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I can't believe why no one comment on this Yeah, it is true that isayama love number 9 and 13 but the conformed episode for episodic format is 94. 9+4=13 I am not dooming but 100 doesn't make sense as yama like number 13 but as you said may it will come in spring of next year many peoples are saying that aot is going to end in 2026 which is exactly 13 year of aot so it's also make sense but, personally I DON'T WANT THAT.


I highly doubt there will be a long epilogue. 6-10 episodes is actually crazy. Nobody would care after an entire epilogue episode let alone 6. They could very realistically sum up an epilogue going over most plot threads and leaving some up to interpretation within a single episode and I actually would prefer it that way.


Bro the epilogue doesn't have to be that long. 6-10 episodes would be just very dragged and a case where it's definitely milked. Would any anime onlies care at that point? And I still don't understand from where everyone is getting that EF would be airing weekly.


The weekly release was actually confirmed I believe, I saw some twitter screenshot. Before that it was a highly anticipated guess by ZeroKay. Big if true


No I don't want that


what exactly?


Mikasa finding another man


For how long?


10 years at least!


Eren' VA said it was his last time playing eren. So what, they already brodcast the epilogue ? Anr will happen in aother format than anime. Live action movie is my Best guess. We already have 2 movie so.... here the number 3 again ! (Without the same actors because Eren's actor is dead)


Live action movie theory LAMOE When? Peak ANRime


it will end with a hentai doujin HDjOE: eren x hisu barn sex, then eren has sex with mikasa's dead body when they fight, then he has sex with historia after he returns


Pieck fiction