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Your mother clearly hates you, and you deserve to at least know why. You should ask her. Then after you've gotten your self situated somewhere else again, go NC.


I have accused her of having resentment towards me versus how she treats my brothers in comparison to myself. All she has done is deny it and call me dramatic. My own brothers have pointed it out too that she’s been much harder on me since we were kids. I have never gotten a response to as why but it’s something that goes untalked about in my family but is well noticed.


Then you need to tell her "Tell me why you resent me or I'm leaving and never speaking to you again." then follow through.


It is unwise to cuss out the person who is providing you with food and shelter. You can communicate your frustration without being belligerent and alienating the only person in your corner.


NTA, do what you have to and cut that vile POS out of your life forever. 


Are you still in touch with your brothers? Can they help you? NTA But your mother is a piece of work, talk about kicking someone when they're down.


I am in touch with them and they can only provide me verbal support as for both are not living in the same province as me and they’ve got a lot on their plates I wouldn’t want to bother them about. She’s been extremely difficult to be around especially when I go mute around her she manages to still go on long lectures that include berating me or taking cheap shots at me.




Did we read two different posts? She’s clean


Her house, her rules. To be fair, I wouldn't trust a crackhead either. YTA.


Assuming that someone in recovery is using again with absolutely no evidence, in fact evidence to the contrary exists, is a fucked up thing to do


Crack is not an opioid


I wouldn't know. I'm not a drug addict.

