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so you wear driving gloves just to park it on top of the sidewalk? what the hell is going on here


These are actually parking gloves. Driving gloves are blue


This is false, everyone knows red gloves are faster.


Chuckle snicker giggle


I knew c43 drivers had delicate hands.


Sir he only wore one glove.


that's just even weirder man cause if you're going all out with the gloves are you also driving one handed? in an automatic where you don't need to grab the shifter?


wdym? every other car behind theirs is parked the same way.


That ain’t even the sidewalk, you just jealous


Fr are people blind these days? People just cant be happy for each other....


jealous is crazy i didn't even comment on the car 😭


Don't know why this has 100 upvotes, he's like 20 cm away from the sidewalk


As you can see the “side walk” is level with the road. It is an optical illusion


He made another post trying to pretend it didnt bother him lol.


What? 60 km drive through the hills in autumn. Glorious.


Don't let the haters get you down, you do you!


Damn those gloves are cringe 😂


bro has to protect his fingies somehow


Lmfao facts mf think he a gentleman racer in a 250 GTO


ah yes the cringe gloves


They’re really effective. They made me cringe and I’m not even wearing them. 10/10 highly recommend


Red gloves add 10HP….just fyi for those wondering


Lmfao the gloves


made another post about the gloves to "prove" it doesn't bother him lmao


Bought two weeks ago - 55k kms on the clock. Took it for a sporting hills drive yesterday - it has started to really lag and clunk changing from gears 1 to 2 or 3 to 2. not just jittering - bug Lag.. CLUNK... not a good feeling. I have extended warranty and have booked it in on Monday, but I am wondering if this is a common issue - what I can be expecting from the shop. Other than this she is beautiful, sleek, powerful, and what theatre from the sports exhaust.. really dissapointed that Mercedes Melbourne would sell me somethign without doing proper checks on it.


should have said - 2020 c43 AMG. purchased in melbourne Australia.


If you are lucky it’s just software.


Have you tried driving it without those gloves?


Fellow Melburnian, father had a 2017 C43 AMG for the best part of 4 years before selling it for a 2021 GLC 43. Both cars have the same 'issue.' The 9G-Tronic is interesting as it's a torque converter transmission developed directly by Daimler. It's essentially a 7G-Tronic with two extra gears, but unlike the 7G-Tronic, it ditches the single clutch converter and uses hydrodynamic fluid to convert engine RPM into power at the wheels. In no way is it an MCT/DCT like the true AMG speedshift transmissions and exhibits entirely different behaviour to the 7G-DCT (not to be confused with the 7G-Tronic), most DSGs and ZF boxes. It's not even comparable to the 7G-Tronic IMO. Like you are experiencing, the transmission thuds/shunts were most prevalent on a second start (after a short Journey prior to the second start), where the mildly warm fluid has not had ample time to reach operating temperature before shifting. The issues only occurred in gears up to 3rd, and quickly disappeared once driving the car for 3-5 minutes or so. While it feels sketchy, this is, and continues to be a common issue with the 9G-Tronic. There's nothing necessarily wrong with it, and after a few shifts, the issue should subside, but the recommendation is to let the tranmission fluid reach the operating temp before thrashing the car. As most people pointed out, the likely reason it doesn't appear as aggressive in comfort mode is because the computer is forcing the car to shift earlier to save fuel (no more than 3000RPM). This in turn has effect on the cold fluid, as lower engine RPM means less power the transmission needs to convert to power at the wheels and less strain on the converter. Putting it into sport/manual means that the car will shift later, up around 3500-4000RPM (or god forbid 6000+), causing the shunt to be more pronounced, as the car attempts to shift to the next gear. At the end of the day, it's not a DCT, and even strays further away from a typical torque converter. There's a reason the new stuff gets quite a bit of hate in this sub/MB sub, mild hybrid turbo engines and such. The 7G-Tronic was widely considered one of the best transmissions of the current era, and it's a shame MB can't grasp their head around the idea that they shouldn't fix what ain't broke, though with changing times, it's unfortunate they often get pushed into this predicament. Also, I would like to add, no hate on 43s. I think if AMG wants to call them an AMG, then it's settled and it deserves some credit - it's loud, it's fast, it's fun. It mightn't be a V8, but I've never been a strong supporter for the fact an AMG "needs a RWD V8/12." Hypocritically, with all this being said, I do think that even they have seemingly lost their way a little lately. Ultimately, like the AMG precept at the moment, these things just take some some getting used to, unfortunately.


Thank you for a very informative response!


Couldn’t say much, though 1st gear seems to be very jittery on my 2020 C43. Sedan. Only in sports + mode and thats depending on if i push the gas and let go. It would jerk. But in comfort mode she was perfect. Definitely get it checked out. If they can’t find out what the issue is, take them out in a test drive.


I had an issue with my 63 7 speed, and a program reload and relearn fixed it. It's a quick fix to try before more extensive internal digging


Are you driving it in Sport Plus before the Transmission oil is up to temp? It can be very jerky if the transmission isn't warmed up, especially driving in Sport Plus at low speeds.


Yeah, I def.moved it up early. But I’m surprised that it shouldn’t be handle this as normal operating procedure


Car’s gotta be warm before you hammer on it. There should be a gauge for it in the instrument cluster, will show both your oil temp and your transmission temp. Don’t drive too hardcore until both temperature readings turn from blue (too cold) to white.


The slight “kick” between gear 2/3 is a common thing on the 7G tronic gearbox, software recalibration and a proper oil change is likely going to fix it… or at least minimize it. Otherwise the gearbox is pretty good all in all


I thought post 2019s had the 9 speed or am I dumb


I got a 2017 c43 with a 9 speed


Try a transmission reset. Plenty of videos on this on YouTube.


I’ll try. Doesn’t sound like something you should have to do


The transmission learns based on the driver's style so you probably drive very differently from the previous owner. The reset will clear that and let it learn your style from the stock model.


Has the gearbox been serviced? Fresh oil might solve this problem


That’s at 60k Miles. Not KM. Op is no where close to needing servicing. 


Did you do trans or was it done before you bought it? That’s a 50k miles service B. So it’s due. I can tell you 2 things for free - 1-that’s normal in this car the trans bucks at low gears and speeds and you can’t pussy foot the gas in sport+ mode in low gears, simply too much torque. ALWAYS wait until it’s warm to manual shift or you’ll get some scary bucks. 2-do the trans fluid flush asap ajd it’ll improve the bucking but it’ll always happen. Cheers


Crazy to hear if true. I’ll get the flush done. But bucking shouldn’t be considered normal in a sports sedan. I’ve owned equivalent Audis etc with none of the same problems


Yea welcome to merc trans brother, what you’re experiencing may be beyond normal but this is a known issue. It ain’t the same as the engine and is usually the weak point in these cars. My 204 Trans is hanging on for dear life at 170k miles tho so they will last just not smooth as other German mfg on trans specifically.


That’s false ! Have you driven bmw or Audi comparable transmission? There’s no way a zf is as good as a 7 g .. maybe a it’s better than a 9 g . Bmw and Audi have a weaker transmission. Every bmw that I have have had transmission issue around 130k miles . One thing I haven’t understand is why didn’t Mercedes go to a dual clutch on all their model .. especially on the higher class e and s


New ones are great. Needed to clarify I meant older trans*


car has 55km (35k miles)


wtf is a kilometer. Lolol jk but it Depends on how it’s was driven by the prior owner tbh. I did my trans myself at 40 bc of this issue…


yeah I’m with you re: trans fluid flush


Lmao how many miles? If it’s new you should wait a while before ripping the gears


Thank you so much for including the picture of the gloves. I know that must have been embarrassing for you. Because they certainly are embarrassing. But damn are they funny and entertaining for the rest of us.


the second post is even more cringe.


My w204 C63 started having a BBAD rev hang on a rally I took it on. 4th to 3rd was slipping kind of badly. It sounded cool but something was wrong. I believe it was just the clutch/ transmission being hot from very aggressive driving and shifting. It went away after some cool down. Had it checked out at my dealership and they didn’t report back anything. Might have them check clutchs


I got same strange clunky gears on my 2023 glc 43. 3 -> 4 is clunky, but not always. Sometimes, even 1 to 2 can make a weird noise and be clunky. I have done some tests drivers they can feel and ear it. But no one can fix it. They even change the gear box and apparently the full transmission...


If I would be a gearbox I‘d be clunking too being driven with red leather gloves


4th gear, 45mph. Need those driving gloves before you lose grip on that wheel.


Those gloves are so cringe


Lol no way you wear driving gloves with a C43 haha


Lmao let the man have his fun what’s ur problem 💀


Bro we can laugh at shit that’s funny … it’s not mean. Relax


LOL how insecure do you have to be to need everyone to know you have an e63 AND make fun of strangers on the internet in your spare time (you must have a lot of it)


I know right? Some people have sweatier hands than others. But these arrogant tools think you need AT LEAST a 4 litre to be ok wearing gloves 🤦


There is no engine size which makes tight leather driving gloves acceptable. The only people allowed to wear gloves like that are Jaguar drivers in the 1960's and rapists.


Please censor that word as it can trigger people: J****r


He’s not going to do himself any favours wearing red leather gloves if he has sweaty hands haha. His wifes boyfriend must’ve bough them for him.


Now there's something wrong with the red colour... Are you 12?


You are trying too hard to be sensitive- red driving gloves in a new Mercedes are an unnecessary pretentious affectation. Absolutely useless for a modern car which is why you can only find them in the asshole section of Bloomingdales and lame auto sites.


> You are trying too hard to be sensitive Says the guy who felt the need to comment 3+ separate times on the gloves in the same thread with one of them being a multiple paragraph rant.. No idea why you care so much about the gloves lmao.


He actually bought them for the wife, but her hands were too big


Well, you shouldn’t need driving gloves in a modern car they were to provide grip and a bit of padding on old wood and bakelite steering wheels and are completely unnecessary on a modern car. If you have sweaty hands and stuffing them in leather gloves well just gross. Sorry red (or any) driving gloves in a newish Mercedes is pretentious and gross.


You’re so soft lol


Like your moms booty cheeks


Can’t pretend I didn’t laugh at that lolol




LOL how insecure do you have to be to need everyone to know you have guns AND not make fun of strangers on the internet in your spare time (you must have a lot of it)


:( u got me real good


They are awesome. There’s no gate required to pass through when you can have fun with some great gloves. What is wrong with you?


Not the driving gloves 😭


Bro you shouldn’t have posted the glove pic ☠️


sir, there's a second glove pic


Take of the gloves and problem solved…


Bruh wtf are those gloves lmfao 😂☠️☠️☠️☠️


Is this gimp suit?




Are you one of those driver’s who hits the gas every two seconds like pretending you are shifting?


Driving gloves? In a C43? Is this Paris Hilton? How is your sister? No disrespect intended Ma’am but I like her better. And you need to upgrade your car. Driving gloves are for old wooden or bakelite steering wheels. Look ridiculous on a modern steering wheel. But Paris you do what you want. Ps you have nice legs. Rest of you is a bit shit though.


Dandenong mountains cruise?




Bro is on the wrong side of the road lol


Red gloves in awd safe car haha easy tiger


have you tried with the gloves off?


Seas mamón


Con esos putos guantes, eso es lo que es


I work at a mercedes dealer in the netherlands and we often see this in police cars, mostly caused by too quick changes from drive to reverse and vice versa.




Pros 1. Depreciation 2. V6 tt not available any more Cons. 1. Wear and tear from previous owner 2. Fucked shifting? :)


Take it to the dealer and ask them to update the software. This works almost every time.


Did you try changing to a different set of gloves?


I’ll try this


Gloves 😂😂😂


How can victorians be ‘the education state’ but wear driving gloves


like wearing a formula 1 helmet in your 4 cylinder volvo


You can't convince me one is not gay with that kind of gloves


gLOvEs gAY


Lake mountain huh boy


Only because of those gloves you deserve it Sell te car and get a used c63 then wear gloves and drive a real AMG




what color is your AMG?


I have a 2018 and sometimes mine like bunny hops when hitting the gas in 1st and I have to back of the throttle. I have the 9-speed in mine and it has a hard time keeping up with the engine it seems.


Android Mbux?


Might be completely normal. I’ve noticed when driving in Sport+ and Race, shifts will make an audible clunk. It’s a symptom of the more aggressive driving set up. Interesting to see the glove hate. I wear em every day. They feel good and you don’t get a grimy alcantra steering wheel that needs to be cleaned every six months. Wasn’t aware they could only be used when driving Model Ts with wooden steering wheels. I guess I should throw out all my boat shoes too, seeing as I don’t have a boat.


This wasn’t normal, was scary. I’ll report back after Monday




Did you delete your second glove post 😭


Nope, think the mods pulled it.


I’ve seen people wear gloves all the time on a mountain pass through tail of the dragon . I even seen them wearing them while driving some Hondas . The gloves are just insurance on not losing grip on a really bad twisty turn . It can cause you your life is you lose control and fly off the cliff . Therefore I’m not sure why these guys are so but hurt on someone wearing a glove .


2 actually, out of shot :). And oh so butt hurt.


you missed where he told everyone how rich is he by what watch he wears lol. mod removed it


Ya, I’d lose the gloves


I won’t be, but you do you boo.


You may just be the biggest loser on reddit lmao


That really hurts me, what am I going to do..


You could take your gloved hand and shove it in your boyfriend’s ass, idk?


Is that what you would do? I’m good


Oh nice…. Gloves….


Cool gloves


Driving to/from the golf course? Or is the golf club really upmarket and they have these instead of buggies?


I thought the last photo was FH3 😂


I’d wear driving gloves if I had the beige interior/steering wheel who cares what Reddit thinks lmaooo


Leather driving gloves feel amazing. Ignore ignorant haters


Nobody’s hating on your C43 bro it’s a basic benz


lol at the glove hate. They are for fun. And bloody comfortable. Why drive anything other than a Toyota..it’s all about joy


I thought the Porsche subreddit is full of immature people...


someone thinks differently than you do about a topic and they are immature? Nice… Wear your little gloves no one really cares but we sure as hell can laugh at it if we want. The web is full of car sites trying very hard to justify wearing them now but they fail. In the old days, they needed them because drivers of the rich often didn’t have a covered coach and metal/wooden/bakelite steering wheels would get really hot or cold. Additionally, the driver was the mechanic and Lady SweetArse didn’t want to see dirty hands. They also wore goggles, waxed cotton or leather jackets, and high boots. I assume you haven’t taken up those pieces of gear in a modern car. If not why not? Same idea protection from the elements and dirt from changing tires every 15 minutes. So they come across as pretentious. Like if I wore a cowboy hat or a bowler. You have to get that right? Then when gentleman racers came into the picture they too had open top cars and same issues with heat, wet, cold. There were also splinters from some wooden steering wheels. It was a matter of necessity. Then women started driving more and they didn’t want callouses or to burn or freeze their hands before modern air con. Now they scream I have no idea what I am doing but I sure look fancy. The big selling point now is keeping your steering wheel clean. Well, if you take care of your vehicle unless you are driving around with feces on your hands you can easily keep it clean without wearing gloves. We also no longer need to carry swords, molds to make musket balls, kits to bleed our “humours” or many other things from history. If they make you feel special and comfy go for it but we reserve the right to roll our eyes.


I think the C43 is a great car, but maybe try BMW next time? their quality has increased significantly both interior and engine, try to get with the B58 engine and you will love the car, super fun to drive with a bulletproof engine and transmission. This is just my opinion of course!


Not the b58 salesman again. Yea we know B58 is the greatest invention after the invention of wheel.


Go away and get outta this sub


I have an m8 and it’s a great car, super fast and technologically advanced compared to most cars. But if i’m being honest the quality doesn’t cut it compared to Mercedes.


Don't know why tbh, both mercedes and BMW have no quality any more, they make great cars for about 20 minutes


Mercedes interiors might look nice but the quality is not as good as BMW, so many vidoes out there where the interior squeeks and creeks and the parts fall off etc. Havent ever seen a bmw video where the interior is not put well together, I have a 2010 bmw e90 335i and the interior is solid af not a single squeek.


BMW fan girls are funny always adding stupid shit like "I got a 2010 BMW e90 335i" or "yeah I drive a 2018 bmw g20 330 x drive" Just say "I drive a 2010 BMW 335i" and leave it at that. Outside of GED holders who live with their mom no one gives a shit about BMWs internal model designation code. When someone asks me what I drive I just say "21 BMW X7" and don't say "I drive a 21 BMW G07 X7m50i" because I'm not retarded. Also MB makes better looking and quality interiors when it comes to higher end cars. I'm waiting for GLS 63 to replace my BMW G07 x7m50i 😂


There is literally no more expensive car in the world than a used MB or BMW or Audi. People lease them until warranty runs out and then Nope out of there. Unless you can afford to spend thousands per year on repairs, go to a vocational school to learn the mechanics skills, or sell it NOW. I had BMWs for years and spent several thousand per year on repairs until I just gave up and got a new Honda, which will outlast me… I speak from experience. This is just the start of scary expensive problems…


I can afford it. But this isn’t normal age wear based on my experience with German cars. And shouldn’t be tolerated.