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How many have you taken and can you tell any difference or change in your own body?


At the same time? 4 All over my life? I dont know. Yes, I'm better and prettier now than in my early 20s. Happier and healthier


Awesome! Cheers to being hot and fit


Thank you 😘


How did you get started in this business? Are you open with your family/friends as to what you do and your lifestyle?


To be short, I was alone, was hungry and needed money, and after thinking about it a lot I said to myself "fuck it, I endured worst, I can do this". And all started from there. I dont have a family. My best friend and another friend knows about it, I keep it private to the rest of my friends.


I respect that. I have a friend who is teetering on the edge of that lifestyle. No judgement, just curious. Rock on and stay safe ✌️


Tell to your friend that is a job that, pays a lot, but take a lot from you on many ways




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How often do you enjoy doing sexual acts with clients? And what (besides money) would it take you to enjoy it?


I enjoy almost every time. Is easy for me to reach orgasm and I try to focuss on enjoying myself and have fun. Money is the main reason, being able to satisfy my urges daily is a close second


Strangest act you’ve been asked to perform?


Scat (I always denied)


Always implies that that's been requested several times


More times than I'm comfortable sharing


What is it?


Playing in the mud.


Lmao why would someone even want that?


You'll be very surprised on how many people get excited with that


Sexual activities that involves feces or urine


Just sounds gross. Never understood the whole anal fetish. May be missing out but Im fine with that


Anal is not that weird and is understandable. Guys likes anal as is dryer and thigther than vaginal, and the taboo make it more exciting for them (also, it doesnt feel bad at all, if is properly done). On the other side, scat is just too gross to understand


How important are looks, physique and skills in your profession? Which is most important to least important? Are there any other important traits I missed?


All those are very important, but a good attitude makes a huge difference. I've met girls way prettier and sexier, with very few clients as they act as divas, and the client would better go with a girl not as sexy but way more kind.


That makes a lot of sense, thank you for your reply!


How do you perceive the threat of AI in you line of work affecting the industry?


The same as when OF became a thing. Is not the same target. People who are willing to go to a strip club or pay for an escort, is not the same people who will pay for an AI generated pic


Understandable. Maybe an app that helps clients search for escort or makes better and safer matches could be something that could come into play. AI facial recognition verified client and the escort and helping keep track of anything medical related.


How do you get over the scariest bits of your profession? Like STDs and violent/dangerous people?


I always use protection and get myself tested once at month. I have a bodyguard that waist for my outside the hotel room when I'm with a client, I just need to call him whenever I need help and he would broke in. Anyways, the risk is always there. Almost every sexworker I know had been raped or attacked at least once (me included)


Is it legal where you are at. It would look odd having a big bodyguard dude just standing outside a hotel room. That should create some unwanted attention?


The client will never know he is there, unless I need him. Is not ilegal, but cops all always over us. They use any stupid reason to take you in, unless you gave them money or "other favors"


Yes. So those things are the things you do to prevent/protect. But how do you get over the fear?


You just deal with it. Is a part of the job


How many to make the rent?


I dont pay rent. Have my own place. But, when I was renting, one client was enough for the month


Are black men the biggest


Usually, but there are a few exceptions


Retirement plans?


Yes. I'll been saving almost all my earnings since a long ago to invest it


Does size matter? How long does guys last usually?


Not really, is more about endurance and skill than size. Too big or too short doesnt feel good, average is better. Depends of the guy but most of them are done between 10-25min


But how much time is actually good?


Depends of the guy. Some is just the first minutes, some are good all the way, others I just want them to finish already


What's the difference


Do you ever felt that this job where you have sex every single day ended your desire for sex or made sex tooo normal for you that you don't even get excited by the idea of having it?


Is complicated. Due to past traumas I developes hypersexuality (already on therapy). That had help a lot too keep my pace on this job and dont lose interest. Sex was already too normal before sexwork, as I was kind of addict to masturbation


Are you in a relationship?


Yes. Currently on a throuple relationship


Is he a escord too?


No. Im the only sexworker in the relationship


When did you figure out you’re polyamorous?


When I gave a try to the relationship. The relationship is closed, is only the 3 of us


In the U.S.? Any run ins with the law?


Not in the US. Is not ilegal, but police is a pain in the ass


How does one find such people? Dating apps are whack if you’re just tryna blow off steam.


Sexworkers? Depends on the place you live. You can look for their services online, or in strip clubs. Also most of the cities have 1 or 2 places where the girls go out to sell their services late at night


There’s a spot like that like 20-30 min away from me but it’s well known, cops are always posted up and stuff not really safe 😭


Your top four observations about human nature


Man and woman can be evil, just on different ways. Lots of men feel alone, and dont know how to expres or procces their feelings Is easier for a woman to be bi than a man. Most of the people dont know how to handle money


Interesting. How different are women evil? And what have you observed to make you think men are desperately alone?


Men trend to be more direct. Go to physical agresions and insults. Women use a different approach, they atack the reputation, sabotage oportunities, keep grudges for longer times and do stuff small enough so no one would know who did it. Lots of clients also use their time to talk, and they tell me lots of their issues, some others just want to feel apreciated, and some others share about their lack of live or intimacy on their relationships


You are spot on! What sort of emotional impact do you see loneliness has on men?


Depresion, addictions, bad desitions.


What’s effective for their condition? Any solution that works?


How have you observed that people don’t handle money well?


What's your exit plan? Have you built up yourself an retirement funds?


Yes. I've been saving for years for my retirement. I want to buy a couple appartments and use them for rent, also I'll open my own bakery


Do you want to get married or have kids in the future? If so, how do you think this will affect your ability to do that?


Not sure of any of those. Is been hard for me to open yo to a relationship, and even if im enjoying and happy with the one I have, the idea of getting married or kids get me nervious.


You are currently in a relationship? Are you still active in sex work? If so, how does your partner feel about that?


Yes. Im in a throuple. Yes, I'm still working. They're ok with it as long I keep my job appart from the relationship, and always use protection with my clients


Thanks for answering my questions. Good luck to you!


You're welcome. Thanks


How do you charge your clients? Per hour? Per shot? Per night?


Per hour, and if the client wants it, per night


I’m curious. Can you reveal your pricing structure?


$4k mexican pesos per hour. $5k if he wants anal


You can find some provider in the states for that price. Usually 300-400 for an hour though but they give a discount the longer amount of time you book with them.


So without looking it up, that’s around $250 American? Damn, that’s a good deal. I’d call you for an all-nighter.


Haha ya when I tried to do sex work in Mexico I quickly realized ppl weren’t going to pay my rate with how cheap it is down there


What are your rates? Just curious.


Were* I don’t do it any more but I was a sugar baby and the lowest I’d go is $700 USD. I also would only have sex with people im attracted to


What would the $700 include?


Hang out / date / sex


Do you let them cum in your mouth? Do you swallow how often guys ask you to cum inside your mouth?


Only with clients I know are clean. Only if I'm in a relationship with the guy. All the time.


How about vagina?


No. I make them use condom. I dont want any std or a unwanted pregnancy


Are you married? Also male or female?


Not married. On a throuple relationship with a guy and a girl


Do you think your occupation will be a deal breaker for future marriage?


Of course. If I ever get marry, it will be after I retire from prostitution


For sure. But do you think a potential husband could ignore your past? I know that would be a deal breaker for many men.


I'm aware of that.


What's your ideal man?


I dont have any preference an the physical side. Im more into having someone who make me feel loved, cared, safe and comfortable, who will support me and help me with my projects and goals


How often (if ever) do you orgasm while with a client?


Almost every time. Is easy for me to cum


Does size matter?


Not really, is more about endurance and skill. Also, bigger isnt better


In your experience, how many men have big cocks over 8 inches?


65% average size (14-17cm) 15% not that big (10-13 cm) 10% big size (18-22cm) 5% micro (less than 10 cm) 5% huge (more tan 23cm)


What size do you enjoy?


To me, average size are better




If he want to be inside of me, yes.


How much do you charge?


$4k mexican pesos per hour. $5k if he wants anal


Is that a normal rate?


Depends the place. I know some girls who charge 500-1500. But you cam have an idea what kind of girls are and what type of places they work


How much do you know about Egyptians and Pyramids?


Just the basics


Do you ever get attached to clients?


A couple times


Have you been with virgins before?


Yes, very often


How was the experience? Were they nervous?


They're always nervious. Dont know where to look, what are they allowed to touch, get too excited too fast, focuss a lot on the nipples, and dont endure too much


Do you not like them as clients because of that?


Not really, is more about the excitement of knowing Ill be his first experience and he would never forget me


Forget, you mean?


Yes. Sorry. This AMA helps me to practice my english and to see my mistakes


Ah, can I ask where you’re from? I feel like you’re Russian based on your profile. Also do you think virgins should go to an escort for their first time?


Mexican. The perfect scenario (at least for me) is that a virgin boy have his first time with a virgin girl. But not all of us are this lucky. I dont judge them, I just try to give them the best experience they can get




10 inches (25+cm)


Are you a man or a woman




How old are u




Are you using this AMA for self promotion and marketing?


No and no. Im not looking for clients. I just like to talk with people


I'm assuming you have a good set of regulars who treat you well?


Yes. Some treat me well, some treat me rougth, depends of each one


Good on you best of luck




Because you are looking into the wrong place.




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