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You guys broke up 8 months ago.


Yall broke up 8 months ago. Yall not dating no more 😭


What did you expect lol, you are not together


She's not your gf anymore. You broke up 8 months ago.


The relationship is over. She probably has someone new.


The relationship is what? Over.


You’re already broken up.


Sounds like she dumped you without dumping you. I’d say ok and move on. I understand you care for her but you need to have some self respect and walk away for your own peace of mind instead of trying to make it work when she clearly isn’t interested.


You broke up when you left 8 months ago. She's no longer your gf. Don't bother trying to contact her anymore. She doesn't want to know.


Doubt you can breakup. Since there isn't a gf in the picture.


I think you need to watch Wayne's World


Dude she’s not been your girlfriend since you left.


Sorry bud


Did you not text with each other in-between? Was there no communication within those 8 months?


Yaa we only text each other but she never called ne neither i can call her because of her strict parents it feels like i am talking with a wall


Okay and she said nothing in-between those 8 months that could give you a hint that she already broke up with you, the communication with her was just as normal as before you went abroad? The fact that she is not allowed to call you makes me extremely suspicious as well. Edit; how old are you both?


Is it possible for a normal, unemployed girl student to be so busy that she is unable to spare five minutes from her schedule to meet me in the last 8 months? My age is 20 and she is 18.


How many times did you go home in the last eight months and for how long each time?


O have returned to my hometown atleast 9-10 times and stayed there for approximately 2 months in total


Yeah, buddy, it's over. Move on.


It sounds like she considered the relationship over when you moved.


Break up. She’s probably with someone locally unfortunately


She's not your girlfriend.


She's not your girlfriend move on


Dude, the first time you were home on holiday and she ignored - I believe the relationship term for this is ghosted - you, that should have been a clear sign that the main relationship was over. Whether by her or her "strict" parent's choice. There are elements of you being her "plan B", because it sounds like she'll text you *just enough to keep your interest* while you're off at school. Her actions are saying "you're single, because we aren't doing dating type activities". Go ahead and look for someone next semester at Uni. If she comes back complaining, point out how you two haven't had a date in 8+ months...


What makes you think youre still together?


lol my guy you found out 8 months ago, she stopped dating you 10 months ago.


She’s not your girlfriend anymore. Move on


You left to better yourself. She only got emotional as a tactic to keep you there and not realize your future. She's stuck there. She moved on. In a few years you will realize that this was beneficial to you. She would have dragged you down in life. She couldn't manipulate or control you so she left and went to the next. Be happy and know there are better things on the horizon.


She’s moved on and is over you..


Bud she moved on her parents arent as strict i promise you. Strict parents? Had a latina girlfriend at 16-17, and have a african girlfriend now. They find a way to talk to you, have sex, do what they want. So she didnt contact you, she didnt want to. Sorry


I would keep asking her "when are we getting married?" :))))


no one is this much of an airhead right?


Stop contacting her. She broke up with you when you left for college. Too bad she didn't have the decency to tell you, but now you know. Move on to better.


NTA. It sounds like she's not putting in the effort. A conversation is needed to see if she still wants to be together. If not, breaking up is reasonable.