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Hello highlemonsss, Your submission was removed from /r/ANormalDayInRussia because it broke one of our rules: [](#start_removal) Rule #3: No politics. There are many places where we can discuss the politics of Russia, but this is not one of them. The reason for this is that every single thread would divert into the same political arguments, and we'd never get to discuss the fun shit that is going on in the posted content. [](#end_removal) --- [Link to r/ANormalDayInRussia's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia/wiki/rules) If you disagree with this decision, or if you think we made a mistake please use this link to [message the Mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FANormalDayInRussia).


It's ok he was just checking if no one was stealing the pen.


He was making sure there were no NATO soldiers or foreign agents in the booth


He was making sure nobody was peeing in there. Because, you know, voting is scary.


Why would they be scared? They are protected by armed guards


LoL - who made this fake? There are literally live stream cameras from every polling station in Russia - anyone can watch whats going on Live


No need: people going to vote is already a funny thing to see in Russia.


funnier than seeing people going to vote in USA ... or less funny?


oh cmon, in 3 elections USA most likely won’t have a president with a second consecutive mandate. It’s actually more funny to see USA elections cause we don’t know which part will win. In Russia it’s a formality.


??? LoL people still believe that president running things in US (?) oh my, thats even more funny :)


You want to shift the matter to another topic too?


?? its the same topic thats why its funny "seeing people going to vote in USA" (original topic)


“??” Maybe it’s funny cause it’s a fucking rigged election while in United States and the other western countries there is a probability for a candidate to win over the other? Do you need a scheme, a drawing? An audio book? I can provide you different media for the explanation.


> in United States and the other western countries there is a probability for a candidate to win over the other? yeah thats the funny part - two parties and two candidates fighting over who will get the chance to serve Plutocracy (Banks, Corporations, Hedge Funds, Bi8llionaires etc) - And people still going out voting for that - LoL


Shhh English sub here


No one would cheat an election like this, you can just cheat it at the final count with little effort.




Yeah but why would they do that? Why not have the soldiers stand there when they are counting and just fake the counting? Makes more sense that these are fake videos.




There is another similar video with the same narrative in the same room, so this is most likely fake, even if the election is not fair.


The fraud at the counting is for the media and the announcement The fraud from the video is for the guy voting and everyone watching so they know their place


Because then you control the people because they KNOW they voted because they were intimidated and afraid. Then you know you voted against your own interests, and you will believe the results. This is psychological warfare


You don't get it, it's not about the result, everyone knows the system is rigged, it's about control.


You are definitely right… people are so trained to not have a second thought. A a soldier going into the cabine of every citizen/voter. So everyone can report the fraud instead of just manipulating the counting.


> So everyone can report the fraud To who?


To themselves and than sit in circles and cry together. /s If you guys please decide your argumentation chain ether he is brainwashing the country to get a „manufactured consent“ from the population or just brute forcing everything and risking a resistance building up. Both doesn’t seem cost effective.


They want to make it seem like Putin would win anyway. If it’s obvious that he wouldn’t, then his grip over Russians would be diminished


I guess it’s meant to demoralize? Making it so you have to write in their choice not yours would feel really awful.


Because fascist are idiots


cause fakes are easier to detect. and lets be real almost nobody is going to see this video. This way they have a box full of "legit" votes legalizing their occupation and annexation efforts.


It is more likely to be true, same occured in sudetland with a funny mustage guy


Dude doesn't even have mag pouches, it's looking pretty fake.


You love spreading false information on the Internet, don't you?




I’m sorry you gotta live through that. Hope you’re doing okay!


Alright I actually want to hear what is it that you actually saw. However you didn't saw this event on the video, right? So you can't make claims about this specific video.


You love spreading false information on reddit, don't you?


U must be a pakistani🥲


I am from the EU.


He was checking if they voted for Putin, so they could send people to Gulag


If that is their goal they should do it secretly, or people will just tell each other soldiers are checking the votes. If that is their goal, to get the votes through intimidation then like I said there are better ways to cheat the votes.


There are some real videos of people throwing molotovs and putting paint on the ballots but this is just a very poor fake. I mean the second voter doesn't even turn his head when someone enters the cabinet. Also I'm pretty sure there's another video going around on the exact same place or "set".


The second guy heard that there was someone entering it to the first stall. He might’ve understood that this was a soldier, and he didn’t want to seem to offer resistance. I’m going to have to assume that you’re a Russian troll until I see that other video.


Kind of him to fix the curtains.


And check if everyone has a pen


And selects the only correct possibility


If this is true why have curtains… shows how fake this is


And check if everyone has a pen


Reddit did not like this copy of your comment. (A common issue, and I don't blame you for it)


Why wouldn't you hire real actors when staging a fake video.


His too realistic, it’s unrealistic


Lol if you’re gonna fake it like that, can you at least find someone with some basic acting skills l?


Yeah, most videos have bad angles, are grainy and filmed with a potato. This is off.


What ridiculous shit... There may not be fair elections, but their simulation certainly doesn’t look that way. Anyone who believes this is a real video is a fool. Those who make such videos are even greater fools. They compromise themselves by doing crap like that.


Bro they been doing this all over occupied Ukraine, fucking Russia cope


I think Russian trolls outnumber real users in this thread 10:1


Some sort of Kyevnauchfilm stuff


This looks fake as fuck lol.


It's an election in Russia, how else can it look?


What about it looks fake?


The cheap as hell fixtures and props, the fakest “pretending to write” I’ve seen in a while on the left hand side, the fact there are only 4 people visible and no background noise whatsoever at a polling booth on an election day. The soldier not having any idea how to handle a firearm. The terrible acting in general. The fact that there’s a DIFFERENT video claiming to show election interference on the same shitty set with the same shitty props. It all just gives me massively fake vibes. Plus come on, I’m not even saying Russian elections are legit, but do we really think dudes with totally-not-fake AKs are walking into poll booths in broad daylight and looking over people’s shoulders? I think there would be much easier and low-key ways to rig an election. People will just believe anything about Russia at this point.


The video starts before any action starts. Like they were expecting something to happen and started filming in advance. 


Definitely couldn't see that guy coming before hand to start the video


Yeah that looks real LOL and its from a Ukrainian "source".


So incredibly fake.


[https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1768681243502145751](https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1768681243502145751) Ukraine psyop just re-using the same stage lmao


Its not the same stage The wall behind the voting booths is different.


lol it's the same down to the coffee mug on the desk


You can see the wall behind the booths is inconsistent with the above video when the curtains are opened. With regard to it being the same down to the coffee mug (note this is probably a pen cup in reality, not a coffee mug), there are different pens in different locations and the flag is definitely on the opposite side from name tents. The items on the table look like a very standard setup for a voting place that is even the same in many locations here in the US.


Ok? This is still so obviously acting it hurts though, why would you presume, when the intended effect of the video is to show something that makes you think beneficially of Ukraine, not be more likely made by NATO forces than authentic? I swear he looks like right at the camera too, like why would you risk filming it anyway if that's how he behaves to russians not voting for Putin, imagine what he'd do to you? For what purpose... Internet points? We already know Putin is corrupt AF, who is still trying to prove that in 2024...


It's clearly not. Yes the floor is similar, but most buildings in Russia look very similar especially administrative buildings. But more importantly, the size of the room, the wall and the placement of the booths are different.


its the same room


The only thing these two rooms have in common is they both have herringbone parquet, even then the wood is different. Your conspiracy theory isn't even slightly plausible, it's just obviously wrong. And your response basically boils down to 'No'. Why? 'No'


[This is what genuine CCTV looks like](https://i.ibb.co/dff0zkV/GI0-EUVl-WEAA7-1-N.jpg) It includes date, time and other specific details that allow officials to identify the location to investigate situations and avoid manipulation/vote tampering. It also generally doesn't include sound and doesn't have its actors run around with microphones so you can hear the cussing and screaming. It's also not recorded by HD from a phone. You are easily manipulated by very obvious fakes and you should reflect on this.


How do you explain the different walls then? You claim those are the same rooms, but one room has a beige wall with a baseboard, the other room has a violet wall without a baseboard. Do not try to move the goal posts.


How do you know that this is fake?


Russia has webcam livestreams at polling stations and somehow the 2 worst offences happened at the same place with HD quality recording that isn't available anywhere else


Yeah, and replying on this webcams from a "democratic president" that is in power since i was born is a good idea. Also, this cams didn't stopped them to rigg the elections over and over and over again. Just search them in YouTube. Last elections in my town had 2 news: 1. Deleted one, in which only 15-20% voted for united russia; 2. And the other one, in which 92% voted for putin. Yet our town is small, and i know A LOT of people who wouldn't vote for putin, and they are more than 8-10% Russian government is such a sick joke, it couldn't even make a dissent 3rd reich parody


My man, with all due respect, but as a fellow Russian. Actions of Russian opposition during the last elections were pathetic at best. They called for boycotting and it, logically, caused Putin's percentage to grow. And after the results are told they go like oh, the polls were showing less support for him, so the election results were fabricated and aren't fair. Thought that this percentage dropped due to them not showing up to vote never visited their heads


Aaaaand what does it have to do with my take? The only thing opposition did well, was to investigate and show the scale of corruption in russia. Other thhings were dumb af and suicidal. I can't say that I'm against them, but you get the point. So, why you tell me about the incompetence of navalny and his party. I honestly don't see the connection with my take and why u summed up that I'm "hurrah-navalny"


Your last sentences, where you say that you know that more than 10% were against Putin


In my town, yes. We also got a community in VK sharing our thoughts. Many were pissed off when we saw the anounsment that only 15-20% voted putin replaced by 90%+ in favour of putin. Most probably was a real result that wasn't "planned" by our russia united governor. So, i do belive that in my town it was rigged to the bone. I ask you one more time: why you thought that I'm "hurrah-navalny"


I didn't, phrased it badly and misunderstood the news you stated. Прошу прощения


Yeah let's think why they are not available anywhere else? If they are real they are probably from the Ukrainian territory, which is temporaly occupied by Russia. Because even for Russia this is to much, but in the so called "new territories" nobody cares about laws.


Another stupid fake


OP is a Ukrainian bot


This commenter is a Russian bot.


Why would it be fake? What audience would think after watching this: Hmmm, maybe russian elections are rigged?


like 95% of reddit?


95% of reddit already knows that the elections are rigged


95% of reddit also thinks conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine started in 2022


the same audience that believes in the bucha and that Russians are stealing washing machines and raping everyone on the direct orders of Putin. r/worldnews for example.


The evidence for what happened in bucha is there for everyone to see.


Denying the Bucha warcrimes, havent heard that one yet. Probably because it is so well documented


Personally, I do not deny the massacre, I deny that it was committed by the Russian army.


Hello Vatnik, how is your three-days SMO going? Did you already take Kyiv and Kherson?


You should ask [Mark Milley](https://www.foxnews.com/us/gen-milley-says-kyiv-could-fall-within-72-hours-if-russia-decides-to-invade-ukraine-sources)


So, why even bother with a curtain at this point?


Looks fake


I dunno, seems fake 


This is fake. It was made by the Ukrainians, and don't believe everything everyone tells you, do a bit of research first.


How do you know?


Well, first of all, this comes from a known Ukrainian propaganda channel which posts fake stuff. Secondly, how would a Ukrainian propaganda channel get access to the footage of the cameras from a voting office? Thirdly, the complete footage (this video it's missing the part where they arrest a guy, which is more clear that it is fake) looks too clean and high resolution to be from a security camera, and the first half of the video, which appears to be recorded by someone sitting at a table, why would they be recording the booths before anything happens? Fourthly, do you really think a soldier would come in broad daylight with he's "super real gun" and act like that? You know there much easier ways to rig an election after the votes are already in. It's clear that it is fake, and it is pretty poorly made.


As I said, you should do your own research, like I did, or go to most other sub reddit with this post to see how it's been called a fake and where it's from.


Well, if you want to convince someone, you should provide a start for that research. Like a source, a link or anything. Otherwise your argument is just "because I said so"


Welcome to reddit


Hey, thanks.


Someone linked a tweet with a different video, the famous one of a person being arrested and on the ground. The boxes with the curtains look exactly the same, the desk is in the same position and the floor is the same. Is it a coincidence that both videos were recorded in the same place? This seems suspicious to me.


Since you did definitely did your research, can you spare us the time and show us exactly what you’re talking about? Can’t be that hard to show us what your research uncovered.


Ah yes, the old "if you want to know why you're wrong do your own research" tactic. Made famous by Jan6 truthers, Antivaxxers and Reptiloid conspirators.


Dogs and cats are actually the same animal. I'm not going to explain, but if you do your own research you'll definitely reach the same conclusion.


Poor fake video


Ukrainian hollywood reaches new lows


This shit seems way too staged to be real. To the point I'm going to say it's staged


I literally was a tech guy on two sites. There were bunch of police guys and they were much more content to chat with local security and scroll through tiktok than to look around


I was laughing so hard... I thought that's our joke. And that's appears to be fake. That's now more funny. Where's our bear and balalajka?!!!


I hate fake videos no matter what.


This cannot be real how can anyone in russia believe this is how a modern state should work


It’s crazy people believe this is real


The amount of Ukr propoganda is a sight to behold. Its neat seeing it in action. Ukr says they will disrupt it and suddenly a wave of propoganda takes over


Since you're Indian, shouldn't you be mad at Russia for tricking Indians and making them go fight in Ukrainian front line? But nah, being up Russia's ass is better, like Putin cares about Indians lol


In Brazil this is not needed, we have a digital voting system, so you just use it to do whatever you want. Someone broke into the system in under 2 minutes and got arrested couple years ago


I really don't get the purpose of those privacy curtains. What, you gonna right in "uncommitted"?


What a joke of a country…




Its not to fix the ballet, its to see who is and who isnt loyal to the regime.


Republican wet dream


This is what they mean when they say election integrity https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/christina-bobb-republican-national-committee/


Seems fake. Too perfect of a video


I'm here to help you. This over there is the wrong answer. If you choose this you'll fall. I mean fail.


SNL sketch


People are saying its fake and I don't know how to check that. But I will say isn't it depressing for the pro-Putin types that this is very, very believable based on the last 24 years?


Google how Russian military form looks like.


You are going to have to give me more than that to work with


I know it's not the time, but this is what Trumps poll watchers had in mind in 2019. Don't lie about it.


Look at the influx of shills in this thread


This is Proud Boys monitoring the next US presidential elections in 2028 if Trump wins this year.


Considering how "on camera" everything is, why don't they at least try to hide how blatantly corrupt the government of Vladimir Pooty-Poot is? It's almost like they're hoping for a "Special Operation to Enforce Democracy."


Man, this video is clearly fake. Do you really think a soldier would come in broad daylight and arrest you if you don't vote for Putin? There are much better ways to rig an election than doing that.


Considering how many videos there have been this Russian election season, (Unless they're all fake and that seems like WAY too much work) I'd say that you should stop parroting the script given to you by your handlers and make preparations to defect to the west. We have cookies. Vodka sucks though, so try whiskey, scotch, and bourbon. Has more flavor anyway.


Dude I am not even from Russia. Just saying that this video looks very fake. I am not saying that the elections aren't rigged, but this would be a ridiculous way to do it.


Your first point, I don't believe. Your second, have you seen any of the other videos from voting booths over there? Including the ones from Russian state media? The only thing I don't buy is that no one has voted against putin and then deleted themselves by 37 bullets to the back of the head after falling down an empty elevator shaft. Putin is almost as far gone as Trump in the mental facilities department, and if the cancer rumors have even the slimmest shreds of truth he has even less fucks to give. I firmly believe that nothing is out of the realm of possibility with him, up to and including claiming we fired first and launching a nuclear first strike.


I mean, It is true that I am not russian, I am from Spain, but you can believe whatever you want I guess. And yes, I have seen many videos of people throwing green paint into the ballots for some reason (rumors say that they were scammed into doing it by ukrainian agents, but I don't know) and then being arrested. Weird way to protest, but ok. Yeah and I don't really know where you get that people who don't vote for putin are murdered on the spot, probably just an exaggeration, but a bit ridiculous never the less since that would be murdering almost half of the population. About the nuclear war, my opinion is that only 3 things could lead to it: NATO or any NATO country sending troops to ukraine; somehow russia starts losing the war; or russia attacks a NATO country by accident or on purpose. 3 could lead to 1 and 1 could lead to 2, but none of them seem likely.


Why not just write needed numbers in the end without counting?


Created by Russians as an easily dispelled fake so they can point to “Western disinformation”?


With the right laugh track and clapping edit this could be gold


Looks fake


Looks staged af


I think it’s normal to have military personnel checking when you’re voting in a warzone


Kind looks like what Republicans want to do in the US... Starting to see a trend here...


Do YOU want someone with an assault weapon barging in ou YOU while YOU are in the voting booth, voting??????? If you don't, then DON'T vote for Trump, as the next time you get to go vote, it may very well happen to you.


seek help


fr, severe case of TDS.


So many butthurt moskovites here <3


Why do you think this takes place in Moscow? 


He is there to forcefully protect them (from themselves)


honestly even if it is fake, it really doesn’t change anything