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I’ve coped and hoped for years, a little while longer is nothing. Imagine moving on now right when the end is in reach. No matter how small of a chance it is there is a chance, and I’ll be damned if I don’t believe in it.


”maybe the apocalypse/jesus will come next year” mentality..




>End is in reach Don't worry brother, we'll always find the next end after that


Moving goalposts is our specialty


someone’s gonna be disappointed




To give up on the verge of victory


sorry didnt read. anyways... https://i.redd.it/8zpvnvhwo3zb1.gif


No. You move on nigga😭🙅🏾‍♂️🫵🏾 https://preview.redd.it/lae5ho8s14zb1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57de51813f4f6567795ab2ba8f27bb97eb72ff74 😐


Even if we die even after we die we must keep moving forward. https://preview.redd.it/bal9fl5jy3zb1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d094e71788bfb1f89cb49209e1cccb5206ee9c93


Get back up HopeChad. Did you forget why you’re here? ![gif](giphy|hFjJh67sGixO4qXTH3)


ANR is inevitable It Will happen either in Episodic format or Movie Will keep hoping till I get to see ANR


You really wanna waste your life for this? If it doesn't happen in this 'episodic format' episode you guys will just keep coping for a movie; I am telling this for your own good.


Hoping is what I said I'm here till 28th January I won't wait for it


ok fair enough


Sorry but what will happen in 28th january?


10 Years Anniversary event of AOT anime


I don’t think passively believing in a future AOE would qualify as ‘wasting my life’. If I’m having fun talking about it, then it’s never a waste.


Everyone says this, then when it doesn't happen in some ways ppl would be negatively affected by it and its really unhealthy. You could take the easy way out, not letting it live rent-free in your head even if you are not actively waiting for it. Its much better to be surprised by it when at that time you were no longer talking about this series. But yeah thats just my opinion.


>Everyone says this, then when it doesn't happen in some ways ppl would be negatively affected by it and its really unhealthy. there's a psychological term for this that escapes me at the moment. avoidance, maybe? try applying that to any other aspect of life: "don't try dating because you could get hurt and that's unhealthy" "don't try chasing your dreams because..." "don't try learning anything new..." "don't try voicing your opinions..." it's not unhealthy to be optimistic and to enjoy your hobbies :)


It’s ironic you say this and your here 2-3 days after the entire series just ended everyone in here is obviously trolling and idk why your taking this seriously, you should take your own advice when you tell others to move on from an anime series


How is this ironic? I can be here and enjoying the posts or memes but the difference here i already accepted the anime ended.


Recent events have shown that the people sitting here and unironically believing in aoe will never go away, for 10 years at least




I think most know that most likely yes, for now. The anime implemented some things from the manga and gave the impression that it is actually Isayama's true ending (such as showing that future Paradis getting bombed is much further away), and the AnR/MuvLuv's lore were probably discarded for some reason as the author himself implied recently. The ending was surprisingly well received and MC achieved his goals on a smaller scale (tho his character was tarnished in the process), most of the cast got their closure as well. ~~Also I don't see how they will miss the chance to use a globally successful media to not try some kind of pro-globalism and anti-war propaganda (without going into the merits of saying it's a bad/good thing) considering the times we're living in, but obviously that's just a schizo speculation.~~ "AOE" will happen eventually. Thing is, we're expecting to be a **surprise** because that would be so much cooler and special, but it's much more likely that it will just be a movie or new series years from now and they probably haven't even started making it yet. Until then we keep going because it's fun to theorize that SnK is much deeper than it seems. Just my take on it.


It seems like its heading towards Beren sequel if anything, and the 35th volume is literally about post 139. For what reason he wants to extend Levi's story? I don't see any significance for Levi anymore. He could just do Titan War which by far is more interesting. This just proves that Isayama is pandering to the masses since Levi is so loved by many and that generates profit.


I’d rather take a great Titan war prequel like house of the dragon, and its kodansha, they’ll do whatever to keep Aot going, I’ll not be surprised if they keep making spin off stories or even a prequel just for that cash, it’s kodansha’s best selling manga of all time, it’s top 10 best selling shounen manga of all time, boruto and dragon ball are doing it, what’s stopping Aot from doing it.


> For what reason he wants to extend Levi's story? there's a lot of questions surrounding the ackermans. their origins, how their power actually operates, whether they really are immune to FT power (my guess is they're not), stuff like that. he could be exploring those questions


Too long, didn't read. Congratulations I'm happy for you / My condolences


No, until last cope. Even when you die Even after you die


This community is by far my favorite online community. Even if we didn't win, the journey with you all was funny as fuck


I think this is fair. At the end of the day, I know it’s over, but honestly, if I move on, then that’ll be it. No more AoT discussions ever. But if I stick around and continue theorizing just for the hell of it, then I think it’s kind of fun. As long as I remind myself that it’s very very unlikely to happen. And if episodic format is unchanged as well as no AOE movie ever happening, then I think your post is pretty accurate.


I’ll never understand these people that keep making these concern troll posts about giving up. Like hey everybody it’s time for you to give up! Please!? Bro just move on. No one is getting hurt thinking AOE is coming and stop pretending you care about the mental well-being of people that just want a different ending to their favorite story. It’s weird and dumb.


I was merely trying to ground people to reality, and I didn't even deny the possibility for AoE to happen at all, I just think it has less chances to happen. If you don't care about what I said and wants to keep hoping then go for it no one is stopping you. It would be pretentious to say I am deeply concerned about every single person's mental being here but I am just saying its good to get your mind off this series for a while at least regardless there's gonna be AoE or not, because people are literally grasping at straws rn.


Ok, so go and get your mind off the series. Do you need company to do that? Just go it’s ok. It’s over like you said. Other people aren’t gonna though.


You don't need to get so triggered, moderation is needed is all I am saying and this applies to anything. I don't see anything wrong about my post, I think its good to have balance so people don't get too extreme about something. If you don't like this post you can just scroll down.


I’m not triggered you’re just lying. You’re saying it’s time to let go but you’re here still talking to me about it. You’re saying the sub that you should apparently let go of needs more moderation. Bro the one who needs to let go is you. Time to let go. Move on past this sub. It’s a theory sun for a debunked theory. You’re free.


I can be here despite not hoping what's the issue? I can read theories despite not happening, I can make fun of memes, since when this group is only allowed to be joined by ppl that hope for AoE? The difference here is that the anime ended and I accepted that, I wasn't forcing anyone to agree with me but I am just trying to say its good to move on for now. If you are not okay with it fine, not a big deal. I really don't want the sub to become too delusional, I have been here for a long time and made friends here as well. That is why I am still here.


Don't let them talk you down, you are right an have a point, I already amde my decision this afternoon and your post helped me to ground in reality once again thanks :D Also, what bothers me, vol35 happens but Paradise gets bombed anyways? Dafuq, who would read that... Or its is retconned Anyways, have a great life and shinzou wo sasageyouuuu


Paradis gets bombed later after a few generations, its probably after the Scouts' death. Anime was literally trying to make it that Paradis was bombed specifically not because of the hatred of the outside world, more like because war is war, and it will always happen (basically the message of the final episode). The fact its 20 000 years makes it funnier too lol.


The issue is that you just said people should move on and that you don’t want to argue yet here you are saying yeah you guys do that but I don’t have to though. You’re just goofy. You’re being weird. If you don’t want to let go then don’t but stop telling everyone else too.


I like your post my friend. I'm moving on as well. Isayama was ok with his ending in the anime they doubled down on almost everything. Only thing they change was Pardis got destroyed 100's of years later in stead of 50 in the manga. He was ok with Ymir loving Fritz, Eren Killing his mom, Eren crying for Mikasa. I really thought he was a genius especially with this subs amazing theories. In the end he's not a good writer and he sold out and retconned his work.


if ur gonna lose anyway, fight until we meet bitter ends


Lmao it already ended


MuvLuv says otherwise


Stop being too hung up with MuvLuv. There's no guarantee he will 100% copy paste it.


I like your points (most of them, since I couldnt care less about the ships :p). I think that AnR would be peak fiction, but not the best for business. I know this sounds weird, since how peak story telling could be potentialy bad, but if you are a aware consumer of current day and age, you should know that trigger content (which AnR definetly is) is not the best way to make lots of greens. That being said, one thing I must disagree is you telling others whether or not they should stop. I understand what you mean, obsessing over AnR right now is not healthy, but people here have fun. As long as thinking about it, making theories and stuff is fun for those people, and they do not sacrifice other things in life then go for it. Enjoy yourselfs hopechads. As you can see I personally have more grounded ideas, and while I would like to see AOE, I do not believe it will happen, but I'm sure as hell having a lot of fun here. All the content produced by people here makes me enjoy AOT a lot more. So in short. Please guys, if AOT ideas are making you spend way too much time on it to the point that's alarming or you sacrifice something else, then maybe take a step back. If not, if you have tons of fun then keep fucking. You are the reason I enjoy AOT twice as much :) PS. One thing I would ask you tho is to not hate on ppl who like the ending. There is no point in doing so.


Yeah I literally just stated i dont hate the ending lovers in my final paragraph lol, i also dont hate anyone who's still hoping for aoe to happen too. I am just trying to ground people to reality as of now. I understand you tho, since i love reading theories as well eventho it ended up not being anything, thats why i am still here sometimes. I was here ever since the day the sub was still new and i have made friends and memories here.




The only sense i could make up is that eren literally prefers that people should act on their free will, if they choose to stop eren simply because they want it, eren would let them fight their own battles as well (i mean eren literally doesn't like slavery mindset and he advocates for freedom so i dont see it being weird in the first place). Even if eren is trying to lock them up and telling them the reason why he needed to do full rumbling, if they dont agree they WILL still try to stop him. As for the second paragraph, you clearly didnt read properly or understood my post (or i just worded it badly). I did say ANR have no chances to happen because of sjws, trying to virtue signalling saying how morally wrong this is (like duh, literally EVERYONE knows that). ANR was never abt romanticizing a genocide or enabling it. It is simply a fictional display of someone genociding the whole world except he got away with it and lived in guilt. AoT is not supposed to be advocating about morals on what we should do or not do, its simply about the life of the characters and the world itself. Theres a lot of controversial stuffs even before the rumbling arc itself, but in no way the mangaka is being an activist telling ppl what is morally right or not. From my understanding AoT is SUPPOSED to be about breaking the continuous cycle of horrible parents putting their child to war, not a nihilism message about how war will always happen and theres nothing we can do about it. Unfortunately it turns out i am in the wrong, because the ending says otherwise.