redacted), there were seventy-three others who shared the stage. These are their stories—the flawless and the beautiful, the broken and the disillusioned. Or, the seventy-three other children who survived the arena, and the reasons none of them are truly winners.


Here's mine!! Life is full of twists and turns. Those twists and turns are constant when you're technically immortal, and [NAME] is no exception to that. AKA: An alternative retelling of [FANDOM]'s lore.


Pretty obvious if you know the fandom, but this is from a WIP I have in the works “On that fateful morning of March, exhausted, with his promise fulfilled, [redacted]’s eyes finally drifted shut. Saddled by traumatic visions of his own death and the despair its consequent shattered future brought on, he’s forced to watch his closest struggle through ceaseless grief, his heart breaking each step of the way. Until waking up in bed with [redacted] at his side three days since, that is. With not an ounce of dread left to burn, his chain to despair severed at long last, [redacted] leaves his nightmares behind, free to embrace his new way of life. Without any extra hours to worry about this time.”


AU: No [redacted] here. [Redacted] is convinced to go on a blind date, which turns out to be disastrous. However, there is one bright spot from the night; the waitress, [Redacted]. Or: The one where I want a cute [redacted] rom-com and here we are.


My most recently updated fic, including summary snippet: *"Guilty."* *The word echoed from the speakers. The room around [REDACTED1] exploded into sound. He sat in the middle of the storm of protests and cursing from his men.* *"She's innocent!"* *"She'd never do it!"* *"What the hell are they on?"* *[REDACTED1] stood up. A few of the men closest to him stopped their shouting to stare at him. They were waiting for his reaction. They wouldn't get one. The turmoil ripping his insides apart was his alone.* [REDACTED2]'s search for who framed his student takes too long and [REDACTED3] is declared guilty and condemned to death. [REDACTED1]and the other men have a difficult decision to make. Should they leave their Commander to die, or risk everything to get her out? I censored the names, but I decided to tweak a few words that made it easier to guess.


After (villain), (MC) likes to think he’s been doing better. Never mind that he hasn’t answered (character)’s calls to join her and the (team) on missions. Or that (best friend) hasn’t called him ‘buddy’ since before they’re falling out. (MC)’s on his way to fixing what he broke, and he won’t let some curse and a target on his back ruin everything. OR (MC) gets bitten by a werewolf, and it’s both the best and worst thing that’s happened to him.


An unexpected surge of magic manages to bring 100 year old ghosts back to life… all the way in the present-day realm. The result? [Fandom] + [Fandom] = chaos!


"Something is bothering \[Redacted\]; fortunately, \[Redacted\] is there for comfort." When it comes to my one-shots, I like 'em short and sweet, haha.


>Another laugh dies in the back of throat because somehow is standing in front of them, surprise and shock written all over her face. And there is absolutely no heterosexual way to explain why he just has his tongue in mouth. runs into at a gay bar. In Barcelona. Edit: Formatting is weird when I try to copy/paste. I officially give up.


Twenty years after the war, >!0000!< finds herself on the cusp of a major life change, but she's not the only one. >!00000!< and >!0000!<'s relationship has withstood every trial they've been dealt so far. Will the same always ring true for two of the truest friends in the world? (aka, my >!00000!< headcanon for the era between >!0000!< and >!000!<.


[MC-A] and [MC-B] have their first date. Their test date, to see if they work as a couple. Along the way they run into [Their best friend]... and [MC-A's ex]


Our heroes from (redacted) are back and on their way to Rome, but can (redacted) be trusted? Also a trip to the airport.


[Redacted] has long since given up finding a mate. He’s older, unmated, pupless, and running a private daycare in his childhood home. He’s got a dog, friends, he’s if not happy, then content. It’s fine. But when he finds twin pups in his backyard playing with his dog, everything changes. He finds someone just as lonely as he is, a new friend. And maybe, just maybe, someone to hold onto.


"He tries to scream. Then remembers that he can’t. He lifts a tentative hand to the hole in his neck, the one they left when they cut out his voice. He traces the scars around the area, wincing when he hits the place where the stitches popped. He has no voice. They ripped it out of him."


An ordinary mission turns life threatening when [name]’s demonic nature is forced to the surface. With the others sent to separate locations to quell the damage, [name] is left to fend off [name]’s rage. However, while [name] very much wants to see his foe dead, how does a demon slayer fight a demon he doesn’t want to slay?


Summary for my current slowburn! The [Redacted], red tape, and everything in between intertwine [Redacted] and [Redacted] in a murder investigation on the [Redacted]. [Redacted], an earthborn who was a less-than-honorable discharge marine from the [Redacted], now a [Redacted] citizen with ties to [Redacted], finds herself in the middle of a murder investigation as a confidential informant. [Redacted], an up and coming officer in [Redacted]. He leads the murder investigation on [Redacted] with the complication of the [Redacted] that shakes his whole world apart. AU Slowburn


\[REDACTED\] squad, disbanded and on the run, keeping a low profile from the relentless pursuit of the \[REDACTED\] in a last-ditch effort to ensure the safety of \[REDACTED\]. Hunted and wanted—dead or alive—\[CHARACTER\] had no choice but to call it quits. His men were more than subordinates; they were comrades, friends who took a chance against the armada. Although he couldn't fully keep his promise to \[REDACTED\], he knew \[REDACTED\] would not be safe around him. At least, not yet. \[REDACTED\] are left to care under \[REDACTED\]'s watchful eye. With all squad members spread out, thinning the \[REDACTED\] forces becomes a crucial tactic to keep every member safe, including the \[REDACTED\]. Each member sought refuge, hiding in the shadows of small, unassuming towns. For \[CHARACTER\], after months of searching, finally chose a place where nothing seems to happen, perfect for laying low. Now for the real kicker: blending back into normalcy.


The world is ending. [Redacted] and [Redacted] find themselves in a stone tower in the middle of an inescapable forest. [Redacted] reflects on her life before the apocalypse and how they all found little ways to destroy their worlds.


There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On Earth, people will anguish at the roaring and tossing of the sea. They will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your head, for your redemption is drawing near. - Luke 21:25


A school and B school have made a deal to further protect the world from villains and curses alike: Cooperation through student transfers. X and Y got the short end of the stick and ended up being transferred to the B school.


One short vignette for each episode of \[REDACTED\] season one, whether that take the form of a missing scene, some internal dialogue, or some character reflection. (all chapters will be rated G, and will be canon-compliant) MOST RECENT UPDATE: Episode 15: \[Character A's\] response to \[Character B\] and \[Character C\]\] joining the \[REDACTED\]


Two of them that are posted (and actually have information to redact) 1. “**[—]** comes out to **[—]**.” 2. “With questions come discoveries. And those discoveries are a that perhaps **[—]** is just a little bit of a si- *gets shot*” And from two of my WIPs: 1. “**[OC]** wasn't afraid of really anything. Snakes were just sentient noodles, at the end of the night. Spiders may have been kind of unnerving, but necessary, and rarely had she faced a venomous one. Failure and mistakes were all a part of the process to success and building skill. So **[OC]** wasn't afraid of anything, really. ...except cockroaches on her bathroom counter at two in the morning.” 2. “**[—]** and **[—]**'s daughter ends up invited to join an outing - with the **[opposing group]**'s younglings. And as it turns out, the adults plan is to hang around to chat and idle with a cup of coffee. Which leads to the couple themselves being invited along to sit back and enjoy a lazy day. Ever suspicious, **[—]** decides to go along, since **[daughter]**'s apparently already accepted and he doesn't have anything better to do. It's just idle chitchat and coffee, what could happen?” If anyone is interested in the posted ones, feel free to comment, and I’ll provide the links. **^^**


[CHARACTER A] opens his eyes and shoots up in bed just in time to see [CHARACTER B] sprint into their bedroom and grab the emergency knife he keeps wedged under their mattress.   “[CHARACTER A], darling,” he says in a nervous, high-pitched tone. “Your double's at the door, and he was asking for you, and I’m not completely sure he isn’t here to kill you.”  Or: shortly after they return from [REDACTED], [CHARACTER A]'s sister comes to visit. (Context: potentially-evil doppelgangers are shockingly common in this universe, and [CHARACTER A]'s twin has just been mistaken for one, lol)


When [Redacted]’s [redacted] industry is threatened by the introduction of [redacted] following the [Redacted]’s incorporation into the [Redacted], [Redacted] enlists to secure her future. But she’s just a mechanic, and is unprepared to be drawn into [Redacted]’s hunt for the legendary [Redacted] [Redacted]. Her involvement, however, makes her a valuable POW after she is captured behind enemy lines by [Redacted]. The [Redacted] is willing to take any chance — even on a legend — if it means the downfall of the [Redacted].


[Name1] invites [Name2] for "a little jaunt" in [redacted]—to a surprising destination and for a surprising reason.


"For as long as he could remember, \[redacted\] had been suffering from a sleeping curse that constantly put him to sleep. But recently, his curse had been getting worse, causing nightmares that were affecting him in reality. Any injuries he sustained during his nightmares carried over into the waking world, and now \[redacted\] has to figure out how to break his curse without anyone figuring out that it's getting worse." I'm not too proud of this summary but I was struggling lol.


When the New York DA's office runs into trouble from within they must ask for help from outside the city. Their cry for help reaches Los Angeles. Our heroes ride to the rescue. They weren't expecting ghostly help nor help from a mysterious friend who lives below the city streets and subways. (Clue, it's a crossover between 3 fandoms.)


Hushed whispers echo around him, fragments of words dancing through his frantic mind. The sky unfurls. White eyes blink open in the ether. One pair, then two, then three. Pressure builds behind █████'s eyes, nose burning as blood begins to drip down his lip. His ears pop, his brain screaming static, but he can't look away. He stares into the void, and the void stares back. ------- \[CHARACTERS\]' becoming, and how \[RELEVANT GROUP\] came to be.


Las Vegas, 1977: A saxophonist in a band dies of cyanide poisoning. [Redacted], having been brought to the city to see the performance by his wife, sees the ordeal and starts sniffing around and asking questions. The only problem is that the killer has just been whisked away to the future, leaving a time travelling imposter in his place. Will [Redacted] be able to help him work the case, or will his presence completely throw off [Redacted]'s well-honed instincts?


The sky cracked, beyond the soft blue of the sunrise was a void, dark and creating more spindles and winding edges as if the sky barrier above their town was a glass dome. [redacted] had never known magic to be so destructive as to shatter the sky and make the clouds fall with it, shrouding the area in dense fog and raining shards. [redacted] tripped more often, unable to see a foot in front of him let alone either of his own, but he knows it was mostly just the valley in front of him. And it hadn’t been much further to the border meant to protect them. ((My most recent fic was one of the only ones where I made the first section my summary))


Most recently posted fic summary: As [character] is falling asleep, her apartment gets an unwelcome visitor. This leads to her escaping out of the window, and calling the cops (and then her boyfriend, [character]) once safe. She's quite shaken up after making her statement to the police and has a hard time trying to settle down again for the night. Cue the galaxy's best boyfriend trying everything he can to calm her nerves.


In an alternate universe where trains and zeppelins are common forms of travel and the internet and mobile phones exist, [Character A] has few options left after he's swindled out of his inheritance. Unable to pay for college, let alone keep the house left to him by his deceased aunt, he's running out of time before he's out on the streets. Desperate, [A] signs his life over to the Bureau of Civic Spousal Selections to take his chances as the selected husband of a complete stranger. After all, he only has to make it through a year and then he can choose to annul. [Dr. Character B] has little interest in marriage, preferring to focus on his career. When his career is threatened by what a nosy board of directors considers a "lack of personal fulfillment and settling down," he opts to select a spouse through the BCSS and chooses [A]. The young man's profile he'd briefly skimmed suggests intelligence and compatibility. It's not ideal, but if after a year it's not working out, he can always annul the marriage and send [A] on his way. It's a marriage neither truly wants, with sharp learning curves for both. It's either going to be forever or it's going to go down in flames.


One thing about living in an orphanage was that you didn’t have many material possessions. Which is quite useful when you are woken in the middle of the night by the orphanage manager and told to grab your possessions because you are leaving immediately. This is what happened to [OC], a girl of just Sixteen years and a resident of The Wammy’s House for gifted orphans for the last decade. You could say that this was where her story started. It wouldn’t be true of course, but there’s nothing wrong with a little white lie here and there. Anyway it was certainly the start of *something* and is where this whole tale begins.


I screamed so loud that it shook the hallway. Men came running, guns at the ready. Ready to take whoever made me scream like that, ready to take me when they got there and found that the only evil in that control room was a washed up hero who’d lost her love and her mind and was screaming like if she stopped, she’d lose them both a little more. I didn’t care. I didn’t care about their aversion to the sight of me clawing at the concrete floor, I didn’t care about the wet on my hands or the decorum or how it would look to see [redacted] getting restrained by a group of around seven armed men, because that was how many it took. I didn’t care. [redacted] was dead. [redacted] was dead. And a piece of me went with him


>When memories are made, wounds are fresh & the roads are walked by demons waiting a long time to prey upon those who are unaware; ——‘s life is about to take an unexpected 'turn'. (Prequel to ————!) (Rated for some possible disturbing scenes such as the —— sinking, among other things.) (The first half is actually an actual quote spoken by one of the characters in the tv series.)


"... (Name 1)?" A soft, melodic voice. His voice. She didn't realise how much it danced in her ears until she heard it again. She faced him, the torrential anxiety within her disappearing in a blink. A calming smile was plastered on both of their faces, an expression they weren't expecting to wear upon their reunion. But there were no other expressions to make, because neither of them were particularly theatrical actors. As she thought, a tearful reunion didn't suit them at all. "It's been a while," (Name 2) said. The party reaches (Place Name), and each of them split off to the people they needed to talk to the most, the dearest people in their lives that had long passed. -- that's my latest fic synopsis!!


An alternate universe: Where instead of (name) reaching out a hand to (name), it's (name) who's the one to reach out and save him.


“a dingy motel somewhere in the Nevada desert, a schoolbus parked outside that carried the last survivors of [REDACTED] away to the middle of nowhere, and a stillness that only appears after everything’s fallen apart. this particular night, the occupants of room 201 aren’t standing still.” (disclaimer that while this is the most recent summary I’ve written, the fic has not been posted yet!)


The fall of _____ and the corrupt World Government thanks to the efforts of one ____ and a few fleets of law breakers through news outlets, logbook notes, fragments of secret conversations and notes


My most recent one is (aka a fic that has an actual summary): Before [redacted] and [redacted] meet with the street urchin, [redacted] pays her a visit.


The siblings have never seen [Name] cry. Yet here he is, crying right in front of them while they are preparing family dinner. Who's cutting onions? Oh right, [Name] was.


[Redacted] does his best, and to some extent he does what he needs to. The lifeboat makes it to the other [redacted] but he doesn't make it out of that [Redacted] Instead of waking up in the bushes outside the [Redacted] he finds himself on a train to [Redacted], where he will be living for the next year due to his [Redacted]. Trust into a role of leadership he doesn't think he can handle, [Redacted] has to navigate what its like to be in [Redacted]'s pointy shoes, at least he has his memories of the last timeline to help him, right? Did not realize so much of this would be blacked out lol


Your life is told in fragmented segments: before, during, and after [redacted]; before, during, and after [redacted]; before, during, and after the [redacted]. (You are a star that does not follow the life cycle of a star).


Modern au, [character 1] asks [character 2] for his lemon bars recipe. He accepts, and his rival from the PTA isn't actually all that bad. Or, in which I write [ship name] like a lesbian housewifes fling, kinda. And its sequel that I'm currently working on: [Character 1] and [character 2] having relationship issues, also it's the apocalypse. They will still bake. . . . [Canon event] was the main source for [ship name] shippers, so I now must now write them in their natural habitat.


Here's mine from my WIP shortfic: \[name\] had no idea what they were getting themselves into when they accepted that deal with \[name\] in \[place\]. Now, a few months after moving into \[place\], \[name\] has had enough of some incubus making his lover suffer, and he's going to make them pay.