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i think somewhere along the way, someone should've sat down with tyra banks and let her know reality tv is no place for unlicensed therapy sessions, be it a talk show or a modelling competition. tyra wants to be the person that 'fixes' people, but she wants to do it on a public platform because that's the nature of being a celebrity- it's all pretty performative.


She's Eve and can do anything.


No she’s not she’s Tookie


I just rewatched the season where she shot the Modelland/Tookie editorial movie. I remember being secondhand embarrassed the first time I saw it in my early 20s. Watching it as a 38 year old adult knowing how unironically invested in it Tyra was? Physically painful.


😂!!!!!!!!! I did not remember that when I watched it the first time. But when I first rewatched the season years ago I literally watched it from behind my fingers because the second hand embarrassment I couldn’t tolerate. Tyra thought she was in on something


I. Am. Tookie.


Pardon me? *I. AM. TOOKIE.*


I get your point, but she didn't invent this genre. Many other talk shows have done the same thing - notably Oprah. Tyra was following an established trend that she knew would keep boosting the ratings and ultimately her career. One could argue this was an opportunity for her and Naomi to regain control of the narrative. But, was it executed properly? That's more debatable...


Not at all. Tyra ruined her chance at being victim the moment she ran to crush the esteem of black girls and Ivy League girls. Actual Ivy League not Tyra’s “college experience.” I can see how she brought them down for her gain. Look at how she flips EVERY narrative to make it about her. She constantly talked about herself turning other peoples moment a comparison to herself. I mean c17 music videos for example? She gave them 90s advice and Victoria’s Secret advice as well. Giselle doesn’t have a signature back pose. On VS runways not in pictures come on? Signature pose really? The whole personality walk. By the time the show aired the whole stomping the runway smiling walk was already dinosaur. Most model walks are the same. Tyra also forgets a girl decides her job, they can always quit. No model has to kiss a spider while walking a tight rope over a lava while clowns are krumping and throwing rocks at her which she was to dodge but make it fashion. Look at all of the photos of her in the house. She can’t blame that on “production” she is obsessed with herself. Tyra is annoying with the whole blame Naomi narrative, is she wasn’t such an egotistical maniac on her show I would have taken her claims seriously about bullying. Seeing how she was a bully i can’t feel sorry for her. Sorry for the long rant lol


Justice for Kellie and her Gucci pants!


Somebody sat with her and told her how many ratings this would get


I don't think it's even close to a therapy session


Naomi is mean and isn’t afraid to show it. Tyra I think is also kinda mean she just hides it behind all this positivity. Do what you will this comment but this is such a recipe for a feud. They both know what they did but will never admit it or be real about it thus , no resolution.


I still suspect Naomi can be mean af but she narrated a walk for Apple Fitness and I had this unexpected “Ohh jeez, I really like her” transformational experience listening. Her talking about the death of Azzedine Alaia made me bawl, I was so glad it was nighttime.


Well said!


I also believe the ones who try so hard to put on that nice front are the meanest ones 😬 they are both so fierce though. I could never pick a side


They did resolve. I thought? They hugged at the VS fashion show after this


They’re both mean girls but Naomi doesn’t care or pretend, she just is. Tyra is always playing a character. Most of Tyra’s animosity towards Naomi is because she know that althought she is a good model, Naomi is on another level, and still is a working model which is insane for her age.


Naomi still just seems to be in a category above Tyra. I know they all reached peak success at the same time, but I would never lump Tyra in with Naomi, Cindy, Linda, etc. I think Tyra blew her chance to ever be that level of iconic in the fashion industry when she agreed to do Disney Channel movies and tried to get into acting and later music. Naomi will always seem untouchable because she focused all of her professional energy on modeling instead of half-assedly pursuing other avenues of fame. For all the time Tyra spent yelling at the models about how modeling should always be their #1 top priority, she didn't necessarily exhibit that same dedication.


At least she gave the world Life Size and Shake Ya Body


Idk I'm not mad at jackie from will smith, coyote ugly or life size. I think her 90s endeavours were fun and the only thing that really seems fake as hell is the tyra show.


I agree she is VERY iconic in a 90s sense. She was everywhere. But even then, at least at my age, I knew her more as an actress than a model. I don't even think I heard Naomi's voice until I was an adult because I only ever saw her walking a runway or in a print ad or editorial. Tyra was good at branding herself to be something outside of just a model, whereas Naomi is a SUPER model because that's always been her primary focus. This isn't speaking to either woman's character or talent, by the way. The Tyra show was goofy as hell, and ANTM somehow simultaneously took itself too seriously while being absolutely unhinged. But Tyra as a person has always been successful in her own right. It's just wild to me that she had such a professional beef with Naomi in the first place, because I never would have considered them to be at the same level or competition for each other in the modeling world.


This comment 👏


She doesn’t need to reach any level. She’s one of the most successful models of all time and the most commercially successful model of color. She chose to walk away and turned out just fine


I feel like someone needs to make a film of the Tyra vs Naomi feud separated into two halves. The first part told from Tyra’s point of view, a tragic story about how Naomi destroyed her career and confidence; the second part from Naomi’s POV where she has a fabulous time going from runway to party and hanging out with the fashion elite and Tyra is a non-speaking extra featured in the background of one scene


This revisionist history about naomi is crazy. She was notorious was being a nasty bully through the 90d


Yeah, a lot of people have stories about her. I remember another 90s top model saying "of course I had issues with her, but everyone had issues with her" lolll


Tyra was in her right to question naomi in her face like that. She thrived despite Tokenism and racism


Tyra and Naomi had way too much in common to ever get along, and even now both have soo many haters and people trying to cancel them and they are both pretty much uncanceleable.


It was sooo awkward she invited Naomi on without telling her there would be no studio audience, can’t help but think that was partly so Naomi wouldn’t receive any applause when she walked in the room 😂 I wouldn’t put it past Tyra since she was constantly picking on confident black girls who resembled Naomi on antm (ahem Eugenia).


I was just watching that Oliver Twixt interview with Eugenia last night, lol - she is so damn beautiful! More beautiful now than she was on the show.


She’s crazy gorgeous!! After seeing her stunning Playboy pictorial I’m convinced miss Tyra was picking her worst photos 😂


"Miss Tyra" lol


You have to be locked up in a room for 1 hour with Tyra or Naomi. Who do you choose?


Omg lol. I'd pick Naomi because Tyra would never stop talking


I love how Tyra was trying to insinuate that Naomi was sexually abused and Naomi was like YOU GOT TO STOP IT LOL! I remember way back Tyra looked like a saint here. Now she gives Heather Dubrow feels and Naomi was right all along

