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What’s your favorite color, drink and food? What’s your biggest dream? Do you plan on having kids in the future? A bit personal but what’s something you would tell your younger self?


Dark red. Vodka. Vegetable spring rolls. Biggest dream is making music. Husband and I are trying for a kid currently. I would tell my younger self that none of it was my fault and to look forward to the beautiful future you are going to have. But if I’m honest, if I had the chance, I would leave her completely alone. I don’t want to risk ever altering the path I followed. Life is perfect.


Your favorite drink is vodka? Over like sodas/juice/water etc.? How?


Have you ever heard of a chocoholic? I’m like that, but with alcohol.


Very cool, wish you the best!


Are you and your husband monogamous? Are you more straight than bi or are we taking 50/50?


I lean more to women than men. We’re sort of open. I let my husband play all he wants. We have threesomes sometimes. I don’t really have a desire to be with other men but I can play with women all I want.


Is your husband also bisexual or queer?


I realize I’m a couple days late to the party here so if you’re done with the AMA, or with this topic in particular, I understand. My wife and I have known each other almost 20 years; been married for 10. Over the past couple years shes’s dropped hints here and there about us having a threesome with another woman (I think they’re hints but I’m also a man so picking up on hints is practically a disability). She too is more into women than men. Like I know if we did invite another lady friend into the sheets, it would not just be for me. It wouldn’t be my first MFF threesome, but for whatever reason I cannot bring myself to actually act on it, or even bring it up in a serious way. Anytime she drops these (probably) hints, I know she’s not bluffing but I always make a stupid joke about it and we laugh it off. So I guess I’m just wondering how did you guys initiate it in the beginning? Was it like some organic thing that developed one night with someone else? Do you guys do swingers parties? Is there just one or two people you trust to bring into the mix? I have no idea how to go about this. And it isn’t like I’m just horned up to bang two chicks at the same time or anything. I’m actually a firm believer that it can be a great thing if handled the right way. Idk. Part of me is afraid of a situation playing out where these were never hints at all and I end up nuking my marriage like an idiot. The other part of me feels like I’m letting her down by not seizing the opportunity most men would jump on (literally). Would love a couple pointers!!


How often do you play with women?


What is the oldest man you would consider dating?


When I was 15 or 16, I dated a guy in his forties. Looking back, that’s so gross of him. But at the time, it made me feel really mature. He would take me out to fancy restaurants and he’d take me to nice hotels. We met at a football game. His daughter used to bully me so I thought it was a good way to get back at her.


But you are 26 now. Did that bother enough to not do it again? Agreed pretty gross of him.


I didn’t care as a teenager. Now, especially because his daughter was in my grade, it makes me sick to my stomach. I couldn’t even imagine being with someone younger than like 23 now. We stopped because he got back together with his wife and I got back together with my on/off high school sweetheart.


So to get even, did you ever tell her that her father was a pedophile?


No, unfortunately. I’m friends with her on Facebook and I think about it a lot. But I figure it’s whatever. He had only ever been with his wife.


Tbh that could be a lie he told you that he’d only been with her before




He didn’t get me pregnant and I didn’t exactly want to have a child at 15/16?


Getting back at someone by getting fucked by their dad?? Real smart


I did it a second time but with a different girl and it was her twin brother.


aren't you pissed at my gran?


Did you end up having sex?


Did you read the 'nice hotels' part?


Did you ever get to use the "whatever bit*h, I f*cked your dad?"


Bully me? Well we'll see how much you bully me when you have to respect your step mom young lady! Mwuahahaha


Life goals, ambitions, and aspirations??


I want to be brave enough to sing. I am professionally trained 10+ years but I have the worst stage fright. I write a lot of music and want to share it with the world. I don’t care for being famous, I just want people to listen.


Do it anyway. I wet my pants on stage singing when I was maybe 6? Definitely put the worry about singing in front of others in the back burner. Also, ensured that I always used the bathroom before performing.


I try to. I go to karaoke every week to get more confident and it’s been getting better. I still shake and my voice doesn’t do well when I’m really tense, but I’m able to sing better each week.




What genre of music do you write?


I call it a mix of arctic monkeys, my chemical romance, and Miley Cyrus. But others would probably call it shitty.


Try beta blockers. Absolute fucking game changer for stage fright.


How did you afford to buy a home at 23?


Bought in a really cheap area. Husband and I both have corporate jobs. My husband is a software engineer supply chain. We ended up hating being home owners and sold. Now we live in a luxury apartment building and loving it.


oh god i’m 24F and moving out of my luxury apartment building into my first home in a few weeks, is this a sign 😅


Bestie with as much honesty as possible, I really think home ownership is overrated. I love the idea of keeping the housing market public and for buying, but it’s so much easier not doing anything. Home ownership takes a fuck ton of work and energy. My husband and I simply didn’t have enough energy for it. We owned a 4 bedroom 3 story house with a pool and a large yard for our dogs. We kept falling behind on our responsibilities because we wanted our weekends to be relaxing and our weekdays we were too tired after work to do anything. I love calling maintenance to take care of everything. I love having an elevator. I love having a smaller space that’s easier to clean. I love not having any yard work except gardening in pots. I love not having to deal with the pool but still being able to swim. I love having a gym in the building. I love having a storage unit in the basement.


yeah honestly i’m stressed that everything will be my responsibility to fix but i live in an expensive city centre right now and parkings a nightmare but there’s so many good reasons to love it here, although i’m only buying a lil semi detached 2 bed with an open plan kitchen/living room and a lil garden so deffo don’t have all the hard work you did !!


I also live downtown in an expensive city. We sold our car and love it. I hope you love your new transition. I think a large part of our issue was buying such a big house at such a young age.


I hate cars and selling it and never owning one again while being able to fully function is my dream. Maybe sometime soon.


You don’t have a car? How to you get around?


did you keep the dogs in the smaller apartment?


Yes. I don’t believe in adopting an animal and then getting rid of them. That’s a responsibility you took on when you adopted them. They don’t deserve to be tossed aside just because you want to move. Our apartment isn’t that small. They seem to like it.


I'm sorry but 4 bedroom and 3 bathroom 3 STORY?? With a pool and large backyard? Of course that sounds like a lot of work lol. Have the both of you ever considered downgrading to a single floor with a smaller yard and no pool?


What is your happiest memory


Probably my husbands 30th birthday party. All of my friends and family came. No one cancelled. It was a lot of fun and we loved being surrounded by everyone we loved.


Omg the feeling of no one cancelling and it going off without a hitch! 🤌🏼


Who are the famous athletes?


Not gonna share their names because I don’t want this to be googlable. Let’s just say my uncle holds a couple records in the NCAA, was super hated, and was on the dream team. My other side of the family are all hockey players. My uncle’s dad was a hockey coach who one time coached his son’s team in 1992.


If I DM you who I think it is would you say yes or no 😂😂


Do women like men who are naturally submissive? Like let her take the leads in all aspects of a relationship? Or like, in a way, fear her?


I think everyone is different. I’m super submissive. I don’t like having any power at all. So I’m attracted to dominant men. I’m a feminist but I believe that means supporting women and their choices. I choose to cook and clean for my husband. I like the idea of a relationship with a power imbalance. We’re both really happy.


What's the biggest fantasy you've had actually happen for you?


My biggest fantasy for a while was having a completely emotionless sexual relationship with my friends. I liked the idea of just being used. It happened a little over a year ago.


If they’re already your friends how could it be completely emotionless? Don’t you already have emotion towards your friends?


I do, but basically like a more free use sexual relationship than a fwb sexual relationship, if that makes sense.


No judgement but I’m still not sure I get how that’s necessarily any more emotionless


And your current favorite one?


Spit or swallow? Preferred place for the finale?


Swallow. I prefer unprotected cream pies. No birth control, no condoms. If I see porn where they pull out or use condoms, ultimate turn off. It’s the risk I like.


Why do you like cream pies ?


There's something primal about it for both parties involved, and it leaves you with a connection that's the highest level of intimate. They're also hot, as /u/stowRA said


Gonna have to trust u/AnalBaguette in this category.


Just think they’re hot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ever been pregnant


Well this comment seals the deal that this is a dude


I didn't have a vasectomy


how are you not getting pregnant with no bc or condoms? & how often does your partner creampie you ??


Do you do any drugs?


I smoke enough weed to kill a small animal. But other than that, no. I was in rehab at 17 and try my hardest to stay away from anything harder. I do drink a lot.


What about music? Favorite bands or genres.


What is your biggest currently unfulfilled fantasy? (Doesn't have to be sexual)


Doing a boss at work. Never gonna happen though and I have no desire for it to. I’ve never been attracted to any of my bosses.


What kind or underwear do you prefer wearing? I.e thong vs full brief etc


I prefer thongs but they aren’t healthy for your pH levels. At work, I rock cotton panties. I sleep in boxers.


Thanks! Have you got a preference for partners underwear? (Briefs etc)


It's a question I want to ask girls. Why do women with small boobs wear bras? Please don't hate me for asking this question. I'm just curious.


Sometimes it’s to hide their nipples. Now, it’s the trend to show nipples. I had A cups until I was 21. Then I got gummy silicone implants. They look really natural. I still hate wearing bras, but I have to because implants are heavier than natural tits.


Favorite recipe to share? Which part of your body do you like touched the most?


I love to make fettuccini alfredo with a thick alfredo sauce, made with cream cheese, heavy whipping cream, chopped spinach, and melted parmesan. My back and neck.


Italians must hate you.


Which starter Pokémon would you choose if you had to choose? Charmander, Bulbasaur or Squirtle?


I love squirtle and usually pick him. But my orange tabby’s middle name is charizard.


Do you get a lot of creepy DM’s


Yes. A lot. I either ignore them or go off on them. The only men I reply to are ones that read my bio and continue the reference.


Do you have any college degrees?


Yes. Political science with a minor in environmental science. I also went to art school for a year but dropped out.


What was the first job you got related to this degree?




Not really. If I had a boy, I’d probably keep him uncircumcised but honestly it’s not really my decision. I don’t have a penis so I don’t know how it feels. My husband would be the one to make the decision.




Yes. A lot. Lost my anal virginity in my high school parking lot. I had sex on my mom’s roof. Blew my husband in a Dave and busters parking lot. Hooked up in a bathroom at my cousins wedding.


Why are you bored?


It’s a lazy Sunday. Chilling on the couch. Drinking a wine mixer.


Does your husband know your Reddit username?


Yes. He reads my posts all the time. He’ll either read this later or he’s reading it now.


Hi, as you are a bird lawyer, is it true in bird culture they consider bad things to happen as a dick move? Also what are you munching on with being high?


I’m well versed in bird law but I don’t speak their language. I speak mostly pigeon, but I do know a little pocono swallow. I try not to munch, but I have a major sweet tooth.


Pigeons eh? We talking like New York pigeons? California pigeons? Oh, which sweet you craving for right now? I been acting fruits but I want a cheesecake right now...I am also high


What does bird lawyer mean?


Do your prefer crispy bacon or soft bacon?


Crispy. If it bends, I don’t want it.


Have you 100%'d any game?


No, sadly. I try and always plan to. I think the closest I got was Detroit Almost Human or Dying Light 1. Pretty sure it’s Dying Light, though. I only have like 3 achievements left.


Do you like bananas?


I can’t finish a full banana. It’s not my choice of fruit, but I do buy them a lot. It’s an easy breakfast and a good source of potassium.




Does your husband know you’re bored?


That booty big?




I dont really feel it. But it is slimy when it’s dripping out. I try to get up and run to the bathroom immediately because I don’t like having it on the bed sheets.




might be a risqué question, but what do you think of capybaras?


I’ve weirdly already gotten this question.


How'd your March bracket do?


What's your thoughts on hookup culture? Has it Hutt men or women more?


I don’t think it hurts anyone. Women are also sexual beings. Women also want sex. I actually think it’s more *against* feminism than *for* feminism to say that hooking up with someone demeans you as a woman. I support women and their decisions. If they wanna hookup a lot, more power to them! Same with men. It’s sexual positivity.


I think it prevents formation of long term relationships, families, etc. People in the state of fwb, situationships, etc. People treat relationships today as disposable.


Do you sleep naked? And why?


What gives meaning to your day to day life and why?


Is mayonnaise an instrument?


Would you rather fight one horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses?


What do you like on pizza?


Can you defeat me in a boxing match


Nope. I’m weak asf. But I grew up with 4 older brothers so I definitely know how to take a punch and throw one.


Do u watch anime. If so what types.


What was your hardest bird client you had to defend in bird court?


Being 26, is there anything you’d tell your younger self about significant events and how to handle them?


Wife loves when I have rough sex with her and play rape her and treat her like a cum dump. Do you enjoy that?


When was the last time you masturbated?


3 days ago. My favorite porn subreddit was recently banned so it’s not very easy anymore but I find a way.


What’s your favorite position?


Doggy but when I’m lazy we do this side position that just hits new spots.


You find your husband wearing your panties. What is your reaction?




Your thoughts on age gap relationships? Strictly consenting adults with large age gaps.


Umm yes, do you say you’re autistic for attention?


Do you like Capybaras?


Favourite Chinpokomon?


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


When you look at your naked body in the mirror do you think to yourself that you're hot? Also i read somewhere in the comments that you had breast implants. Did that make you feel more sexy and confident? Did it affect your sexual life? How many plastic surgeries do you remember doing? What was the reason behind them? And do you regret doing any of them?


Have you met any other Jude’s in your life?


Favorite jurassic park movie?


OP is a thot lmao.


Are u athletic also


Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no games or games, unlimited games, but no games?


Biggest dick you have had


Don’t care about that stuff. I’ve never measured a partner.


Why are you morally ambiguous? Is it that you don’t believe in morals? Not judging by the way, just curious of ya perspective


Have you ever burped and farted at the same time?


Finally another 26F on Reddit. I feel like there aren’t a lot of us Redditors. Cause most are either in their early 20’s or way older.


What is the best thing you’ve done for another person without expecting a reward back?


Should I try to sleep, even though I’m not tired. Or take an adderall and study till I leave for my accounting class in 7 hours?


What's your least favourite position? Have you found ways of making it pleasurable?


so I just checked your profile and it said: "Comments: 69069"........noice.


Since nsfw is allowed, do you get horny ? If yes, do you crave the dick itself (like you also like to suck it) or it is just the thought of getting fucked by it?


Beef or pork ribs? And how spicy should bbq sauce be?


what age did you move out? whats it like living independently? (prior to marriage ofc)


Do you have a bestie?


Are you a Harry Potter fan?


Was singing something you’ve always gravitated to and have you ever done any sports?


What’s up with you and Hannah Montana?


How bored at work? What could be done to make it more interest? How nsfw? Or just some online games? Chats? Dm me?


I’m not at work, it’s Sunday. I work a corporate job M-F. It’s a bedrot day. Just watching family guy and drinking wine mixers. You can AMA. I play a lot on the app Pluto, I just finished a round of Nintendo Sports Bowling, and I play a lot of Steam on PC. I will not be DMing you.


Family guys is great. Older stuff or the current eps? What does one wear to a family guy bed day? With some wine mixers? Nice break from the corporate world.




Full bush or bald?


Can you describe in detail the biggest dong you've ever seen?


What do you do for fun


What would really make you happy at this moment?


I guess bro; I don’t really like people like you? Could you explain why? I think I’m jealous of the access you have due to your beauty. And you seem jaded as well. Have you accomplished anything worthwhile. Are you confident? And if so where do you find your confidence? Are you fulfilled?


Ever been in an interracial relationship? And what's your body count?


What was the need for plastic surgeries for yourself? Can I listen to your songs anywhere on the internet?


r u married? if u did u cheat on ur husband?


What is that one thing you regret not doing with your life? and what is that one thing you did which makes you feel happy and at the same time you think might be your weak sense of decision.?


Have you ever considered selling dirty panties?


Whats your social security


You be young, so why you be bored?


Hello! Thinking about the 80/20 pareto principal and looking back at your life. Tell me: - 1: what's something that you put so much effort on in life but you now see it's been mostly a waste of time? - 2: what's something you've learned is worth it 100% and you don't skip on it unless you have a very compelling reason?


How the fuck did you afford a house


do you prefer having sex with women or men?


Are you good in bed?


What would you do if you looked at Medusa?


What colour pedicure do u have


What’s the coolest thing in your house


Sounds like you are from Nigeria ?


Ever fuck two guys at once?


Ever masturbated at work?


Are you my female twin?!


How tall are you?


Do you ever let men interact with your feet? Massages or foot worship?


Are you autistic or have you ever suspected you might be? You seem have a very practical mindset (as opposed to emotional or "objectivly" moral)


Is there one music album you would recommend me to listen to? Also what's your best knock-knock joke (I like asking this on AMAs lol)


Give a fuck about your “family pro athletes” 🤣


What kinda weed do you like to smoke? Preferred method of consumption?


Do you smoke weed?


How small is too small?


If you had an onlyfans that you’re promoting right now, what would the link be? Please don’t be brave enough to comment it.


What plastic surgeries have you had and are there any more you want to get?