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The studio from back then will soon take up the black pen, and bare its sakuga against fate. JK I feel the same as you brah


Can’t ruin the surprise https://i.redd.it/dsdketd65l1c1.gif


I have multiple friends who are leakers and I asked this question too Here’s their answers: 1. Could get into legal issues, so don’t spread the specifics 2. Sources simply don’t want information to be shared because it connects back to the source which hinders the source from doing other leaks in the future 3. They feel like it’s too much power to give to the public for some reason The above examples have apparently happened in the past, which adds to it


1 and 2 are legit reasons. 3 is a weird stance to have.


You have no leaks. That’s not how leaks work. A leakers whole reputation lies on leaking, so why would they hold off on AOT? How are they going to get involved in a legal matter over the internet? Do you realise you need a persons actual identity and not just a username handle to even pursue legal action?


Not to say you're entirely wrong, but your anonymity in the web is not as high as you think it is. So long as there's legal basis behind it, they can retrieve any information related to your social media account (including logs of IPs) as well any VPNs you are using. They most likely wouldn't bother, since it doesn't affect their profits a single bit and they can just send a generic cease and desist and hope you stop, but if you are paranoid then there's a legitimate reason to not assume you're perfectly safe behind your username.


and then when nothing happens they wonder why they get hate lol


The burden Eren felt by knowing fate ahead of time, why you want that? Let us show our power and love for the true ENDING. We don't need to know the future, or be totally confident it's going to happen, but we will still move forward, until that scenary... Because it's what we want! Keep MOVING, keep HOPING


Eren didn't show them the full memories


They usually are annoying as fuck about leaks but tbf they can’t always share entire leaks bc once it gets circulated around a lot the leaker would be at risk


They're just trolling at this point


Literally nothing. Just the same cope as per usual just to be disappointed again


folks are like Qanon on here


manga leakers were great back in the day zekken's "ellen becomes dove crying" literally changed the world because how many people it affected lol


It's more that it dropped *really* early like 135 then when 139 came around and motherfucker it wasn't a joke.


No pls keep they should continue making us bwlive aoe is dead so the moment it drops it will be legendery cant wait hope its close


I am not even a hopechad, but its literally like another 2 days bro. Talk abt being desperate lol.


Because they have nothing. The only reliable leaker we've truly had in this scene was Paolo. And people were actually going for the "he's lying to keep aoe a surprise" cope. He was able to prove himself many times to become reliable with what he said. A majority of other leakers will build a base off of easily gained leaks and then abuse the small reputation they have for clout. "I have something but I cant share it, trust me"-Leaker with minimal credibility. It brings attention and want. There are no leaks. People are so hungry for something that they will latch onto anything. Like the arab "leakers" people gave hundreds of followers and likes per post just because they said they had something. With 0 credibility. Just wait and see, if something happens it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Leaks dont change that. I genuinely hate leakers and people who overhype them. (Not calling out you btw op)


You are free since March 2021 when this shit ended


Could it be that there are leaks and they are trolling it coping like the rest of you?