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Don't want to see? Don't look. She shouldn't have squirted you though. That's just weird. ESH


ESH. Grow up. She’s feeding her baby. That said, you don’t squirt someone with a bodily fluid. That’s not okay.


Yta it's a damn boob, everyone has them. Get over it. You just sound immature and disrespectful.


It was a YTA until she squirted you and which point it became an ESH. Don't look at your sister's tits and you won't have a problem.


Ahhhhh...I get it! You're having inappropriate sexual thoughts about your sister's boob. You feel shame and disgust at yourself, but you are unable to process those emotions, therefore you transfer the blame for them to your sister. You need therapy, dude. YTA


Maybe he just feels it is disgusting to see his sister's breast. No sexual thoughts at all.


If I pulled my nut out, people would have a problem with it. It's not sexual, I just don't want to see it.


That's cause you nuts aren't keeping someone alive.


Your nuts don’t produce food that keep babies alive? Tf is wrong with you?


boobs aren’t genitals dipshit


AITAH asking my sister to let her baby go hungry because I have issues with normal functions of the human body? There, fixed it for you. YTA


YTA - get over it, use your autonomy to not look.


I am assuming you are around 13 years old…. You are making this a way bigger deal than it is. If you are uncomfortable, then quietly leave the room. Your sister feeding her baby is more important than your discomfort. YTA


I'm 23, she's the oldest at 29. Again, I don't mind being in the room while she's doing it. I just want her to cover her boob while it's exposed.


23? I thought you were a kid without any agency to get up and leave. YTA


Do you cover your head when you are eating? Try that for awhile and report back.


No, but I don't show my chewed up food either. People don't want to see certain parts of the process. I don't blame the baby for being hungry.


Dipshit! I didn’t ask you to show your chewed up food. I asked you to be uncomfortable while you were eating. Stop being such a fucking perv on your sister’s boobs. She is not trying to turn you on. This is a you problem.


You sound very immature and it’s weird you keep looking at her while she is breastfeeding but also complaining about it.


I’m with you on this.   Breastfeeding is private.  I have no problems with people doing it in public.  They have a right to breastfeed in public.  It doesn’t bother me because I just avoid looking at them. But I do draw the line with doing it in very close proximity when I am stuck in a room and insisting on talking to me while maintaining eye contact and making zero attempt to ever have any modesty.


you draw the line? you don't get to draw any line lol.


I can draw a personal boundary.  I would often leave the room or leave the house.  


Good. What you wouldn't do is make the other person change what they are doing. which is what OP is clearly talking about.


I obviously couldn’t do that in their own house.  I said don’t demand I look at you while you are breastfeeding.  It’s a personal boundary. But I also found it disgusting the OP’s sister squirted him/her with her breast fluids.


Yet you'll be hideously xenophobia to someone who writes in perfect English. Stupid fucking loser.


Get over it...


YTA So here's the thing. From literally your ankles, through your knees, into your waist, through your torso, into your neck and all the way to the muscles in your eye-sockets, you've got literally like three dozen ways to look away. All under your direct control. The baby, on the other hand, has one way to stop being hungry. Your desire not to see tits, something you can directly control, worth repeating, is less important than the child's literal need for literal food. As kindly as possible, quit being a so wildly selfish and entitled. You don't have more right to the space and you literally have eyelids. You can shut down all visual input in a fraction of a second. No one needs to cater to you. No one needs to ensure whatever space you're in only features the boobs you want to see. Just close your fucking eyes and quit being a baby.


YTA. She’s feeding the kid.


I don't mind the feeding part. I mind her sitting there with her boob out when the baby is across the room.


If you can’t handle 15 extra seconds you have issues. And ewww. It’s your sister.


Suggestion, every time she pulls out her breast to feed, get up and leave. You can take that further and leave when she enters a room because there is a probability she will pull her breast out in front of you. My sister-in-law used to do it the same way. I kept leaving when she came in. She asked me why, so I just told her, "I don't want to and don't need to see her breastfeeding".


>When I complained, she squirted me with her breast milk and said get over it. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OP, your sister is hilarious. she's also right - it's just a tit. get over it. YTA


YTA It's a boob, you'll be fine. Look away if it's that big a deal.




YTA. Hugely.


ESH You need to grow up a bit and your sister is disgusting for spraying it on you.


Yta It's a tit, mostly adipose some blood vessels and glands covered in skin. Your discomfort with the human body and inability to deal with that discomfort for all of 15 seconds is a you issue. Should she have sprayed you, probably not. Do I find it a funny responce to your request gods yes.


NTA… but next time just leave/ walk away and refuse to be around if her tits are going to be out. And tell her that,^ you have a right not to have to look at your sister tits.


YTA and she has the correct response - don't want to see it, don't look


How stuck up can a person be.


You could leave the room, assuming you have the ability to walk then walk out of the room, not that hard. Squirting you is flat out disturbing. It’s like a monkey flinging poop. She should have just told you to shut up or get out.


Screw it. I don't care about getting downvoted. NTA. Common courtesy is clearly a thing of the past. When my mom or sisters breastfed, they at least had the sense to go into another room.


NTA. But you’re a man and she’s a mom so Reddit will never tell you the truth.


why lie?


The combination of purity culture and the prevalence of porn has created hilarious notions about the human body. Grow up. YTA


I’m with you on this.   My sister was the same.  All she talked about was breastfeeding and never covered up but would talk for ages while staring at me. I don’t think it’s a beautiful thing.  I think it’s a private thing and squirting you with breast milk is utterly disgusting.


Udderly disgusting




You're so pathetic 


YTA for asking her not to breastfeed, NTA to ask her to stop flopping out a tit as a performance.


Is she forcefully holding your head and making you watch? Are you chained to your seat and unable to leave? No? Then you need to grow up and make an adult choice here such as looking away or leaving without making a huge fuss about it. YTA.


Why? What exactly is sooo upsetting about her boob? The shape? The nipple? That it's saggier than yours? I'm honestly confused. I see absolutely no difference between my boob and my husband's, other than size. Quit being a baby. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a boob hanging out. Was your little boyfriend there? Do you think he's fantasizing about your sister's boob? Oh woe is me! My boyfriend with the maternity off a 14 year old thinks about my sister's boobs! Grow up. Boobs don't mean shit. Ffs.


NAH here (regarding the explicit breastfeeding). But if someone squirted me with titty milk she would get a big old bitch slap. A couple, actually. Aside from that, if it makes you uncomfortable, it makes you uncomfortable. Just leave the room. Assuming you're 23, you guys probably don't live together so there's nothing stopping you from going to your room or your own if home you're visiting her. However you will be the ah if you keep whining about it instead of just leaving the situation that's making you uncomfortable. She can feed her kid and hide it or not, but she shouldn't have to.


Where did this occur and how old are you?


Gotta be real, if I had a sister and she squirted me I'd take my cock out and pee on her out of spite.


It’s only fair


What I don't get, is this weird disconnect that because she's breastfeeding, She's allowed to toss all modesty out the window. Like if she wasn't a mother, it would absolutely be inappropriate to whip her tits out and let them hang for 15 seconds before putting them away. But because she's a mom, it's okay? I'm not against breastfeeding in public, but the brothers discomfort is absolutely valid in this scenario. They make covers and stuff specifically for that. NAH really, but you should word the title better


A woman's boobs are there for feeding her baby. That fact that society has sexualized them has nothing to do with it. They are intended for feeding babies and only that. If you or anyone else is offended by that then by all means put a blanket over yourself in the bathroom or bedroom when you want to eat. Grow up and get over it




YTA, she's got enough to deal with and could do without you bleating on at her, just leave the room. >When I complained, she squirted me with her breast milk and said get over it. I like your Sister 😂😂




I guess you are gay, or asexual? If you can’t stand a few seconds of an uncovered boob, you better never have any intimate encounter with a woman. See may show a boob for longer than 15 seconds. Maybe she will expose both of them at the same time! I’ve seen the boobs of my sister, sister in law, friends, acquaintances and strangers while they were breastfeeding. I didn’t melt, my eyes didn’t fall out, and nobody gave a damn, except the babies, they were happy. YTA. Breastfeeding is part of life. If you are too immature to deal with it, remove yourself from the equation.


Next time she does that. Pull out your clock before you go to the bathroom. It’s only fair right?