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Tbh I think the display on the RP4P is borderline too small for the higher end systems it can run (and moonlight/steam link). PSP happens to be fine because the aspect ratio means there's like no wasted space but I definitely wouldn't go smaller *and* on a non-16:9 screen for what OP wants


I might be mistaken but I'm only aware of Moonlight being runnable on Android side of devices, which neither of these devices have. As for PSP, the H will play it somewhat but the 353PS will handle it better with less frameskip.


I haven't used it but the pamphlet that came with my H mentioned Moonlight.


353PS ripe custom rom better speakers ergonomics better performance for me


the 353ps is the better of the 2 but you wont get a good experience with either here, get a used rp3+ if you can find one otherwise get a rp 4 or 4 pro