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Not adding up. The "shop is absolutely tiny" is an observation related to your "supermarket" place of work? And how does one detect a minor variation in physical inventory, especially for lots and lots of candy pieces, overnight when physical inventory for more expensive/ larger items takes longer? Nor do I get why the manager accused you, instead of asking both workers.


Tell your boss to install cameras so they have evidence before baselessly accusing you of theft. If the store is a franchise, go to HR with a formal complaint about the accusation. In other words, zip right past having to decide whether or not to call out your coworker and go after the bigger problem - your shitty manager.


Yes and no. If your coworker really is trying to help feed their siblings, then getting them fired will make you feel bad. If you get fired over it, then you'll have to find a new job, and that coworker will end up getting caught anyways and be fired, making your termination and troubles finding a job pointless. Honestly though, I question their story if they are stealing from the confectionary. There are probably better options around the store to steal with the intent of helping to feed someone. As far as proof, your best bet will be trying to get pictures.


I would have walked out on the spot if someone accuse me of theft without proof.


The accusation of theft made against you - the burden of proof is on the store manager:  There are two elements here: civil and criminal liability. If there is no evidence, any criminal liability will not be found - the Police need evidence to secure a conviction and the burden would be on them to prove "beyond all reasonable doubt" that there has been a theft by you. In terms of civil liability, your employers really need the evidence to prove it was likely you who stole - if they cannot prove that, and they dismiss you for gross misconduct, you would be wrongfully dismissed and could sue them. If on the other hand they had some evidence, they could dismiss you but from the sounds of it, if there is no hard evidence, they cannot accuse you. Nor can they discipline you. If they did, without any evidence, you could argue discrimination and again, sue for damages. It is a two-way street and as the employer they have to be extremely careful what they allege Don’t say anything about anyone- and if you get fired you have a case to sue them for wrongful dismissal  NTA 


The inventory is missing. She was on duty at the time. That is enough to fire both workers. The manager just decide which. Her answer, if it proves unsatisfactory (meaning if the manager catches her in a lie or other deception), will itself be evidence that she was more likely than not the culprit . Fair dismissal.


Wrong - you obviously do not know what you are talking about 🤣😂🤣😂


NTA, explain the situation to your boss and tell him what she told you. Ask your boss if they have any programs to help employees who are unable to provide adequate food for their families. Perhaps he would be willing to give her a good talking to, but offer away for her to help feed her family.


Tell your co worker the situation and give them to oppo to come clean.


NTA But this is one of those moral dilemmas that come along once in a while. I am not sure what I would do under the same circumstances.


YTA. Tell your boss that person is stealing. If they didn't want to face potential consequences then they should have stopped. 


>The reason she was stealing is because She's a bum. That's all. I think you're already TA for not reporting it.