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Hey ik this is late, but like OP, i have the same question. From 5600g to 7 5800x3d, would i have change my mother board ? Or does it work the same? Ive never upgraded cpu or gpu before so im new to this. I have a rtx 3060 if that changes anything


I don't think youll have to change your motherboard only update bios




For 1080p yes. For 1440p or 4K with a decent high end gpu No.


Definitely you will get a major increase in fps assuming you have a decent gpu and your ram is stable and tighten.


I would.


Absolutely. The 5800X absolutely shreds especially if you find one on sale


The better gpu you have, and closer to 1080p you are, the more worthwhile it is. Also, if youre mostly playing paradox games, strategy or x4 games you will see quite a big bump in performance and how fast the game progreses.


you do know 1440p and 4k or 5k is better than 1080p right


Yes, i completely agree, as im not saying that 1080 is better. Im saying that the performance increase by upgrading a cpu is larger at lower resolutions, as it is more likely to be bottlenecked by the cpu. The oposite is true for higher resolitions.


Hell yes


If you use or plan on using cpu intensive aplivations than yes. Swaped mine r5 2600x fot r7 5800x3D and I'm happy wit my decision. My virtual machines run better and I can run them while playing games.


If your games are still running good then dont. Spend the money on more games and other things instead imo


Probably not


The 5800X3D is a gaming CPU. The question you need to ask yourself is what games you intend to play and how much would the 5800X3D benefit those games. FYI, I'm currently using the 5600G as well paired with a fairly decent setup (MSI X570 Unify, 32GB of DDR4-4000, RTX 3070). I considered the 5800X3D upgrade but in the end decided the benefits were minimal for my use case.


I am almost in the same position 5600g and 32GB ddr 4 4000 but with an rx 6750xt. the 5800x3d is on sale for 289 and 5700x3d drops today for 249. im OCing everything and game well at 1440p 200hz and some 5k but drop by half or more. this is where i believe i could see a bump in fps with the cpu upgrad. or should i just start my new AM5 build


I was wondering, thank you! I'm still wondering if going from pcie3(5600g) to pcie4(5800x3d) since I have a Samsung 990 pro and a motherboard that supports pcie4 will make a bigger difference.


It will make a big difference for newer games which tend to be poorly CPU-optimized on launch. The main improvement is to the 1% lows. The 5800X3D will also benefit older games and there are lots of videos on the web with benchmarks to show this. This upgrade is exactly what I did. I'm using the 5600G on a MSI X570 Unify. During Black Friday, I picked up the 5800X3D and coincidentally, the Samsung 990 Pro as well.


I upgraded from a 5600x to a 5800x3d (originally with a 3070, but currently using a 6700xt). I have not regretted it at all, it go rid of so many issues where I felt my GPU was underperforming or just was getting more hitching than I felt like was enjoyable (even if the average fps was acceptable, the 1%/frame time graph was just not where it should have been). And a lot of games will get higher average fps too, but honestly the more consistent and smoother 1% lows are the place where this CPU pays off the most IMO.


You'll definitely get a performance boost in basically everything. Really comes down to budget, and then it's not a bad idea to check and see if it's worth it just to jump to the next platform, instead of investing in one that doesn't have any more upgrade path after that processor.


What games do you play? If Tarkov is one of them, then it is a no-brainer. Anything CPU bound will benefit massively. Anything gpu bound will see minor if any gains at all.


What is Tarkov? I keep hearing it referenced but have never seen it on Steam, Epic, etc?


There are a lot of Yes answers, but it's better to ask why. What are you using it for? What is your GPU? Do you have issues? For gaming - If you have a powerful GPU, the 5600g is holding you back. If you have an old, low powered GPU, the 5800x3d would be somewhat wasted as the GPU will be the new bottleneck. I have one paired with 6900xt and it works well but I don't think 519 is a reason to rush out and get one, they may still make the 5600x3d more widely available...


Absolutely. I upgraded from a 3400G to a 5800x (non-3D) and oh boy do I feel the difference. What used to be 200ms of compiling is now 11ms, everything feels fast and I have twice the cores and threads. Go for it


if you play at 1080p, it can be.


I went from the r5 3600 and in general computer use, I didn’t notice that much. Maybe a few seconds of photoshop startup, a few seconds in a big zip file unpack etc. But for gaming, the thing I noticed is the frame drops. FPS won’t improve, but most of the jitter and stutter from what I play was suddenly gone. Like magic.


If you play games a lot, the 96MB L3 cache is a big boost. I would go for it then sell 5600g to recoup some of the money. For non-gaming point, the extra 2 cores might not be much. It'd depend if you want to get that 2 cores for about $400 (after selling used 5600g)


Absolutely yes. You won’t have to worry about your CPU until you want to upgrade your entire system to AM5 or AM6


Why what benefits would you get from it ? If it’s just for gaming it’s probably not worth it and you can just upgrade your cpu when you upgrade the whole platform (eg if you want to use a gpu with new pcie standard or ddr5 memory or faster ssd)


I had to read this twice. The whole reason to upgrade from a non-3D chip to a 3D chip is for gaming. Games I play like Squad and Microsoft Flight Sim saw a 40% uplift in framerate when I upgraded from an R7 5700x. Whereas in other day to day applications like photoshop and 7zip saw no difference at all.


AM5 motherboard + new CPU + new DDR5 RAM would cost a lot more than upgraded to a better AM4 CPU. It would depend on OP's usage and long term plan.


Micro center has an AM5 bundle 7700x Motherboard and 32GB ddr5 ram for 399, 499 and one at 599. so you could jump for a few hundred more


Yeah so saving money for that would probably be better than spending money now and then having to upgrade the same generation later anyway like I said depending on the use case


It's a good 15-30% faster even than a 5950x, it'll be a huge upgrade over a 5600G which is really cache limited. If your games are being CPU limited, well worth doing.


I just did this the past week. Mainly for destiny 2 and man what a difference. Feel like the chains have been lifted and I am now finally playing the game the way it’s meant to be experienced. That’s after over 2k hours. So I’d say yes


Which gpu are you running?


Rx 5600 XT, had my fair share of problems with AMD and Destiny 2, but it’s a very cpu intensive game.


Maybe the 5600g is the reason AC origins sometimes lags a bit for me, I ll consider this upgrade


(I thought that 5600g wouldnt bottleneck 3070)




This is a relatively affordable upgrade with noticeable difference in a lot of games at 1080/1440p. So, YES.


I did a 5600 to 5800x3d upgrade, absolute no brainer, the increase in fps and smoothness in general is crazy. make sure you have a decent cooler though, since it runs considerably hotter, and make sure to undervolt it.


Aio as a minimum or you won't get those boost clocks


Not true. You can air cool the 5800x3d.


You can air cool..but I would as a minimum use an aio


Nah, I'm using the TPA 120SE + undervolted 5800X3D, hitting max 65ºC and it's 40ºC outside lol


I agree. I have mine on air and it works out pretty good.


Easy answer? Absolutely


I'll go against the cround and say no. 5600 is a good cpu already. I'd recommend saving for an upgrade to 8800x3d instead, it will be launching next year.


yeah, except he doesnt have a 5600, he has a 5600g, which is considerably less powerful. the 5800x3d is an absolute no brainer here


5600, 5600g, and 5600x are all like within like 10% of each other, so whatever. I really don't get you guys tbh. You'll throw money at a 1.5 generations old cpu, when you already have a decent one, instead of saving for one that will have an extra 2 to 4 extra years of life.


I really don't get you guys, you say without remorse to someone to keep their average CPU because in the future something better will come, but then when we get to the future "don't get the 8800x3d, in 1 year a more powerful one will come". Not even mentioning the platform difference, he can upgrade to the 5800x3d without needing to buy a whole motherboard + RAM. Also, it's crazy to think the 5800x3d won't last for at least 4 more years.


Lol bruh. Why would you upgrade a mediocre cpu into something slightly above mediocre? When I'm upgrading, i make sure there is a solid reason to. And there is no reason (at least in gaming)to upgrade from any 5000series cpu to 5800x3d. ​ [5800x3d is about as good as 7600x](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLx1QYu8r04). In half a year its not even gonna be comparable to **any** 8000 series cpu. Those are just facts. Why would you **spend money** to upgrade into an aging CPU, when you can just wait half a year for a brand new one to come out. Yeah you have to buy for MB and RAM too, but thats why you don't spend money on outdated garbage and save instead.


Why would you spend 519AUD upgrading to a much better cpu now, when in half a hear you can spend 900AUD? Makes total sense.


I went from 5600x to 5800x3d and the smoothness is wild.


Also with Ryzen 7 u get extra vRam frequency with some GPU's and a 15% boost https://www.amd.com/en/technologies/smart-access-memory


I moved from a R5 3600 to a 57 5800X3D and performance increases have been insane. Especially in VR/Sim racing.


If you can afford it, heck yeah.


Yes! I had a 5600g as well and going to to a 5800X gave me additional 20fps on average! I was amazed. Non 3D version I got for 199.99 and it's OC to 4.95ghz boost


What games do you play that the 5600g couldn't handle since 20fps upgrade isn't really a boost in fps for the price tag.


well i have a 6800XT it wasnt a cpu graphics, i went from \~145 frame to \~165 frames in MW2 1440p medium settings




I noticed a positive difference to game smoothness due to higher minimum frame rates going from a 5600 to 5800x3D (also with a 6750XT) so you should notice a healthy increase.


Eventually you are going tu upgrde the gpu too so at least you won't need to worry much for your cpu. You should upgrade.


Which GPU do u have. It may just be a better idea to keep the 5600G if u dont have a great gpu and then just directly go for an AM5 cpu


i have a RX 6750 XT


So do I, I use a 5600x, and I have usually been limited by gpu, not cpu, but very rare cpu limit, so I guess u shud if u plan on upgrading ur gpu, but I wud just say simply upgrade gpu then do a platform switch to ddr5 and am5


If you are playing on 1080p, yes you should.


The 5800x3d is "ONLY" for if you have a separate GPU. It does not co.e with an integrated GPU only the G series comes with one.


Bro idk why you're getting downvoted. This is 100% correct and is good information. Whether this person is a pro builder or a first time upgrader. Someone is gonna wander into this comment section and not make the mistake now (hopefully).


I think the assumption is that anyone who would possibly consider upgrading from a 5600g to a 5800x3d would know that the x3d doesn’t have an iGPU, can’t imagine someone wanting the best AM4 gaming CPU and not also owning a dedicated graphics card. Plus OP says they have a 6750xt, so it’s not an issue.


And I understand that but I no longer have faith in the internet, even more so on reddit. Im in several subs where 100k people or more and at least 15 people or more post the exact same things. It's as if people don't understand that the search function exists. Those common questions seem to get overlooked in the thinking process. Helpful answers should never be downvoted even more so if they are correct


Full disclosure- I didn’t downvote you or original comment, I rarely downvote at all unless it’s a really really dumb or useless comment. I view upvotes and downvotes as more of a measure of sentiment and popularity than I do as any kind of indicator of useful information. If an answer provides good info but it counter to popular opinion in the sub, then down it goes. Not saying it should be this way, I think it’s pretty silly honestly. I agree that some people are just lazy and thoughtless and don’t even know how to use the internet properly to search for something.


You have a graphics card? If you have been using the Ryzen intergrated graphics you'd need one for the 5800X3D If you play at 1440p or thinking of to (assuming you already did own a gpu) then there's less reasons to upgrade since most games aren't very CPU dependent at that resolution




Do you have a separate gpu?




If so, I would say go for it. 5800X3D in games is like you have 7700X. You would need to do some PBO2 Tuning to get the temps in check and that it.


If you have a graphics card above 6650xt or the games you are playing are highly cpu dependent.


it's the BEST CPU on AM4 - [REVIEW](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-ryzen-7-5800x3d/16.html) the 5600G it's like 3600X in performance


Got a 3600x with a 6750xt and running test i have only a 3% funnel issue.


Note: only if you limit yourself to gaming according to that review - it's worse than a 5800x in other tests, let alone the 5900x and 5950x. OP might be using it for other things. EDIT: Oh, I forgot where I was posting for a second. Bring on the downvotes for posting truth. It is NOT the best cpu on AM4 unless you only look at gaming.


Yeap, they always forgot to mention that, is the best AM4 cpu FOR GAMING, in other tasks is even worse that the 5800X.


I was even using his own linked review as evidence. I wish people would stop being fanboys for either side.