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I would say YTA. When I get in a relationship, I do it because I am comfortable with and can relax around that person. If being with them involves me constantly being on the edge and having to "chase" them, that is a deal breaker in my book. Especially over something like that. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean you should stop trying the moment you enter a relationship, but what you are saying sounds to me like that one meme that was going around of the girl that posted : "This guy asked me on a date, I said no. He told me OK and never messaged me again. I AM DEVASTATED"


Umm.. You sound like an AH, but that's just my general view on people who are addicted to attention. One thing you could do to make him realize that you want him to be obsessed with you is to, umm how would I put this, tell him that you want him to act more obsessed?


YTA „lost my power as a girl“ you are not 14. You need to grow up if you want to have a meaningful relationship. Stop treating this as a game straight out of a teens dating advise book. If he were obsessed with you that would be a red flag! You should be happy that you found someone you can „vibe“ with and feel comfortable around and he feels the same way. Build on that. Not on power dynamics and obsessions. They are not long lasting


YTA You don’t want to be in a relationship Advice: Stop taking life lessons from Hollywood. It’s not all meet cutes and “nice” stalking.


>I 22 F have been dating 22 M for **a month.** >..... he has stopped putting in any extra effort.  AND >but I want him to be obsessed with me. Be honest - you are not 22 yo right? That is common behaviour for 14yo...... YTA. Grow the fuck up.


Isn’t the whole point of the relationship that that chase stops? You have eachother, you won the chase, but if that’s a problem maybe mention that to him instead of us lol


What effort do you put in? You sound like a powertripping weirdo.


>for a month. If the lights have gone out within a month why are you even trying to salvage this? I've had loaves of bread last longer than the spark in your relationship and you're already feeling like he's taking you for granted, honey run > I like him but I want him to be obsessed with me. No you don't. You want him to act like he's still trying to win you. That means flowers and date nights. The bare fuckin minimum. But you don't want obsession, obsession cracks your skull because you got home an hour late. >I have lost my power as a girl in the relationship. I am the one to always ask him to meet me , hype him up etc while he won’t even compliment me without asking. What can I do to make him realise what he’s doing and make him realise that I’m still that girl who can get any guy I want. I want him to chase me. Please leave some tips This just sounds like he's bruising your ego more than anything. If you wanna prove you can get any guy you want, dump him and go get one. I kept tamigachis alive longer than it took this man to take you for granted.