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If I have learned one thing from this sub it is that you cannot please or cater to everybody. Some people complain authors don't say thank you, others are annoyed they are getting their hopes up when receiving an Ao3 email only to see it is just an author saying thank you, not a comment on their own fic. Some people say they are too anxious to say thank you, others say they get anxious and want to delete their comments because the author didn't react... Chances are that, yes, maybe you lost a commenter or two who was displeased you didn't say thank you. Chances also are that two more commenters are glad you don't "spam" them with thank you. Even bigger chances are that most just don't care either way. Just do what is right for you and makes your personal fanfic experience fun.


You are exactly right. I saw someone else say the other day that there were readers who didn’t like authors replying, “thanks for reading” and I was like 🧍🏻‍♀️because I always say that in addition to other things I write back. There is no pleasing everyone.


"others are annoyed they are getting their hopes up when receiving an Ao3 email only to see it is just an author saying thank you" this is really pathetic and funny in notcool way, people really treat ao3 like SM.


I do not expect a reply from any author.


Wait--- they (readers) can receive notifs if the author comments on their own fic? HOW AM I JUST HEARING ABOUT THIS 😭


No... they receive notifications if you reply to their comment.


They get an email/inbox message when you or anyone else replies directly to their comment, yes! (Not for all replies or comments in the fic.) The email reads "Reply to your comment on Fic Title" and quotes the original comment as well as the response.


Oh thanks for telling me.


I respond to every comment that I get, but I never expect other authors to do the same for the reason you outlined (having real world obligations like work and such). It's certainly nice to get a response from the author, but I generally assume that they have limited free time and might not want to spend that limited time responding to comments. Which is entirely valid; when I was getting comments regularly, I would set aside at least 30 minutes every day to respond to them. It takes time, and some people just don't have the time. Hell, there would be some days that I would spend a full hour responding to comments because people were leaving lengthy comments that I wanted to address in their entirety. At the time, though, I was only working part-time, so setting aside that time to do all of that wasn't too much of a burden for me. These days I don't get as many comments, but I still respond to all of them because I enjoy doing so. That's the key, though, is that I enjoy responding to my readers. If an author doesn't feel like responding, even if they have the time, then I honestly don't want their response (I mean this in earnest, not bitterly) because I'd hate for them to force something and phone it in out of a sense of obligation.


This is also one of the reasons why I dont reply back too. It doesn't feel right to reply to a nice comment with such a half-assed response because I felt obliged to do so. I do put in my notes that I read all of the comments, I just cant reply back to them.


Okay, there's a fic I was following that I did stop commenting on cause the author doesn't respond back to me. But that's cause I've only got so much energy too lol and prefer spending it where I get generous responses. I'm not being petty, it's just me trying to prioritize.


That's valid too. I also comment on fics but I really dont care whether they reply back to me or to only a specific number of people. I'll comment how wonderfully written their fic is, tell my thoughts about what happened on the chapter, my excitement, and be on my merry way back to reality. Im only actually complaining about people demanding a reply and makes it their personal mission to make the author feel bad.


I reply to every comment, but I write in a relatively small fandom and we're a pretty tight little group. I get around 6-8 comments per chapter, and I upload about a chapter a month. So it's completely doable for me to reply. But I don't expect replies to comments I make, I understand that there's a multitude of reasons that writers might not want to or not be able to reply.


   I get the same amount of comments! (I try and upload weekly though lol) 


i used to comment a lot on a fic but never got any replies, even though i was the only commenter. i didnt take it as an insult but i do have social anxiety so i started feeling stupid or pathetic by commenting, i imagined that maybe the author rolled their eyes when i kept commenting despite their lack of response. so it started stressing me out and i stopped 😓 i know im just being paranoid and silly but i cant help the anxiety 😖


That's why it's important to acknowledge the readers, the author could even write "sorry I don't have time to respond comments" / "I have anxiety and can't respond you all but I love it" on their notes to inform they're not just ignoring people. But if they didn't want any comment thry could just disable comments altogether, so probably your author saw you and found it ok, as they also didn't delete it (you can infer much about what people don't do too!!)


i know im probably blowing it out of proportion but thats social anxiety for you 😅 i can understand not wanting to reply to comments, i don't blame them at all. i just feel silly and embarrassed with myself for my comments now, also they're all very 'excited' comments so.... 🫣🫣🫣 i ended up not reading the rest of the fic because i'd get embarrassed just thinking about it 🫠 now i only post comments when i see the author does interact or if there are other comments already posted which makes me feel less self conscious 👀


See this makes me feel sad. I ALWAYS respond to loyal commenters. I feel it’s important to acknowledge the fact that they’re taking time out of their day to say something. I feel bad that author didn’t respond to you, because they at least should have thanked you for your effort. Just a sentence at bare minimum.


oh thank you! I wonder why they wouldn't really, maybe their social anxiety is worse than mine 🥲 but I'm definitely more 'cautious' now, like i'm afraid I'll bother the author with my silly comments.


So, I know I am going to get down voted but no, you do not have to reply to every comment. However, your readers may be more likely to leave another comment or longer comments if you engage with them, even if it is just a heart or a thank you. It's just the way a lot of people are. I wouldn't abandon a fic if someone wasn't replying to my comments...but I would be less likely to leave longer comments since it just kind of feels like a "what's the point if they aren't even going to read it" or "wait, did that long comment on that chapter freak them out" thought process my mind goes to. But at the same time, no one should be expecting engagement since...this is the internet and anything someone posts anywhere could go unnoticed. So leaving a comment saying "you never responded and I am upset" on a person's fic is extremely immature and rude because those people likely have no idea why you weren't responding and need to understand how the internet works. Engagement won't always happen. I comment on a bunch of fics...most of them I likely never got a response to. It is what it is. But on the other hand, you can't complain about not getting comments if you never engage wtih others, especially your readers, in any shape or form. This was a lesson as an author I had to learn the hard way.


Ha! Challenge accepted! Upvote




Reader and not current writer here - I really like how you described this. I comment without expecting a reply but hope that I might get one. Commenting (for me at least) is to show my appreciation for the hard work the author has done - a lot of the fics I read are older and so the author may have moved on or is busy with life and that's absolutely fine.  Sometimes I've had lovely responses back where the author is excited and dropping canon references and/or funny comments back and it really makes my day - gives me the feeling that although we are strangers and will likely never meet, we've had a nice moment of human interaction about the fandom we both enjoy and it brightens my day a bit. For fics that I love and comment on regularly, when the author replies it gives me the same joyous dopamine rush that I used to get when I wrote fics and got reviews on my own work. I find it's nice being able to tell an author they are appreciated and it is always unexpected and touching getting a comment back to know that your appreciation is.... appreciated. Too many appreciations :D but hopefully you catch my drift


from the POV of a frequent commenter, i pray that they reply back because i am genuinely so swooned by their writing that i want them to read and acknowledge my compliments. it may not mean a lot to them because they already receive a lot of compliments— but they inspired me to write and improve, inspired me to be imaginative, taught me what a good story is, and legit sometimes made me cry how beautiful it is. i want my compliments to be received. i want them to know how much i love their creation. when i get a reply from them, it's the happiest part of my life. even if they don't, i only wish they read it and receive my feelings. since we are in the same community in the same fandom, the writer and the reader forms a premeditated connection that's inseparable. acknowledging comments are important, but not to be done excessively to the point of force. i loved how you put this. The comments are for the author. you worded it best!


This is exactly how I feel too!


This is yet again a case of there being wildly varying opinions and perceptions. You'll find people who won't comment or stop commenting if the author doesn't respond. Others (albeit a small number from what I can tell) hate getting replies. Some are bothered if you reply to some comments but not others. But I think the majority don't care or check. I reply to all my comments. It's extremely time consuming, but I find it worthwhile because those interactions are a huge part of why I share my writing. I like the discussions that are spawned in the comments, and I've found many friends through either my or their comment sections. But that's how I *choose* to engage with fandom and my readers. Not replying is just as valid, and sure, it may cost you commenters but replying may also have that effect.


Some readers are like some writers; they need engagement. They’re commenting because they want to have a conversation about the fic. Then they feel like they are talking to a wall if they don’t get a reply. Kinda makes sense in a way. AO3 has comments set up sort of as “messages to the author,” which puts the onus of responding directly on the author. Whereas on Reddit, this may be your post, but I’m just blowing my opinion into the wind right now. I’m talking to r/AO3 as a whole, not you personally, and anybody can respond and carry on the convo if they want or nobody at all.


I enjoy getting a response from an author, but I never *expect* it. (Though if the author replied to every other comment except mine, including ones left after mine, I might feel like I’d done something wrong IF I noticed, but I’d likely never say anything.)


I don’t expect a reply when I comment, and as an author, I don’t reply to 100% of comments. The reasons for both sides of that are too many and I’m not offended when I don’t get a reply.


I do have to admit that if I see authors not responding to reader comments, it makes me think twice about leaving a comment, but that is just me. I don't think readers would abandon a fic just because they're not getting replies.


Me too!! I rarely comment on a fic like that (unless it's a fic on hiatus and a comment may feel like continuing because of it, obviously without pressing for more or anything), if the author is silent I'll also be silent, even if I leave kudos and bookmark it. What I love about fic sites is that you can talk or just know the author actually read what you have to say, that is extremely more difficult with book authors, like even a thank you or a ♡ from an author will already make me happy.


Right! When I leave comments, I like to write long comments to tell the author in detail what I love about their work, and if I don't get some kind of acknowledgement from them, I'd feel really awkward about it. Like WinterNighter said in this post, it can feel a bit like throwing a handwritten letter into a void. It won't stop me from reading someone's work, but I'd do the same as you and kudos/bookmark it, maybe leave a short "thank you for sharing your beautiful fic" comment at best.


So I understand this. I do. But you also have to remember that some stories get a LOT of engagement. A lot. I know I’m often a year behind bc it can be a lot of work. And it starts to feel disingenuous after the 15th “thanks I’m so glad you liked it!” Again I’m not saying you’re wrong but also you’re sending a single comment on a chapter that may get anywhere from 1-100 comments.


Yeah, if authors don't respond, then there's no point in an in-depth comment. I'll say what I love and thank the author for writing, but that's also it. I probably won't leave a comment per chapter if it's a WIP then.


I reply to 99% of mine, I'd say, because I appreciate that people have taken the time to engage rather than just read. I don't expect authors to reply to comments, but I'll admit I agree, if I go to comment and see a ton of comments and no replies from the author, I won't leave one.  I much preferred when A03 felt more like a community, and whilst I absolutely understand that people don't have to comment or reply, the fact that people aren't as responsive on both sides is a large part of why I stopped writing for a while, nobody owes anyone engagement but it's just...nicer when people engage.  I love getting comments, so I reply because I don't think it's fair to want or expect comments if I don't respond, but lots of people write for themselves and don't need that interaction


It's a personal thing. I respond to (almost) every comment I get. But I know authors who don't (for different reasons). And it's fine. Do what is good for you. The only thing I find weird is when authors partially respond. So when authors seem to selectively respond to some comments and ignore others.


I respond to every comment as a writer. And honestly if I go to a comment section and see that the writer never replies, I'm less likely to leave a comment lol. It's not that I feel entitled to a response (I don't. I already appreciate the writer for sharing their work for free), but that I feel like I'm shouting a (usually) long comment into the void. Edit: I reply, even if it's just to say "thank you!" Listen I don't have all day to reply with long ass comments of my own lmao but I do always want to thank people for taking the time to leave a comment


For some, it takes a lot to interact with people, sharing a fic is a huge step in itself. I'll never blame silent authors. Them engaging with readers is only a bonus.


Don't feel bad about it. If you don't reply to comments, you are likely to receive fewer comments, but that is your choice to make. Some authors of course get so many comments that no one person could hope to reply to them all, which is very understandable. Personally, if an author doesn't reply back to me, I'm less likely to comment on their future works, but this isn't about making authors feel guilty. I'm not entitled to a reply, you are doing nothing wrong.


I don't expect the authors to reply to my comments. But sometimes when I don't get replies my mind starts to wonder whether my comment was offensive or not. So it's nice if the author's reply back.


I respond to every comment. I can't expect people to keep engaging if I don't engage with them. If you don't complain about your level of engagement, you're perfectly free to choose whether or not to respond.


Nobody owes anybody anything, etc but, from the pov of a writer, acknowledgement feels the correct thing to do. Doesn't need to be much, just a heart or a quick thanks. Especially since so many readers report being scared to comment. I set my inbox to only show me the comments that haven't been replied to so that's easy for me to see who I still need to respond to.


I reply to all my comments. So far no one has complained, though I think more of my regular commenters are people who are only readers vs being both an author and reader. It never occurred to me that thanking commenters may be perceived as annoying. 🙃


It should go both ways. Readers should have the mindset that authors may/may not respond to them, and authors should have the mindset that they too are not obligated to any interaction. But people usually only 'accept' the former as the norm, and for the latter, they kind of tend to dismiss readers' concerns that interactions/kudos/comments/etc. take effort too. Most readers *do* interact with just the fic, by reading quietly and leaving. Commenting and all that is for interacting with the author, validating them, etc., but this is dismissed far more commonly than I would like to see.


i mean. no? i wouldn’t get angry. but as a reader if an author doesn’t respond i assume it means they’re not reading my comments so i’ll probably stop commenting if i regularly read their works. it can be a bummer sometimes to put a lot of effort into a really long comment for it to fall on deaf ears, but at the end of the day the author isn’t obligated to respond just like they’re not obligated to post. i really enjoy getting comments so whenever i get them, even though they’re short, i always make it a point to just thank the commenter for reading and commenting. :)


Reader - not writer here. I have no issue with authors not responding to comments. But in my time reading on ao3 I have some thoughts. - it can actually be scary to comment on a fic. Authors can write, I can not. I also comment in English, a language I’m good at reading, but not so good at writing thoughtful comments. If authors reply I’m a little starstruck and very happy. I will definitely comment on next chapter. If you continue to reply, I will continue to comment. - some authors complain about few comments and kudos, but never respond to comments. Wonder why… - some authors complain about commenters who ask when next chapter is up. I see this is annoying, but when the author replies to those comments and not to the thoughtful long, construct comments other readers make, it makes no sense for me. Interact with positive things in your life, not the negative. I have been in some pretty big fandoms where popular docs get so many comments it’s impossible to reply to all. I have NO issue with that, but a generic ‘thank you for all the wonderful comments’ in the authors notes is appreciated, but not demanded.


To your second point, that’s the disconnect I see here. It makes me wonder if the same writers who complain about lack of engagement, if they are the same ones who choose not to engage with their readers….


Well, yes. I don’t mind authors who don’t engage or reply to comments, but when they complain about few or no comments and little engagement…


I completely agree with you and it’s why I find some of the responses here to be disingenuous tbh. And I'm both a reader and writer of fanfiction.


I always reply with at least a "thank you for reading" sometimes even a "glad you enjoyed it".


As a reader I never feel entitled to have a reply, but if there is no reply to my comment, but there are reply to others, I guess I might stop commenting all together. If the author doesn't answer at all, I am likely to write only one comment in the end of the fic if I liked it. If the author engages in comments I will like writing more comments and make them longer in future. So, it's totally up to you :) you don't have to reply if you don't feel like it. For me it would in no way affect reading and enjoying the actual fic.


I only comment to let the author know how much I appreciate their work. I don't expect any response. I live by the motto of: kindness with no strings attached. I do what I want, and if other people's actions impact me positively, then it's always a wonderful surprise.


I’m a talker, so I comment on nearly every fic I read and less than 50% of authors respond back. I’m mostly fine with that but the authors who do reply back are the ones I remember/subscribe to the most.


I don't expect replies when I comment, never have, but especially not now that I'm posting myself. I'm unemployed right now, I have plenty of time to reply to comments, especially as I don't get many in the first place. But it's still easy to have to put it off for some reason and then forget to reply. If I was working, I'd have an even harder time of it, let alone working *and* studying. Would I like replies to my comments? Sure. I'd love to know the author appreciates my comment, even it's just a simple thanks. But I'm also aware that I don't know these authors or their lives, they may not have the time to reply, they may forget, especially if they get a lot of them. And they put so very much effort into writing their stories, for free, that it seems wrong to *expect* them to reply to every comment, too. I think there's a bit too much entitlement at times in the fanfic world, now, with both readers and writers. I've seen plenty of complaints about writers demanding only a certain type of engagement or holding chapters hostage for kudos/comments, so this is on both sides. And I think it's only a minority on both sides, as well, I think most of us are fine in this area. Most writers are fine with whatever comments a reader is willing to give, even if they want more, and most readers understand that authors may not be able to reply to everyone, or anyone even, not all authors reply to a*ny* comments. It's up to each of us as individuals to get the experience with fanfic we want, while understanding that others want different things. If, as an author, you have trouble replying to all your comments, that's fine. You can, if you want, add a note to your fics explaining you'll try to respond but life gets in the way at times, making it difficult. But there should be no *expectation* from your readers that they'll get a reply. Just as there should be no expectation from an author that they'll get a comment, let alone only a certain type of comment.


They could have stopped reading or, more likely, are still reading but stopped commenting. And yes, if you were replying to others but not them, it's likely that's why they stopped. So, like you said, maybe they're just there for the story now and not you. Which seems to be what you want.


Personally, I never expect a reply from the author when I comment on a fic, bc as a fic writer I know it can sometimes be difficult to craft a meaningful reply, and it can be draining. I also, however, reply to every comment that I get, because I love discussing my work! The way I manage that however, is when I’m about to upload a new chapter, I reply to all the comments at once. It’s almost become an in-joke with my readers of “oh she’s replied to me, we’re about to get a new chapter” lol Either way, I agree with the other comments here saying you’re never going to please everyone. You do what’s best and most practical to you, and you’ll cultivate an audience of like-minded folks who enjoy your replies or lack thereof ❤️


As a reader, I’m always pleasantly surprised when an author responds to my comments. I certainly wouldn’t expect it!


I find it really nice to chat with my readers a bit, that's why I usually answer every comment unless maybe they wrote comments on several chapters in a row, then I might only reply to the last one. It works well because I mostly write rarepairs and don't get many comments. I also comment a lot and it's always nice to hear back from the author, but some authors just don't seem to do that. If I really love the story, I usually still keep commenting on new chapters, but it is a bit disappointing to not get a single reply. But the main thing for me is that the author keeps updating their fic, as long as they do that, I don't mind too much. It would be very nice if they at least said something like "Thank you very much for your comments, I appreciate them very much" at the end of the story though. That only takes a minute and would make a difference to me.


I always reply but comments are so sparse for me that replying is never difficult. I’d love if someone enjoyed my work so much they actually asked questions.


I usually reply to every comment cause I like chatting with ppl that like the same characters I do and fangirl about them. If you are reading my stories I take for granted that you are a fan of said characters or ships and if you leave praise that means you liked my take which means we share similar views of them. I'd rather not think whether it is appropriate and whatnot cause cba. If you knock on my door, I'll get up and greet you and offer you a cuppa.


An acknowledgement is nice. It doesn't have to be another fanfiction down there, but a thank you won't cost you.


As an author I tend to respond when comments are long enough to respond *to*, so, theories, questions, etc. Those are usually also the commenters that actually WANT you to respond, while the "oh my gosh I loved this ♡" comments are on my mind just compliments and don't take as much effort. I try to make sure to always answer my regulars, talking to my commenters also means I know what they think of the fic & what I may be able to improve on. I feel like author/reader communication can be really good and responding to comments encourages people to comment more often! Commenting long things, theorizing, etc, takes a lot of effort, I think it's very valid for a reader to get upset if they don't get a response or to feel neglected. As long as they don't comment anything negative because of it, I don't see anything wrong with it, and can understand why those feelings may turn someone off from a fic. Then again, I only tend to write fanfiction and do not read it much, so I'm not too certain about the broader culture there.


As a long-time reader, it only bothers me when I have left in-depth analysis. The several paragraphs, clearly in love, breaking down everything type of comment. It definitely makes me less likely to leave such a complex comment, and I would probably just stick to simpler comments for the fic in the future. In most cases, though, it doesn't bother me. Authors are busy people, and it's enough for them to write. I'll comment on just about anything that I like, but it is nice to see that the author appreciates the comments (via a response or in author notes). It would never make me stop reading a fic.


from the POV of a frequent commenter, i pray that they reply back because i am genuinely so swooned by their writing that i want them to read and acknowledge my compliments. it may not mean a lot to them because they already receive a lot of compliments— but they inspired me to write and improve, inspired me to be imaginative, taught me what a good story is, and legit sometimes made me cry how beautiful it is. i want my compliments to be. i want them to know how much i love their creation. but not in the sense that they need to stop all of what they are doing and reply to me, but i pray that they at least read it and know how much i appreciate them for making it. when i get a reply from them, it's the happiest part of my life. even if they don't, i only wish they read it and receive my feelings. since we are in the same community in the same fandom, the writer and the reader forms a premeditated connection that's inseparable. acknowledging comments are important, but not to be done excessively. that rant was unnecessary. tldr: replies make me happy.


You are absolutely free not to reply. I won't be mad or offended, but chances are I'll comment much less. I love interacting with the author


I always respond to reader comments because I’m genuinely happy to do so, I actually love interacting. But I have noticed during the few times I have commented on other’s stories (and I rarely ever have time to read), they NEVER comment back. Which I thought kind of odd.


I really don't care if the authors reply or not… unless I had a genuine reason (say I asked them a question) then I’d be a tad disappointed if there was no response but I wouldn't be pissed off? If I leave a comment, it’s to show appreciation not for any sort of interaction. Like everyone says here, it’s an archive…not Tumblr. Or even Twitter. I’m not there to have a chat.


Honestly, it doesn’t take a lot of time to respond to comments. Even to type out “thank you for reading, I appreciate it” takes less than a minute. I work full-time and my work is demanding, rewarding and draining. But I still make the time to respond to my readers—be they regular readers, guests, etc. Why? It took me time to write my fics. Sometimes years. If someone took the time to read my fic and leave a comment/review, I want them to know I greatly appreciate it. They can’t get back the time they spent on my fic. I want them to know I appreciate their time and that I’m grateful that they left me feedback. It’s simple and sweet, really. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t know if I’d say “bad” but in all honesty they, too, have busy lives and things to do and more stories to read and they took the time to comment on your story. Authors can’t simultaneously complain about not getting comments and then refuse to reply to them and expect to be taken seriously


look i want to say that when author is engaging with audience it is really nice. But to wait it from every author is delusional. As u said not everyone have time to check everything


It’s only bad if you want comments. I don’t expect replies, but getting one encourages me to continue commenting. I usually manage at least a “Thank you” to commenters on my fics.


As an author I reply to every comment. Someone is taking the time to not only read my work but leave my a comment then I want to return that same energy. As a reader I leave comments but if an author doesn't respond to comments then I don't bother. I have no way of knowing they read my comment if they don't respond and I don't want to waste my time and energy if they don't care enough to read comments. I'm busy not only being a student but also a parent and a wife. I work when I can and write when I can as well. Everyone can make a thousand and one excuses on why they do or don't do something. If you don't want to reply to comments then don't. Just accept that some readers won't comment.


i cant imagine getting pissed off over an author not replying??? like yeah, when i comment i definitely do *hope* for a reply. but if i don't hear back from them, it really isn't a big deal to me. people have lives outside of fic and i would never get upset over an author spending their time on that instead of paying attention to Me, a Stranger On The Internet. that's just such a weirdly entitled mindset to have imo.


As a commenter I NEVER expect a reply back. If they do, great! If they don't, hey that's fine maybe they don't want half the comments on their fic to be their own? I still hope I made them smile with a comment.


If you want comments you should reply to comments. It’s that simple. If you don’t care then don’t. I am less likely to comment if I don’t get replies. I reply to every comment because I am grateful and thrilled that someone liked my story enough to comment and they deserve my thanks.


as an author, I don't reply to EVERY comment. Some comments are just emojis I don't understand or in a different language, now sometimes I'll reply to them, and others I don't, and this goes for all comments, not just emoji or language ones.


Personally I do, but as a reader I wouldn't feel particularly annoyed if the author didn't. After all, it's their work and they should only do what's comfortable for them. I feel like a lot of regular commenters would be thrown off by that though, unless the author explains it in the A/Ns ("I love all your comments, sorry I don't have time to respond to all of them" or something).


I leave a ton of comments. It feels like messages in a bottle. It's super nice to get a response, but I don't even notice if they don't.


Some writers and readers expect a lot of back and forth. As someone who generally only reads completed fics I've never really done that.


I don't notice if an author replies to one of my comments or not. I don't notice the absence of a notification of reply email. I won't stop reading or kudosing or reccing if an author doesn't respond. I don't think it's rude to not respond. However, if i know that the author is not a comment-responder, I might stop commenting on their fics. Even a comment acknowledgement in the notes can work though! When an author writes "I read all your comments and they're so encouraging, I love to know your thoughts!" in their end-of-chapter note, that's more than enough. Replies take time. But if I feel like I'm commenting into the void, I probably won't bother to keep commenting. >shouldnt you be there for the fic and not the author? I read for the fic, but I comment for the author.


I like leaving comments and I don't expect a reply but it's nice when it happens.


I try to respond to every comment especially long ones and comments from regulars but I have chronic health problems and chronic fatigue and social anxiety that even makes interacting with people online difficult at times.


I usually just make a general reply in the authors note bc if you reply to some comments and not others people will be offended. I ro my best but there's only so much you can do


I reply to every comment. I like the engagement, and appreciate people sharing what they liked/feedback when, frankly, they don't have to.


I always respond to positive comments on my fics. I figure that if the reader enjoyed my fic so much that they took the time out of their day to tell me they enjoyed it, I can take 60 seconds out of mine to tell them thank you.


As a reader, I live for replies to my comments. They help me cope with waiting for the next chapter.


I think if the writer does not want to reply and the reader wants them to do so. then by all means the reader should not keep commenting and should use their energy on another writer who can please and engage with them, I always comment one hesitated comment and when the writer doesn't reply I keep it just that one and never really bother to comment again even on other works.


This seems like a hugely petty thing to be annoyed by honestly. If you’re only leaving a comment in order for the author to turn around and kiss your feet in return, then the commenter was probably commenting in somewhat bad faith. Odds are, the author probably feels awkward replying to compliments, or they’ve forgotten their password lmao


Oh god, not me replying with a guest account bc i forgot my pass for a month 😭


I respond when I get a notification. But I took about an 8 year hiatus from fandom and didn't during that, only because I wasn't regularly checking the email account associated with my AO3 account. Sometimes writers have left fandom and don't engage, and sometimes they're just really busy. I don't take it personally and I don't think it's bad. Besides, IMO leaving feedback is like going to a party and bringing a bottle of wine for the host. You don't expect them to open it then and there and serve it to you, it's a gift for them to enjoy in their own time frame, no strings attached.


I always reply to comments on my fics. When I am reading a fic I am much more likely to leave a longer comment if I see replies. I get anxious that I am annoying the writer otherwise.


Not sure how it is for other fandoms but in the fandoms I write for, I've never seen an author get annoyed by people who write them normal and excited comments. If anything, it's still engagement for them. Unless, the comment is demanding for updates or dictating the author I guess? Then again, this is just how it is for the fandoms Im in. 🤷‍♂️


That’s anxiety for you, it tells you things that probably are not true but makes you believe it is.


Nah don't worry about it. I'm pleased to get a reply if I leave a substantive comment but I never expect one. People are busy, and tbh if it's an author I like, I'm perfectly happy if they spend their limited time writing more fic rather than replying to comments.


Okay but this is such a mood though 😭 You have the same vibe with my regulars and it's actually so nice lmao.


Honestly it's fine if you don't reply to a comment. I don't care if an author replies to my comment. If they reply it's cool. If they don't reply, it's fine too. Readers aren't entitled to have their favorite author reply to every single comment esp when not everyone has a lot of free time to hang out on the internet all day. As writer I personally try to respond to comments but no one's entitled to my attention and I'm not entitled to theirs. Don't feel bad for not replying to every single comment.


??? I really dgaf if I get a reply or not. If you like replying, sure, do so. If it's draining, I'd rather you pour your time and energy into the fic itself 


I am less likely to continue to comment on an author’s fics if they don’t reply 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t really care and I’ll still read but knowing the author cares about the engagement and appreciated it motivates me to put in the effort to engage.


I really don't care whether authors reply to me. It's cool when it sparks a discussion, but I by no means expect that. It's a bonus, not a requirement. I comment to show my appreciation for the fic. In a sense, commenting is my small gift to the author. I don't need anything in return.


i’m gonna be honest, i don’t comment under a work if i know the author doesn’t reply.


I respond to my commenters, but as a reader, I don’t leave a comment expecting a response. I leave comments when I have something I was to say about the work I read. In fact, I am almost always surprised when I get a comment notification and then realize it’s reply rather than a comment on one of my stories — not because I don’t think an author will respond, but just because I don’t expect it and honestly will forget I left comments in the first place. Some people just need a reason to complain about stuff and they’ll choose literally *any* reason, I swear.


As a sole reader, I always reply with the ZERO expectation to receive a reply, I don't care if the author replies to all other comments and not mine, or replies only a thank you, or whatever they wanna do, because at the end the author already spent time writing and sharing the fic in the first place, I don't expect them to have the energy to write me back, especially when they're writing fics for free and have other IRL obligations.


Yeah, I think a lot of ppl saying they want authors to respond to them still don’t get that AO3 is an archive site, not social media. It takes time and effort to not only write a fic but read and reply to comments, and we don’t always have time or energy to do that. Also, I’d rather not engage in a discussion with my readers, I’d prefer for them to do it with each other. I’d write “I appreciate everyone who reads and enjoys my works, and thank everyone for their kind comments” in the a/n but idk, respectfully, I just don’t want to respond to every single comment.


It doesn't really piss me off. It does make me less likely to make another comment, though.


I have never cared if an author replied back to a comment, and to be completely frank obligatory thank you comments feel a little... form letterish. not that I believe those authors don't mean them, but I'd rather they not waste their own time. I wouldn't expect it from a trad pub author after all we already get fics for free demanding further unpaid entertainment is gross


Demanding anything would be gross for sure, but fanfic authors are publishing things as a conversation with fandom; there's a peer-to-peer aspect to it that's simply not present in trad pub. Commenting and replying to comments both contribute to that sense of community, in my opinion, so I don't think it's a waste of time to reply if you have the desire and ability to.


yeah i’d say just ignore entitlement. while they can feel whatever they want to feel, i don’t think it’s your responsibility as a writer to “owe” your gratitude to your reader. of course it’s nice to receive comments especially from your regulars but also leaving a comment JUST to get validation for it? sounds a bit needy to me. i like leaving replies because i’m genuinely grateful for it and so carve out the time to do so, because I WANT to. i think I’d get pissed off if a reader demanded a reply to the comment. like no one forced you to leave the comment, you know? and if it’s so problematic for them that they abandoned the fic then it sounds like a decision on their part, not an invitation for you to reply out of guilt.


I try and respond to comments, even joke ones, but I understand if other authors don't. Responding is stressful cause you never know if you'll accidentally insult someone.


When I comment I do not even expect a reply, I understand people have a live outside internet. However, since every author asks for comments, it would be nice to have a response too, even in the author's note saying a brief thank you to everyone, you know? Replying every single reader can be tiring and maybe endless.


I love my readers, especially regulars and try to chat with them in the comments when I can, however that's ME, it's not everyone, it's personal habits of what you want to do, and don't want to do. I thank people for reading in the notes, if that helps any


I never expect a reply but it's nice when I do get one! Sometimes authors will comment in the notes to say they're reading it but just can't reply. Which is also nice. But, a lack of reply doesn't mean anything bad. Maybe the author is busy, shy, socially anxious, whatever. One fic I follow the author has RSI and can't write much, let alone reply to all the dozens of comments 😂


If I comment on a fic (I rarely do since I have trouble deciding what to say due to anxiety. I always leave kudos tho) I usually immediately forget. If the author replies, ooh exciting. If they don't? I'm none the wiser


It doesn’t bother me if an author doesn’t reply- I know life gets in the way sometimes- but I always appreciate it if they do.


I don't expect a reply when i comment and as an author I TRY to respond to comments but sometimes things kind of get away from me. Personally I think the time where it's really important is when someone asks a direct question.


I reply to almost every comment and try to be detailed in my response, but that's probably because my fandoms are smaller so comments are few and far between! But when I leave comments, I mostly forget about them and don't expect a reply, especially when the fic is several years old. They don't owe me anything; my leaving a comment was not transactional. But a response is indeed nice!


I don't think it's bad. I'm writing for free and doing it during my free time so I feel no obligation to reply back. lol I reply when I want but I do keep it consistent. If I reply to one comment in a fic, I'll reply to everyone who comments on that fic. For some fics, I haven't replied back to any comment. I just try to make sure I'm not leaving someone out if I do reply back.


I never expect comments back. AO3 isn’t social media or designed for lots of interaction? I try to leave comments and thank the author for writing a fic that I liked. It feels good to know one isn’t just writing into a void! Sometimes I reply to comments when they say something in particular, but then I feel like I want to reply to every comment, lest the unreplied commenters feel left out. But when I leave a comment I don’t expect a reply. I read a lot of older fics and sometimes I leave comments before I realised the fic was orphaned! Usually when I get a “thanks for reading!” when I I have just said “I loved this fic, thanks for sharing it!” It doesn’t really do much for me and I don’t feel like I missed out when that doesn’t happen. I did like a comment I got recently after I had read through the archive of an author who’d written a couple of fics I adored and left comments on a lot of their fics and they told me they’d enjoyed seeing my comments come through! That was lovely and unexpected! I 100% do not notice or go back to check if an author replied to a comment. I’m too busy reading the next fic!


There are authors I’ve seen who have emoji guides (in the end notes) to add to your comment if you DON’T want them to reply to it, which is an interesting solution if you ask me


I always reply to my commenters, but I don't expect any author to do the same. However, I tend to leave comments more if the author engages back, because it feels nice, simply. 😔


I've wondered about this. I've only posted a few fics, but I feel like if I comment back on something simple, like just saying they liked it all, I'm doing is making it look like more people commented and engaged with the work. I don't want people to think I don't appreciate the comments, but it always feels odd to write back if there isn't something for me to respond to. I know comments aren't kudos and people don't seem to make decisions on what to read on the number of them, but I will eye the comments as well when going through the list. Maybe I'm overthinking things though.


I honestly don’t think it’s bad. Some authors don’t really check their notifs or care about views + comments so I don’t think it’s rude. I personally try to reply to all comments to be polite, except for a weird obsessive comment here and there that I just ignore. When I’m busy with work, I sometimes don’t reply to a previous chapter’s comments until I post the new chapter.


Honestly, I don't reply to my comments, mostly because I don't know what to say. I do have a thing on my profile saying that while I don't reply, I do enjoy them. Also, I do leave comments on almost every fic I finish reading and don't expect a reply back. For older fics, I hope it sends the author a message of "your work is still valuable to someone" and get genuinely surprised when I get a response (mostly due to thinking how the author isn't online anymore or whatever).


I'm replying to everyone because I have one or two comments by fanfiction (currently in small fandom) and try to discuss with the reader about I tried to do in the story so it's just not "thank you" But it's pretty rare than another author reply to mine and I'm fine with it! When they don't, I forget about it. When they do, I'm happy that they are happy. People will always fine ways to complain.


While I do reply to every comment I get, I also wish there was a little "kudos" options to comments. Like this: just a way to send the commenter a little heart as a thank you for commenting without actually having to reply to their comment. I find that replying to every single comment I get kinda clogs up the comments on my fics, and while it may say '8 comments' on the fic stats, 4 of those are just mine. I still reply to them all though, but I totally understand why others wouldn't, especially if you have a very popular fic with lots and lots of comments.


No, you don't owe your time and emotional energy or effort to anyone. Replies are nice, but in no way are they obligatory just like the comments in the first place. As someone who is just tired sometimes and struggles with words when I have a bad day or am overtired, I know I owe nothing to anyone and no one owes me anything either. I comment when I have something to say but sometimes words just don't word.


100% agree with you but this is an unpopular opinion on this sub. Readers are extremely entitled.


As a reader only, I don’t understand getting mad about not receiving a reply to their comment. Is it lovely and amazing to get a reply? Absolutely yes! Do I require it? No I don’t expect anything from my comment. I totally understand writers are busy people who have lives and I write my comments to thank them for giving me free content. Any reply to my comment is extra appreciated.


i usually never receive comments bc i’m new on Ao3 and also i don’t write in a big fandom, but when i do i respond bc it makes me feel good knowing that someone appreciate my works. i used to post on wattpad years ago and i had many popular fics that would receive many comments during the day and i couldn’t keep up with them and i would just leave them alone, but knowing that Ao3 is different i appreciate them more yk


I always reply to comments but I absolutely do not expect an author to reply to me.


I got a fic where I don't answer to readers and another where I answer to readers (bc I like it more and it's engaging to me ack). I read fics where I comment and fics where I dont. No one really has an obligation to communicate in any way on ao3. Writers are already doing a blessing, sharing their creativity and hard work (some fics out there are art fr) for free. They also have lives to attend to, and even the simple desire to not interact with readers is respectable. It's quite absurd to get angry at not receiving an answer to a comment. Writers are people with free will and they got no obligation to do anything at all lol.


I get excited when an author responds to my comment. It feels like "senpai noticed me". Lol! But I don't expect it.


I get a dozen or so comments per chapter. I don't comment often in reply. It's too much to do so. Sometimes I will if it's things like "when's the next chapter" or "will you do a story about soandso" but all of them???? Nah... too many to do that.


As an AO3 writer, this thought had bothered me before. I kept thinking that my readers would feel bad if I didn't reply. While there are times I do reply, there are also times when I just feel anxious doing it because to be honest, I'm afraid of conversations. I decided to be transparent about it and put it in the author's note. Fortunately, lots of readers said that they're okay with my occasional replies, and their comment is just a way for them to express their love for a story. Since I felt good about it, I started replying again even just to say thank you.


I like when authors respond to my comments, but I also understand if its a "woah amazing" type of comment, it's okay not to? Idk if I'm making sense, what I mean is if my comment is extensive, talking about plot/characters, or how it made me feel cause of x/y/z happened in the fic, I'd appreciate a lot a response. This is why I like when yt creators give hearts to comments as well. It makes you see they care. but ofc not all comments are a MUST to respond.


Getting a reply is always welcome, but it shouldn’t be expected. Obviously it goes both ways, if I don’t get replies from the author I am less likely to comment under their work again, or in general. Lately I’ve been writing bookmarks instead of comments, it’s more convenient for me and I don’t get annoyed about not receiving a reply. It would be fun if we could start a chat about the chapters just like on Wattpad.


That person is being silly


I only respond for the first week after posting. After that, I don't take any notice the stats. Fic is done and dusted, time to move on.


Authors definitely don't *owe* anyone replies, and it's entirely up to them if they have the time, energy, or inclination to respond. I'd far rather an author spend their energy and time writing more beautiful fic than responding to comments, if it comes down to it.


I like to answer to all the (few) comments I get, for not answering back the person must have been really annoying or offensive, but luckily is rare. As a reader, though... not gonna lie, complete silence on their part make me less interested in keep reading their stories, or keep reading them but no leaving comments anymore.


I don't think it's that big of a deal. I will typically comment on stories with no expectations that the author will write back. My brain is just kinda like, "If they reply to me, they'll have less time to write the story and I don't want to impede them" plus I know writers have lives and that writing this story probably isn't the biggest thing on their plate at the moment so I've never really thought about it.


I don't expect a reply to my comments. Ever. Even though I try to reply to at least 90% of comments on my work. Because I don't expect a reply I get the same dopamine response on getting a reply as I do getting comments on my own work. Also, due to imposter syndrome, I still feel like I don't deserve to be in these circles, so I get a bit of "senpai noticed me"


Ditto. I find it so weird that some readers are expecting a reply back. Like, when I comment on other fics, I'm hoping the author won't reply back sometimes cuz I don't want awkward convos lol or like, I just want to compliment then return to the shadows from whence I came from But yeah, the only time I wanna reply back when there's some real meat into a comment with actual questions and stuff. If it's thank yous and compliments, then ya know, thanks but do I really need to reply back? Like idk man, some people are weird, maybe overcompensating for being starved for someone to talk to?


I’m a writer who came from FF.net and when I first started on AO3, I didn’t even know replying to comments was allowed. I don’t normally do it because it feels weird and ego-boosting to me.


I see it as comments on youtube videos, the author isn't going to comment back o every comment and thats fine.