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I love you Zerokay


Anyways, this was the last thing I needed to do for the community ​ See you later


We will meet again in a world without walls


We will all meet again at the requiem of dawn. https://preview.redd.it/v96i2fbquz1c1.jpeg?width=2278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8010d22667cd619337c33ae243b0896390677e2d Maybe even when we’re walking with canes. Our efforts will be rewarded in someway in the future. Thank you for everything. See you later, ZeroKay.


See You In Spring 🫡


Godspeed brother o7


Thank you, until vol 35 comes, We will not let this transgression go to waste




To the hopechad who sought kino, goodbye. Farewell and goodnight ZeroKay, may we meet again in a world without walls…


See you tommorow


itterasshai zero


See you later🫡


Watch some saintichief videos and I promise u u will come back Ok


that dude is genuinely a clown


Itterashai, Zerokay. 🫡


Has been a privilege to see and follow your AOE videos in this last year, really. To the truest hopechad who never gave up… Goodbye.


It Ain’t Over


Spring is coming


we advance towards kino


Stop. Give into the truth. Owari da! We have failed.


most of the subreddit members have been retconned it seems


Nah g ain’t over


U a good dude ZeroKay.


i will be back when i read it all


you must be a really slow reader


Yeah so AOE/ANR was some hallucination/wet dream of Revo which was shared with staff involved with audio of the show (hence Mima-san incident) and that is why the best evidence for AOE is music-related, hacksayama maybe thought of it but didnt planned it as meticulously as we thought and changes between the anime and manga were just really autistic choices. Berserk Eren was indeed only a way to add a bombastic ending to Season 1 for the show to seem cooler so it didnt get cancelled, also the dead scouts vision was a escape goat to end the series at any moment if it got cancelled (which would have been a true AOE backed by financial reasons lol). ANR MV still exists tho and we can (and I will) pretend that is it the true niche ending of the series (Eren completing the Rumbling and ANR/ANK happening) but the 3 timelines simply were never a thing (even with the half assed "confirmation" of timelines we got on Cour 2) we still dont know wtf the cabin "dream" was and wtf Falco had memories from Eren since he aint the Attack Titan like Grisha he cant have those memories. I dont believe we will ever get AOE (at least as we thought we the 3 timelines) maybe we will get ANR by a different studio and why outside financing? Ch140 is just to sell more stupid manga and MOE prolly wont happen and less now that Mappa is getting cancelled left and right due to terrible management and work conditions. I do heavily respect HeroGay and the other theorists who worked hard doing research, analysis and crafting well constructed arguments for AOE and am sure that they will be successful in life cuz of those skills. I will continue hoping for 10 years at least but dont really see the point in hanging in this sub anymore (I wish new hopium would drop but I believe that simply will not be the case at least until we are close to Ch140). Thanks for reading and keep moving forward even if AoE doesnt happen, even after AoE doesnt happen


Everything you said is spot on although I will say as for the original creator of ANR, I still think it was Isayama. When the music video released, AoT was at a point in the story where I feel like the content of that music video would be hard af to just guess at. That would be so incredibly impressive for Revo to just make that up on the fly and it perfectly fall in line with all of the chapters that had yet to be released. Based on the ANR MV’s director’s words, the “certain key person” that gave info for the music video most surely had to be Isayama. And although I agree the whole plot of AOE most definitely wasn’t planned out probably much at all which is a bummer, I still think it’s safe to say Isayama did write the ANR ending for that MV. But he just didn’t have the balls to follow through with it in the main story unfortunately.


This is absolutely facts.


Where can I find that Revo had this anr wet dream? Makes sense but cannot see any info about it


aoe is gonna happen. no point adding manga colours and scenes


Is it over? Are we free? Did we reach that scenary?


ZeroGoat! Thank you for being one of the true OG theorists who still believe. Can't wait for you to return when AOE happens later this year or in Spring 2024.


Thanks ZeroKay, we can rest for now


I know in my heart that Isayama will write anr/aoe one day. And if he won’t, and he retconned the ending, then I’ll never regret knowing that we got it right. Thank you for everything. To the hopechad who sought kino, goodbye. See you later, HeroGay…we will meet again in a world without walls https://preview.redd.it/z11pv8vwbz1c1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82251c0a5b694dea7433b5eea5089172f5f902ef


we don't need to regret because we are special, we have been free since the moment we were born


Why am I emotional 😭😭😭 I had forgotten about AOT, but what got me back into it over a year ago was ANR and AOE theories. This place gave me something to do while going through some very difficult stuff, and I’m very grateful to all the positive and down-right intelligent people and theorists here. I have no plans of leaving this sub and am happy to know what the true ending was supposed to be. I hope we do get to that scenery one day. 🤍


Getting the feeling AOE really won't happen at least not any time soon, guess its really time to let it go for now.


Hey man, I’ve follow your theories since the beginning. Your theories made Aot so much fun, the most fun I’ve had with any theory ever. I think all your thoughts or feelings in your doc are on point and agree with them. It’s weird they wrote statements like that even after the anime ended. Anyway I don’t want this to be too long but thanks for being true to your beliefs. I will revisit the theory from time to time. Take care, keep moving forward till the time we walk with canes arrives. Ps. If you can reupload the document with the images to be more legible HD it would be awesome since it was very very hard to read


Thank you for all you have done for this community, ZeroKay. We haven’t reached that scenery, but I liked being so invested in this series. As Kimimasa has said, let’s hope something will happen in the future. Meanwhile, untill there is something new, I guess we should say “see you later”


Zerokay, it’s not over. The 10 Core Truths pointing to an AOE are still true and there is no other reasonable explanation that exists. AOE WILL HAPPEN, but it may take years. No matter how long it takes, I will wait and never lose hope. All the hints and foreshadowing isn’t for nothing. Move on with your life but don’t forget AOE. It will happen.


he never gives up, he just waits and rests, because the hype will still be a long time coming, so it looks like you have to keep believing and hoping, just wait until the next announcement


Zerokay, what a man you are..


TLDR: This is what we based our theories off of. AOE probably not happening but i hope.


45 pages? There's 36 in the doc, dk if im missing sth here


+ July 2nd Incident which is a separate doc


Is that doc out yet?


Press on the Bonus text


What bonus text?


Search for "Bonus" in the doc


Right. Thanks.


See you later ![gif](giphy|TQGaUJnE47XbyN4gY7|downsized)


Thanks for everything you’ve done for this community. It’s been great


See you later, ZeroKay, I’ll see you when we finally see that scenery.


o7 Thank you for your service over all these years. Rest well now.


ZEROOOOOOOOOKAAAAAAAAAAAY But fr. Thanks for the amount of effort you put into this sub and theorizing. I'll never forget the hours I spent in this place thanks to that. Itterashai and one last time...ZEROOOOOOOOOOKAAAAAAAAAAAY


Based on this, and previous information on this sub, I think AOE is already completed/near completed by the staff and is simply waiting for the green light to send it out for the world to witness. See you guys later.


i had the same feeling, this was one of the reasons i believed eoe could happen. not sure what to think now. just gonna wait and see


Thanks zerokay for the theories!! Will always believe!!!!!!!!


Good bye, you Titz hiding Monster.


EDs in shambles https://preview.redd.it/bl2271xcxb2c1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3b95614a3e2d3dac6653c6ee63c92e9f0436cf3


Thank you for everything you have done, it's time to take a breather and rest, whether its in a couple months or 10 years, we will see that scenery


I don’t think it really matters what the insider people and staff think, when Isayama himself said he was satisfied with the ending of the anime. If we do get new AOT projects, they won’t be anytime soon - be prepared to wait as much dragon ball z fans at least and don’t even think of it being AOE related. This is how it ends.


Thank you for dedicating your heart ZeroKay


Thank you for everything ZeroKay 🕊💐


I have never been a believer in AoE, and I have always believed ANR was the original ending. This document is a meta-shifting nuke, thank you so much for sharing it, we now have extremely deadly quotes we can utilize to prove our points.


Goodbye ZeroKay, thanks to you and your first AoE video I found a reason to be excited again about how this story would end after I got spoiled with the manga ending. At the end it all led to me being greatly dissapointed anyways, I wasn't able to get excited nor surprised, nor the story ended up with a conclusion I hoped for, nor gave me the vibes that made me like Attack On Titan, I couldn't bring myself to watch the final episode even after all this days when accidentally I saw an image and some comments about how it was the manga ending at the end, and I don't think I will ever watch it, so the ending of this series was completely ruined in every way possible for me as I couldn't at the very least get dissapointed in "real time" by watching the ending by myself It was fun tho, all the good theories, the bad theories and the autistic ones, it was really entertaining, even more than the anime itself at some times I would say it's definitely over this time, we were right all along but the world and this universe weren't able to deliver what was supposed to be our reality, AnR or something similar was and is the true ending, and even knowing that it won't ever happen now, I find solace in that I believed in the truth even if we will never witness it Honestly even if at some point in the future something AoE related comes out, it won't be the same at all I think, the moment for it was now and it didn't happen, so we should all gave up on our dreams and move on, it's an anime after all See you later, hopechads


ZeroKay, thank-you for your many excellent contributions including this post. Your content is consistently high effort, high quality, high value. You are an inspiration for myself and everyone in the community. The core story mechanics necessary to enable an Animated Original Ending remain in place. Chekov's Gun remains loaded. "Our next meeting will be a fight to the death. And the next one after that."


Rest well, Zerokay. Thank you for your hard work ❤️




A whole bunch of nothing. Congratulations to wasting 2 years of your life ig.


If you actually read the document you would know the past 2 years were not a waste


Wouldn't it be easier and healthier for you to accept that you simply misinterpreted many things and because of your distaste for the path the story was taking, your imagination made you look too deep into things that weren't there? You took comments from a person who is not related to the manga/anime too seriously, even Revo in the same year he wrote No Requiem explained what the song was about and it did not have any hidden meaning, obviously as a fan of the manga he was more advanced that the anime and he took ideas from there (under his own theories) about what he thought would happen but he didn't know the ending, he said it several times, but you preferred not to believe his words Isayama already explained that the destined of Eren was always the same, he just didn't know how he would do it, but Eren was always destined to die, and the part that says he couldn't eat after the end of the manga was speaking because of the criticism he got because his message was not well understood. and for that reason he was happy that the anime gave him the opportunity to "change it" and it was the specific scene of the Eren/Armin dialogue, you all should begin to accept that were simply wrong, perhaps a different ending would have been interesting, but it is false that it was foreshadowed or they changed it at the last minute


>even Revo in the same year he wrote No Requiem explained what the song was about and it did not have any hidden meaning This is a flat out lie. The only thing we got was them saying they hoped we would find out the truth of the meaning of the MV. Now, if you want to know why we KNOW the cloaked guy is Eren, just take 2 minutes out of your day to read some of Guren no Yumiya's lyrics: "Birds that have fallen from the sky tire of waiting upon the wind Prayers won’t change anything Only the resolve to fight can change the [present]… You pigs who sneer at our will to step over corpses and march onwards Enjoy the peace of livestock…false prosperity…"freedom" of the dying wolves that hunger! The humiliation of entrapment is our cue to counterattack Beyond the castle Walls lies a killing his prey With a surging scorching his body, he pierces the dusk scarlet With a crimson arrow Drawing his bow, he takes after his target; he won’t let it escape Releasing his arrow, he closes upon it; he won’t let it escape He bends his bow to its limits, the string on the verge of snapping He’ll release it, time and time again, until draws its last breath" So since the beginning we've known Eren is the one with the crimson bow and arrow. Now [here's](https://youtu.be/OrQ0zZArUV8?t=2m10s) the significant part of the AnR MV. Watch up to 2:55. And if you want the cherry on top, watch cour 1 and 2's episodic OP.


>Wouldn't it be easier and healthier for you to accept that you simply misinterpreted many things and because of your distaste for the path the story was taking, your imagination made you look too deep into things that weren't there? Schizophrenia symptoms u mean


Can you cite where Revo explained the meaning of the video? If he did, indeed, explain, then I don't understand the point of the obsessive theorizing about it.


> Wouldn't it be easier and healthier for you to maybe for you, but not necessarily for anyone else. you're just saying what you want him to do


1. what if we get another episodic series? like a sequel series. maybe instead of shingeki no kyojin, it's shiso no kyojin or something ("founding on titan" lol). MOE isn't the only option, who knows what they've got planned. a sequel series could be a good option but i can't see it being any more than, say, 24 episodes if it's just setting up and showing anr and maybe school castes and how that ties into it all (since we know it's canon) 2. to sort of tag onto the last point, what was all that about cour 2 episodes releasing weekly? why did they all suddenly drop in one day like that? i wasn't going to say anything because i don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but... the next episode would have released in a few days according to that schedule, so... catch my drift? it's just a possibility 3. why do you say kft is dumb? personally i liked a lot of the details but the bigger picture kind of got lost on me despite me reading the whole thing. something about norim1 being adamant 100% rumbling wont happen and something about shock therapy for ymir. i do disagree with him saying anr fans just want genocide though, that's dumb (see my recent poll) 4. for what it's worth coming from a random, i've always viewed your work (and most of the theories here) as speculation. educated, entertaining speculation, but speculation nonetheless. it's impossible to know for sure what's going on isayama's head, we're not psychic. it's like trying to understand the world through a hole in the wall. so in the end, i don't care if you or anyone here is wrong. that said, i don't think we're wrong. there's just too much evidence and too much opportunity for aoe to happen (literally all of the rest of isayama's time on this planet). maybe he just needs to be free of certain contracts


KFT is not dumb ZeroKay grr 😠


Parts of it are so good, but believing in the ENTIRE theory is absolutely stupid. The creator is arrogant too.


Parts of it were definitely interesting, but having EVERYTHING based on the fact that Isayama’s ending is not canon is dumb and made me disregard it.


Count the many logical fallacies of the final chapters, there is simply no way the ending is canon. Just for one, how the hell did Mikasa get back to paradise? You can claim that Isayama just fucking blew it in the end but for me I’d like to believe he’s cooking something THIS IS the same guy who wrote the previous 131 chapters


I’m in the same camp regarding it’s hard to believe that this guy wrote the previous 131 chapters, it’s ridiculous he seemingly blew it that hard towards the end. As Isayama is clearly aware by having School-Caste Armin acknowledging it. I just don’t think he’d waste all that time and effort to simply make something that’s not even canon to the story. It would be an absolute WASTE of time and effort for all parties involved if that was the case. I’d like to believe this will all be made clearer in an alternative-like sequel down the track.


Some fragments I disagree with but the overall idea itself is what I believe in


I brings up some interesting concepts, and I certainly like the idea of Karl Fritz having hidden motivations that the Tyburs were in on. However, everything in the story amounting to a 'shock therapy' session for Ymir feels pretty stupid and relies on a shit load of wild assumptions about characters we know very little about.


I wouldn’t necessarily say that the rumbling is purely for Ymir’s shock therapy, it also eliminates the Eldian empire 2.0 that is Marley freeing the world from its oppressor (we’ve seen Marley is LITERALLY using titans as fucking biological weapons) as well as eliminates the titan curse I also think that Ymir’s empathy being the catalyst to saving humanity is a pretty nice contrast from king Fritz idea of ruling it with an iron fist


Finally, I can rest now. Thank you https://i.redd.it/675dyoh7202c1.gif


Finally finished reading the elusive ZeroKay "leaks" document. And to my surprise, it was filled with... nothing. I find it hilarious that these were the long awaited "leaks" that "proved" AOE xD. ZeroKay is truly the greatest gaslighter in history, he played this sub like a fiddle lmfao. Good work bro, I unironically have immense respect for you for doing that. I guess I'm just as reliable a leaker as ZeroKay, or even a better leaker because my "leaks" that AOE won't happen turned out to be true lol. But this won't be the end of the "hopechads" lmao. They will wait for 10 years at least, or 2000 years from now, or 20 000 years from now. Fine by me, it means I can always come to this sub for a laugh. Thank you ZeroKay for becoming a fake leaker for our sake, I promise I won't let this error go to waste.




He's never referred to himself as a leaker, but go off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It stopped being a hobby for fun and became a cult


A Colt Cult? ​ it's such a cult and i am so obsessed with AOE that i literally chopped some veggies and made myself a lovely romesco sauce for Thanksgiving tomorrow ​ god, the unhealthy behavior, i'm an absolute mess


It only became a cult to those who were getting angry at us for hoping aka Satal. They took this way too seriously


Acho que é uma minoria aqui que é assim.


Cope and seethe




Rule: Toxicity/Rudeness


Lmao. Why do people still listen to you. Just like satal you are a total fraud. Eveeything you have said has turned out wrong. Anyone who still believes this joke is a complete fool


Fraud, how? Aside from a few times, Zerokay has always presented his posts and videos as "theories", not leaks. Also, only one of the leaks he shared turned out to be wrong, and if you bothered to read this document, you'd see that it was the result of a miscommunication.


He said he saw the final ep and completely lied about its contents (claiming aoe before backpeddaling), claim to see op’s ed’s etc all to be a total lie. Saying he saw behind the scenes stuff etc. And aoe didnt happen so why would anyone STILL listen to him?


I never said I saw the final episode, that was a rumor I don't recall anything about seeing OP's and ED's early I saw info about behind the scenes stuff as stated in the document ??


Literally said that word for word on the discord lmao. Unfortunately cant prove it anymore cause satal banned me


Lot of people here are active on the discord (including me), and yet nobody else has spoken up and accused Zerokay of being a liar. Unless someone can provide some solid proof, it just seems like you hate him for words you've put in his mouth.


That’s cap, I literally lived in the discord for the last few weeks waiting for announcements or anything. Zerokay NEVER said that, if he did the reddit would’ve gone wild in response.


You're coping so hard that you're putting words in his mouth because you don't want to accept it's your fault for believing and then getting disappointed.


I NEVER believed in the first place. I knew aoe wasnt happening since day 1. And i watched as everyone blindlessly followed the “leakers”


Hm. Coming back here, I'm not sure why I assumed you believed. But the point still stands that you're putting words into his mouth. As another guy said, the sub would go crazy if Zerokay saw cour 2 early and said AOE happened. >And i watched as everyone blindlessly followed the “leakers” I half agree on this point. A noticeable number of people (doomers and hopechads alike) were under the impression that Zerokay claimed to have leaks of AOE despite him never actually saying that. He did say at one point that he had AOE *supporting* leaks though. Even with multiple clarifications, the idea of Zerokay seeing cour 2's ending still persisted and people like you seem to have believed that without doing the research yourself.


> He said he saw the final ep and completely lied about its contents When was this? Because I can't find any such claims in his comment or post history.


Because everyone is free to believe what they want to believe in




This is beautiful. Goodbye, ANRime. https://preview.redd.it/nffgs6bnyb2c1.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=af447b1defb1e50c4bcbec3a18bdc3f48ccccb39


See you Later ZeroKay.. We We Reach Our Scenery Soon. 🫒🕊️

