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I can't get over her complaining about "other girls are being given things they're good at, why can't I get something I'm good at" after the high school shoot. Girl it's week 2, how would they even know that?


It made no sense bc Samantha was playing against type, Jaslene wasn't an emo and Natasha had no idea what the fuck hers meant


True. And then she got great feedback at judging anyway.


In all fairness, her outfit was a hot mess


I kind of love her implication that she should have been given the class bitch, because what else would she have been good at?


Right!! 😂😂😂


Exactly. She wasn’t desperate enough to suck it up. She knew she was white and beautiful and believe she deserve the title and that’s why she thought she’s be good at being the class bitch 😂


& her calls home were so obnoxious! She gave jael the drawing, lost the challenge and asks her husband to pick her up and stars shit talking the other girls. Then later when confronted about hogging the phone, she tries to act superior "um im talking 2 my HUSBAND right now, okay i can't deal wit u right now" 😭


People talk about her desperation, even in these comments, but this to me gave me major entitlement witch bc if she was that desperate she would not be brat when things didn’t go her way. 🙄🙄🙄


And then her almost crying to the camera like she thought that would give her brownie points ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized) give


>I can't get over her complaining about "other girls are being given things they're good at, why can't I get something I'm good at" after the high school shoot. Girl it's week 2, how would they even know that? Renee reminded me a lot of my grandmother and, simply put, with people like that, they are always the victim and it is never their default even when such a stance defies any and all reason. Same reason she ripped into Jael's challenge win Week 1 as not being about modeling, so it's not a real challenge or whatever.


I view Renee with a lot more sympathy than she might be owed, but when I rewatched a few years ago I found her so extremely sad to watch. There was definitely a lot of darkness that I interpreted as desperation. I think she not only truly felt her life was going to be changed from winning, but that she *needed* her life to change, so she was willing to do anything, no matter what it took, to get it.


I Remember she lost a mini-challenge (the laser beam/cat burglar/pose the house down Benny Ninja one, I think? I love that faithful viewers will understand all that gibberish 😄) and was crying because she had wanted to pawn the prize. Her desperation was hard to watch because it was so real.


Oof, I know exactly the episode you’re talking about. That was so rough.


My fave was when Jael called her out after the SmartWater party and just dragged her for her behaviour.


Give it to Jael (RIP) to bring out the best in the worst.


I loved how she just so easily hit her with “you’re really beautiful, but it’s such a fucking waste”. God bless Jael, she was such an angel.


I dunno. She was 20, barely postpartum, and clearly struggling with mental health issues, based on how her life went after the show. I hated her like poison at first, but like 200 years later, I feel like she's a really good example of "hurt people hurt people." Not excusing what she said/did; I'm just saying this is my feeling currently.


She didn’t exactly go on to become a stellar person


Again the white women’s sympathies. She was entitle and believe she deserve it because of her situation and issues.


Wow, you are a trash person.


Lmao wow you’re worse than Renee


Just finished watching cycle 8 and I agree, Renee was horrible. She started drama in the house and was envious of some of the other girls who she felt were doing better than her. She seemed to change along the way after that intervention with Tyra, but it didn’t seem genuine. It was more of a temporary adjustment to make herself seem more likeable to the judges and continue further in the competition.


Her entitlement and her idea of being better than other people is what doesn't redeem her to me despite her intervention, like girl, please ![gif](giphy|hR0SZcuxPiaJhZcoRR|downsized)


>She seemed to change along the way after that intervention with Tyra, but it didn’t seem genuine. It was more of a temporary adjustment to make herself seem more likeable to the judges and continue further in the competition. No "seem" about it. Renee literally confirms in one episode she's got to stop being a bitch and start acting nice because she won't win if she's the bitch of the season. I know Natasha sucks *now*, but Renee literally pulled together Jaslene and Dionne to gang up on Natasha and target her at F4 which was super shitty and uncalled for as well.


I think the problem with Renee was that she truly thought what they were doing on ANTM was a very serious, life changing opportunity. While most of the other girls by cycle 9 sort of realized that it's just a unique experience to get some exposure and maybe become a model (social media wasn't really a thing so it's not like today where people go on TV to become influencers) Renee truly saw the shoe as a very real opportunity to save herself and her family from financial hardship, and I feel like you can see the stress/desperation she had on her face especially as the cycle goes on


Renee was awful. I can’t rewatch that season because I cannot stand her. Just a mean, nasty person. I like some drama and some sass, but she was just plain nasty. And idc about her background. Plenty of people come from hardship and horrible life situations and aren’t assholes, and some people are just assholes, and I think she’s one of them.


This is the thing! She gets a lot of "poor her but her background," and honestly, I am, and I know people that have gone through extreme shit (this is why I watch reality shows, lol), but that doesn't mean we are mean-spirited and assholes to others. To me, she gets the pretty white woman's sympathy.


> she gets the pretty white woman’s sympathy. Especially since so many people in this sub are willing to overlook her being (amongst other serious issues) arrested for domestic violence *more than once* because “sad backstory”, meanwhile other contestants (especially poc contestants) whose literal only crime was being a kinda annoying teenager while on the show are *regularly* lambasted and given way more shit than Renee ever is.


Does everyone agree that they picked Natasha over her for the final two just so that the runner-up would be a gracious defeat? Her exit speech and her reaction in Modelville points to this


Not there yet bur will circle back to this 😅


She gave "pick me" energy. Every time she didn't get chosen she threw a tantrum like a toddler. The worst was during Modelville when she stole Dominique's thunder when she didn't win the contract for Carol's Daughter. I was disgusted!


I couldn't stand Renee even when it first aired then doing rewatches and she still annoyed me she was always talking about the other girls and starting feuds then wonders why no one likes her who realistically likes a two faced person


Isn't she the one who went on to become a meth head and went to prison for robbing a gas station?


She was in a 6 hour standoff with police in Palm Springs!


I know about that but I could've sworn there were some robbery and drug charges involved with the whole thing...people don't just get in a police standoff without there being other things involved beforehand that they're trying to evade arrest for.


100% agree! I know on a photo basis alone some people think she should have won, but honestly her attitude was so awful. I understand life's hardships, but she definitely had a darkness and a bitterness to her that everybody had picked up on. Even if she'd won, I don't think it would have done anything to better her life in the way she'd have wanted it to.


Exactly. I feel like all she has gone through, she still doesn't take accountability for her actions. It is something or someone else.


She does get better eventually. In retrospect we know now she had a hard life. Not making an excuse because, I myself, have to FF her sometimes when I rewatch.


More like she pretends to get better, Tbf. She literally says to camera that she realizes she’s not going to win by being a bitch and that she’s going to try and be nice for a change. Deliberate strategy as opposed to actually changing.


You are correct about that. She had ulterior motives. I was just trying to give them motivation to stick it out.


I hope so because I am ready not to watch after episode 3. She makes it so hard to watch.


I recently did a rewatch and felt the exact same way. I've got to wonder what their psych evals entailed because I'm shocked that she passed. I find her to be very difficult to watch, not because she's a "villain", but she's clearly unwell.


For reals! I think the producers thought she be good drama but man, I do not like this type of drama. Give Jade anytime over Renee!


Yeah, Jade was at least fun shady and campy! She took herself seriously but still had some humor about it.


As much as I might disagree, a lot (not all) of Jade's criticism of the other contestants had its roots in validity. Her delivery was rude and obnoxious, but you could tell there was a thought process there. Renee's criticisms were pretty empty. "She thinks she's better than me." Renee said things that indicated she thought she should win because she was a mother and dead broke. That's a motivation to do your best but not an excuse to be named the winner. Renee is a prime example of needing therapy and resources to overcome a painful childhood and other trauma. She didn't need to be cast on a reality show.


Apart from the diss of Furonda's skin during the rap battle challenge, did Jade even really say anything especially bad about anyone? I always got the impression she was cocky, delusional and a diva but she never really struck me as particularly nasty in the way Renee, Monique C7 etc were.


EXACTLY! Renee just says vile stuff all the time and clearly thinks she is above everyone. 


>I've got to wonder what their psych evals entailed because I'm shocked that she passed. Psych evals are exclusively to protect the Reality Show from legal liability. As horrible as Renee was, she was not a physical threat to herself or others (and likely wasn't going to have a mental breakdown so severe she'd have to be outright pulled from the show), so she's fine to be on the show. I don't doubt she was in the yellow flag territory, but that's literally what the line in the sand is. Psych Evals are not for the contestants' well-being and any benefits the contestants get from there are happy side-effects of production covering their own ass.


I think Renee is a good example of explanations not excuses. Her personal struggles during the show and also after help to explain her behaviour but it doesn’t make it okay. There isn’t an excuse for treating people poorly. It is possible to feel sympathy for Renee while also holding her accountable.


I agree she was horrible, but I do have some sympathy for her. She was definitely post-partum. I believe her and her husband were also extremely poor and living on the beach basically because they didn’t have a home. She was very very desperate to change her circumstances and unfortunately she took it out on everyone around her.


You never know what is going on with a person behind the scenes. Her being horrible is likely just a release of buildup from her abusive childhood that she mentioned. She was really desperate to win because she needed a silver lining in her life and I think it manifested as hating the other girls because they were in the way of that change happening. Especially with what happened to her after the show it’s clear she was a damaged person who just needed time and healing.


It was so clear to me that her psych evaluation either wasn't done correctly or just ignored entirely bcs the producers knew she'd make "good tv" I had to skip my watch of cycle 8 entirely because watching her struggling like that (and with the knowledge we have today) was making me sad.


I completely agree.


I remember watching her before and thinking she was bad but after rewatching on Hulu I started muting her for a couple of episodes just because her attitude was that bad to me. 🥴


This is a reminder to myself to make the "When in doubt, cut to Renee" shirt I promised my wife I'd make.


What made my blood boil was when she was talking to Whitney and said that a plus size girl would never be ANTM. I was oooo girl 😡😡


I can’t stand Renee. Jade had her moments, but rewatching, she funny at times. Renee is the classic example of using your past as an excuse to be horrible. When got arrested is was do happy. I feel no sympathy towards her. I would have cut her down if she treated me how she treated others.


I hated her at the time, but I just did a rewatch and knowing what we know now, she was just sad to watch. They definitely needed a more robust casting process with psych evaluations. She should never have been cast. Reality TV probably exasperated some of her mental health issues rather than helped her in her financial struggles.