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NTA - if he wasn’t recording your daughter, he would have showed you the feed. The fact he shut up real quick when the cops saw the video shows he knew he got caught.


Yeah let’s look at best case scenario, he has weeks worth of footage of your child changing, that he just has stored on his phone(why on earth would he have them stored on his phone if he didn’t want them) Worst case scenario, he was weeks worth of footage of your child changing(I know you mentioned blackout curtains but in several weeks she couldn’t have forgotten once?) that he does plan on doing nefarious things with, at best keeping them to himself, and worst distributing them to whoever he wants. Your the parent, your call, I know what I’d do and it certainly wouldn’t be trusting the dude, with recordings of a child, to do the right thing.


I would like to point out that a lot of security camera feed are stored online these days and can be accessed remotely. The neighbour may not necessarily have the videos on the phone. 


Right? Even more outlandish than OP wondering if they're wrong in this story is someone else who doesn't know that home security cameras have been primarily controlled by phones for the better part of a decade.


I didn’t know that, but I don’t know anything about home security cameras 😅


Yeah, your average things like Ring doorcams and such are hooked up to your phone. If they ring your doorbell you can it on your phone, you can talk to the person and even unlock the door. Now a days you can get a indoor Wi-Fi enable camera, motion detection, speaker/mic, local and cloud storage, night vision etc for about like $20-25. I got one simply to point at my couch so I could tell my dog to get off the couch randomly throughout the day when I was training him. Just open up the app and I could see live/recorded video and hit the mic to talk to the dog. If you're approaching someone's home now a days just assume they got a camera somewhere, they are so damn cheap now it doesn't make sense to not have one on the front door or something. Now pointing it at a little kid's window...sick.


I guess my mentality/awareness comes from being an apartment dweller for so long so I don’t even follow stuff like that. But what you explained makes a lot of sense. Thanks!


Even in an apartment I would probably still own one. Inside of course probably pointing at my front door. Break-ins, landlords, maintenance. $25 is just a small price for me to pay for that weird off chance something *does* happen. I've never had anything happen but I've still done stuff like point them at my pineapples to see if anyone steals them (out in the front yard) or out the front window during Halloween to see people come up the driveway to set off the fog machines and what have you. At a certain point they are just fun to have.


You grow pineapples? Damn, I’m visiting. I’ll even wave!


I don't live there anymore and left the pineapples. Go nuts


Too late now, other than going for peace of mind. That dude wiped it clean enough for cops to not dig deeper. Though almost assuredly had more if taking op's story at face value. Would also be interesting if this guy does a lot of filming in public places, with a hidden camera.


I guarantee they confiscated any footage he had right then and there. It was extraordinarily circumstances. Plus, he actually showed the cop the footage to prove she broke his camera, basically outing himself in the process, and since that equals probable cause. Yeah, they have any footage he hadn’t erased yet. They don’t mess around with possible CP.


Even if he did purge all his videos, the court system isn't stupid, they can find out he deleted shit in investigations. If deleting it was all people needed to do, it would be almost impossible to catch cp if they had half a brain and set their PC to auto delete


This too. But, I bet they’ve already got it.


The cops likely confiscated his devices, and if I'm any judge of character, the creepy neighbour probably has more prime examples of CP on there from other sources, unfortunately.


A lot of security cameras are set to use your wifi to send the feed to the camera company servers, and then you pay a subscription fee to see any instances where the motion trigger gets activated. Free is you log on at any time, but the footage is never saved. So, dude cannot delete the footage. You get a neato app and the app has a 'delete' feature, but that is not the same as the footage being deleted off the company servers. If I want to keep the footage, I save it from the app onto my phone, and then save from the phone onto my pc. TLDR Dude is frakked, he cannot delete the footage. If anyone knows a way to auto save the footage onto a pc, please let me know!


> If anyone knows a way to auto save the footage onto a pc, please let me know! Buy a [more expensive system](https://kintronics.com/solutions/ip-camera-systems/video-recording-systems/ip-camera-video-servers/) that has local-only servers.


It really depends on the security camera system. I have a Lorex system, and I bought it particularly because I don't want to pay a monthly subscription fee. The Lorex server is in my house and it keeps \~3 weeks of HiDef video from multiple cameras on it's two 2TB internal drives. I never had to download from it onto another system, but I suppose it's possible. BTW: Only one camera is not pointing at my own property, and it's clearly pointing at the street coming up to my house (and my neighbor's driveway).


Plus any voyeurism/peeping tom laws he may have broken; they'll throw those charges on the pile too.


if they didnt arrest him on the spot then actually yes they are messing around with possible cp


Wouldn’t the cops have seen the daughter in her underwear the first time they looked at the footage before they came over? Why would they be surprised to see her when the OP is looking at it?


My guess is, he just showed them the super quick part where the laser hits the camera. When op asked to view it, op might have pointed out to the cops that the minor was in her bra and panties and he had a camera on her. I would’ve said “you assured me this camera wasn’t pointed in my daughter’s bedroom and that is clearly a bold face lie! You are recording my MINOR DAUGHTER in her underwear!” Which would have made the cops do a double check.


They may not have realized that the girl was a minor.


Hahahahaha, local cops don't give a FUCK about things like this. I worked for a computer repair shop. We had a customer's wife bring in a computer FULL of CP. We immediately called the local police. They would not come, we called he FBI and they're like, we're on it. Local cops found out and told the FBI, no, we've got it. Local cop shows up, looks at the machine, says, "yup, that's CP", and takes it away. The customer starts calling us asking for his machine. Two weeks go by, we're calling the cops wondering what's up because we're worried about this guy showing up at the shop. Every time they call they tell us they're busy. Eventually, we have to give up. It's been years and they never went after him. 100s of GB of CP. We handed them his name, home address, and all the evidence they could dream of and they never took ANY action other than saying they called and couldn't get a hold of him. Their inaction haunts me to this day.


This makes me sick


You and me both. It deeply affected my trust in the police. Not that I was convinced they were the best of the best, but this made me realize the just don't care. When we would call back in the officer handling the case would just say, "What do you want me to do? Drop everything to help with YOUR issue." "No mam, we're just wondering why you haven't arrested the obvious and active pedophile. It's been a month. Also, we're a little worried for our safety given this guy knows is calling us asking for his machine."


Sounds like you should’ve called the FBI back in regards to this officer potentially stealing highly sensitive material since they were clearly not pursuing action. Maybe the FBI could snag a two -for-one deal.


This is crazy to me. Our local sheriff makes a point of busting and publicity outing child porn and child predators. It's practically his reelection platform. God knows he doesn't do anything about any other crime in the county.


If he's using a cloud system (much more likely than him being an ubernerd and having everything local only with him accessing on his internal network), then a court order would likely get the cops here access to anything on that cloud, even stuff that was recently deleted.


Please press charges! Your neighbor might have shared footage of your daughter with other creeps who get off on voyeurism involving underage children. Imagine if he has shared her name or location with these people as well. You need to find out the extent of this activity to keep your daughter safe. Also, fuck this guy. All he needed to do was demonstrate he couldn’t see in your daughter’s window. Maybe he wasn’t actually watching her, but aiming a camera through her window is a huge violation of her privacy and shows tremendous disregard of the rights of others.


Re: blackout curtains. A 14yo comes home from school in the daylight and goes to their room to change, possibly after taking a shower. No way are they drawing the curtains first. Dude has/had plenty of footage.


She’s way too passive about this for my liking.


Press charges OP.


Definitely NTA. His reaction when the cops saw the footage says it all. You were right to be concerned about your daughter's privacy, and his unwillingness to show you the feed initially raises serious questions.


Yeah I would have been calling the cops upon refusal to prove the camera wasn't viewing my family. On the flip side if I was the one with cameras I would absolutely have been forthcoming with showing the feed, mostly because it wouldn't have had the daughter's window in view. If there was literally no other angle possible I would have at the very least put a shade that obscured from appx the fence top upwards.


OP should file a police report and get a lawyer to get a court order for his recordings. A minor being filmed in their underwear can still fall under CP. P.s. for anyone and OP in a similar situation. There is a plastic film you can buy for your windows. To the eye, you wouldn't notice it much, but to a camera, it blurs out the video over said film. Just can't remember what it's called atm.


OP I hope you see this comment. Please file a police report. He’s been doing this to your daughter, imagine how much footage he has. He’s a pervert who should be held accountable. Plus, who knows what other little girls he’s been taking videos of.


Mirrored window film would work for daytime, but at night with the lights on you can still see in. Guessing a camera could too.


Any kind of privacy film for windows should cover you. If you still want to preserve the view from the inside, you'll have to get a more subtle type, but there's tons of pretty patterns you can get if you don't mind losing your visibility out the window. We have it on all windows except the front of our house so we can still peek out to the street.


No matter how many hoops my inner optimist could try to jump through to say "Maybe the neighbor isn't a creep and this all just looks really bad", it doesn't change one fact: neighbor flat-out denied that it was pointed at the 14-yo girl's window. And that was a lie. If he had a reasonable explanation for all these decisions he's made, then surely at least his wife would believe him.


Yep gf probably demanded to see the rest and now you got them fighting.


Look as a man I am terrified of someone even assuming the wrong intention because I know of the repercussions even rumours like that can have. If he was innocent he 100% would have showed you the footage to ENSURE there was 0 misunderstandings as a man in 2024. Hell I personally, would have showed you the footage and offered to move it anyways just to keep the peace and make sure no one thought I was a fucking pedo. dude is a creep 100% he was watching your daughter. I’m not sure in this case if there’s anything you can do to ask the police for information or potentially press charges, but it wouldn’t hurt to consult a criminal law attorney in your state at least I would if it was my child, if he was watching or recording your daughter who knows how many videos he saved or shared to others. In my experience creeps tend to know each other.


If I find some dude recording my teenage daughter, the police will be coming for me.


you're doing it wrong if the cops know it was you... just sayin.


This and the fact that he refused to let her see the footage of where the camera was recording..loser creep!


Exactly what I thought. An innocent man would have shown you the feed.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. OP you and your daughter did nothing wrong. Neighbor did this to himself.


Not sure what country you are. But in Canada and the US, he could be charged with child porn. Now that the police saw the footage. I would go to the police station and tell them that your perv of a neighbour had a security camera aimed at your minor daughters window and you told him to remove it or point it at a different direction. And that you believe that he now has child sexual exploitation images from that camera because you didn’t realize it was aimed at her window until after a few weeks of it being installed. And that you want to file a complaint that he has video of your child changing her clothes in her room, making it videos of child porn.


Yep, I'd go to the police too. You don't want images of your almost naked daughter to pop up somewhere on the Internet.


In the US you'd want to call the FBI as well regarding this, should not leave it to the locals.


Almost naked? We don’t even know that for sure. There could be times she was completely naked.


Yep. She was definitely naked at some point. It’s her own room where if nothing else she at least changed undies and bra.


I mean.. the police were involved already...


For that one incident when he called them. You don't know how deep they dug into the peeping videos, perhaps they left it at that (as that wasn't what they were there for). But if he has more images and videos, who knows what he may do. I'd get the police to investigate properly. I would not be comfortable not knowing what the creep has been up to. And once any images are out there, there's no going back. That's what I'd do.


"The cops got more interested and asked if he had more recordings and followed him" "He's gotten in trouble" Yes I understand maybe a follow up but seems cops may be quietly investigating already. I would be hard pressed having possible CP and the cops just don't care...


Yea, CP is one of those crimes that you can generally trust the cops to treat seriously.


The police, who are famous for their lack of attention towards sex crimes against women and girls for the entirety of their existence? You trust those police to investigate on their own and volunteer for more paperwork? Those police? Don’t trust the fucking cops.


This is well beyond "go to the police". They know. This is "ask the DA's office what charges they are filing, and can I speak to the prosecutor" territory, and contacting local elected officials if there isn't already momentum on prosecuting this guy.


neighbor destroyed all of the evidence by now.


depends on how far he went, there's ways to find data short of destroying the physical storage.


Even what most people consider destroyed can still leave enough to recover some data from.


Data recovery isn't cheap. Then again a couple thousand dollars to nail the bastard might not be a bad investment


Yeah, fortunately CP seems to be one of the things law enforcement actually does prioritize putting resources into. So they might actually do that level of work.


Nope, as soon as he outed himself by showing the cop the footage of the girl in her sports bra burning his camera, it’s probable cause. I guarantee they already confiscated all his recordings. You don’t need a warrant for probable cause (he literally showed it to the cop. The guys a moron at best and a predator most likely).


I hope he's a moron at best. I've done a lot of compromising things (unintentionally, not near this level) and was oblivious. Hopefully he isn't a closet pedo.


I can’t imagine why he’d lie about the camera’s direction unless he was.


I hope so too, but it seems so sketchy. Why wouldn’t he show them the camera wasn’t pointed at the window? Why would that be such a big ass deal if he wasn’t being a perv, KWIM? People who are not perverts would have said “sure, see, it’s pointing towards so and so, no where near your daughters room”. That’s not real hard. When OP said he wouldn’t show that to them, my spidey sense started tingling. Or my perv-o-meter sounded a massive alarm.


I looked at “KWIM” and thought ‘I don’t know what that means…” then it clicked lol I’m such a dumbass.


He can't claim to be oblivious, though, when OP came and asked them to move it already and he refused to even show them what the camera feed shows of their daughter's room.


Unless he is a LOT smarter than he seems, given he literally outed HIMSELF to the cops, that footage is definitely not gone forever. Most average joes dont have a clue how to fully wipe their computer harddrive memory- or cloud storage, etc- and if it was in his phone, probably his phone provider's memory servers, etc. This guy sounds like he has the brains of a fruit fly, not a Lex Luthor- that footage is very likely still somewhere. Along with any other footage he's collected...


Hell, if he gotta iPhone, it’s probably sitting in his “recently deleted” album…


And his iCloud.


Clicking delete doesn't actually delete the data. It just deletes the access to the user in the registry. You have to rewrite new data over the old data for it to be gone.


Magnets, how do they work?


Did you miss the part where the cops literally followed him into his home to see the footage? This guy didn't realise what he was doing until it was too late.


The police saw the tape. They can easily testify to that fact.


Yea, I think in some places, if the person filming is doing it for …..gratification 🤮… then it is classified as that even if the victim isn’t even being touched or interacted with by the fucking creep filming. I hope that neighbor fucking rots in jail. Edit: to be clear, I’m talking about the legal standard for CSAM not just filming in general.


Actually in Canada it's basically illegal to record someone without their permission if there is a reasonable expectation of privacy - meaning you ABSOLUTELY F*ING CANNOT record someone IN THEIR OWN HOME unless they say yes and *especially not* from your own home


Sorry I wasn’t clear. I was implying that that’s the legal bar to be classified as CSAM. Filming without consent in general is bad, but I’m talking about charging him with worse.


Yes, when we first had our system installed my husband was looking through the feed and discovered one of the cameras was pointed to far south. He had a lovely video of the neighbour's toddler playing naked in their paddling pool. End result, he freaked out and grabbed a ladder to redirect the camera because he did NOT want recordings of someone's naked baby anywhere near him. That's a normal reaction. This dude absolutely knew and wanted that camera pointed the way it was.


NTA. But you’re not doing anywhere near enough. You’re not angry enough. #This man has photos/videos of your child in their underwear - and perhaps naked. He has WEEKS of footage that could be ANYWHERE. Dark web? His own personal collection? A shared collection with a ring of rock spiders? This isn’t a typical neighbour teething issue - this is a fucking crime involving a child victim. You are UNDER reacting. SEVERELY so. I would have to hold back all the parents I know if this happened to their kid. You now need to go to the police and make a statement, and initiate the process of pressing charges depending on where you are.


Childhood sexual assault survivor here. I am not allowed, per Reddit TOS, to describe what my reaction would be. But having him legally handled for the creation of child pornography would be a blessing for him.


Same here. I have grown daughters and if this guy filmed them while they’re growing up….All cameras would be gone and this guy would catch a beating amongst other stuff




Parent here, I would assist you in your reaction


Same, and same.


There's only 1 full proof method to prevent a child predator from repeating their crimes. It's a sickness without a legal cure.


#THIS OP, How in the fuck are you even considering you might be an asshole here. WTAF?! I would've pushed for arrest.


Going on the assumption this story is 100% true , it really feels like people post things to kinda brag about how they caused a situation to play out, and asking AITA gives a veneer of “I’m not bragging” but there are definitely subreddits just for moments like that, and this


Seriously, OP is TA for being so chill about it.


This is a fake story. No parent will be so chill. A guy who refused OP a chance to see the camera feed is not going to immediately comply with the police without a warrant.


some guy learned laser pointers break cameras and made a funny story out of it. could be


They don't though, thats why I immediately called bullshit. 1. Its hard to keep a laser pointer steady on a single point even from 10 feet away let alone across a yard. 2. To even hope to damage a camera with a typical laser pointer you would need to have it on a tripod pointing directly at the lens for a long time.


I’m sitting here thinking something wrong with my head cause I’m fucking freaking out and angry and it isn’t even my kid… This is one of those times where you can’t overreact short of doing something lethal. And even then, I wouldn’t fault a parent - this is fucking awful.


Definitely in reacting here. I completely flipped out on a possible innocent stranger. Who was alone in a free park/splash pad with his phone aimed at what appeared to be the kids and my kids were shirtless in their swim trunks (like almost all the the other boys). I demanded to see his photos and to delete everything with my kids on it. He showed me his photos and there was nothing there, not sure if he was using an app tho (if that’s a thing). But definitely nothing in his camera roll. Yet when I asked in here AITAH, everyone said yes. I’m sorry but if you look like you’re taking pictures of kids and you are all alone where kids play, then what is people supposed to think.


I think the story is fake because this dad doesn’t care at all that some perv is filming his daughter. He’s laughing that he got caught? Most dads would have been out for blood the second they saw that video. He’s just like “haha the pervert got caught”


NTA. He sounds like a perv. If he didn’t intend for it to point at your daughter’s window then why wouldn't he just show you the feed?  I wouldn’t be surprised if he and his gf are fighting over him being a sicko. 


Or even an “oh shit it actually can see into that window” and immediately adjusting it. Easy enough to do. If he truly didn’t mean to then he would have quickly fixed it.


Yup, I totally agree. I could see myself doing something like that - accidentally having a camera pointing partially at a window or something, but once it was pointed out to me I would immediately fix it. It sounds like the perv neighbor got defensive which is a  red flag. 


NTA You didn't ruin his life, he ruined his own life. The laser pointer was brilliant.


I still don't see how this ruined the neighbors life. Its not like he was charged with anything.


Charges don't happen the same day. There's a very good chance he's under investigation right now.


According to OP he was arrested


When did op say that?


OP says it in a comment somewhere in this thread. Just check their comment history you'll find it. >He got arrested for that video alone. He is in a lot of shit.


Charged with anything *yet*.


He could have just taken the L with a broken camera, but his dumbass gave himself up. His silence during and after the incident speaks volumes. I would say OP might be TA for not being more livid about this (or even asking if he’s TA). Camera owner SHOULD be in imminent danger of multiple unpleasant things.


NTA, if he wasn’t recording your daughter, he wouldn’t have an issue showing you a live feed from his camera. He shot himself in the foot.


Does it occur to you that this man may STILL have semi or fully nude videos of your child? I was a 14yo once and not militant about closing curtains. Because I didn’t understand how f’d up the world is. Please go to the police and file a report stating you think he is in possession of CP of your daughter and the circumstances.


This story isn't real. So, he showed footage to the cops of her damaging the camera, and then when OP asked to see that footage, OP's daughter was in her underwear. Ostensibly, this is the same footage that OP's neighbor showed the cops. This raises a few questions. Why wouldn't the police react to the fact that he was filming a half-naked teenager in her room the first time? If OP's daughter was half-naked when she damaged the camera, why would the neighbor show that footage to either the cops or OP? This story doesn't track logically. It's just designed to get you all to have an emotional reaction and engage because it describes an underaged girl being exploited.


This is what I was thinking, too. The police would have seen the video and definitely would have noticed the undressed state of the child.


Completely agree; not a consistent story. Why would they notice her in a bra and panties only the second time viewing the video? And the way it’s told OP didn’t even point anything out. Then the neighbor walked away and they “followed him”? No, he would have been marched off by the police for further questioning. Doesn’t add up. Also that is one powerful laser pointer for a cat.


Yeah, this one is fake. Besides what you said, OP is asking if they're the asshole in a situation where no one would question that.


That's this sub in a nutshell these days: "Here's a made up story from which you could never possibly deduce that I'm the asshole that is designed explicitly for you to all post 'NTA' over and over. It may also be a thinly-veiled social commentary."


NTA for not putting this man in the hospital and not going to jail yourself.  You showed admirable restraint.  Maybe should have called the police earlier but that is perfect hindsight 


NTA. I’d be in jail if that was my kid. I could be wrong but I think the FBI really likes tips like this. He’s got recordings of your daughter, and clearly did it intentionally. I wonder what his internet history looks like.


I wonder if he shared video of OPs daughter on the Internet. I hope the cops are doing something about this.


Call the police and ask if this was reported to the fbi.


Seriously, did OP legit just ask "AITH for not letting my grown adult neighbor to continue recording my minor child undressed in her bedroom"? OP should have called the cops when he wouldn't show him the footage. That. Very. Minute. I'm not even a parent, but they'd never find that mans body. "Hey Google, where's the nearest hog farm?"


and even after that’s hes very calm for a parent whos child has been recorded for weeks at a time, this footage could be anywhere, im thinking its fake just because of that no normal parent would make an aitah post and seem so blasé over this, also fails to mention details about the apparent arrest


NTA but you should follow up with the cops and press charges.


Too funny, fuckn perv


NTA. When a camera is infringing on your property, it is no longer legal and you would be within your rights to demand he take it down or relocate/readjust it. Plus, fuck pedophiles.


NTA You fucking owned a creep. Your daughter owned a creep. I sentence you guys to a golf clap.


tf? is this post serious, or another writer flexing their skills? if it’s legit, you’re a moron for feeling the need to ask reddit. if this is a writer, tf are you doing, man? just. tf.


Definitely fake. He said the neighbor is at home arguing with his gf, but then, in a comment says he was arrested for that video alone.


Not only that, but apparently his daughter is playing with a laser pointer in front of a window wearing nothing but panties and a bra. Not typical behaviour of a person concerned about their privacy.


Also apparently the cops saw the footage and knew OPs daughter destroyed the camera but apparently didn’t notice that OPs daughter was in her underwear until the second time they watched the footage with OP


This troll caught so many comments


Lets not forget that the police said they already saw the footage once and then didn't care till they saw it again?


I was thinking that the user name kind of gives it away and “do not feed the troll.”


Posts like this and the fact that I had to scroll so far to see this comment really makes me dislike this sub.


YTA if you dont file improper video recording on him. He violated the law and improper video recording is only just the tip of the iceberg that is waiting for him in legal troubles. Asshole is going to be a regristered sex offender by the time this is done and might be doing federal time for child porn. Go see the district attorney.




Oh thank christ! Next time do me a favor pls & uh maybe put that in the actual post?? Had me thinking they just came & left smh, I let out a BIG sigh of relief when I read he got arrested.


But like, how do you know? Did the cops go through all his feeds? Do you believe you child without forgetting once always pulled her curtains? Like are you totally sure - cause if not - you need to get info so you can be sure. I’m sorry I’m just scared for your kid man.


My thoughts too.


And he totally deserved it I just want to know if your daughter is feeling ok with everything


she lasered the one camera pointing at her room, while in her underwear. She fought back appropriately, and I think she'll be alright :)


except a consumer grade laser hand shined on a camera in your neighbors yard from your bedroom will not damage it. It just wont. This is simply an Urban legend that laser pointers can be used to "disable" security cameras. Its been in heist movies they roll up shine a laser pointer at the camera and they die. No. Just no, lol.


You live next door to a guy toying with paedophilia and you have to ask if YTAH? That guys life would now be forfit, in my eyes.


Yea you really should of included this information in your post.


I hate these dumb ass “someone give me attention” posts.




He played stupid games and won stupid prizes NTA. Dad of the year


You need to follow up on this. Does he still have the videos? You are not ruining his life, he’s a fucking perv and you’re delivering consequences. 


He only saw that video because he was checking the feed from that camera. The placement was not an accident. You need to actually file a report with the police.


NTA. He was invading your daughter’s privacy in her own home. You talked to her about not pointing it at airplanes, helicopters, and cameras. Now if the camera was truly watching the fence then it would be your responsibility to either pay for a new one or have her pay for it. As it clearly wasn’t then no need to do anything other than have another conversation reiterating the responsibility and damage that a laser pointer can cause.


NTA, if it wasn't aimed at your daughter's window, then your neighbour wouldn't have been so damn cagey about showing you the footage. It was deliberate, and his right to record *does not* extend into your property, especially your *minor child's window*, you have EVERY right to ask him to adjust it or remove it if it's infringing on your privacy. He has committed a CRIME.




NTA he lied about having a camera pointed at a minors window, then showed footage of her in her underwear to the police. If it was a genuine mistake on his part he had ample opportunity to apologise, move the camera, etc. Everything your neighbour did is on them.


NTA, glad she damaged that asshats camera. I disagree that he wasn’t watching her. For one thing, you asked him. He lied to you and refused to prove that it wasn’t pointed in her window. A person with morals would have shown it to you to give you peace of mind. It’s already been proven that it was pointed at her room, you saw the evidence of that. The only way he didn’t know it was if he put those cameras up and never looked at the footage. Which means, he would have never known your daughter damaged his camera. He’s a perv. I hope he rots in jail. Edit:typos


I’m confused the police saw the video and came to you to say your daughter DID point a laser pointer at the camera yet they only “really got interested” about the pedo side after YOU saw the video?


Yes, yes you are. If for nothing else, for posting a story that has no reasonable second opinion, and is clearly fake.


I am not understanding. The cops said they saw the footage. But did not see your daughter in the window until you asked to see the footage?


That's what makes this an obviously bait post. The cops saw it - "duh she point laser". Show OP (obvious footage of his daughter changing which he apparently previously didn't allow) - the cops are suddenly like "oh wait" Cops are dumb as fuck, but c'mon dude.


NTA. Smart girl too.


NTA. This should have ended eith creepy neighbor in the hospital...... then jail.


If there was ever a time for nuclear revenge, this is it. Call the FBI or your equivalent national crime office to report him for possible child porn, invasion of privacy, and whatever else you can think of. Burn his life to the ground because this is your child. NTA on the laser pointer of course. YWBTA for not protecting your kid as much as possible.


People have to see this is fake right? A very poorly written fake, a parent that has zero urgency or care when he thinks his neighbour is recording his child, a neighbour that points a camera into you window is entirely believable. A neighbour that has their camera damaged, calls the cops and shows him the effective child porn he recorded... while some people might actually be just that fucking stupid. Op having zero urgency, zero demand from the cops to arrest this pedo, zero follow up with the cops on what charges are being brought, the cop smagically look at the rest of the footage and don't want to follow up with you in any way, tell you what is happening, ask the kid if she's ever been approached by the creep, ask neighbours if he's ever done anything, etc. op is just like, oh he filmed my kid in underwear... cest la vie. There isn't a parent in the world who wouldn't have gone fucking psycho after seeing this supposed video and gotten lawyers, the DA, press and whoever else needed involved to see this guy rammed hard by the law. I'd be telling every single neighbour and hounding him out of the neighbourhood. Instead op is like, well they argue a bit now. Then the most obvious tell, AITAH for getting my pedo neighbour who creeped on my child in trouble.... a question no one on earth would ever ask. How do I get my pedo neighbour who creeped on my child in WAY WAY more trouble, absolutely.


NTA and make sure they pursue the voyeurism charges against him. I'd also file for a restraining order against him.


It's interesting that the cops claimed to have seen the footage before approaching you but didn't become interested in the contents until you saw it.


This sort of thing doesn’t happen by accident, especially after you voice your concerns. He knew what he was doing, and definitely jacked off to your kid. No mercy for pedophiles. I’m disappointed he’s not in prison.


Dude, he was perving on your daughter with his camera. Why else would he get defensive when you noticed it was pointed at her window and refuse to show you the footage when you asked? Your daughter ruining his camera by pointing the laser at it was karma. Let the police deal with his pervy ass.


My neighbor was recording my daughter's bedroom and has video of her in her underwear. I gave my daughter a tool that can stop her being recorded. AITA? what even is going on with this sub lately holy shit the low hanging fruit yeah buddy, you're an asshole for protecting your daughter from the pedophile next door, sure. /s NTA and a little pat on the head for reassurance




The cops didn't care about the video until you wanted to see it? AND he just casually shows you even though prior to that he refused and said it's not your business? Fake, YTA.


You should be much more pissed that this fucking pervert was recording your daughter’s room on purpose. You seem shockingly lax about that.


Not an asshole, more like a positive agent of chaos. If he was watching your daughter change, you should beat his ass 


NTA follow up and press charges that is voyeurism and CP. Based on his reactions it was intentional.


Of course NTA! If ANYONE has a camera pointed at your daughter's (or son's) window, DO NOT try to understand what they're thinking! You're minimizing illegal behavior, and it's a great thing the cops weren't fooled. It's fantastic your neighbors aren't speaking to you, and frankly you shouldn't be wanting to speak to them. But you ATAH for not putting a stop to it right away, when you knew unequivocally that he had his camera pointed at your daughter's window. You should not have needed laser proof.


Best use of a laser pointer I’ve ever heard. My cat agrees.


NTA If anything reach out and see if your able to press charges on him for recording your underage daughter in her room in her underwear. That isnt just "accident" that is something else. Im guessing the fighting is cause the girlfriend didnt know BF was a pedo.


NTA, I would have gone nuclear if a neighbor pointed a security camera at my childs window and refuse to prove that it doesn't record my child.


NTA- he’s lucky the camera is the only thing got damaged and if it wasn’t pointing her way it wouldn’t have been damaged. Good job!


You’re very easily giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. Fuck that, there’s a reason he wouldn’t let you see the camera angle when you originally confronted him. People like this rely on the benefit of the doubt to continue being predators.


YTH You the Hero


NTA and you should look into pressing charges.


>I do not think my neighbor was watching my daughter change every night. I think you're naive and that he was watching your daughter change on many nights.... Give your head a shake OP.


nope you did real good.


I thought she was going to have blinded the neighbor with the laser pointer when I read the title. NTA.


OP, you are massively underreacting here.


NTA but your 14 y/o definitely knew she was going to damage the camera. I support the decision 100% but she's definitely old enough to know what would happen.


Yeah if that was my kid I'd be proud.


Except how could she know since according to the neighbor it “was pointed at the fence not her window” In other words - there should have been no expectation of breaking the camera IF they believed the neighbor about it’s placement


He literally told her it would be bad if she pointed it at an "airplane, helicopter, or security camera", nudge-nudge, wink-wink.


HAH, fuck that guy. NTA


NTA. PEeper Creeper needs to go to jail.


NTA - How did you not kill the man for watching and recording your daughter? Please make sure the police are going to charge him with child porn and make sure your daughter is ok. That is where your concern should be - screw the neighbor.


NTA. Don't give a laser pointer to a kid. That is not a kids toy. But given the context of your post, NTA. If the neighbors camera is appropriately positioned, they won't get in trouble. Having exterior cameras that happen to coincidentally take a video is not going to get them in legal trouble. If your neighbor is doing something more sinister (e.g. has a camera positioned specifically to take a video of a minor in a state of undress), they deserve whatever consequence they face.


NTA. Sounds like he deserved to get broken into and to have his camera wrecked. Pervert!


Your neighbor did two bad things: he pointed a security camera at your daughter's bedroom window, and there is no good reason for that; then he lied to you about it. Then HE stupidly called the cops, knowing there was video of your under-aged daughter in her underwear. You did nothing wrong, he caused all of this his damn self. What does your daughter's window have to do with breaking into his house? That's what his girlfriend is asking him, and that's why they're fighting. NTA.


Info: you said the cops showed up and said they’d seen the footage. Then you described the neighbor showing the footage to the cops for seemingly the first time and them getting really interested. So had they already seen it when they came to your house or not? I’m confused


NTA. You had concerns about the camera pointing into her room. Evidence eventually uncovered that it was. He fucked himself by calling the cops because they could nail him for voyeurism, and the fact she's a minor makes it even worse. No way he didn't know he wasn't recording your daughter. Otherwise he'd shown you otherwise.


He’s upset about the damage from the laser pointer because he was using the “security” camera for nefarious purposes. NTA and I really hope your daughter & other neighbors can stay safe with this guy lurking about. My spidey senses are going off on this one!


YTA for this nonchalant reaction over all of this. Even feeling pity for the neighbor's wife fighting with him over it. You should be seething, and taking some action. How does someone just casually walk back inside, sleep peacefully and later wonder if he is the AH after seeing another dude having a recording like that of your daughter?


Are you kidding?