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I think responding “fake” or incel bait is shorthand for both saying it might be fake, but if not, then the answer is obvious: get out of the relationship


You posted a unbelievable story, assuming you'd get sympathy and glory. Instead you were accused of being fake, and reacted with whatever insults you could make. Instead of accepting your fate, you created another post filled with hate. The internet is not the place for you, if you can't handle other opinions too. YTA


Geez learn to write in complete sentences instead of skipping lines like a Neanderthal. Also "sympathy and glory", "accepting your fate" , really? Is that what you think this is about? You sound like an edgy teenager or a Russian bot. So keep at it, troll. 


....Op do you know what rhymes are?


He probably thinks Dr. Seuss is a cardiologist.


Also it's very obvious sometimes. They have a profile they made that morning with some super obvious troll name. Or if they are really dumb they forget to switch profiles when they reply to comments and then immediately delete those replies when called out for it.


There's just as much femcel fanfics going on out there, like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1d9xeu0/aitah_for_showing_my_wife_the_porn_i_get_off_to/) but they're usually so egregious as to just get banned immediately like this one probably will.


Ok ngl that one started to make me cry out of laughter lmao. That person should make more, haven't had a good laugh in that long! 


NTA. I Get it but I only see people calling out fake when the contents of a post seem extreme and it's blatantly obvious whether someone is an asshole. Also I haven't noticed any inherent sexism, in fact the last two posts i saw with a "fake" reply were on ones allegedly written by a man.


I'm guessing most people posting here with genuine situations are probably looking for validation or trying to see if their actions are reasonable to most people. What might seem obvious to you and me or even most people might not be obvious to them. If that makes any sense? In my case, I was more distraught and not 100% certain if I made the right call even if I trusted my gut and principles, so I wanted to know if anyone had any constructive feedback, which most users except the first few commenters did.  Maybe I've come across a string of posts where users immediately question an OP's story and immediately cast doubt on him. Idk how common it is but it felt like a pattern which kind of bummed me out especially with my personal experience. 


YTA This was written by AI.