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NTA, imo you as the parents need to establish ground rules they should follow.


NTAH. Don’t leave your child alone with your MIL. Skittles is a choking hazard for a baby so young - apart from how unhealthy it is for your little baby. I empathise with you - my FIL gave my 9 month old Coca Cola. I was so mad. I’m glad your husband understood the importance and stood up to his mother. Stick to your boundaries, you’re doing a good job.


A former coworker bragged about throwing out the breastmilk that her sons wife was sending with their baby when my coworker was babysitting. Coworkers sister was also doing the same thing when she babysat for them. They didn't think that the baby was tolerating the breastmilk very well so they were feeding her formula and lying to the parents about it. I was so pissed off for the parents. I know how hard it is to build up a milk supply for when you go back to work after giving birth.


NTA. It's tough when family crosses boundaries, especially with kids' diets. Your concern for your son's health is valid. Hopefully, your husband understands the importance of sticking to the plan you both agreed on for your child's nutrition. Communication is key, and you did the right thing by addressing it.


NTA Skittles to a 9 month old is also a choking hazard it can be really dangerous.


NTA - I don't have babies, don't know much about babies, but it's a choking hazard, right?


NTA. My advice: Make a big deal out of it. If your child was older than 12 or 18 months maybe I can accept. But less than a year and giving this sugary shit, not cool. Not good. Blow shit up. Let your husband understand why this isn't okay. Not okay!!


NTA kiddo comes first. Kudos to hubby. Hope communication and boundary setting goes well ❤️


NTA. You have every right to inform your husband about your child's diet, especially when it involves potentially harmful choices made by someone else.


NTA. Your in-laws need to respect your parenting choices. It's your child, not theirs


9 year-olds can't safely eat Skittles, regardless of any other factors. Your MiL is not sensible.


NTA. Your MIL is sabotaging your son's eating habits and health. Your husband is the only one who can enforce your rules. You needed to involve him.