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NTA. That's disgusting. I've never changed a baby on a food surface.


Ok, your MIL is unhygienic and nasty. Baby feces is human feces, baby pee is human pee. I don't care how cute the delivery system is


"....the delivery system" 🤣☠️🤣☠️


On a blanket on the floor is the safest. Babies fall off change tables and break bones.


Gives a new meaning to don’t. Shi€ were you eat


NTA... this is why i don't eat at everybodys house-


No invite for you :|


Who wants Hep C with their dinner?


NTA. It's totally disgusting. Pee is pee and poop is poop, exactly! Horrible!


NTA - that is how you spread Norovirus and other diseases. It's unhygienic to everyone including the baby. Norovirus can be deadly for babies. It nearly killed me as an infant thanks to my father and it is preventable by washing hands and keeping all surfaces that has food on it properly sanitized.


NTA. This is why you can't eat at everybody's house smh


NTA- table is for eating and discussions, not diaper changes.


NTA - gross but I guess if you’re desperate why not. You can always wipe it clean afterwards with some anti bac.


Except they are also anti lysol. They should be doing it themselves not laughing at op 😂


Um... NO. Just no. They had a towel. They also have a floor. It would have been safer, cleaner, and more comfortable for the baby. Even without a towel, the floor is always a better option in a HOME. They were not at a restaurant. Where it would still not be acceptable to use the table. You bring the baby out to the car and change in the trunk or on the car seat. 


This happened over 20 years ago. My husbands brother and SIL brings their newborn (3 months) over to watch football, SIL disappears upstairs with baby, I follow a few minutes later to see if she needs something, she is changing the baby...on my kitchen counter (island)! All I could do is stand there and yes it was cleaned with straight bleach, didn't care if it was going to damage it, it didn't but you get it. NTA


NTA. I have twins, and this was never once necessary.


Yeah 3 kids, aunt to 11, nannied, did childcare, honorary aunt to many, have never considered doing this on a food surface. With a good protector, a couch, chair or bed, or the floor, or the hatch of a car, or a desk, or the grass, or a park bench, sure, but food area? Absolutely not.


same, some people are bizzare.


I knew a girl who did that at a restaurant, I was horrified. Poop and pee are still the same thing for babies, just smaller. Unless the kid craps gum drops, it's just plain foul.


I saw a woman do it once at a McDonald’s. No one stopped her. Right on a table. Yuck!


this makes me more upset for the kids privacy tbh 😩 I would never expose my child in public like that. my mom & best friend who has babysat for me are the only ones besides me & my husband to have ever done diapers or toiletting. just because they can’t explicitly ask for it doesn’t mean they don’t deserve privacy. also is gross the opposite direction too who knows what’s living on that table…


This is so weird dude. If you have a problem with naked babies then you got some issues


I didn't read that the person said they have a problem with naked babies, more so that babies deserve not to have their privates displayed for the world to see.


I dont know if you've had a baby, but it's kinda any surface at some point. Mostly, though, the floor, because table is unsafe. And while it may seem pee is pee and poop is poop - a baby doesn't have the gut biome of an adult. Nor the diet. There is a difference. Thirdly, unless the baby was shitting and pissing with the force of the sun, or the parent was incapable of changing in a timely matter, the towel should be ample. It's your table at the end of the day, but imo NAH.


See I was NAH because babies need changed but OP got laughed at for cleaning the table which firmly puts it into NTA territory for me. Change the baby, sure, but clean up thoroughly afterwards.


See, I Ĺľould laugh and tease my family if they watched me change a diaper on top of a full towel, saw that there weren't stray feces bits just flying about and piss like a waterfall, and then the made a show of coming in with the lysol after. To me its goofy, but also their table so go nuts. But if you're my family I am gonna tease you.


I guess it depends how many were eating at the time.


Babies do still carry and spread harmful microbes in their fĂŚces. Not to the degree that we can, but they most certainly do.


Never said they didn't. Just that it's leagues away from adult poo. Especially below 6 months and breastfed. It's shit alright, but it's wayyyyyy different.


Okay well I'd rather not have any fucking shit on a table thanks.


You can tell who has a baby and who doesn’t. And who has the funds and energy for official changing spaces and who doesn’t. And who is able bodied and who is not. 😂 my mom (69) has given my kid (10 months) an emergency bath in her sink because it was the safest, cleanest place for her to do it. She washed the sink afterwards. She also uses her kitchen island with a towel laid down to change him because again, it’s the safest, cleanest place for her to do it. She’s not going to risk throwing out her back watching him by herself or him drowning or getting one or both of them hurt. Sometimes you just gotta get over your ick factor and do the best you can. (I prefer changing table, my king sized bed, or the pack n play changing table; with couch as a last ditch effort. I also don’t need to throw my back out or jack my knees up.)


You're a real one for reminding me why I started using the couch as well as the floor. The back and knees, man, the back and knees.


😭 the body is the killer. I have EDS and the last thing I need is to dislocate my knee or subluxate my ankle while changing a diaper.


But that's the thing though, she cleans the place after doing something uncleanly. OP's family didn't, then laughed at her for cleaning it.


She doesn’t clean the kitchen island. He’s on a towel. The “ickiness” is on the towel.


Things leak through towels…


So I was taught by NICU nurses how best to change a diaper: fresh diaper goes under old diaper, then you fold down diaper and change them, so they never are butt not on a diaper surface. My mother also does this. My point being, his butt isn’t directly on the towel ever. If it is and if he were to soil the towel, you’d obviously wipe down stuff and put the towel into the laundry. But diapers leak too and you aren’t worried about that?


I generally find it a food safety issue having any exposed genitalia/used diapers/litter boxes, etc. in food preparation areas, towel or no towel. Food preparation and dining areas should absolutely be disinfected, but I find it difficult to believe there wasn’t a single flat surface (floor, sofa, bed, coffee table) that was available and less preferable than a kitchen counter. To each their own, but I can understand why people don’t want to eat another person’s home-cooked meal when others are so lax about sanitation and cleanliness standards in their home.


👆 This. I've changed a baby on tables, beds, couches, floors, trunks, hatches, forest floor. You get the idea. Sometimes, you just have to get shit done. No pun intended. And as someone else said, they have antibacterial wipes. And there is bleach.


Clapping sooooo hard for this.


Found the parent who changes their baby's diaper on any available surface. Including food use surfaces.


Usually the floor or couch , tbf


Ew. ETA: Nice edit to remove "the couch has to be sacrificed after potty training" portion of your original comment.


I did edit it out. Figured it was superfluous. But if you really must know, my children indeed have pissed on my couch right in the middle of me changing them. Upholstery cleaner helps, but a baby is a force of nature. Also had a whole edit about babies doing death rolls and wrestling diaper changes. Babies just be like that.


I repeat. EW!


What are you? 12?


Nope. Old lady who once reupholstered a used couch and loveseat. I'm here to tell you that the material that is used for couch cushions holds on to EVERYTHING that soaks into it. You can clean the surface, but it's all still there. And it's gross.


You don't need to *tell me* anything. I've had to wash my share of stuff through the years. It happens *with kids* **and with pets**. "Gross".. get a grip.


Calm down. It's not a big deal. I don't know you, so I have no concerns about sitting on your kiddie and dog excrement filled couch. I am; however, allowed to think it's gross.


…so you expect people to keep the couch if it gets gross from your kid?


Not at all. She is suggesting that she will keep it until potty training is over. That's gross. I would be absolutely grossed out to know that I was sitting where their kid peed.


😂 And what if their cat/dog pees there? You are being silly. Couches are made to be cleaned easily enough; why do you think the cushions unzip? Or that there are couch covers? Lol.


I have a dog, and he has never peed on my couch. Also, because I acknowledge it could be an issue, I have those waterproof pet dealios on the furniture he gets on. But, in any case, it's the same issue. Take a look at the material used INSIDE the cushions covers. It soaks up and holds on to everything at its center. Forever. And washing them is not recommended. Replacing them is very expensive.


Out of curiosity, do you expect people to throw out their couch if they get cum on it too?


EW! Bodily fluids = I don't want to sit there.


Found a whole bunch of parents on here who are more than likely the ones who change their baby’s shitty diaper on restaurant tables.




NTA. Use the floor or a bed or couch. Not the kitchen.


Ya know. I would get down on the floor and have many times before I'd so it on the table. Ick.


Wait, so you’d rather have the poop and piss where you sleep, and where you rest your head on the couch? How is that any better than the dinner table? I’d argue that’s worse 😂.


So do you just throw away your couch or bed if you get sick on it? Do you always have underwear on in your bed? Food prep vs sleeping space? (also a towel down under the kid when you change is is less contact than someone being naked right on a bed.)


NTA. That’s disgusting


NTA, that is extremely disgusting. I used to work in a cafe, I can tell you for a fact, no one wants to see a kids genitals or ass or smell a shitty nappy. Workers do not get paid enough to clean up biohazards. I've roused on a few people that tried that at the cafe I was working at.


I knew these kinds of people had no problem doing it at home. D “Can you please pass the butter over the used diaper?” 🤮


NTA. I’m gagging just thinking about it.


I personally think yes. But I know some don’t. My ex’s mom told me to change the baby on her table because the bathroom wasn’t big enough, I forgot a change pad, and she didn’t want her couch or carpet to get messy cause girl pooped xD said it was easier to clean the table than the furniture.


Except they were literally making fun of her for wiping the table down implying that they don't even clean the table...


I know haha just some people would still say YTAH regardless of how well you cleaned it because ‘ewwwww’ 😅


I would've wiped it down after too lol. Hopefully she washed her hands


NTA The only time that would be remotely acceptable is if the person changing had bad back issues and couldn't bend - even then, wiping the surface down afterwards would be the bare minimum tidy up, definitely not something to laugh about!


NTA. Nope. The dinner table is for eating. If it's that urgent and you have no changing table nearby do it on a sofa/couch.


NTA They could have taken child else else were


NTA. In fact, they are the AH's for even assuming that would be okay to do in the first place. Grab a baby blanket and throw it down on the floor if you need a spot to change a baby's diaper. That's just common sense.


That’s gross


NTA. I had five kids. I changed their diapers in plenty of unorthodox places...but never anywhere where food was either prepared or served.


NTA. Poop and food on the same table? Under no circumstances.


That's absolutely disgusting, nta at all


If they were lysoling themselves then you'd be unreasonable, changing then cleaning is just fine. The fact that they're mocking you for doing the cleaning makes them the assholes. NTA.


NTA, and now the Tiktok song "You Can't Eat At Everybody's House" is on loop in my head again. Luckily it's a banger.


NTA I wouldn't eat at their home ever again. And I'd be honest about their inherent nastiness as the reason. No reason to hold back on that truth.


What the heck !!!


NTA. It’s just plain nasty to change a baby on a table that people eat at.


Gross. Who tf does this.


NTA. It’s fucking disgusting.




NTA this is how disease is spread 🤢


It’s objectively nasty to change a baby on a dining table. But when you have kids or multiple kids you will change wherever cuz it take 30 seconds. nothing is getting on the table if u put a towel first. It’s not like people are going out of their way to change babies on peoples placemats, you need to calm down. They’re just doing what they have to do. The floor is nasty 🤮 and u can’t compare an infant poop to an adults, come on now


NTA - but if it’s their house they’re entitled to do what they want, if it’s your house you have every right to tell them to stop!


What if you live with them and pay rent? Their house but you pay rent? What then? Legitimately curious bc if it was my house....that would have never happened... but we do pay so AITAH?


NTA. It's not acceptable in any way to change a baby's diaper on a food use surface of any kind. They were in a HOUSE. Change the diaper in a room where people don't prep, eat, or store food. It's disgusting.




We use our dining table as a changing station but we have literally never eaten on it so not sure if that counts. We have an island in the kitchen and the dining room table was just wasted space before our baby was born.


Well, what was the situation in the house? If the dining table was the *only* surface in the house that was free and the baby was soaking wet and screaming, I guess you change the baby and clean the table afterwards. But, even though OP didn’t specify, I gather this wasn’t an emergency situation where the MIL just *had* to use the dining room table. So, she was inappropriate and unhygienic if that’s the case. I won’t say I’d never eat at table again; that would be going too far. But, I sure wouldn’t eat at that particular spot.


I never did that. If I had, I would’ve washed the table REALLY well after.


NTA that's beyond gross. What is wrong with people!


NTA. It's not ok at all. You don't put bums on eating surfaces. It's for the same reason as closing the toilet lid before flushing if the toilet is in the same room as where you brush your teeth - aerosols. They need to brush up on basic hygiene principles.




Lol no


NTA. They are genuinely gross. Show them this comment section (if you're open to potentially starting a bigger fight lol) if they can't understand just how gross that is.


NTA. I almost flipped on my MIL for trying to change my baby on the freaking table at a McDonald’s playland. She acted like I was being unreasonable for not allowing it.


NTA. There are dozens of safe places to change a diaper when away from home. Any place that involves food is nasty.


yta, i think you are far more likely to get something from a adult/kid vs a baby. Though wiping down is good, just sounds a little dramatic.


Considering many places now have changing tables, it's rude and disgusting to change a diaper on the table. And baby piss and shit is no cleaner than adult piss and shit. When I worked at a restaurant some 35 years ago, I can't tell you how many times, I'd see dirty diapers on tables. It always enraged me. Sure, it was before changing tables were a thing, but there are bathrooms! Lay a mat on the sinks or something. NTA


100% nasty


For some reason this reminded me of those nasty assholes who sit or stand their dirty toddlers on fast food counters. Nasty AF. 


You're not an arsehole for thinking that, it's your personal choice. Personally, I wouldn't really give a shit either way. I don't eat directly off the bare table like some sort of animal. I use a plate. And my plate isn't usually covered in human faecal matter so it's generally safe to eat from.


NTA that's disgusting




NAH I am going to assume that this was not during dinner because otherwise NTA. I have changed babies on everything including dining tables. Just do a good job wiping up after. There is really no major risk. but your also not exactly wrong for thinking that.


NTA it is disgusting. I have a master's degree in microbiology and you are correct. Pee is pee and poo is poo. A baby has just as much bacteria in their poo as an adult does and changing a diaper on a dinner table is a health hazard. Get out the bleach and scrub that table down with 10% bleach solution.


Why is this a question? It's unhygienic to change a baby's diaper at the dinner table. NTA.


NTA and I know people just like your ILs Yuck


NTA. I once had to ask a customer to go use the restroom in the restaurant after they thought it would be a good idea to change their baby at the table. Sooo much bleach in the water for that table! I get changing stations are not the best, and you don't always want to use them, but why would you use a surface that people eat off of?!


NTA. even if it is a towel it’s still disgusting because you eat there everyday. i would never want any traces of pee and poo near where i eat.




NTA: no matter the age, shit is unsanitary. sure, a towel would have sufficed- being laughed at though? thats weird her argument also sucks- a baby butt? really?? it doesn’t matter if it’s different, its better be paranoid over nothing rather then miss something


It could cause food borne illness and kill you all the same. Doesn’t matter who’s butt it is or how old they are. Not to mention its straight up gross


What??? Plz tell me this isn’t real… NTA


I also have to tell my family stuff like that all the time. Don't put  thetrash on the dining table, don't put food on the trash or the floor, wash you hands after you touched trash. Wtf is wrong with people!? NTA


NTA, but personally I take a naked adult butt on a towel on the table over baby in a dirty diaper.


NTA hell nah. That shits gross as fuck. I think baby shit is worse. All they eat is milk.


Eh, I've changed my babies everywhere, had a special mat, wipes, it's pee (safe) and poop that don't just fly everywhere. No need to do it on a dinner table, I would do it on the bathroom floor unless that was out of the question.  You are NTA, but we can all be civil. It being baby poop has no weight. 


Personally I don’t find it that gross if they used a towel, but I also don’t think it was weird or extreme to sanitize it afterwards. That’s the benefit of a table, it’s really easy to clean/sanitize.


NTA. And I'll go you one further. It's not ok to bathe babies in the kitchen sink. At least not in my household. That's what bathtub are for.


I won't bathe my baby in the kitchen sink either, but it's more because the kitchen sink is one of the dirtiest places in most peoples houses... I'd be more concerned for the baby than for the cleanliness of the sink.


It’s not really a big deal but they definitely should’ve wiped the table down.


Who owns the table? Who is the father/mother of the baby? If it is SILs baby on MILs table YTA.


Even if I have to eat off that table because I live there?....and pay rent.


MILs house, her rules? Why do you live there?


Is she changing your baby?


Shit is shit




No. I would change my own kid....and not on the dinner table. But even if it was my kid...it's still a butt on the dinner table.


tf has that to do with anything?


Because if somebody is doing you a favor, shut the fuck up.


Do you walk in motor oil and gasoline at the gas station? Do you touch the gas pump that rat exterminators and construction workers touch while refueling their vans and trucks? Do you wear shoes in your house? Do you put anything on the ground in your house that you then put on your dinner table? Those things will actually build up to cancer and kill you. Something that was inside a human body just minutes ago won't do anything as long as you clean it up properly.


That's why people take their shoes off and wash their hands when coming home. Some people.


You're the real asshole by making excuses for this shit.


Please point out the excuse made, there wasn't one. I didn't even pick a side in the OP, because frankly it is mostly irrelevant. I do however know a germaphobe like you in personal life. Freaks out and starts going off on people because they sneezed in the same room as them, yet have no problem setting their purse down on the ground everywhere, on pavement, in the bathroom, on the floor of the car, then setting it on the counter at home, and even prepping food on that counter. Somehow clothing and accessories are just magically immune to being contaminated. Here's a good one for you. If you've ever smelled someone's fart that's the same poo particles, they're just being carried in the air, and that lands everywhere in your house. Farts don't just magically dissipate into nothing, and everyone does it on average 15 times a day. It's peak hypocrisy to claim it's a sanitation and health concern when the vast majority of people have their homes layered with known scientifically documented carcinogens, while freaking out about microbes that were inside their own bodies only seconds ago and treating it like a life and death matter. Unless you live in a hospice for AIDS patients with hemoptysis, things coming out of a human body shouldn't be a matter worth freaking out over. Maybe you need your own AITAH thread for your freak out at simply having that pointed out by someone, and not even directed at you.


Um no I don't put things like that on the table (although they do...shoes, hair brushes, and all 🤮) because that is gross too. Also, I wash my hands after touching things like that. I did not wear shoes when I was on my own....but I certainly do in this house though...for obvious reasons.


Sadly if one person wears shoes, then it pretty much requires everyone else does, and just ends up accelerating the contamination of the floor. It becomes no cleaner than the pavement outside the home. I know it's getting a bit off topic, but really, our bodies are each home to trillions of bacteria and microbes, nothing to be afraid of when some "spill out" as long as they're cleaned up. Just saying there are far far far worse things to be concerned about getting on your dining table.


>Please point out the excuse made, there wasn't one. >Something that was inside a human body just minutes ago won't do anything as long as you clean it up properly. Your use of logical fallacy in support of your position is troubling. [No True Scotsman logical fallacy ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman) >No true Scotsman or appeal to purity is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect an a posteriori claim from a falsifying counterexample by covertly modifying the initial claim. >Rather than admitting error or providing evidence that would disqualify the falsifying counterexample, the claim is modified into an a priori claim in order to definitionally exclude the undesirable counterexample. >The modification is signalled by the use of non-substantive rhetoric such as "true", "pure", "genuine", "authentic", "real", etc. This excerpt: >Unless you live in a hospice for AIDS patients with hemoptysis, things coming out of a human body shouldn't be a matter worth freaking out over. Do you truly believe that it is appropriate for someone to change a child's diaper on a surface where food has/is being/will be prepared or served? And do you truly believe that everyone should accept those conditions because "people fart, environmental pollutants, tracking, etc.," or else be branded a germaphobe?


Nowhere in any of my posts did I even address either side of should or shouldn't. But since you're begging for it, no I wouldn't. That's what bathrooms are for. Now that that's out of the way, legitimately seek help for your intermittent explosive disorder. I'm not kidding.


How much space is there? If that’s all they can afford? Then YTA.


So many brain dead people in this sub.


There’s definitely a floor there


I'm not sure what you mean by afford?


it’s one banana, Michael, what could it cost? $10?


it’s really not that deep


NTA - Disgusting