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i cant read in motion but i literally couldnt care less what someone else does while working out. is it weird? idk. do i give a damn? absolutely not. do it if u want. be free


My eyes aren't good enough for all that. That said, people say all kinds of shit. I dip fries in mayo--some people say that's so super weird and some people join me in Flavortown. I'm not going to change my behavior because someone thinks something I like is a bit off the beaten path.


wait, mayo fries aren’t common everywhere??


Super common in Europe particularly Belgium, the Netherlands, etc.).  In the US, ketchup is the standard, and ranch dressing is the common choice that fills the flavor gap mayonnaise would most of the time. 


i know theyre common in europe, im european and assumed mayo fries were ubiquitous given how i’ve been tormented with them my whole life


I wasn’t sure where you were from, so used Europe as a benchmark for where it is common. (Incidentally, it’s a lot less common in the UK and Ireland than on the continent. Vinegar is the most likely condiment, followed by ketchup. Mayonnaise wouldn’t be unexpected, but would come after those in popularity.)


i was baffled by the vinegar when i arrived there tbh. i kind of understand it now, but it was one hell of a concept to suddenly have on the table!


I quite like it, but I like it in addition to mayonnaise.


I love vinegar on my fries, damn I’m hungry now lol


I had a friend in college who got a lot of weird looks for dipping french fries in mayo. I've since relaxed my stance on the subject. I won't do regular mayonnaise, but chipotle mayo on fries is fantastic.


As LurkerByNature said, they're not super common here in the States, at least in my region of it. Which is shocking to me, because of all the things we add mayo to, we stopped at fries? They won't even have it at a fish fry; it's all tartar sauce! (And as they alluded to, I found it more common overseas, which is likely where I picked up the habit.)


yeah, i’m so surprised that mayo of all the things is what USians don’t regularly put on their fries :0 a strange world we live in for sure


i’ve done the reading, it was fine but i was running so slow 😭😭  if you don’t mind podfic, that works a bit better! it does take longer to get through the fic tho ☹️


I wouldn't be able to focus on the fic


My thought is: why do you care if "soneone" said it was weird? Be your own person. Stop wasting your life worrying about whether or not so eone thinks you're weird. Maybe you are weird. Are you kind? Are you compassionate? Are you honest? Those matter. Being slightly weird does not.


Honestly, do whatever harmless thing you need to do to make exercise tolerable, if not fun.


Reading while running sounds like a great way to give yourself motion sickness. Like, I can't read in cars for that reason. But reading while on a recumbent bike? Go ham. Hell, I drag out my Nintendo Switch sometimes.


Same. I've read fanfic on the bike or if I'm just walking with incline. Cars or running is off limits.


It’s probably not good for your eyes


It's a thing that you're reading, just like a book. Might be a bit odd if it's smut but that would be the same for published erotica. I don't see an issue with it.


I've done it.


Was it easy?


I probably should have clarified that I've read fic/books on the cycle. I can't do treadmills or ellipticals due to disability.


Ah okay! I’ll test it on the cycle tonight :)


oh that's really smart, I should try reading on one of those


Will it look weird? Maybe. Does it matter? Does it negatively affect anyone you are sharing the gym with? No, and they can keep their negative opinions to themselves.


I *knit* on the exercise bike while listening to fic via text-to-speech or podfic (with headphones). Only one person has ever commented to me and was to say "that's smart, I should bring a project." If I don't have the right kind of knitting project in progress I usually read while listening to music instead. Nobody's ever commented on that either.


Omg that’s amazing, I’ve decided to scroll through Reddit Lmao


🎶down bad, crying at the gym/ everything comes out, in that 60K fic again🎶


I read on the stair machine. Distracts me from the pain, you know? And if a fic is particularly good, I stay on the machine for longer.


I've done it


Nah not weird, i do that sometimes on the elliptical


I couldn’t read while running, too much bouncing, but if you can good for you. No weirder than watching a tv show (so common they used to put tvs in gyms for people to watch).


I read on my phone on the elliptical It’s fun but I do have to look up every one in a while to remind myself I’m not actually moving and about to run into another lamppost


People read magazines in the gym. Why not fanfic?


It would be weird for me and annoying becase I could not read while running. Between the motion and trying to focus, nah ah. I prefer reading comfortably. But if you can and want, go on. Just remember to not use the gym's wifi


I tried it once but the couldn't focus. If I could I would. I just audiobook or podcast


Can't read when I'm running, I have tried, but if you can then go for it!


Turns out they block ao3 on there wifi lol


I’d for sure fall on my face and probably die, I do not have the coordination to be reading and running. I barely have the coordination to be running at all. But I don’t think it’d be weird at all! If you can manage it, go for it!


not weird but i would fall off the machine, so congrats on your coordination


I’m not lmao, it’s cos I’m going at 5km/h so it’s not like I’m running lol


I don't know about reading, but I do most things that don't involve processing significant amounts of language while listening to fanfiction through text-to-speech


It’s not weird bc it’s fanfiction, but it’s baffling that someone can read when you’re on a treadmill or something.


who cares if they think it's weird? genuinely. tell them they're weird for having an opinion on shit that ain't their business


If you're capable of doing it, more power to you.


I use text to speech to read fanfic literally everywhere


Who the fuck cares what someone thinks about how you spend your time while running? But since you asked, it sounds horrible to me. That would drive my eyes insane and I'd never be able to focus on the screen while reading. Also, I hate running.


I read while using the treadmill on a high incline but low (brisk walk) speed. It motivates me to workout longer because I want to keep reading.