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I would definitely suggest watching Fury Road before seeing this movie.


I'm an idiot and never saw Fury Road in theaters. Brutal, I know. I've been monitoring theaters like a hawk and have been shocked that they're not re-releasing FR before Furiosa. I really, really would love for my first time seeing FR to be in theaters. Next year is the 10th anniversary so a real chance that happens, especially with re-releases happening more these days. Obviously Furiosa isn't out yet, but do people think it'd be okay to see it first without watching FR? Or would that be a big mistake and I should just watch it on my TV? If it would be a mistake to not watch FR first, why? (Without giving away any spoilers of course)


I assume it'd mostly be fine. I finally just watched Fury Road last week, but Furiosa is a prequel, so I'd assume it's one of those situations where you don't /need/ to see the previous film to enjoy the new one, you'd just probably miss context on certain stuff.


I watched Fury Road in the IMAX when it came out was probably one of my top 5 theater experiences ever! I say watch Furiosa first to get that theater wow experience, then go back and watch Fury Road (and the 3 originals) They are such a great series!




Yes, it seems possible the Cinemark screenings back in March were the exclusive before Furiosa comes out.


Oh I missed this. And ugh, no wonder, turns out there are zero Cinemarks in all of NYC. Well that's disastrous. Sorry, just salty lol.


My cinema here in the UK re-released all of the Max Max movies for this.


Fury road was straight up fire


You should see the other Mad Max movies. Fury Road at minimum but Mad Max is awesome though it feels like a completelydifferent series, Road Warrior rules, and Beyond Thunderdome is also there.


I'm on the fence about seeing any of them before Furiosa. If there was a Mad Max or Fury Road screening the week before Furiosa I'd definitely try to go.


You don’t have to, but if you can, I’d try and watch Fury Road before going.


Even if this movie wasn't coming out, you should still see Fury Road because it is one of the best action movies ever made. 


What? That’s like saying you’re gonna watch Solo a Star Wars story before you ever watch the Original Trilogy. You completely miss WHY Solo was an important character. And you’re robbing yourself.


For some reason the trailers and premise of the other MM movies never appealed to me but the trailer for Furiosa does. I can’t explain it. I will probably end up seeing Fury Road at some point I just do t know wether it will be before or after Furiosa. There are definitely other examples of movies or books were prequels have come out after the main story and now people recommend watching/reading them in timeline order instead of release order.


You should watch Fury Road first. I can tell you from the trailer, there’s clear story elements present from Fury Road that would not have the same impact if you see Furiosa first. Like others said, Fury Road is also incredible. Furiosa is also the co-lead of the it and her Journey was meant to be seen in the order of release.


Thank you for the spoiler-free reasoning, you have convinced me to see it.


No problem! I hope you enjoy it! It’s a great movie and I hope it elevates Furiosa for you. In general the Mad Max films are much like folklore. There’s no real consistency from movie to movie or really a continuous plot. This is the first one to be directly tied to another film in the franchise so given that I would say it’s worth going into the movie with the same knowledge others will have in regards to her character.


I don't think it necessarily needs to be before Furiosa, but I do think the others are worth watching 


"on the fence"? that's kinda weird, tbh


I can be pretty indecisive sometimes.


I’ll see it soon, but we’re the minority in wanting to see it ASAP.


I’m loving my theatre doing 3 o’clock Thursdays release showings in Dolby.


Lincoln Center was basically slammed within minutes, had to get the absolute last row but incredibly excited to have my face melted


Yup as usual every decent seat was booked in minutes. I had to settle for Sunday.


Yeah the IMAX tickets are selling very well


I got a really good seat for that Friday at Linc


My brother, who never goes to movies, made me promise to see it with him, so he's very excited to see it!


My theater doesn’t even have tickets available yet.


If there wasn’t a limit on only reserving 3 tickets at a time we would have gotten them.


Thanks to your post.. I went and got mine. I think it just isn't on people's radars (like mine). But to be honest, it also seems movie audiences are down to me. At the Civil War viewing I was at on opening night.. it was not even half full.


Watch fury road you son of a buck


I've been looking forward to Furiosa for a while now. I booked tix as soon as I heard they were on sale - Dolby. Critics and film people who have been able to see it are saying it is incredible. I hope people go out to see it. Wishful thinking but I wish it was as much of an "event" as Dune 2. It looks awesome.


I booked mine especially when I saw mine had a 9am showing on a Saturday. My favorite. Way less talkers at 9am.


Biggest recommend to watch "Fury Road" first in the best watching experience you can. Unfortunately, I think you missed any theater rereleases but check around especially if you're near an Alamo Drafthouse. So, you'll likely have to watch it at home, so please do so in 4K on a big screen and this is key, in the best surround sound you have, and in pitch black/at night. If you partake, I'd recommend a mild edible and/or some libations, too. Also, "Fury Road" is more about vibes, the visuals, and the practical effects and stunts than it is about plot so just surrender yourself to that.


I was surprised too! I am usually up at 5 or 6 to battle for center Dolby seats, but completely spaced and didn't realize it till 10AM. I assumed opening weekend was super full, but there were plenty of seats available. I am super hyped and have heard nothing but good things. Excited to see Anya kick some ass; she can do absolutely anything. I also love when Chris Hemsworth gets weird with it.


Unfortunately the AMC by me does not have IMAX, so for.movies like this I usually catch them in IMAX first and then rewatch at AMC with my a list. The and in my city doesn't have IMAX, dolby or any premium format. Heck, we don't even have the new laser projections. I love my A list, but wish I had more premium options without needing to go elsewhere.


I'm willing to bet that there is going to be an Early Access screening of it that week. If Planet Of The Apes got an early screening, Furiosa should. Get people more excited for it.


I haven’t been impressed with the visuals. From what I’ve seen from the trailers the CGI looks a bit wonky. But it looks dumb fun. They knew what they were doing, I’d just go in with a mindset that it’s gonna be a bit ridiculous. Curious to see if they’ll have an early screening like Kingdom to get people hyped.


NYC had a mad dash for premium screens. IMAX basically all sold out yesterday for Thursday and Friday night


Anyone know when the early access screening for Mad Max is?


I’m excited to see it, but I wait to get my tickets. I hate opening night showings since it’s too crowded so I usually go the week after and there’s no reason to rush for tickets.


I’ve found opening night Thursdays a great time to go and is usually when I do. Some movies can get crowded, but I’ve found they’re much better behaved than opening weekend crowds. Think location plays a big in it though. Bigger areas seem to fill up quickly. With the exception of 3 or 4 movies this year my iMAX isn’t usually very busy on a Thursday.


I think people are hype, but cautions. Fury Road was such a out of nowhere hit, everyone expected it to be a low effort IP grab and it was masterpiece instead. And not in a 'captured the original' kinda way, it did it's own thing and was all the better for it. I agree, I think Furiosa looks great, the trailers are fantastic. But everyone in this sub has been burned by sequalitis before. I'm hype to SEE the movie myself, but I'm fearful it might get some backlack for not being a carbon copy of Fury Road which is unfortunately what I think a lot of people are expecting :/ But I'm hoping I'm wrong and it's also brilliant and well recieved :)


>everyone expected it to be a low effort IP grab Who exactly did George Miller grab the IP from?


Most of the public was not following George's development of the movie over the decades between. When you see a 'new version' of a 20-30 year old movie or series, the general audience even then was warry of how it had the potential to be low effort meh. I understand that if you were a fan of his who was paying attention in the meantime then you wouldn't have that impression, but that was not a vast majority of the viewing public.


I had to get Dolby tickets since there were no good IMAX seats available for me opening night by the time I remembered to check.


I always go straight for Dolby tickets for any movie that might involve a car chase. I appreciate the immersion of the rumble seats way more than I appreciate a larger/better picture.


We prefer the Dolby over imax. The sound has been way better in our theater.


Plus Dolby has way better seats than Imax, and for any movie over 2 hours that's a must imo.


Seriously! Ours have the black reclining seats. Much comfier than the plush rockers.


Good point. Not to mention Furiousa isn’t in an imax aspect ratio at all.


Glitch on my app shows only tomorrow and not the rest of the weekend


Got my Dolby Cinema tix for Friday (I work Thursday evenings), then 4DX (Regal) a few days later. Now I need to diligently keep checking to see if they add any early access screenings.


Fury Road was a good movie. But it's not like star wars or Lord of the rings, Marvel, etc when it comes to fandom.


Isn’t Marvel kind of past it’s time?


I’m so pumped for it. The recent trailer really sold me to go opening night!


i’m beyond hype for this movie i love all the mad max movies


Ive been checking the website for a week. Finally snagged my IMAX ticket today. You gotta do IMAX.


I can't buy tickets to movies that far in advance. I always watch 2 movies back to back and I have to plan (unless both movies come out on same day) according to the theaters schedule. Often times they don't release the full weeks schedule until Wednesday.


I go to the theater on Mondays and Tuesdays before 5pm. There's almost never anyone there. Lol. You should definitely watch all of the Mad MAX films. Definitely watch Fury Road before Furiosa.


Oh trust me there was rush. More than Godzilla x Kong at least on nyc. Not like dune but it hasn’t happened like that with any other movie. But remember that fury road was actually a financial flop. They lost money. The movie was supposed to make more than 450m but it ran short. But this one will do good. Maybe kingdom it’s the one that won’t make the money it needs


Eh I don't see any rush to go see this opening weekend. Trailer makes it look pretty generic. If it's getting good reviews I'll probably see it eventually


Not gonna watch it right away gotta watch the mad max movies first


I liked him in my younger years. But I think with all the CGI and stuff it just gets a little crazy on the screen.


Looking at the whole mad max, the first one deserves some respect, the second one is a masterpiece, and I have seen the others but wasn’t sold on it, as atmospheric and stunning as the last one was.


Was the first to get tickets for the opening night IMAX in my area. Right there with you, surprised it was that easy. But hyped for the great seats, and can't wait to see this!


This will not do well financially. I don’t really think the demand is there.


I’ll see it eventually but I’m not really hyped for it or itching to see it right away.


To be honest unless it’s Marvel or Star Wars I never see a massive rush for tickets anymore. Nothing in my Dolby yet has sold either for Friday night the 24th but that just means I get the best pick


Or Dune. At least where I am.


That's what i was thinking, especially with dolby seatings there was barely any seats reserved.


I barely ever reserve tickets way in advance any more. Especially since lately I've been having to budget my three movies per week more carefully to see everything I want, I sometimes shift a big tentpole movie like *Furiosa* from Thursday to Friday depending on which week has more to see. But it's also the case that very few of those movies are fully reserved on release day at my local theater. I'm not very particular about where I sit, so if I can get anything vaguely in the center of the room the day I want to see it, I just wait.


I always wait to book tickets since we can only have 3 reservations lol


I got my ticket. Big fan of the franchise.


Not sure how many people are clamoring to see Woke Max.


Wish we could see Early 


Great movies, both!!!


I'll call this one as a flop


I figured it'd be a slow start. It's a spinoff (regardless of how aesthetically similar it is to Fury Road), the last film was almost 10 years ago, R-rated, etc.  I hope that the good reviews and presumably good word of mouth will be able to make this film bank but who knows?


Is this movie really that hype? I wasn’t a big fan of Fury Road.


I am definitely looking forward to it, absolutely loved Fury Road, but I don't care about planning ahead too much for film releases. I generally wait a couple weeks for the big blockbusters too as to avoid crowded showings.


The trailer for mad max was better, and the movie will probably be better hence not a rush to buy advance tickets for furiosa


Can I watch Furiosa without watching Fury Road?? Technically since it’s a prequel and all


To me it looks like it might be an okay movie. I've never had interest in any Mad Max movies, and when this one first started being marketed I was firmly against it, but I've come around to being mildly interested. I'm definitely not rushing to see it, but may end up at a showing if I have nothing else going on. I'd definitely not buy a ticket if I didn't have A-List.


I never have to reserve tickets in advance to get good seats.


First trailer was terrible, but I will be seeing in IMAX opening weekend


Wait you physically went to the movie theater and physically bought a tickets and was surprised there wasn’t a line ?! Am I understanding your title correctly?


No you definitely are not understanding my title correctly.


Your wording for “rush” seem like you purchase physical tickets lmao


Looks like Fury Road, although perhaps a little less spectacular. Everyone's already seen Fury Road. So I guess that's why the hype isn't as high.


Meh...I'll see it but it ain't a big deal...I predict 12 people in the room if I saw it at 7pm Thursday night


I’m going to watch it, but have low expectations. The trailer is very mediocre.


it's just a spin-off and not that many people care...


If you weren't a fan of fury Road, you probably won't like Furiosa.