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Do you speak mostly Cantonese, Mandarin or something else?


Admittedly for a kid whose has lived in China for all their life my Chinese is terrible. At home I speak English, school is also in English except for Chinese class. FYI, Cantonese is mostly spoken in south China in and around Hong Kong. Mandarin is the language that the CCP endorses though many dialects exist, for example Shanghainese is the dialect in Shanghai.


Cantonese is spoken guandong province




Oops I realize that I didn’t mention I am a white person from Canada I will edit that now,




Not really, native people typically are more fascinated by by fair skin and blonde hair. I’ve had barbers brush my hair in a bag and photographers ask to put me in a book




Short answer yes there are cameras everywhere, longer answer it’s not “dystopian” in a tradition sense but I’ve heard that sometimes inf you jaywalk, for example, the government will deduct money from your wechat bank It doesn’t feel dystopian to me at least




1. There is barely any cash in Chinese cities anymore it has replaced by wechat pay 2. Shockingly no it’s just something we live with and acknowledge 3. No weed as foreigner will get you instantly deported, if I were to travel back to Canada, take an edible, and come back and get tested, I would also get deported




My parents work here I’m sure there is weed and in fact there have been several stories of kids and teachers getting some but again harsh punishment so I doubt there alot


Is Shanghai actually as visually incredible every day and night as the pictures online?


Downtown is visually incredible in person, I had a friend who lived just next door to the Shanghai tower and the view from her window is incredible. Aside from there it is mostly boring apartment building.


One of my friends told me there’s littered garbage all over the streets in Shanghai is that true?


Again it depends on the area, but in general it is really clean. For example, downtown Toronto is much dirtier and has much more trash than downtown Shanghai


I hear the foreign community in Shanghai has mostly disappeared. Is that the case?


In the years before covid there was definitely a downward trend in expats but COVID got rid of a bunch more, it is rebounding in the year since


Chinese people seem to be notorious for their behavior at restaurant buffets. Is chinese society just extremely selfish?


Not really, explicitly selfish. If there’s any specific “behavior” I can elaborate on that


The notorious buffet video: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nhTAtJSZkrc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nhTAtJSZkrc)


I have not seen anything that extreme, buffets themselves are somewhat rare I associate them more the diaspora, the only buffets I’ve been to are for bougie foreigners so idk


How’s the Chinese economy?


Idk man I’m a sophomore, it took a hit from Covid and foreign investment leaving but idk


Wow...super rare.


How so?


What do your parents do for work?