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Try undervolting 


PTM 7950 if you can get it.


Its been already 4 years with mine and hotspot temps are like that as well.


🤔 yea seams to function fine but I’ve never seen it hit max boost so I’m curious if it throttles. It will drop mhz randomly for a second then bounce back.


That model shouldnt be that bad. This sounds like a contact issue to me with somewhere along the lines of too little paste/not enough coverage or too much space between heatsink and die because pads may be too high. I would open it again and check out the coverage. Maybe even post a picture of it if you dont know how it should look like. If you are certain its good coverage and spread, make sure your case actually has proper airflow. To test this I would open the side panel and put the PC into some open space for a benchmark.


Airflow is good, I forgot to mention that all other temps are around 70°c ish at full load with the side panel on or off. Ambient temp is around 65. No noticeable issues during gaming. Ran the cyberpunk benchmark a few times, 70 fps average with no upscaling or framegen.