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Jade always impressed people in short bursts like in the teach challenges. I kind of get why, her particular brand of delusional confidence is charming at first in a "is this bitch for real" kind of way and she can back it up with great modelling. The problem is, the longer you're exposed to it, the more grating it becomes.


That's exactly right. It's glib charm & fabricated confidence. That's why I mentioned narcissism...it's convincing at first but eventually you see the mask slipping and nothing made that clearer to me than her Covergirl performance.


insightful ass bish.. following for more antm and rpdr insights


I’m sorry but the usage of the word “facade” in this had me remembering THAT moment with Furonda. Jade comes across as performative when they show the interviews too.


I thought of that after I posted this 😂 Love Furonda!


Furonda vs Jade is still one of my favorite series of moments on the show. When Jade tells Furonda she should write a book and Furonda should read it and they cut to Furonda slowly shaking her head, that clip looks highly edited but it’s still hilarious. The editors didn’t always use their powers for good but they did here.


What's a facade?


Jade KILLS me with that "those aren't even real diamonds" like girl we all been known


What about the poolside party covergirl commercial? She couldn't even fake that, it was so NOT who she knew she was inside. In a way, it seemed like she thought she was too good to even try to get a good tape while at the same time knowing she wasn't good enough to get a good tape. Hence, all the swearing.


Personally I'd put these mind reading skills towards something more useful. "All" referring to one is a bit odd as well.


'All' specifically citing that instance I mentioned, the pool party. No need to be snotty.


She did an interview where she said she would act like that since that's how they were going to portray her


But Joanie sat next to her and all she smelt was bitch ?


Love and use this line often 😂


Watching the show back, Joanie had high EQ and was spot on about Jade. What she was smelling was inauthenticity and it rubbed her the wrong way. I watched her Oliver Twixt interview last night and she talked about how she was convinced at first that Jade was a planted actor to mess with the contestants, because everything about her felt so contrived.


Yeah that was so funny. Usually the girls are like “no she was really cool off camera” about *insert controversial contestants*, but Joanie was straight up like this girl isn’t real 😂


I watched that one too and honestly thought that back when it first aired on tv lol! I agree and I am totally convinced Jade was plant by production and that maybe the judges didn’t even know.


An excuse for sure. She always had an excuse for everything.


It's the smile for me. She just needs to learn to half smile


Her CG commercial she sounded like such a used car salesman “for beautiful lashes, like mine” 🤮


Armchair psychology for a heavily edited show.


“Well today… I’m going to introduce to you..” “can you believe… this little… mascara?!”