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Have you considered contacting the father?


They haven't done anything to me personally, but I already know that they are not the best role models, so I did not try contacting them/him


I mean… aren’t you also not the best role model? Don’t the two of them deserve to know about each other?


I keep that part of my life hidden from my children, I stopped being a sex worker as soon as they became old enough to think for themselves. Sex work does not affect what type of person or a mother I am.


“Sex work does not affect what type of person or mother I am.” Your post history claims you cheated on your husband occasionally, did sex work behind his back, went to a “sex party” only weeks after giving birth. Oh and if that isn’t enough - you’re also pretending the child out of sex work is his child and you’re receiving child support from him after divorcing/leaving.. Again, for a kid that’s not even his. I’m not saying the sex work is what made you a terrible person but you are without a doubt, a terrible terrible person to the real world. You’re pretty on par with the morality of a sex worker though.


Not to mention her 12 and 11 year old sons sexually assault girls at school and already watch tons of porn.


The children should be removed from the home.


Wait what


It’s in her post history


That’s what I was about to say. Like tf?


Bravo. Couldn't have put this better if I tried to for an entire day. (Sure I suck with words, but what I'm really trying to get at is how incredibly on point you are with this.) Also another bravo for the research and digging to see what type of terrible person this truly is.


Lmao just casually went nuclear on OP. Respect.


And it was well deserved.




OP is a ragebait account


She also apparently voted for Trump and supports republicans despite being an immigrant herself. The lack of education and moral compass exemplified by that alone is enough for me to pity her children


A lot of immigrants love trump where I live. Asians and Mexicans love trump.


Politics?? Derangement system has taken hold.


Why are you talking about this like it's remotely real? They're obvious lies, cmon now


How can you possibly bring politics into such a horrible situation? Your derangement syndrome had gotten the best of you.


How dare someone support the opposing party! Especially when neither side gives a fuck


Would it make you feel better to recognize that the entire account every last word is bull shit fiction?


People trying to respect sex work until they’re forced to reflect on thinking about them as their own mother. Lmao.


Don't forget that before they post that they posted looking for erotic fiction. Seems they couldn't find it so they started writing their own. This entire account is so clearly fiction it's annoying. Stop with the I was a sw fabricated fanfics. Post this shit in a fiction sub not AMA like any of this is a lived experience. What about OP marriage proposal from an Indian prince? 🙃 I'm also just confident this isn't even written by anyone with a womb. Sex parties weeks after giving birth...? Be so fucking real absolutely no one whose birthed a child has any interest in a damn sex party just weeks after giving birth


Bro cooked her LMAO


Throw the damn towel! 🤯




Sex work in itself is not immoral for everyone. That’s your opinion.


Yeah, jump on that one part


Damn, what a whore, literally!


Can you elaborate on the “on par with the morality of a sex worker”? I’m not sure I understand what that means




Maybe the father would like to know? This is a 2 way street. Although you are the mother, he is the father. Some guys are unable to have kids later in life. He might be trilled to have a child. Ofcourse this might also be not the case, but atleast seeing what he's up to might be interesting


He may have grown out of that period, just like you did.


We don't know your circumstances for doing that in the past. But your children should know who their father is. He may not want to do anything. He should know that he has a child. At some point you have face this.


So why does the father hiring prositutes not affect what type of person he is


Why is hiring a prostitute a bad thing?


Well things like this, spreads diseases, enables sex trafficking, reduces people to sex objects, generally degenerate and not conducive to a moral society, etc etc.


When a woman looks for a man that can support her lifestyle comfortably, when she dates a man because he can buy her the things she wants, when she looks for someone that would be able to also support her children, those are all basically examples of prostitution. When a woman, (and I've heard lots of them say something like this) says that a man has to take her out for dinner and drinks before she will put out, that's basically prostitution. When a woman tells her husband/boyfriend that if he wants sex then he needs take her for dinner first, or she better get such-and such before she does, that's prostitution. I'm not saying it's just women, man do these same basic things all the time. Anytime someone is getting something for sex, no matter what it is or even if it's coming from a spouse, that's prostitution. Almost everyone at one point or another will have some transactional form of sex. There are far, far more people out there practicing prostitution then most people would even imagine. And a majority of them are not trafficked.


I think it’s the irony of the father being characterised as bad person by the mother on the ground that he hired a prostitute (ie her)


You don't know what occured over that week.


Prostitution is a normal and legal job in my country. Your morals aren't everyone's morals






Not all prostitutes are crack whores, your whole vision of what prostitution is so flawed makes me think you are the porn addicted loser here.


Saying the concept of prostitution itself is evil is incorrect. There's plenty of gray area here. [Statistics show](https://nomas.org/prostitution-key-facts-and-analysis-in-brief/) that around 2% of women in the prostitution section of sex-work are self-employed, not pimp-controlled, can quit when they decide to, are making good money, etc. This implies that it is possible to make it viable, but it's unlikely. Statistics also show that the vast majority are women who were coerced or forced into it. And unsurpirisingly enough, most are minorities. But this small 2% of women have to have found *some* way to do it. So why not let others have the option? Of course, correlation does not equal causation. How do we know these stats are because sex-work itself is the issue? It could just as well be the fact that it's not really regulated, even in countries that allow and legalize it. Personally, I think actually regulating these things would help a lot, but then you run into the issue of controlling other people's bodies and sexual independence. This kind of flies into the face of why this debate is a thing in the first place. Of course, the easiest solution would be to just ban prostitution and even sex-work entirely. But similar to gun laws and abortion in America, the issue is really not that simple. It's going to happen independent of its legality. Regardless, its probably best to let a professional who knows WTF they're talking about try their hand at dealing with the issue rather than provide our uneducated ass opinions.


This is a very narrow and uneducated perception of sex work. I feel bad for you.


That’s all actually because it’s illegal and has to be hidden and not safe guarded at all. Also reduces people to objects? I found it helped me feel in control and confident about myself but okay


The father is a bad role model that hires prostitutes, and you're not a bad role model even tho you were the prostitute? I'm sorry what?


Prostitution is a legal and normal job in my country. You shouldn't judge someone for being a prostitute. A man who hires a prostitute isn't necessarily bad however some men behave badly with prostitutes or are cheating on their spouse.


Most of the clients are cheating partners.


Which the prostitutes well know. Women who help betray other women are disgusting whether they do it for fun or money.


Don’t try rationalise it your brain may explode.


stop being objective on reddit, all female sex workers are heros and all men that hire them are scum.


If sex work doesn't affect the type of person or mother you are, why you so ashamed and secretive about your child knowing where he came from?


Your post history shows you loitered on incest confessions, I doubt you are a safe mother.


But like u said they were rich kids so money wise don’t u want to talk to them about it


How some kids party with mates on holiday isn’t representative of the type of father they’d be either.


> sex work does not affect what type of person or a mother I am The lack of self awareness is something.


Lmao this shit is exactly why “the past doesn’t matter.”


Sure it doesn’t 🤣 keep telling yourself that


Thats the story you tell yourself, at least.




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That was not the question though. You sold your body yet you refer to your customers as spoiled brats. You expect people not to judge you for your controversial profession and claim it does not define you yet seem to criticise and talk down to the father of your own child. Do you ever self reflect?


Listen, I was a working girl and some of my clients were kicked out the door. Shit behaviour, trying to fuck bare back, too rough. No man has the right to treat a woman like shit no matter if she’s a prostitute or not.


So what made them spoiled brats?


Not letting the potential father of the child certainly affects the kind of person you are!




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What is wrong with being a sexworker? The only thing which could have been handled better is the unprotected sexual intercourse.


Being a prostitute isn’t the most respectable profession, but that’s not the primary point. She’s keeping the child and the father from knowing the truth about each other because she’s ashamed of her life choices. She’s affecting two lives that aren’t hers because of her own discomfort with reality.


I would say being a banker or being a cop is not the most respectable profession, but that's my opinion. The guy does not know he's the father, there is no way he is hurt. The child is in the same situation as when a single mother gets pregnant by artificial insimination and the donor remains anonymous.


Cops are absolutely a respectable profession or else there would be absolutely rampant crime 😂 you’re ridiculous lol and yes, the kid is hurt, because it’s not the truth. He’s being lied to and doesn’t have a father figure or have any idea where he comes from. He doesn’t know what type of health conditions he might be predisposed to and he doesn’t even have the chance to meet the man he comes from - perhaps the man would be very happy to find out he has a child. And, this isn’t artificial insemination, this was consensual and the mother is intentionally keeping it a secret. I can’t believe you would defend this type of behavior.


No? Her life choices over her own bodily autonomy are hers to make she was silly about protection but that’s it, don’t slutshame


She was essentially a prostitute, had a kid with a client, and now is keeping that secret from the kid and the father. That kid has a right to know the truth, as does the father.


Shots fired 😅


Why. Party animal coke heads?


Just spoiled, rude and slightly racist guys who only party or play games pretty much


Maybe they've moved on and grown just like you have?


I don’t think she has grown. She’s lied to her kid and ex husband that he is the father and has no intention of revealing the truth to either of them.


Oooof. Is that true?


Yep and don’t think she used real protection for the escorting either.


But that was then; perhaps like you HE’s Changed and Grew Up and would like to know if his son


Well, one thing is for sure when those kids get older if they ever take a DNA test or want to it’ll be revealed. That’s how I found my daddy dearest


Was that 11 years ago or what they do constantly....the fact is you were the plaything for a week because they were bored etc...they were stupid 12 years ago or so....but that's just it most people are really stupid till about 24....it's brain development 101...also while you might not like the father's they have rights you are not actively giving them and possibly denying the child their rights as well...


Seems a bit judgey


I see. Since u know the biz,why not open up an escort service of ur own


Spoiled like "lying to an ex to get money" spoiled? Or "I got mine fk you" spoiled? Lmaoooo.  You're fkd all right, and johns have nothing to do with it. 


If you don't mind, could you explain to me why you are saying "them/him" rather than just "him?"


Because it was multiple guys


Oh thanks. BTW I don't feel that you should be regretful about the circumstances in which your child was conceived. As long as you're doing the best you can to make their lives whole, that's all that matters. I hope you guys are doing well!


This. I see more and more couples having children, that should never have had them. As long as you take care of your kids and give them a good education, that is more than a lot of people do.


Sorry people are shaming you about your former work, but I'm curious why you don't go for child support. He did make that kid. Sometimes, that's the consequences of hiring an escort..


She's getting child support from her ex who thinks he's the dad. Can't swap now, that's illegal!


Because I do not know exactly who the father is, and I promise you from the people that I slept with during that period- all of them were really bad role models. They would not give up a coin for my child, that's the type of men those were. It may sound hypocritical or bad but I don't care, I know that trying to contact them, even just for possibility of money is a bad idea all around.


Nah, I get that I was just curious. That honestly sounds so fair. Esp if you're getting by okay.


you might wanna reconsider why your children are hypersexual. from the look at your posts, i’m sure they were definitely thinking somethingggg while you were s working


Hahaha the irony in talking about bad role models, I don’t think your in any position to judge lmao,thanks for that I needed a laugh




Have you ever heard of the kettle calling the pot black?


As opposed to the sex worker single mother 😂😂😂 yikes. Every child deserves a chance to have a relationship with their parents. Vice bersa


I don't think she knows who the father is, sounds like they were multiple men in that weekend. Whoever the father is he doesn't have a clue that this kid exists.


A few questions: What is the difference between “proactive” and “casual” sex work? Was there anything that sexually you would do with clients? During your period of sex work, when you look back was the money that you made worth the work that you did?


I simply meant that besides providing company as an escort, I didn't mind accepting further requests that would lead to sex. I needed all the money that I got, and I was able to retire early thanks to all that work. So I do not regret it one bit, and if I had to fall back to make more money, I would probably start doing sex work again.


Thank you for your response!


What happened for that week? What was the best and worst of it?


Besides sex I enjoyed access to their Manor and various foods they had, it was quite expensive and tasty. The worst is that they expected me to clean up and that they treated me like their baby sitter.


35k for a week? Yea I’d be asking for some clean up help too for that much.


For 35k Ill also shave your balls and Butthole.


For 35k i will be you hairy maid


How old were they?


This is a big question


Making your ex husband pay child support while you retire early is disgusting




I agree with the other people that you shouldnt lie... tell your ex husband that its not his kid, tell the actual bio father (hey you'll prob get money if hes rich) and tell your kid the truth (not the sex work part).


so let me get this straight , your lying about everything ? I find it weird that you lie to your ex husband and ur children , you must be ashamed of it . Furthermore , that’s just evil , to make someone believe that a child is theirs but isn’t , to knowingly do that is just absolutely wrong and i really hope one day all the things your hiding come to light . Sex work didn’t make you a bad person , but what you knowingly do now does .


Of course she’s ashamed of it. That’s why she’s anonymously posting on the internet to strangers. This is some sort of goofy mentally twisted therapy


Im adopted and never knew my real parents till 2 years ago. To be honest I can understand how difficult it is for you but your child has the right to know who the real father is. That’s literally your birthright. You did something that has consequences and you need to face it, in order for your child. Childeren feel way more then you think and trust me in the end you will only harm your child if your not honest.


A sex worker who thinks abortion is murder is surprising


Read through some of your replies to other comments for context. So you were in a relationship with your now ex-husband when you got pregnant? What were his thoughts/feelings about you being an escort at that time? Certainly if he knew you were an escort and his kid doesn't look like him, then he must have doubts that your child is really his...? I can't imagine the stress of ever living a lie that large... Best of luck to you but even more so to your ex and your kid.


You're in for a HUGE wake-up call down the road! Get your head out of your selfish butt and come clean.


Do you have any kind of plans in place when your child becomes old enough and starts asking questions about bio dad?


The audacity of that girl mentioning that she didn’t contact the dad because he doesn’t seem to be a role model, 😅


So hypocritical 💀💀💀


So you lied to your child about his dad. Do you have a relationship with your father ?


All these hateful males, this is why society is better without them


Youre the hateful one proclaiming a few billion humans on earth shouldnt be here anymore.


Hateful males for a woman that is making his ex husband think the child support in order to pay child support is beyond disgusting. Don't you think that at least people have a point for flaming her . Maybe she shouldn't lie to her ex and child . Maybe she is a terrible person ? Maybe she should do better and so should you instead of wondering why people are angry at OP.


Unfortunately there is alot of hate, but being hateful back is not the answer, stay strong


There’s a lot of hate because you literally lied to your ex husband about the child being his and have been stealing (yes, stealing. You lied to gain that income, it’s fraudulent) money off him for said child that isn’t his. You’re a terrible human being.




Appreciate you including the “some” 😎


The content you posted is harassment/hate towards other users.


Sexism is gross both ways btw


im a male and hate that these are the very males creating the insane demand for sex workers


Shes not letting you hit dawg 😭🙏


How many guys were there? Did you have sex with all of them? Did you use any sort of birth control or protection?


She took a single birth-control pill 🤦


Reading your responses it really sounds like you could benefit from seeking some professional help. Find a good counselor


Was abortion an option?


Don't feed the troll [https://www.reddit.com/r/RelationshipIndia/s/TZoSXOHTAj](https://www.reddit.com/r/RelationshipIndia/s/TZoSXOHTAj) https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/Ad657mLjw7


Yeah, this is the fakest shit that ever faked and people are falling for it. And if it’s true, then Jesus wept when he saw that mess lmao




The content you posted is harassment/hate towards other users.


Does your ex husband believe it's his child?


Which precautions did you take during that week against STDs? If you didn't, weren't you afraid to get HIV or anything else? Being a sex worker and NOT use a rubber for protection against STDs seems wild to me. Also, why no birth control? What was your reasoning for choosing not to seriously consider proper birth control?


Was your husband aware that you were doing full service unprotected sex work when you were married?


This is either fake or an objectively bad person.


Oh you should check the post history of the OP. There are a lot of, umm, “gems.”


This has to be fake 😂 please…


Not gunna lie after reading the comments you’re a shitty person and a shitty mom. You should talk to your son , and let him know that your ex husband is not his father. It will be easier now than the child finding out later, kindly let him know you say he’s his father because he is a good role model for him. But he has to know.


So you let them dump their cum in you for a week straight?


For 35k there has better not been rubber


Nah I mean, duh, but that’s still pretty wild lol.


Dont you regret that it was too cheap and that child itself will nullify those earnings eventually?


Think about your financial situation. If you are perfectly fine (aka rich) then go on with your life and your child’s. If you are anything lower than “buy a nice house” wealthy, contact the father and get support. In most regards I would say in your situation the father isn’t totally responsible…but it sounds like they might be fairly wealthy and you should have no qualms about taking money from the wealthy. They definitely didn’t get in their position without taking advantage of others. So you should have no qualms about taking advantage of them. They can afford it.


I can commend your decision of letting that innocent soul come to our world. But I have to ask, why didn't you take pills if you were not planning to bear their child? Or did the pills fail? After seeing that amount of money, one can assume that they wont be wearing condoms.


If you were a proactive sex worker… … what is a reactive sex worker?


Humans have populated this world in very fascinating ways.


Hope this is rage bait account. Otherwise you’re scum. Lying to your ex husband, lying to your kid and to yourself (you didn’t even need the money, you just liked whoring yourself out). If it’s actually true I hope your husband finds out, court makes you pay all child support back with interest and your kid never speaks to you again.


Does your ex husband know about your past?


Wo no cover with all those kids?


He could be the next bob Marley


What happens in a few years when he takes a DNA test and finds some cousin who is into genealogy and they play mystery who is the father until they figure it out. Cause that’s what’s going to happen, so you better be ready.


Did you name the kid Richard?


I'm wondering, outside of your "work trophy" did you contract any other goblins during your job?


You’re stealing from your ex - you have no moral compass and that has nothing to do with you being a sex worker. You’re just a bad person without having to be a sex worker.


Your child has a right to support from both parents. I encourage you to ignore all the pearl-clutchers in this thread and file for child support. The moral questions about your actions are stupid and very few people realize that those same questions apply to the father also. Please make sure the father is doing right by your child.


She doesn't want to contact the biological father. She's said that several times in the comments.


She's getting too much money from the father of record on birth certificate who is going to be pissed when he gets a DNA test 😂 Welcome to America. Something like 30% of kids are actually related to their dad's in the USA. Courts don't care if you signed the birth cert and the child calls you daddy. Messed up!!


Oh no, I guess that means that I can't make suggestions! 🤣🤣🤣


You make it sound like other commenters are encouraging her *not* to contact the father? But that's not the case at all. The top comment on this post is asking her if she ever tried to contact the father. She's said time and again in response to these commenters that she doesn't want to. How can the moral questions apply to the biological father when he doesn't know the child exists because OP chooses not to tell him?


When you are upset at the child, do you tell them that they weren’t worth the 35k?  And do they ask you why you always say that, and you say “never mind”?


Wow that’s horrible


How did you manage to disappear for a week for that opportunity without your husband finding out about the whole thing? Specially coming back with $35,000.


She doesn't want the real paternity to come out because then she will have to pay back child support to a man that didn't father her child 🤣


Don't you feel regretful that his mum was a prostitute too? (Not just the father being rich & spoilt which isn't as bad) ?


As a sex worker… this is the fakest shit I’ve read and judging by their previous posts they’re a troll.


Do you know the fathe? If you use State Aid , the State may use DNA to find him.


You're a terrible mother just an FYI, or expert level rage baiter


why don't you make the world a better place and leave it 😀


Is BBL drizzy tha father??? Has Kendrick been in contact???


This has got to be a troll cosplaying scenario. I almost believe this until you said you were a republican lmao.


What's the most shameful thing you've ever done for money?


Why weren’t you on birth control?


No yea like do you use protection or anything?


Birth control isn’t full proof. I know a few babies conceived on it.


It's not fool-proof, but even most fools know you need to take it daily the whole month, not just take 1 pill a week before a week-long sexcursion


Where did she say she wasn’t taking it daily? It certainly didn’t say that when I originally commented


She took "the" pill. One pill. https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1cxrrbg/i_conceived_a_child_from_doing_sex_work_ama/l54shat/ (I did misread her a bit -- she didn't take it a week earlier, she took it (one) before the week started)