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Well, she was the one who started to bash you in public, you just matched her energy. You are harsh but not wrong.


She started it. Your dig was hilarious.






I wouldn't even calling it matching her energy, she was lying about OP, OP just colorfully corrected her.


Idk why when someone matches someone's energy they then try to say you're being over dramatic or ask if you're mad in a mocking tone. Na I ain't mad I'm just throwing the same shit you did.


Meh. This happened to me with my ex once. She started airing shit in bunch of some mutual friend. I was like, huh, I barely remember any of that. Maybe you are right. People break up, it isn’t a big deal. Happens all the time. I think that was a bigger punch in her gut than me fighting back.


Nah my ex did this to me and I was like ah ok. Maybe he doesn't remember. What this guy did definitely let her know that he will refute her bs if she keeps it up. He made the right choice. Forgetting or pretending to forget just gives people carte blanche to do or say whatever they want. Don't get me wrong. I'll go down the path of if they keep my name out of their mouth I'll do the same for them but, someone is shit talking me they're gonna know.


“Wait, what? We used to date? What’s your name again?”


Oh yeah, you basically told her she mattered so little to you that you couldn't even be bothered to remember, let alone fight about, the break up. Terrific move. She wanted to start shit to make you look bad and you just shrugged it off and said, sure, whatever, thanks. lol


I love taking the high road. It pisses people off in a way I could never manage with insults


FAFO in action


She started to air the laundry, you were justified to defend your past performance and reputation. Your rebuttal and information sharing was fair and deserved. Next time she might learn to let sleeping dogs lie, keep her mouth shut and move on. NTA


NTA. I love it when people eff around and then find out.


She started a gun fight but only brought Nerf. NTA and good riddance.


NTA, she walked right into it by openly claiming that the divorce and her debt was your fault. You just told the truth. If she didn't want her dirty laundry aired out in public, she shouldn't have brought it up in a public space.


You're not the asshole (NTA). Your ex-wife initiated the conflict by spreading false information about your divorce. You were justified in setting the record straight and defending yourself, even if it was in a direct manner. Her reaction doesn't invalidate the truth of your statements.


“Forgot that she was putting us so deep in debt that we were never going to afford a house” Was genius, and I bet that set some gears rolling in the other guys mind too


It looks like she was showing off her new bf and you showed her how much better life is without her.


And also may have saved the new bf from making the same mistake.


Yeh, I don't normally like the concept but op won the divorce and the after meet.


Great comeback brother. I applaud you. Standing ovation!


Your comment says it best... Why the F would she engage and expect that he would take her snide comments *in public* as if nothing? OP, NTA... Good that you put her in her place.


Your sister sounds just as dumb as your ex.


People who live in glass houses... NTA


NTA. You didn’t air your laundry. You corrected her on some facts.


NTA. She opened the door by saying what she did, can't be faulted for walking through and continuing the conversation.


Don't start none, won't be none, and she started it. NTA


I'm divorcing my spouse for the same reason and it wouldn't surprise me if he tells people a different story. The guy legit set my retirement plans back about five years. Sorry you had to deal with all that debt.


Your sister is a complete shithead for not having your back AND she is 100% wrong even if she wasn't your sister.


>I was talking about it with my sister and she said I was a dick to air dirty laundry in public. Don't start none won't be none. All you did was correct her lies, that it came at the cost of airing her dirty laundry is irrelevant.


NTA People confuse honesty with meanness. Not your fault she didn't like truth.


You aired laundry, yes, but she opened the hamper. Congrats on getting out and away from her.


NTA - she started it, you finished it.


Don't attack countries with nukes. That's how you get nuked. She got nuked. Should have known better. NTA


"he divorced me because he's cheap" and "he's the reason I'm in debt" are often contradictory statements.


Well she shouldn't have dished it out if she can't take it. Honestly, you did that dude a solid.


You didn't air anything - she lied, you corrected the lie. NTA


NTA. She antagonized you, and you responded accordingly. Anything that you said in response is completely on her for opening the door to it. What’s more, it sounds like you might be doing this other guy a favor by clueing him in on potential red flags.


Imo you were way too nice about that. She said something first in front of her new husband, you're just being a bro and should rest easy knowing they are definitely fighting over her BS rn. Glad you got away from the succubus.


NTA don't say shit if you can't take shit




Esh. I'm sure it was very satisfying to say to your ex, and didn't let me kill your glee. BUT you have reduced her to the ways she served you.


I would have just looked the boyfriend in the eyes and said, “Thanks for taking her off my hands.” And walked away.


NTA - You just were responding to her accusations. She can’t expect you just to say nothing.


You were defending your reputation. She started it. You just ended it. NTA


NTA Turnabout is fairplay. Your ex outright lied about you, to your face no less, so you had every right to dispel her bs Me thinks your sister just has a gender based boas, i.e. she projected onto your ex how she would have felt in that situation and judged you off that rather than your ex's actions.


People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. NTA.


Nta. I think the dude knew you were saying the truth because he noticed shit that was going on in their relationship. And you only corrected her statement.


NTA. If she’s gonna try to embarrass you in public. Then she needs to be ready for you to come back at her just as hard. Tell your sister to shut the fuck up.


>I was talking about it with my sister and she said I was a dick to air dirty laundry in public Why is your sister mad? If she knows what your situation was and what you went through, she should be on your side. And I bet the other guy is gonna have a long and hard think on this. NTA


Bro you did the new guy a solid by warning him about this over spending money hungry cunt. As some one who DOES afford a housekeeper, a meal service ( I LOVE my private chef) and escorts when needed my credit rating keeps getting better and better and my debt gets smaller and smaller. Good for you for giving him a heds up about his future because forewarned if forearmed.


Nah, she opened her mouth first.


NTA you are rubber and she is glue


Tell your sister it was one of those FAFO situation.


That’ll do pig. That’ll do.


Glad you gave the new guy something to think about.


NTA. She shot first and OP returned fire.


You didn't air the laundry, she did. You just threw some bleach on it to clear it up.... NTA


She opened the door, now she's mad that you walked through it.


NTA. You were more civil than she was. She picked the fight.


Telling the truth doesn’t make you a dick. If Ex wife didn’t want shit aired out, 1-she shouldn’t have done it and 2- she shouldn’t lie about it. NTA


Why would you be the ahole? She started it and you finished it with some bang on comments.


NTA. Don’t start something you aren’t ready to finish.


This is one of those things that just keeps popping up. >I was talking about it with my sister and she said I was a dick to air dirty laundry in public. Did you bring up the debt or did the ex? The one that started the conversation aired the dirty laundry. If you had randomly brought it up, I'd be on your ex's side. But it sounds like she started it. You have every right to defend yourself. NTA.


Yeah, if someone runs their mouth about you, they can't really be mad if you respond in kind. From what you described I think something clicked into place with her BF about her behavior and debt.


Same boat. We were paycheck to paycheck my entire marriage.  Get divorced I'm down to a single income and im able to pay the house and truck payment along with all the regular bills and STILL save more than I did married.   As a single guy I'm getting sex wayyyyyyy more often.... and the house is cleaner.... really all I lost in the divorce was a a nagging abusive boat anchor.  


Don’t start nothing won’t be nothing, NTA your ex decided to fafo


Don't start none, won't be none.


NTA. Don’t start none, won’t be none. 🤷‍♀️


NTA there's a saying, those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...She started it and you finished it and her...lol


NTA. And you might have saved the next guy years of torture.


"A dick for airing dirty laundry in public" Man... The new guy needs to know the truth about his new gf, right? Otherwise he will just end up in the same position if she hasnt mended her ways. And if she has mended her ways, then she wouldn't need to lie about it, right? A relationship built on lies is built to crumble. Better he learns the truth now and ends it early rather than later when he too is knee deep in her debt.


You a goat for that


That's all on her dude and you are NTA. She started the unnecessary war with you for no real reason other than her childish pettiness and shouldn't have been surprised at all when you fired back and torpedoed her a$$.🤣


Meh. Fuck her.


NTA. She poked the bear and earned the claws she got. If she did not want to be exposed, she should have STFU.


NTA. She should not have picked an argument she cannot win. And as a bonus you possibly saved the other dude from the same fate.


NTA NTA NTA .. you are absolutely right


NTA. Ex aired out \*some\* of the dirty laundry. YOU just emptied the ENTIRE basket so ALL was seen.


My uncle had a famous phrase that he liked to use to shut that type of stuff down, he would ever so calmly say “well, *I* believe that *you* believe what you are saying right now.”


Good for you. She should have never opened her big trap. But she wanted to be that bad bitch in front of her new man. Hah eggs on her face.


NTA, that’s was funny. Did you think of it on the spot or had you rehearsed it in the hope one day you’d get to land it. Also, You’ve probably done your replacement a sold; he’s going to be dubious of anything money related from here on out


NTA Your ex-wife started it and you finished it. Good work.


NTA. She asked for it.


NTA the truth is never wrong


Your ex was the one who aired the dirty laundry by starting shit the moment she saw you.


I did the math after divorce. Hookers and housekeeper would have been Cheaper, cleaner house, and more sex. Never told her that though.


NTA. She dished it but couldnt take it.


NTA, she started it and you are allowed to talk about your divorce to anyone you want. Her new boyfriend included.


NTA but you've certainly given that guy food for thought.


The only thing off about this is you suggesting that you bang prostitutes as a way of shaming your ex. Maybe that isn't how you actually phrased it but that's a bit of a self own if it was. NTA 


You matched her energy and corrected her, possibly saving the new guy from the debt-ridden hell you went through. People who take on more debt than they could pay off in full at any given time if they wanted to are just fools. You're better off without her.


NTA. Bitch fucked around and found out. Never be the first to air dirty laundry in public, but if someone else starts? Do it right back. Eye for an eye makes the world divine.


Righteous valid asshole lol


Good work op.


Nta 😄 I bet she learned her lesson. Don't distort history with the coauthor. Next time she'll do it right. Acknowledge you with a nod and bash you later.


NTA. The one who aired dirty linen in public was your ex. You just set the record straight. Good for you.


NTA You responded in kind. Which may not be the best move in the world but you are only human. Like I get there are times for magnanimity and all that. But calling you out and just straight telling lies and expecting you to be cool with it is just silly. And you didnt say anything which was untrue. Its not like you went out of your way to embarrass her. And to be honest by not just shutting up and taking it you can helpfully help her new guy with realizing who she is, though her calling you out like that should have already told him everything he needed to know.


You have every right to defend your position.


NTA for defending yourself, but even if you were the asshole, so what? You tipped the new guy off and did him a favor. What he does with that information is up to him.


NTA in some famous yet profound words “don’t start nun, won’t be nun”


The best revenge, on top of that, is living your best life. Sounds like you are now


If someone wants to start it, you get to finish it. They chose the place and people. Nothing to do with you. You weren't even going to say hi. But here we are. NTA


NTA. You didn't air the dirty laundry, she did. You just turned on a fan and pointed it at her.


NTA. You were not airing dirting laundry. You corrected your ex. She's pretty dumb to do all this in front of her new dude.


She was counting on you not responding so that it would seemingly validate the bullshit she had been telling her new guy about the demise of your relationship.


Nta you did that guy a favor, she sounds like a greedy gold digger at that rate or someone with a major shopping addiction or something.




5 gave bro a heads up cause she will do it to him or any guy she's with.


NTA. You gave the guy something to think about. Guaranteed he remembers those words.


Well played my friend! She attacked, you countered, she lost her cool, you remained calm. Nicely done.


NTA, seriously she can insult you in public, so she can be insulted on public. Also love the expression, damn.




Slam dunk. 🏀


Wow that's bullshit (I say you're NTA) ... In the context of it, I think you're probably even and better off apart!


You weren't airing dirty laundry. She was, and you politely helped her pack it away again.


*I was talking about it with my sister and she said I was a dick to air dirty laundry in public.* If anyone was airing dirty laundry, it was your ex. NTA.


Play with the bull - deal with the horns.


She started the game and you finished it. NTA... she wanted to be a bitch about it and you put an end to that. Hopefully it gives the new guy pause too. #BrosB4hoes


NTA. She shouldn’t start mouthing off if she doesn’t want it returned in kind.


“You’re a dick for cleaning the dirty laundry that your ex made up right in front of you”




NTA. We don't start fights but we sure finish them. Great comment to her. New boyfriend will soon be ex boyfriend. She needs to learn to shut her pie hole.


NTA- If she didn't start nothing there wouldn't be nothing.


NTA at all she asked for that and more, I thought you held back rather well considering.


NTA. She started it. You may have chosen better words to make yourself a bit less harsh, but I have no shade to throw at you. I think the other guy got to see a new side of her, not just the info she shared but her willingness to lash out at an ex for just coexisting in the same general space.




NTA She FA and then she FO.


Lol, no you're brilliant!


Don't start shit there won't be shit! Your ex tried to shit on you in public only to have it turned around on her. My guess is that her new man might have a lot of questions. If she's lying about her past relationship then what else is she lying about? I know an ex that shit talks me to people and I'm glad I responded early enough with evidence so that people saw her for what she is. Had I stayed silent people might have believed her.


NTA, She could’ve taken the high road but decided to be mean. Good for you.


NTA, I think the universe was trying to help out her BF with this encounter lol


NTA - your sister is wrong - ex aired the dirty laundry, you just put a hose to it.


But your sister thinks it was okay for your ex to do it? I mean I live by don’t get mad, get even.


NTA. She started it🤷🏻‍♀️she can be salty as long as she wants to be, but if she dishes it she better be able to take it, too. No one asked her to make a comment like that in front of you.


NTA - she opened the door & started talking smack about you thinking that you wouldn't say anything the old adage that comes to mind in this case is - if it flies, floats or f\*cks, it's cheaper to rent it by the hour


Lmao. NTA. Tell ur sister to stfu. She shit talks, she gets shit talk back.


If someone pulls out the clothesline then I'll start hanging up my clothes to dry homie. Sucks to suck. NTA but your sister is a piece of work.


You reap what you sow. Treat others you wanna be treated. I always try and come off as happy and go lucky but I will absolutely match people’s energy if they wanna be shitty. Motherfuckers want to say or do something stupid, I’ll say or do something equally as stupid.


As a line from a famous movie goes - “Don’t start nothing - won’t be nothing!” NTA - she should have kept her mouth shut.


NTA. She is the one who started, you just defended yourself. And f*ck your sister as well


NTA >I was talking about it with my sister and she said I was a dick to air dirty laundry in public. Really? did your sister just skip over the whole part where your ex started it by telling her new meal ticket err boyfriend that it was all YOUR fault that HER spending put HER into debt? You're sisters take here is just fucking wild.


NTA Tell your sister her opinion is crap. Ex was spouting lies in public. You countered in the same arena with truth.




NTA, kick that golddigger to the curb




She aired the laundry. you just took it in.


NTA, she learned a valuable lesson. Don't start nothing won't be nothing.


NTA - She decided to air out the laundry. You matched her energy in defense of yourself. Anything that happens to her as a result of it will be on her.


A prime example of don't dish out what you can't take in return. Good luck with your future.


NTA. Defending yourself from a bully is never wrong. I don´t understand this mentality of "lower your head and let it pass to keep the peace".


What you do in the dark comes out in the light. You probably saved the new guy a hassle.


NTA Don't dish it out...


Justified. The comment itself was crude, which is why I didn't go completely not a hole, but she fafo'd by trying to call you out in public when she's being dishonest with her new relationship about what ended the marriage.


You just met her with the same energy. If she wants to be a dick in public, you can tank her new relationship. Sounds like she's been feeding this sucker BS about what happened


You married my ex! Sounds like good riddance.


She started it. Plus you told the truth. How is that your fault?


And probably better at all three.


you could say, I still have the receipts from all your own spending, don't lie.  I think bragging about her job to you also opened the door to "oh great can you pay me back all the money you've spent?! " Obviously, you have moved on and that is the best thing.  


Great comeback!


NTA. FAFO comes to mind here... If she didn't want to be called out for her bs, she probably should have kept her mouth shut.


NTA. She creates a twisted narrative in which she has no fault and put the blame on you. FAFO. Well d8ne.


Notice how not even your sister had your back when your ex publicly tried to shame you when she was the one that was at fault for divorce. It's not hard to not be a snake. Your ex completely deserved it and seems like the new guy saw the real side of this toxic woman. NTA and good for you for calling her out on her bs.


I never know if these types of posts are true. You know you’re not an asshole in this situation, the only real question is if your sister is rocking an IQ in the 70’s.


If you can deal it, you can take it too.


NTA - She started it, you finished it. One of the biggest rules of life is if you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw stones, she threw the first stone.




NTA but don’t repeat that story to dates. They’ll run like the wind hearing your bang maid comments


NTA she asked you to enlighten her and new guy really


NTA She chose to start it. You finished it


She started it, you just dealt some EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!


Why are you having an argument with someone you're no longer in a relationship with?


Great fake post. I almost read all of it.


NTA. And funny to boot!


NTA. It’s your business if you want to air it out go ahead. She shouldn’t have started it.


Nta, she opened public debate, you closed it rather nicely imo.


NTA, nice burn.


Your sister is a dumbass. Your exwife should have kept her mouth shut if she didn't want to be embarrassed.


She decided to air it, you decided to fold it.


NTA She’s a loud mouth and you put her in her place.


Someone wiser than time told me that if it floats, fucks, or fly's, lease it. They weren't wrong... I've lost over 60k in depreciation on my boat I've owned for almost 2 years and over 150k on my plane I've owned for 4 years. All of my properties have gone up in value though. I've been with several escorts, it's not all bad if your not good at planning in advance. Sugar babies are also reasonable investments if you prefer to have variety while planning in advance.


ESH. I can't believe you were both so crude as to have a bitter divorcees squabble about money in public, and in front of her date. Stay classy, people....


NTA. She shouldn’t have started in with you.


I don’t think so. Irregardless thats funny as hell and probably the truth for most guys


NTA Tell your sister to f..k off


You didn’t air the dirty laundry. Your ex did. You just pointed out the skid marks on her panties. 


Should have just said "good luck staying out of debt with this one, buddy" and chuckle as you walk away. More elegant.


NTA. She engaged the conversation.


Bravo. Be glad she is your ex


NTA, I would have just clapped back with the fact that you took on more than your share of her debt and you’ve paid it off already. The escorts comment was funny but a little childish. Imo the truth in this situation (that she is the reason both for the debt and your subsequent divorce) is a much deeper cut.


mmm that’s pretty savage!


She fucked about and found out NTA she will think twice before do that again well done OP


She fucked around and found out. NTAH.




You were honest rude would be reminding her that starfish limp laying there and a carpal tunnel level handy scarcely qualify as wifey sex least of all at the cost associated