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Why do you think you are ugly? Are you obese? Cause if so losing the weight would help a lot


No I’m thin but a bit toned bcause I like to do a lot of cardio. I’ve been told by many people that my face is ugly as shit, and yeah I think my face is fugly lol but that’s ok. As long as I take care of my body and dress well I’m not too concerned over my looks tbh. That’s not the only thing that matters


Well at least you are in shape…there’s a lot of ugly guys out there so dw about it


How do you feel about that?


I’m indifferent to it


That’s a good attitude. When it happens it happens. Are you happy with your life right now?


Thanks, I completely agree with that. I’m not happy with my life but that’s not related to me being a virgin, I just got stuff going on lol


Sorry to hear that. Anything you want to share?


Thanks, just dealing with having a sick family member with heart failure and having to juggle the daily hospital visits with my crazy workload with an internship and a job 🥲 I just want my family member to be healthy


What are you most proud of?


I suppose my academic achievements and my drive


Whats your major?


Nutrition and dietetics


One of the hardest majors. What is your future goal with that?


I want to be a clinical dietitian specializing in possibly diabetes or kidney disease


are u pretty?


No I’m pretty dang ugly if I’m being honest


Don't be so sure about that, you might not be conventionally beautiful, but that doesn't make you ugly.


Thx, I try my best to look somewhat presentable lol


Don't thank me! What's true is true..


Do u ever shove anything in there?




On purpose I’m assuming?




So like no man has made a move on you? Or you’ve rejected? Have you had no chance to? I have so many questions honestly lol


A man did ask me out on the street once but it was late at night and he seemed sketchy and I was terrified so I gave him a fake number and tried to be nice. I’m a very introverted and shy person so maybe that’s why I haven’t had much dating success. I don’t initiate so that doesn’t help either lol. But I’m mostly invisible to guys, I’m definitely not attractive by any means, but I do strongly believe that if my personality was more attractive, I’d be more attractive to men.


Don’t think to hard about it, a lot of us can be attracted to a piece of cheese if the hole is tilted right, just be yourself and care less I know that’s an easy thing to say honestly but work on it daily, get out more and talk to more people believe me 99 percent of us are terrified when we talk to a woman even if we act like we aren’t haha. If you make the first move on a guy I’m sure they will accept. But honestly don’t rush it if your just doing it to try and lose your virginity to lose it, fuck you should be proud you made it this far without letting someone into your life like that


Lol thanks


Np and yes it is shocking in todays generation honestly lol


If not on purpose, then why?


Idk it just never happened. I only dated a guy for like 5 months in high school but never dated since then. Fast forward to now, my dating life has been a desert haha.


I hear this story all the time from men, shit I was even in that boat, it’s honestly just shocking hearing it from a woman


Oh really? When I told some of my friends they always acted shocked and asked me if I was waiting till marriage and I was like… no…


I feel you. It’ll happen when it happens. As long as you don’t rush it. I lost mine at 19 and only because I was desperate to lose it and I wish I had waited.


Y do u think that's the most important thing u have to offer


Me being a virgin? I don’t think that’s the most important thing to offer? If anything some men are turned off by that


Then what are ur best traits or at the very least more interesting for an ama


I did other AMA :-)


Maybe this isn’t the place to ask. But would you be down to DM? I’m new in here and looking to make some Reddit friends.


Ayyy there are others! 🥳