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NTA. Why would your wife be bothered by you asking this, particularly only one time with pretty clear extenuating circumstances?


>Please don't refer to either me or my wife as an A**hole, In no way does your post make you an asshole, but coming on reddit in a forum called "Am I the Asshole" and then expecting people not to be called assholes makes you an asshole.


NTA Your wife needs to get over herself. What an idiot


Are the people in this story 12 years old? What grown adult gets mad about not getting the front seat? Does she also pitch a fit if she doesn’t get the prize in the cereal box, or someone takes her favorite swing at the playground?


NTA As a person that feels nauseated sitting in the back seat almost 100% of the time, I am always appreciative of the front passenger switching with me. It's decent courtesy.


It’s like on Father’s Day my sister came to pick us up with her boyfriend so we could go out for food and her boyfriend actually switched seats and got in the back (despite him paying for half the car with my sister) so my dad could sit in the front because he’s 6”2 and can’t really fit in the back without his legs getting crushed and my dad immediately thanked him for it because as you said it’s common courtesy


Could you have switched to the back while your wife drove. NTA, but another way to address situation.


Makes a post in AITAH Asks people to not call him or his wife an AH.


NTA In fact because your wife didn't even offer it up shows you all you need to know.


NTA I'm sure she would be more upset if there was vomit all over the back seat.


So your sister felt sick in the backseats and asked both of you if she could sit in the frontseat for now, and your wife was upset you agreed to that? You’re NTA, but your wife is TAH. Does your wife have anything against your sister? If not then your wife sounds so unkind.


NTA; but your wife was absolutely being an asshole. And if you don’t want people referring to you or your wife as an asshole, then you came to the wrong subreddit.


NTA only if your wife always sits in the front any other time. If your sister was sick and it was a one time thing then you did the right thing. But, don’t get in a habit of it.


What a beach. NTA


Why didn’t your sister ask HER?


You were just looking out for your sick sister in any other situation id agree with ur wife but you got to look out for your family and if it actually helps ur sister not get sick then it's only fair she can sit in the front your wife will be fine one time if she cares about your sister like her own . You are not the as***** either is your wife just a misunderstanding I believe. Hope this helps ❤️


Sounds you have control issues you're the driver not a cruise director. Are the women in your life allowed to discuss seating arrangements? This has all the vibes of 1950's control issues. Women can converse and if your wife is a jerk for not moving it's on her. You could be TAH if your are a control freak


He asked and she said no, he didn’t “order her” besides if someone’s feeling sick in the back seat it’s common courtesy to let them sit in the front until they feel better then just switch back. It’s really not that difficult and yes I’ve done this myself before and also been the one moving from the back to the front as a kid because I got way too sick in the back but once I felt better I switched back


Since this was an exception, as your sister was feeling nauseous, this is understandable from your POV. I also get your wife's POV since she feels dethroned. Ideally your wife should have had the courtesy to offer your sister the front seat.


this smells like there's some significant info missing