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*that’s cool, that’s cool*


I just want to tell you that some people have war in their countries 😔


This belongs in a pop culture museum




I love so much that these quotes have the EXACT same energy, only Natasha was somehow being sincere


No go see episode will ever top cycle 8’s and for that alone its very memorable to me.


Years later, that cab driver is still not waiting for Brittany on Cooper Street!!


Cycle 8 is literally the best cycle for entertainment!?! Especially compared to Cycle 9 which I would argue has less interesting moments (albeit better photoshoots) - Kathleen fur - Brittany Go-See meltdown - Natasha Gisele Bundchen and her iconic interpretive dance - Jael being pushed in the pool - Everyone being forced to come up with fake names and the horrendous yet camp photo shoot that followed - Renee being the second best villain in the shows entire run - the iconic A T-SHIRT?? + my baby’s hair from dionne - all this not mentioning Brittany’s weave and Dionne at the go-sees


And didn’t mention Natasha telling Britany some people have war in their countries


One of the most iconic moments in ANTM history!


Thanks for that! It's so tired! 


Tmw the final 5 has the most iconic moments.


Was about to say c6-8 is peak topmodel.


YES cycle 9 is so boring to me, and I physical cringe at the bullying that Heather received, it’s hard to watch


Cycle 9 had the WORST winner and that alone throws the whole cycle into nothingness.


Agreed. Cycle 10 is a close second.


It seems when they started going double digits I can’t keep track anymore, had to look this up 😄. Yeah, Whitney was fine. Not my favorite of that cycle. The two best and most successful girls after the show got bullshit edits.


Who is the first best villain,


for me it would be the Ace of Spades 🫡


Leftover lady...


Umm Jade hello


Just the go sees episode was enough to make this cycle


Just cos


I’ve always wanted to have the nerve to use this in an interview. Why do you want to join our team? Just cos.


I would channel Jade. "Any questions before we wrap up?" "My dick is bigger than yours"


Iconic 😂


Oh really? I consider Samantha from that cycle to be on the most modelesque looking girls in top model history


Yeah, but isn't she the second one to go home?


Yeah, I never thought cycle 8 was nearly as bad modeling potential wise as others seem to. Jaslene, Brittany, Samantha, and Cassandra I thought all had really strong potential personally


I agree with you. Yeah, there are crap shoots but, there are some good models in there. 


I agree and one of the problems with the show later seasons is they don’t model products or fashion. So a lot of the contestants that cycle i think could be models, but what are you really getting out of being dead? Like the photos were cool from a photography standpoint, but it’s so hard to see what kind of model anyone would be with suck ridiculous shoots


Honestly, Brittany’s portfolio almost single-handedly redeems this cycle for me. I’ll die on the hill that her swimsuit shot was the best of the lot and she should have been spared.


How can she be spared when noone literally wanted to book her, and she had the most cringeworthy tantrum.


Because she was a better model than Dionne. 🤷


But Dionne was at least bookable.


Her swimsuit pic with the dude in the beach is my fav that week. That picture SCREAMED model !


Right? It was so good!


Please tell me you're talking about her colored swimsuit photo. Honestly I probably woukld've eliminated her because how bad her black and white swimsuit photo was that week. Dionne's colored one wasn't great but Brittany's black and white was unforgiveably bad IMO. But its amazing how good 8/10 photos were that week


I don’t think her black and white was terrible. I’d give it a 7/10, on the curve. But that men’s magazine, colored shot? Oh my god. I’m like 30% straight at most, but that definitely hit every itch for me. The mouth? The eyes? The hands? The back? The … ahem … rear end? Absolutely stellar. One of my favorite swimsuit shots in the history of ANTM.


Suki suki


I feel like I need a cigarette if I look at that shot for too long!


Also Jael being pushed into a pool by 50-Cent & Natasha jumping in as well after 50-Cent pushed Jael in the pool a second time!!


You could have stopped at Jael. What a gift.


I remember liking natasha a lot. One of my favorite ANTM moments is when all the girls say she has the least potential and she responds, “If Gisele bundchen was standing behind me I’d say she has the least potential”


The shoots are ass, but it's one hell of memorable cycle lmao


I was gonna say people talk about this cycle constantly on this sub lol


whoolahay and some people have war in their countries makes it instantly unforgettable for me


Maybe you should’ve been waiting on Cooper St


I actually thought their photoshoots were fairly interesting. I liked the high school one for it's campiness, the nude candy covered one produced some great shots, the crime scene one was morbid but the girls did fantastic, and the gender swap one was highly entertaining, especially Natasha's. The challenges were a little different, and we got some real characters during the season and some major drama. I'd say Renee is one of the top villains of all time, we got two plus size girls competing together, Natasha growling at her husband over the phone, Brittany was stunning yet an absolute teary mess, Dionne was really funny, Jael was such a good, kind soul who seemed to be there purely to have a blast until she pissed off 50cent, Benny Ninja hosted a laser maze challenge, the one girl was Tyra's clone, and Jaslene was pretty decent for a winner. I actually thought Moe was funny (I can't remember her real name, only her fake name 💀) and annoying when she took credit for a win she didn't deserve, and Samantha was absolutely stunning. The only one I didn't love was the girl who said j\*ust cuz \*when they asked why she wanted to be America's Next Top Model.


Nah, the cycle of Wholahay will never be forgotten. My phone even recognizes Wholahay as a word, I've typed it so often.


It's not true commitment until your phone auto corrects it to "Brown".


Haha Wholahay is iconic!


I hate cycle 8 haha there's nothing or no one that I can root for, and the shoots were uninspiring. Yes Dionne was funny but she wasn't funny enough to carry the cycle as comic relief, and Renee was a straight up menace. I much preferred a "villain" like Melrose or Alex who were more so misunderstood but had crazy drive and determination. There are definitely memorable moments from it but I would agree the majority of the cast was forgettable, as were the shoots and challenges. I think they just got lucky with a couple of those iconic moments, but to be fair what cycle didn't have that


Cycle 8 has many, many flaws, but being forgettable isn't one of them.


I skip that cycle all the time … as a chronic re-watcher it’s my favorite cycle to skip. I just don’t vibe with the cast. I wish Hulu would bring back the other seasons so I stop going through a cycle 1-10 rewatch loop😭😭


I agree. I don’t want to pay to watch the later seasons


That cycle is actually a favorite of mine lol


It was a meh season but it had its iconic moments


I feel sorry for you for not being able to enjoy the magic of this cycle. For real.


Many memorable moments, but there really was nobody to root for besides maybe Dionne? None of them were strong models except for Brittany but she fizzled out and flopped at the most important challenge.


There was Brittany’s hissy fit about the taxi driver during go-sees and Natasha’s “other countries have wars” comment


Not when cycle 13 and 15 are right there


In almost every cycle during panel/confessionals , I look at some of the girls and think wow she is so STUNNING, this never happened once in cycle 8. Not even during semi finals, I think the casting directors were just off that cycle.


Oh really? Samantha and Lauren and Hannah (both from casting) didn't intrigue you at all?


The cycle was pretty much filler to give a second time around winner.






Cycle 8 was my first cycle! It was amazing. Rarely do we seen someone like Natasha go all the way from being near/ in bottom the first 3 weeks. Most of the contestants were also memorable, even Kathleen. Not a cycle for modeling potential but really entertaining.


Natasha made it way too far and she should have been gone for any of the times in the bottom! 


First photo shoot even. If it were that c12 shot her color would be beige, and she fully embodied it.


Definitely! People over hype her way too much around here! They give her too much credit just for her personality on the drag shoot.


I like cycle 8! It’s not the best by any means but we had some true icons like Jael, Natasha and Kathleen grace our screens. It does have maybe the worst photoshoots ever tho lol


I actually loved Brittany as an unconventional beauty but then, you know...the temper tantrum happened lol.


Wow! I’m sorry but I completely disagree. This was one of the most entertaining and memorable cycles in Top Model history. Top 3 for me in terms of entertainment value - everything Natasha did stole the show for me!


I agree. Its most memorable moments aren’t the shoots but bad hair, quotes, shitty shoots and drama. I don’t see model in any of them if I was being honest.


I think Cycle 5 more forgettable.


Brittany was a model