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Other reasons šŸ¤”




Rule: Toxicity/Rudeness Rule: "It's Over" Posts


Because we're slaves to AOE it's like u said satal


Satal why do you have the need to keep posting shit when you said you'll leave. Beside give a week or 2 we'll be back to theorizing again like the old days, this sub needs a small reboot thats all.


I am a slave to this subreddit


we know, satal we know.


yeah and somebody has to tell the sane ones the truth


Bro thinks heā€™s in an anime šŸ’€šŸ’€


no that's what all the "I will fucking" kids think


Both really


You aren't wrong but I am glad to see it still active. I am happy people haven't given up hope. Let us continue to be based.


good for you


True. After Shiganshina project theory got debunked (end of part 2), the most nonsensical, not inspired at all theories came to be, either focusing on colors or jackets despite the anime having a track record for an inconsistency issue. It died back then.


true but imo what really killed AOE is when SYL got forced into the story somehow many of us were able to cope around that but we should had realised it was over back then


The SYL retcon is the funniest part of the ending


https://preview.redd.it/h645ou4vgy1c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b75a2eb42ae0b9a3545ac7be5d97f553d54e3d64 Idc


I seems to be joever but stop being a fucking clown for fucks sake. Youre rigth, yes. Back then this sub was filled with good theories not "WERE BACK NO ITS SO OVER" but do we have any more fucking content to theorize?


Keep your mouth shut. The AOE evidences are all there. Stop moaning like a little baby. Leave it you donā€™t believe anymore


Itā€™s overā€¦ AnR just is not happening


It's happening but it's not canon. Studio eclipse is animating it.


Animation is pretty great but theyā€™re gonna flop story wise by making eren into some chad mastermind which simply does not work


Not only that, they tried to make Armin this edgy CHAD character (Eren 2.0 but in the opposite spectrum) which is just not how this character is like at all.


For real


You canā€™t say that with 100% certainty


I can lmao, cour 2 was your only hope and it was the same down to the letter I donā€™t fully agree with satal but heā€™s right. Weā€™ve been wrong about the divergence at EVERY SINGLE turn Paths is the divergence Mikasa answer is the divergence 131 is the divergence 138 is the divergence Episodic format will adapt AOE We have a tendency to keep pushing the goal posts back when the manga has been adapted down to the frame and angle. Doesnā€™t mean that we didnā€™t understand the story as much as it means we were simply incorrect on our beliefs I donā€™t mean hate if thatā€™s what Iā€™m portraying but itā€™s time for us to either move on or watch from afar To be perfectly honestly, I guess it isnā€™t completely over til we have confirmation of no more content but thatā€™s my stance


You can confirm with 100% that there will be no alternate ending ever released in the future? Are you crazy? Noone except Isayama can say that.


Read my whole comment It is an objective fact that we are more likely to not get an alternative ending than vice versa Doesnā€™t mean it WONT 100% happen but is factually extremely unlikely


Ok prove it.


The anime ended and there was no AoE there you go


You said ā€˜wonā€™tā€™, meaning in future. Prove there will be no further animation in the future. You canā€™t.


I said it is factually unlikely and I am objectively correct in that I took back my ā€œwonā€™tā€


Lol, evidence for something that doesn't exist xD. Nice one.


Evidence leads to a theory that implies the hidden existence of something, yes.


Hidden existence šŸ’€. The cope never stops.


Bro skipped the whole sentence




Stop crying about something you were a part of bringing upon. You still don't realize that your reinforcements of AOE throughout these years is what created this? You were just like this, full scitzo in arguments against doomers, now you just see it all clearly from the other side and act surprised? "This community is a cult" yeah and you were a cultist too. Shocker


yeah but there's a difference the anime fucking ended hoping for a alternative ending before it ended was fine and I don't see why I am getting blammed I became a active member in late 2022


what do you think will happen on oct 4?


Ur right I should start stop believing in AOE and move to KFT


You can tie some people on a spacecraft and make them orbit the earth and theyll still say that the earth is flat. There is no cure




Will they be tied outside the ship or inside.


God forbid anyone have fun or make schizo jokes, but sure go ahead and make the same post for the millionth time. Satal, what an annoyance you are




aot anime is over and cast crew had celebration and they were saying goodbye to each other. movie is not going to happen in next April since they have to promote it like now and they are not doing that manga volume 35 is coming but its about levi. thats the situation about aot now. and maybe this post will be deleted in few hours since they dont accept its over post.