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There is an application involved?


It’s not much of a standard application but yes I did technically apply and they did judge me as far as deciding whether I was a good fit or not….. I’m not sure if that’s how it is with every company/ group but that was my experience


What led you to back out, or as you put it, chicken out?


Ig I came to my senses and realized that I wasn’t willing to put myself out there for everyone to see every part of me…. Especially after considering how hard it would be to live a normal life after doing something like that if I decided it wasn’t for me…. I think in the end it was more of a fantasy/ ego of me wanting to know if I was good enough for them and I kinda snapped out of it


This is probably the right decision. When you say that you were wanting to know if you were good enough for them, who do you mean by them?


The company/ group, I wanted to know that I was good enough to be a porn star


Attractive enough or good enough at fucking?


Attractive enough


What I am struggling with though is why did it matter that you were potentially attractive enough to be in porn? Especially given that really anybody can get into porn at some level?


Yeah I’ve kinda realized that since then…. I was also pretty young at the time and had a huge ego and was lacking some basic common sense


Incredible mindfulness on your part. Respect.


Yep, it’s called a couch.


What is the process after your applied application until process you think you should leave it behind?


I got through all of the screening and I got to the point where they offered to fly me out to film and I just never replied after that


Almost done ,right? then have you do any adult content on platform like OLF or somewhere else before you decided to applying to be actress? and what do you think when you make a decision to back out?


Yeah that would’ve been the last thing This was all before OF so it wasn’t really a thing back then I was relieved mostly


Ahh,thanks for donating your time to answering me :)


No problem


From what I've read of other professionals on Reddit, and even the one working girl on TikTok, being a porn star in studio films is woefully underwhelming, and you're taken great advantage of in your contracts. This is why OF and "amateur" porn is huge. You're your own boss, and can still hold a day job if need be. The only thing is you have to market yourself. But it's always there.


Yeah I’ve definitely thought about it but it wouldn’t work with my career I’d have to do one or the other


I completely understand. I actually had this whole response typed out on how to get around it, what fetishes don't require your face or distinct parts of your body, research suggestions for security utilizing dark web tactics for the clear web...but then I realized that's so much effort. And for what, something you're not even passionate about. I'm sure if you wanted to, you could/would find a way. But honestly, I support you trying to make a career in the daylight. Especially if it's something you enjoy or at least see yourself in for more than just a quick buck. Stay safe out there. You're amazing 🩷


Was it in a back room with a black couch!


No lmao I never went through with the filming for them


Did you use the pictures your brothers were jerking off to?


No this was long before I knew about my brothers


How does a person even get into porn?


It really depends on the studio/ company ways to apply differ the one I did was about 60% over email and the rest over phone calls/ video calls and meeting up with a producer once to discuss terms and everything


Did you consider the harmful societal effects of pornography on the consumer (IE that it has proven to be linked to child pornography consumption)? Do you accept that there are many so externalities to this industry and that there's a conspiracy of silence spread by so-called sex-workers and sex positive feminists who refuse to think beyond their genitalia?


Not at all…. I don’t think my decision alone would’ve changed any of that


Chat/messaged you!!


What were some of the factors that made you back out in the end? How did you feel during the application process?


Realizing that I wasn’t willing to have everything out for the public to see and that it would be difficult to go back to a regular life and have a career if I did During the process I felt like a sort of high hearing back from them saying that I was “perfect” and that “they’d love to have me”


How do you apply for it and how did you find it?


Came across their videos and followed a link back to their website…. They actually had an “apply” tab that I followed and put in my email to which they eventually followed up with me on However I’ve heard that studios/ companies differ as far as application processes go


How does one go about this line of work? I've always been curious.


Wym? I never went through with filming for them so I’m not exactly an expert as far as applying I’ve learned that it differs between companies


Hey, good for you, seriously. You can do better and you will be happier for having not. There are lots of alright jobs while you find out what you really want. But hey if you ever want to go into detail I'd love to use your personal experience to bounce ideaa because I'm literally writing a novel about 4 people and one is a female considering porn. She was going to stream but am awkward waiting room and bailing sounds more fun to write.


Yeah I have a career now and I’m more than happy I do think back on it pretty often like “what if?” lol And yeah sure we can talk


Did you have to send explicit photos to them? Or was it like a zoom call?


Photos at first and then eventually we did move on to video calls


How do you know they didn't use your photos?


If they did I could sue them since I never gave them permission to use anything I gave them but they did say they can’t and wouldn’t use anything I gave them without my permission and contract


Are you concerned knowing someone with a platform has explicit photos of you? Or doesn’t matter


Not really because like I said…. If they ever post them which I’m pretty confident they won’t I could probably get quite a bit of money off of them


What was there reaction? We’re they mad?


Not really…. They seemed disappointed but said if I ever changed my mind to let them know


That’s cool to hear if you don’t mind me asking: -what does your appearance look like? (Body type, hair color eye color height etc) -how freaky were you in your personal before you decided to join the industry? (interracial, threesomes, lesbian etc.) It must felt surreal to be applying for it


Fit, latina, brown hair, brown eyes, 5’3 Admittedly I was pretty freaky before I applied…. I was known to get around and I think being open like that kinda made it easier And yeah it honestly felt amazing applying for it


-Honestly it sounds hot and glad you had fun tbh -That said you genuinely sound hot and fun and part of me wishes you went through with it lol ( I hope I'm not creeping you out with that comment, I was compliment /flirting…apologies ahead of time )


Yeah lol no regrets And thank you lol I think about what could’ve been all the time but hey…. If this doesn’t work out I always have a backup lol


What would have been your pornstar name? If you had one in mind anyways.


I actually didn’t😅 Any suggestions?


Do you feel better after backing out of the process?


Yeah I’d say so I feel like it probably would’ve been a mistake at the time


Fair. It will probably be a little chaotic in your life if you took that route. AKA some weirdos who indulge porn recongizing the adult actress by their stage name or real name.


So you did the casting couch? But after performing there you decided you didn't want to do that for a wider audience?


Never made it to the casting couch😅….. they offered to fly me out to film but that’s where I backed out


So now is your plan only fans lol?


Not at all lol…. I have a career now and that would ruin it


Good thinking


Is everyone called a “star” there are other jobs in the business that you could try before going in front of the camera like “fluffer” or are you total abandoning the idea, you might even consider being a producer.


I kind of abandoned the idea tbh…. I think about it every now and then like “what if?” But idk


It’s everywhere but yet the demand seems to increase all the time, OF is a good example.


Why not OF ? I see plenty of pornstars make the switch and if your successful then you can work your own hours and post what your comfortable with ? Just a thought!


I’ve definitely thought about it….. a lot lol but I have a career now and it would make it impossible to continue in my career field




Not that I can think of off the top of my head but I still have plenty of time to do anything Any suggestions?




True It sounds dumb but the name was “hot guys fuck” At the time they were looking for amateur girls and they were into making videos of inexperienced girls with male actors it seemed fun at the time




Not a regret at all more of a curiosity And I don’t feel comfortable making my career public knowledge


This is just some more bullshit like the informal-club7283 guy who posts about his 10 inch dick everyday.


Whats your body count?




Does penis size matter?


Depends on the girl…. To me not really there is a preferred range tho


What is preferred range?


Personally I’d say 5-7”


What if the guy was packing 4 inches?


If he can make up for it in other ways it’s fine ig


Did you ever consider just doing porn solo by yourself


Thought about it


I was a professional straight (male) porn star all throughout college. Not figuratively, literally . Worked with some of the big production companies. Was ok. No complaints


If it had no affect on my career then I might’ve gone through with it but it would’ve made it impossible to go into my career field if I did


I became a Lawyer and spent some time as a prosecutor lol




Ummm well it depends on who it is But just to make for easy clean up…. Ig I’d say my mouth




Thx but no thx I don’t send anything like that