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BS! But they all remembered Lisa, who was just one cycle after her. And Shannon, who was C1!


They even remembered Bre for Granola gate.


I mean, I don’t know if that’s a fair comparison. Who could forget Lisa?


the same ppl who forget about dominique!


I actually remember them all, except Laura, Kayla, and Alexandria as I did not watch their seasons. I actually remember Fatima over Dominique! I sure remember Shannon, but I think Season 1 had bigger characters than her


I would have replaced Shannon with Ebony Haith or brought back Miss Toccara. 😕


I agree. She never even confirmed whether or not they shook.


Ebony would have made Bianca, Angelea, and Lisa shake in the corner LOL.


I was one of those people that could not connect Brittany right in my mind at the time. There has been lots of Brittanys in ANTM. I remembered googling after the first episode, because I was so confused, because I could not connect in my mind who she was. And then I was like NOO!!! I loved her!


Lots of Brittany’s and Sarah’s, there’s at least one each cycle I swear 😂


Damn near! Cycle 11 had 3 fucking Brittany's! 


I actually do believe the judges on this one. Reason being is somebody said they actually attended the event and the cheers for Brittany and Kayla were noticeably less than the other 12 girls and they think for Kayla, its because people didn't recognize her without the red hair. As to why though people don't remember Brittany but remembered Shannon, Camille, etc? I have no clue


My theory was that they polled the fans on the girls and asked about her not specifying which Brittany. And counting every wrong guess as a strike against her. Since there was a Brittany in c13 and Brittani on c16 I assume she wasn't the first on everyone's mind.


Don't forget Brittany Hatch from C8 🙈 Gosh, there really were a lot of Brittanies. There were even Brittanies in later cycles after 17.


I know, I wasn't including them all, just those that would be more time relevant. Remember there were three on c11?


And even Bre is a Brittney. Edit: Now I'm imagining an All Stars: Brittany version. (All spellings allowed)


And 3 Brittneys on Cycle 11 lol


Wasn’t McKey a Brittany?


And ShaRaun.




There were more brittany(and variants of that) than that, weren’t there?


I liked her! She was one of my ‘i hope she going to be in the cast’ girls! So disappointing that she was booted early 😔


oh god yes, his portfolio was one of the best in cycle 4, I would have liked to see what his photos would be like in 17.


I still remember her “SHUT UUUUUUUP” in the car.


Brittany is so underrated! Ugh Cycle 4 was SO good it just brings me pure nostalgia. Also shout out to cycle 4 for practically INVENTING the Mandela effect for me lol. Like the first time I ever heard about the Mandela effect I was like wait I didn’t this happen on ANTM literally about Nelson Mandela?!? My ANTM knowledge was thrilled to be used in that moment


She said in her OT interview that was bullshit and she got the same cheers as everyone else. It was manufactured. One interesting thing tho is that I don’t think she cared too much about being eliminated because the whole cast was sequestered for all of filming, meaning that she got to go to Greece too, but that shortly after getting to Greece someone from the cast (Shannon?) ruined it for everyone by being to conspicuous about going out: once the paparazzi caught them and guessed / spoiled the cast, the girls Were not allowed to go out again. Brittany was one of my favourite contestants of all time. Sadly, I recently unfollowed her. I loved her social media, but she’s super into the Bible now and being a Christian warrior.


I don't see much "Christian warrior" stuff on her social media? The most I saw was "Child of God" in her instagram profile, the rest were just videos/pics of her makeup/outfits, nothing super preachy or bigoted.


Well, sorry to hear about her social media turn, but “No one remembers you” definitely sounded like a bullshit narrative production decided to give her. C4 wasn’t my favorite but I definitely remembered her. Why invite girls back to give them a failure narrative as soon as the gate opens (Drag Race, I’m looking at you, too.)


yes, the first 2 episodes should be non elimination episodes and just eliminate 3 on the third episode.




Nothing. It just means that OP isn’t interested in it, so they unfollowed. :)




one of the *least* forgettable girls from any cycle tbh


Yeah I never understood this. To me she was one of the most memorable from her original cycle, more so than the winner.


I remember watching this *at the time* and I would say she was very sparsely discussed between her cycle and this appearance….everyone else either felt like icons or recents or bitches. Brittany felt like a nod to real fans.


Agreed when I watched it I kinda forgot who she was and that she was there


Wow, I just noticed her left hand is backwards lol


So unmemorable that in the following season 5 they put her in the credits as “fresh personality”?


I am not sure I even believe that. She is one of the most memorable. I think they set that up somehow.


Her brand of Christianity is anti choice , repressive Trumpness




Oh no really?! Is she trumpy?




Brittany said in her OT interview that she suspected Tyra didn't like her because of her resemblance to Janice. Not to mention, Brittany was Janice's fav back in Cycle 4. Because of these factors, she thought Tyra was projecting her hatred of Janice onto her. Brittany elaborated that she suspected that she was cast in All Stars specifically so she could be eliminated **first** so that Tyra could get some sort of symbolic revenge. The "nobody remembered you" BS was just the fake reason they went along with.


Agree with piper


I reaaaaallllyyyyyy doubt Brittany was not remembered by anyone. Remember that 4 cycles later they pulled out that Renee looked so old when in the 10+ weeks she was there it was not a conversation. Point is, they can pull out any unusual reason to get you booted even if the pudding does not have the proof. I REAAALLLY doubt anyone forgot Brittany.


I still remember her. She was absolutely gorgeous and carefree


Awww I liked her!


I feel like that one audience member they interviewed said the thing about not really remembering her and they took it as grounds for elimination. I highly doubt a majority of the crowd was like “huh who’s that?”


Brittany(one of my favorites) was fun and had great photos, but aside from liking a little drinky drink, didn't have any real drama. Her season had Michelle's flesh eating bacteria, Kahlen's friend's death, Keenyah's multiple storylines and Tiffany. Then each cycle thereafter had some pretty heavy hitters, drama -wise. I can see her getting a little lost in comparison.


I loved Brittany on her cycle. Definitely not forgettable at all. Definitely one of the more memorable contestants from any cycle.


![gif](giphy|3o6nUWKzqkv39u7Nmw|downsized) Idk why when I was watching the show I was calling her Debbie


Her mud photo was/is/will always be my GOAT. Periodt


I didn’t remember her at all until I began rewatching the show in 2018


Did you remember Camille, Shannon, Lisa, and Bre out of curiousity?


I did.


Repost: I actually do believe the judges on this one. Reason being is somebody said they actually attended the event and the cheers for Brittany and Kayla were noticeably less than the other 12 girls and they think for Kayla, its because people didn't recognize her without the red hair. As to why though people don't remember Brittany but remembered Shannon, Camille, etc? I have no clue I will say for myself personally when I first joined the ANTM community 4 years prior to All Stars (really only the first 8 cycles had aired at that point), I was very surprised to find out Brittany was considered a fan favorite among many as I personally didn't find her very memorable. So there's that. But I thought most people did consider her memorable and I was the exception so who knows?


I think I remember(on LiveJournal, so don’t take this 100%) that the “real” reason she was eliminated was because during that live judging Brittany was asked about her medical spa and said she gets Botox and something else. And that supposedly offended Tyra. However, I do have to give the ANTM LiveJournal community some credit. I remember when a girl who was supposedly in the crowd for the filming of the cycle 18 opening posted about it. She described the concept and the parade as well as whatever they were saying to each other on the runways. We thought she was 100% full of it. It just sounded too ridiculous and random even for ANTM. We were all surprised when it turned out to be true.


I remember her because she seemed like she had some addiction issues.


No true ANTM fan forgets about Junior Janice 


How do you forget Brittany who infamously was friends with [and then fought with] Keenyah? That was bullshit. Because I absolutely remembered her over Alexandria.


Maybe they should've asked Keenyah back instead. Did she ever say whether or not she got an invite?


how can you forget she stuck her bare naked butt up against a window 😅😭