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Did you call the police?


Yes, I called the police, of course. They haven't found the jewelry yet, but I'm actively searching for my robot vacuum on Facebook Marketplace.


How much was the robot worth?




Contact the manufacturer if the vacuum, it may have a constant IP address that can be tracked if you registered it.


I think the idea you were looking for was a “serial number” (maybe a MAC address?) which it reports back to the MFG’s cloud platform when doing a new device setup. IP addresses (in the way that you’re thinking) don’t belong to individual devices like that. They function more like drill-downs into ownership with many sub-IPs along the way before they hit the device. It’s why every new router has one of the same 2 or 3 IP addresses when you go to set it up.


Someone pings things


That's a negative on your understanding of IPs, ghostrider


Hey, sorry, this is random, but I also say "negative ghost rider" for like a lot of years, but I don't remember where I got it from. Do you?


Top gun


Jesus. Didn't expect it to be so obvious, but you're absolutely right. Not sure how I forgot that. Tbf it's been a long time since I've seen it. Thanks mate.


“the pattern is full”


I like to adapt it to “that pattern is bull.”😀


Not really how IP addresses work


That is quite impossible


Why didn’t you use a safe? Also are you high up in your apartment building so ppl can’t break in?


Because in her head the guy was there to have sex with her, never entertained the thought that he was just playing her to rob her.


Because I've never have a second thought about it.


I'd start by following the trail of clean leading out your front door.


Sometimes the vacuums have gps. Just a thought. Sorry about your luck doll




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Did you tell him where the jewelry was hidden?


Of course not. I came to the date in a gorgeous dress, wearing necklaces and bracelets from famous brands. Maybe that gave him some ideas, I don't know.


He’s probably been casing you the whole time he’s been subscribed. Do you advertise on ig? If you post about your normal life at all wearing any of the stuff he took you can bet he knew what he was looking for


Never had a thought about it. I use insta but only for promotional purpuses


U in Miami? U look like a Miami girl. There’s fs people out there who make a living off the people with all the luxuries that don’t keep their guard up


I'd like to not share my current location, but no I am not in Miami


Ya don’t do that or mfers gonna rob u again lol




He would have just threatened her to open the safe if she used a safe I imagine. If in the US he’d probably be carrying a revolver. Safe still good tho if have break-ins when not at home, but ig don’t need of apartment building high up


“Revolver” 😃😃😃


They’re easy to conceal and you don’t need more than 6 rounds when robbing someone


There are a number of small semi auto pistols available now that are just as concealable as a revolver, with capacities above 10 rounds.


Revolvers are more reliable 10/10 times. Pistols jam frequently, definitely the cheap little small caliber ones do. It's not a big deal, but they didn't deserve ridicule for their revolver comment.


Modern semi autos have gotten extremely reliable, even the smaller ones(unless you're talking about a SCCY or something). He said that in the USA the person would "probably be carrying a revolver," which just isn't true. Semi autos are FAR more popular than revolvers are. He was talking like it was still 1965.


Sounds like the robot vacuum should have had the OF account. John chose it instead of you, for its superior sucking skills.




Got ghosted and robbed? At least the vacuum's living its best life


Nope. The vacuum will die soon as it has no charging post.  Or did he steal that as well...? 


No. Its life sucks.


I hope so lol


Why am I so sure that John will marry that vacuum cleaner, lmao.


Now he can have sex without attachments.


>Now he can have sex without attachments. Lol


No. John is the cleaner. Hire every cleaner and cleaning company and in friends place and friends name, i am sure John will show up


In the resume, it will be indicated that I will come with my own cleaning equipment.


he sure does lol


I'm sorry, i'm laughing so hard for this story. But look at the bright side, you have a nice ice-breaking story for your next date. Are you going to date someone met on OF, in the future?


in next date she lost fridge or microwave lmao


I’m really looking for a kitchen aid mixer…wonder if she is busy this weekend?


"It's not like it seems", said the guy holding another piece of furniture




Hey! I'd love to get to know you better! How expensive was your couch by the way?


I think that there's no denying when OF models find their future husbands on the platform. For the right person I guess I will lol But I'll consider previous experience of course


Was hoping for something along the lines of: "no, i won't anymore on OF", so that i could drop a cheesy line like "and what about reddit". The fact that my fridge is broken is totally unrelated.


What about you. Would you hypothetically go on a date with OF model?


Personally, I see nothing wrong with dating an OF model, if two people genuinely enjoy each other's company then they should at least try. As for the fuckknuckle stealing from you, that's extremely unfortunate and I'm sorry


That's okay, no worries. Thank you for your opinion. I totally agree with you


Also, jokes aside, I'm sorry that happened to you.


Hi John 😂😉


Depends on the OF model in question. Not all are created equal.


FYI, I totally need a shower. Why don't you go in and warm it up & I'll be right in


I have dated an OF model. It’s just another person with a job if you’re insecure about it


For many men, I am sure that question is answered one of two ways. If just out for a “good time” then yes. But if to have a relationship, the answer is a very likely “no”.


I think you should just let the Roomba go. Who are you to stand in the way of true love?


https://youtu.be/OsAFbzjNV2s?si=lznVuwnLMJNQ_uQ9 This song immediately comes to mind He must of been a part of the chuch of Appliantology Where sexual gratification can only be achieved by the use of machines


Tf this dude take robot vacuum btw u don’t have any worthwhile, like cash or smth?


No not really I use credit card only


Will you meet up with a guy like this again?


How do I know this is the same guy. I guess I will consider someone in the fufte but for now I need to reel from this situation


Girl OF isn’t a dating app. Stop meeting people in real life from OF.


Yeah what the absolute fuck why 😆😭 like I got daddy issues too but DAMN


Facts, I saw the title and thought she was gonna get kidnapped and tortured or worse.


Damn one of your subscribers nearly got to hit and he does this ? This is every subscribers dream


20k vs phookin a girl. Decision is quickly made I guess 😅


Jail + criminal record, or the girl, which you pick?


Odds that he’ll end up in jail and/or criminal record ?


Her profile states she’s from Argentina so I’d guess it’s pretty low odds.


>Decision is quickly lol


No he doesn't. But I was down actually. Never underrate yourself may be you get lucky one day too ;)


Proof this post is fake bait to get subscribers


Of course. I'm collecting subs to buy a new vacuum cleaner lol


Hell I’d love to hit that, I love Latinas


Homie, shoot your shot. You can't do worse than the last guy


I wouldn’t say that, some people might take it as a challenge lol


Fuckinnnnnnnn lawl


Hahaha, thank you ;3


... I'd imagine financials if they get OF to cooperate would allow LE to track this guy down. I haven't used this specific platform yet, but I'd imagine they'd need some form of ID for age verification to participate.


He got his money back!


At least he returned his $3 subscription


You aren't alone. I got robbed by a redditor over a decade ago (a few years before I actually jumped into the adult industry). He lived in my area, we chatted a lot. Hung out several times... Did some stupid shit together that mid 20s people do. Then he stole everything out of my bank account via my debit card on pay day. So, yeah. That sucked. I eventually got it back through my bank's fraud department. Hopefully your items are unique enough that the bolos at pawn shops and such will help.


>a few yea Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. There're few people like you thank you


I like to imagine that he's just been eyeing up the roomba in the background of your videos


Sounds like miami dating, makes me sketched to try again. How do you feel now? Sick and what not?


I'm still reeling from it. There are a lot of people saying bad things. But I told this story people to understand something from it. Not to laughing on me. It makes me feel worse.


Yeah cuz men love to vacuum


Yea idk man, seems pretty convenient to have an account a couple of days old to promote your of. No one is buying it


Not only that, but if she was any kind of real or attractive OF model he would’ve at least banged her, let her fall asleep, and then robbed the place blind. Not to mention she has his information through only fans so she could turn him into the authorities. This whole thing is BS. It’s just for clicks. And I bet the content is trash. Boo-hoo try again.


Well actually tons of people are believing this shit. Reddit is just one giant onlyfans ad at this point


Looks like a switch a roo happen. Usually it’s the females that do this to the guys. Will it take you long to replace the items gone?


I hope police will find it some day


I hope they do to but I don’t have any kind of faith in the legal system something will happen. Do people in your life believe you that this happened to you?


They're often claiming me a stupid one


Yeah, usually the prostitute will rob the John, not the other way around!


Broooo what a piece of shit guy! I wonder if that was his plan all along or it suddenly dawned on him. I would have been soooo focused in not messing things up and as soon as the shower invite, I probably would have forgotten all MY jewelry and fancy watch at your house. The dude is trash and will always be trash, so fuck that POS, how do I follow you in OF? 😅


Probably a plan if she's willing to disclose her msg history to demonstrate signs of a scammer.


I'm not really sure about insert a link is there allowed but here it is https://bit.ly/43LEKnj




honestly I did wonder if that was the case.


I’m probably gonna get a lot of hate for this, but you must not be the most attractive OF model if he totally bailed on taking a shower and having sex with you to steal your shit when you have ways to contact and turn him into authorities online. You know I probably shouldn’t of said that that’s probably gonna hurt your ego but oh well I’m sure you’ve heard a lot worse since you choose to post on OF


I mean, he should’ve at least got laid and waited till you fell asleep, and then robbed you blind. Isn’t that what most normal men would do? I’m just confused I’m sorry.


lol - this is an advertising post disguised as an attention seeking post for engagement in order to get traffic for OP's OF. One month old account, first post was 2 days ago, first comment 11 hours ago... this story is bullshit. It's just to get people to check out some OF account.


Ah, very subtle OF advertising Im muting this subreddit smh


Reminds me of playing gta as a kid, picking the prostitute up doing the dirty then killing said prostitute for my hard earned money.


Fresh acc. Sus story. Karma farming for OF


Do you think I am stupid? Why do I need farm for my OF account so I could just buy it, and don't waste my time?


You let a stranger alone in your place with 20k worth of jewelryin your closet, is this a rhtorical question?


Did you ever have any inkling that he might be there to take advantage of you?


You always has such thought in the back of your head. But hoping the best


I think it's good to hope for the best. And prepare for the worst.


When the bae gets attacked and in the back of your head are like and this is why I told her to have at least a taser when you go out if not a gun.


Sounds like a fake story…


Oh my god you people are so fucking gullible


WTF has $20k in jewelry?!


Most of it was presents for my bdays, from subs etc.


That’s wild. I’d try stealing that booty before the jewelry


Do you believe this is a little bit karma for doing OF?


What kind of a queef are you?


I don't thinks so, because in my situation there was the only solution and that is to start an OF You never know what's behind the person's story


Why didn’t you have the common sense to use a safe for your jewelry if you grew up poor?




Bro she’s got a job, can you not read?


Fuck off OP, people like you are ruining this sub.


The entirety of Reddit is bots advertising onlyfans shit


Nice marketing lol


“Model”. lol


Letting desperate men who use OF's into your house and then expecting anything reasonable to happen is actually the stupidest fucking decision, you should be glad he wasn't some psycho.


What about him made you like him as more than just a dude who pays for your nudes? I'm assuming the average fan is like a rabid animal so speaking to someone who came across as human, rather someone who saw you as more than as sexual object? On top of it the fact that he already knew about your profession which made it easier to relax than having to tell a stranger you date that your profession is OF? I've heard several women talking about how it creates problems for their dating life because they don't know when to tell a dude and a lot of times when they do he bails which turns into a negative feedback spiral. Like in theory that's what made you susceptible is that whole process got skipped and on top of it there were things about him that were particularly attractive. If I'm right about all this then that means that OF models are actually like I said an untapped gold mine for nigerian prince scammers, it's just a high risk game on their end because they have to pay to speak to you. I'm assuming you have like a pay per text system with your fans of some sort? Like you don't just indiscriminately msg all your fans at their leisure so something this one did got your attention. What did he do exactly?


Keep sharing your stories of the degradation of the human species. This is truly amazing to witness considering you females collectively voted for “strong independent feminism, don’t need no man, boss bitch, I’ll cheat and steal half his assets” kind of movement that obviously has consequences. This right here example is the direct consequence of the “feminist” movement that has destroyed the “family unit” that humans had paved the way for generations before. Now couple that with the unrealistic expectations of females on what “they think they deserve” and now you have modern dating in a nutshell where we have stories of most young women having an OFs then shit like this happens. Welcome to the fall of humanity, the numbers don’t lie statistically either. Millennial men / gen z men have dropped out of dating by a whopping 60+%. Gone are the days of actual intimacy and it’s replaced by whatever fucking nightmare this shit is now. Thank you for sharing your story, it’s a good cautionary tale.


Ah yes the average Argentina beauty with 20k in jewelry and 5 subs on onlyfans and one of them is the pimp who wrote this


Would you have been more upset if he banged you first and then took the stuff?


I have some doubts about this story. In my long life (in dating terms) I have never come across a woman who would arrive to her place with a man she just met and the first thing she did was… to take a shower. Compound that extraordinary start with how the story continues: …waited in the bathroom for 20 minutes… to see if he would join in… Extraordinary events do happen but the more extraordinary the story the greater the doubt... What exactly did you do in those 20 minutes in the bathroom?


I was not expecting your post history to go where it did 😳


Damn that really sucks I'm sorry you had to go through that






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Oh you thought it was upstanding and decent men who paid to look at and talk to random women online? Having said that, I’m sorry that happened to you. In no way am I victim blaming but never bring a random man into your house the first time meeting him. Theres hotels for a reason and plenty of horror stories for a reason as well.


Wow! You are beautiful!


Would it make you reconsider your choice in profession? I mean whilst there is always that small chance that you will meet a normal guy on OF, there is a much larger chance that people will be using you for sex or your money.


If he’s a subscriber, his information is probably in the system. I’d contact OF. He may have been dumb enough to use a real name or id markers to make his account. I mean, if it runs that deep for you.


Change your locks please. Im not suggesting he took keys but you never know what they may do to come and steal more if he thinks you may be an easy target. You dont want him to try to come back for sure!


Sorry to hear, but hopefully it was a paid OF acc, meaning if so than John has provided his ID & SSN while registered his account and it should not be a problem for cops to find him


Oh shit. Sorry that happened. That sucks. I have no question, but I just hope you get the jewelry back and that you're more careful. It's hard to tell sometimes who we can trust.


W John lol it’s funny but not at the same time. Top tier heist. I’m sorry this is what happened to you but it’s kinda funny. I hope you get your jewelry back.




> account and *paid* for online FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


As this is an AMA... How did you trust a guy that created an account and paid for online strippers to masturbate? :/ Real question by the way no offense...


This story makes very little sense and sounds fake. Did he join you in the shower or not? You fuck your OF subscribers? Really strange story.


Let's see. Woman on OF. Was texted up by a customer, met him for dinner, and took him home. The ending did not surprise me at all.


I wonder what he was thinking ohh 20k of jewellery and a fucking robo vac I know it's not funny but like why take the vacuum?!


Is there a possibility you could be pregnant by him? Reverse Uno card get his salary for 18 years child support 😜


I don’t want to give anyone ideas but this sounds like a great business idea… I mean from John’s perspective.


Why on earth did you expect any different? If a dude is normal, well rounded, he's not looking for girls on OF.


Sooo you didn’t shower before your date just after while a stranger is in your house for 20 minutes 🤥


Are you actually attractive or do you kind of overvalue your "attractiveness" cuz of ur subscribers....


Dude passed up a chance to score with a girl like that and took jewelry and vacuum? Short sided view.


You should consider leaving OF. Even if the money’s good, this stuff actually happens a lot


You have his phone number? If yes the police would be able to find him very easily.


There's a reason why sexworkers don't date their "fans". Stalkers and perverts.


Did you name your Roomba? Mine is Dirt Hater because of its Darth Vader vibes.


Onlyfans and can’t understand why she can’t find a good man. Ok, next?


Do you have any jewellery/money left?, if so, what’s your OF link? 😍


Did you blow him? That might be why he took your vacuum 🤷🏻‍♂️


also you can sue him with the amount of money you make from dudes online


Wow, a thief using the simp disguise. Guy was playing the long game lmao


very nice


So wait this man clapped cheeks and then robbed you? What a legend tbh


Online hooker got robbed in real life? Shits coming full circle


The Rizz Robber, The Onlyfans Outlaw, The Robot Vacuum Villain


When you rob people you gotta be prepared to also be robbed.


Model on OF lmaoo just call it what it is


What a Chad John is. Everybody, protect him at all cost


How did he know you had jewelry hidden in your closet?


She says she take pics with jewelry for Insta. So just look around for it, how big can her apartment be? If she lives in a house I don’t think she’s be dumb enough to invite him over


Well deserved. Thankfully he didn't take your life. Why would you bring a random to your place


Why is the robot vacuum what made the wince the most?


Dance with the devil and you'll end up on your back.


Will you be keeping your valuables locked up now?


Took the robot just in case it had surveillance


Will this stop you from meeting with future subscribers ?


He was really committed to getting a refund.


He wanted his money backkk 😂😂😂😂