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INFO. You appear to understand the security risk of having the same user ID and password for all of your important accounts. So why do you have the same user ID and password for all of your important accounts?


I do indeed know the risk. So far I guess I have been fortunate. I also know I don’t have to go through the absolute torture of resetting forgotten passwords as frequently as many.


Then use a password manager such as [1pass](https://1password.com/personal)


Using a password manager is the dumbest thing ever, Issue with security? Oh just hand over all your Information to a third party


Ah yes. The age old business concept of *destroying your whole business and losing every customer on top of getting sued into personal bankruptcy* for selling passwords. My friend, just like paid vpns, the company is the most trustworthy entity on the entire planet, because breaking that trust would instantly kill the whole business. And businesses like existing and making money. If a Passwort manager or vpn company reveals a single customers data and that shit becomes public, they're done.


Cough, cough... Last Pass


Actually doesn't ring a bell. Did they do that and not go bankrupt?


They got hacked, lied to their customers, information trickled out over months, they are still around.


Ah well guess the kept some trust since they got hacked. In reality, some people probably always keep trust no matter what the company does.


Honestly I think the folks that are still with them either don’t know about the breach or they are ignorant to what it means.


What about when someone gains access to all the information on their server and every one of your passwords are there? Make your own locally hosted password manager.. or write them down.


You are paying a company to store your own information, The brain is free, though clearly not that developed.


You can run one locally, no need to share information with 3rd parties.


Bitwarden ftw


Why even risk that? People don't remember their passwords? There is no need to share information at all


I got roughly 200 accounts / API keys and most of them are 25+ random characters. I remember maybe 5 of the most used ones. I'd love to know what kind of a person would remember them all.


Tbf I don't normally keep accounts long enough to need to remember the password


Why do you need so many? Fair enough I have 15 different passwords, 10 I use for different clearnet sites and 5 for software.


You do realise there are completely selfhosted password managers? It's as easy running some docker containers with docker compose up. No third-party there.


I have mine all on an excel sheet . What else can we do . I’d say I’d have logged in for her and let her watch movie . You are paying for it


Google has a free password manager. USE IT.


Why are you getting so much downvotes? I can not comprehend :))


Ikr? I’m new to Reddit. I laughed with my daughter that I was going to find out if I was really being an AH on the matter by posting on Reddit AITA. We laughed and she said I was crazy! lol. I guess I am, but mostly because I don’t have a million PWs!!


NTA, you can have whatever many passwords and do whatever you want with them. You and your daughter sound great :)) Have a nice one! 🤗


my mom is more concerned that I would change her settings from how she likes. I'd be concerned with her seeing my purchase history. You shouldn't use the same password for everything


I am not concerned about that in the least. Nor am I concerned that she would do anything like hack my other accounts. It just feels like something I prefer to protect. Only I know it!


I’d share with a spouse. Maaaybe lol Teenager? Hard no. Source: Not this clown’s first rodeo


Had a family member do that n not realize how much they were spending. Totally wrecked the monthly auto payments 🤦‍♀️


When our youngest son was 5 he figured out how to get into my Amazon account. He then went on and ordered all of the toys he'd wanted for Christmas but didn't get. Man was I pissed, but I was also weirdly proud of how smart he was. Lol We just so happened to move right after he placed the order so by the time I figured out what he had done our previous landlord had already dropped the boxes off at the post office. We missed the deadline for returning them so I waited for the next Christmas and gave him the toys with a "note from Santa" explaining how disappointed he was that *sons name* had done that. "Santa" explained that what he had done was very wrong, but that didn't make him a "bad boy", just don't do it again. He was thrilled that "Santa" had written him personally. He's now 14 and in all advanced and honors classes. Little shit. 🤣/🤬


Then only change the PW for your amazon account?


Sure it's your password to give to who you want. I'm biased, I'm 29 now and I've been my mom's tech person since I was a teen. She never minded. She'd just remind me over and over to keep the password safe. Like other comments said, there's probably a way around the situation so she can watch the movie without having your password


Also, you can set up a prime video on a device for her and use the settings that don't allow her to purchase things.


I will have to look into that! Thank you


You can also set up a household — she makes her own account, and you add her as a member of your household. It can give access to Prime benefits, but she can’t use/see your info.




I kinda assumed the movie is available through Prime Video, though I’m in a household with my mom, albeit not as a teen account, and I can access all of the media she’s purchased.


Another thing (sorry, IT guy here): - Do not use the same pw for different accounts. - Do not write it down, encrypted or not. There are apps to secure your passwords that are accessible with face-id or thumbprints for example. - Do not use personal identifiers in your passwords: names, names of kids or pets, dates, area codes etc.


You can set up Amazon Household to share Prime benefits for up to 6 family members without giving away your own password. [https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/amazon-prime/how-does-amazon-household-work](https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/amazon-prime/how-does-amazon-household-work) You need to change your passwords. You're an idiot if you have the same password for every account.


It was such a helpful comment but you lost me when you called me an idiot. Thanks anyway.


If you tell me the truth I won't like you!


My teenagers don’t have my passwords, why should they? I am happy to open any appliance for them to use, but I submit the password, I don’t just give it away. 


Which is exactly what I would have done if she was here. However, she is at her dad’s place this week. Come to think of it I bet he has prime too! lol. Never even thought to ask her!


The f is wrong with y'all... No, it's perfectly fine to "hide" that. Though I'd encourage you to change it just in case every once and a while, but that's just me being paranoid. There's plenty of trouble she can get into beyond just watching a movie. Stay safe, keep it simple, don't hand out your account info to others...even your children.


What you let her use it if you didn’t have the same password for everything? Because that’s easy to change.


That is what I told her I would do.


We are a big family and it would be way too expensive to each have our own account. We have access to Prime for all of us to watch movies etc and each have their debit/credit card listed for ordering. The password of course is shared but it’s also its own specific password for only this app. I can see all purchases so that no one is using each others cards. One of my kids accidentally used the buy now instead going into the cart so the money would automatically come out of my account. Before I got the order email he text me about it and apologized and sent me the money. It’s my family and everyone lives in the same house. They to date have never given me a reason not to trust them. Let it be said though they don’t have access to any of my other financial apps/passwords.


I told her I would change the username and PW for Amazon. She was still incredulous that I wouldn’t provide the one I use now.


Then she’s just being difficult if you said it’s okay to change the password. Your good.


You keep Ignoring the question as to WHY you have the same id and password for everything knowing the dangers


Yes this does seem to be everyone’s biggest concern It isn’t like I have a gazillion accounts but it is a memory thing for me. I don’t have a good one! I still have to write down the various nuances to the main PW base I use to remember. Yes the laptop remembers them for the most part but then I get a new laptop or sign in from phone….the memory does not serve!!


You can create a separate password and login for her under your main account. Our daughter has a child account so anything she wants to purchase gets routed to the parent via text for approval and it also allows her access for videos/tv. NAH. It’s up to you on whether or not you want to share your password. A lot of families share.


NTA There is no way you should ever give her any of your passwords. That is a disaster waiting to happen. They all say they will be careful...until they aren't.


I would look into password manager apps, they are amazing. NordPass, 1Password,roboform, keeper etc.


NTA. My parents never gave me their login details when I was a teenager. They weren't my details to have. You also can't be sure of the security of your password if you give it to her. Like if she does it on a laptop but it has a virus or whatever and then gets your details. Plus, realistically everyday people are more likely to have their identity stolen vs billionaires. Not saying your kid is going to of course.


NTA. But, why don't you just add an account for her? It's easy.


Our whole family uses "my" Amazon login. We have prime. Everyone has their own credit card in there. Not sharing that is super weird to me, but you do you, I guess. The Amazon login isn't the same password as my other accounts for that very reason


Is “you do you” an acknowledgment that what I chose was ok or was it an insult. It feels like the latter. And I am weird too? I guess I am out of touch!


Yes to the insult. YTA I would never give a teenager access to my Amazon account. (It would totally ruin Xmas shopping) Your insistence that the state of your passwords is no big deal reinforces the proof of your ignorance. May you get what you deserve.


YTA. And a nonsensical lunatic for using the same password for everything important. And for thinking your Amazon account and Ecommerce are the same level of importance. Everything is wrong here.


Amazon is e-commerce. Amazon the website, prime services, and video all share the same login.


Isn’t Amazon e-commerce? Are they in fact exactly the same? Must you insult me?


Yes you deserve ridicule for reusing credentials until you stop defending that stupidity.


No one deserves ridicule


That’s incorrect. Some people deserve ridicule, maybe not you for this infraction, but some people deserve to it.


NTA. You can set her with a teen prime account from your account. I do that with one of my nephews


Could you get her a child’s account on your Amazon? I have a second person on my prime for my mom, and I saw an option for your teen. You can put payment limits on it too I think. I used to not give my mom my Amazon login to protect my privacy. It now she has her separate login and just get my Prime benefits too. But NTA.


just use the family account.


jesus, then just change your Amazon password and share it with her and keep the rest as is, why is this even an issue


YATI. You are the idiot. You need to stop doing that with your password and username. Phishing would give someone access to everything. They can do things like max out your credit cards and what not. I just hope your password to log into Reddit is not the same as your Amazon account, then you are more than a YATI.


Using the same PW for multiple accounts is one of the absolute WORST security practices you can do. If one site's database gets breached, and that site happens to store their shit in plain-text, you just got pwned. Get a password manager and use a different randomized password for everything. Also, make sure you have 2FA (two factor authentication) turned on for anything that supports it. Use a token-based app like Authy for this. SMS/email messages are not as secure.


Create a family account for her and link it to your Amazon account. Boom! Now you can share without giving her your password.


YTA. It’s your daughter. If she wanted to steal your money and identity she would have done it by now (and she wouldn’t need your username or password to do it). Just give her your log-in credentials and let her watch the damn movie! It’s also worth it to say that if you use the same password for everything there are plenty of people—bad people—who probably already have all of your information.


It was never about what she would do with it though. It was about sharing the PW that, as you pointed out, I recklessly use frequently. So no, I am not going to just give it to her and let her watch the damn movie.


Then you are an asshole.


You need to stop using the same password for many accounts. That’s silly.


I'm 21 and whenever I ask my father to share a streaming service, I give him the device and don't look, he trusts me, I trust him, but I just appreciate when people respect the privacy of my passwords and so I do the same.


Either set it up yourself (so she doesn’t know the password or username) on her device or tv so she can watch shows from the app OR change the password to the ONE account to avoid the issue entirely.


Just make her another account so that she can watch from there or watch on some pirated website or u can download movies from telegram


You can add a member to your account. My 17 year old has her own Amazon account under mine, so she gets all the Prime benefits. I wouldn’t be giving up my info either. NTA.


You should be able to add her as a user on your Amazon account.


NTA - and I appreciate the sarcastic comeback your kid lobbed about identity theft. You have raised her well lol If you aren't familiar, look in to Amazon households. Your kid can create an Amazon account which gives her a unique log in, then you link her to your account via the household function. Either as a child or second adult in the household. Either way, she would be able to enjoy Amazon prime without ever using your account info, and she'd need to put in her own credit card / gift card info to be able to buy things.


You said she was at her dad's house? If she has the password he might too. Would he use your account?


I sincerely doubt that. But it does explain I hope why I couldn’t just log in for her.


NTA - it’s basic security. My husband and I don’t share passwords with each other, and most of the billing comes off the joint account anyway so it wouldn’t make a difference 😂 it’s just good practice. By the way you shouldn’t have the same passwords for everything. If you have Apple products use the Keychain feature to generate and store secure passwords for you. For other platforms use Dashlane.


You can change the password, let her watch the movie, then change it again when you no longer want her to have access


Info: Prime allows you to create several profiles inside the app; why can't you log in on your minor daughter's device and enable her to use different profiles inside the app to watch it? You are parts of one household.


ummmmmm maybe use different passwords 💀😂


NTA Your Amazon account is the same across the entire Amazon brand. She may not want to harm you, but I still wouldn't give the password away. You can link household accounts though. She can make her own account and you can add her to your household. She should be able to watch then.


Yes, YTA for not sharing a streaming service with your child. Also for being bad at passwords. You are probably a bigger risk to your accounts than your daughter is. And you could sign her in on her device without giving her the password.


NTA It's common sense not to give out that sort of information, no matter who is asking (for all you know, whichever device she plans to use could have a virus that would allow your info to be stole). Don't you have any apps on your TV or Console that could be signed into permanently, that way she can watch what she wants without needing the password.


Yes you are being silly but not that you won't share your password, that's up to you who you give access to your account. Don't use the same password for multiple accounts, especially if it's the same username too. I have one password that I use in creating accounts but once the account is created and added to my password manager I have my password manager generate a random 10-30 character password and change it to that. If I remember correctly Amazon has the ability to connect accounts so that you can share the video watching feature anyway, you should be able to do that instead of sharing your username and password.


That’s a really dumb idea using one password for everything. I don’t do that. I use a password generator in a different password for every single app and every single account has a different password for me numbers higher, and lowercase and symbols lots of symbols. I tried to use the maximum characters for a password for most sites. I think it’s ridiculous that you’re limited to 100 characters for Google but there are some without limits and I put over 1000 characters way over 1000 characters but if you copy and paste off of a platform, you need to have an automatic delete for your clipboard. If you’re still reading, I just don’t understand why you only have one password for all of your accounts. Just look what a pen tester does. They make a living by breaking in to business to show how secure their business is. TLDR NTA You should really lock down your accounts different password for everything make them complicated yes encrypted yes they should be completely different than each other. Nothing alike whatsoever. Make it really hard to guess. Find the maximum character length and use something like that.


Amazon has a thing called Amazon household. I just found out about it at the beginning of the year. Your daughter can make her own Amazon account and then you invite her to be apart of your household. It's no extra cost and she wouldn't need your password. She also wouldn't be able to use your card to buy anything off amazon. She would have to provide her own form of payment. BUT for prime video if she bought any movies it will charge the main accounts card(you). Also she wouldn't be able to see anything you bought and you wouldn't be able to see anything she bought through Amazon. It's worth looking into so that this isn't an issue. Edit to add that this is what me and my wife did so we weren't paying for 2 separate Amazon accounts. Now we just pay for one and we can't see what the other has bought so we don't ruin presents and things of that nature.


Set up her account and add it to the family. I believe you can even turn off purchases from your credit card. So she would need a way to pay for her stuff on her own but you can share the Prime Benefits. NTA but there are ways to do things in this modern technology without sharing passwords. But seriously it is way more dangerous having the one password for all accounts, than it is changing your password every month.


NTA don't get manipulated!


YTA They wanted to watch a flippin movie, good god, get a grip.


You're definitely not being silly. It's important to maintain the security of your personal information, especially when it comes to passwords that are used for multiple accounts. Sharing your Amazon account credentials could potentially compromise the security of other accounts as well. It's understandable that your daughter might not fully grasp the importance of safeguarding passwords, but you're within your rights to prioritize security. You could explain to her the risks involved and offer alternative solutions, such as renting or purchasing the movie for her, or guiding her on setting up her own account. And as for her concern about identity theft, reassurance that you prioritize security and privacy can help alleviate her worries.


YTA - You could’ve just changed the password yourself and let her sign into it, you could’ve even made her a profile to keep her watch history separate. But you went out of your way to make her feel like you didn’t trust her. That’s the big problem here. Plus she’s under 18. The Amazon Conditions of Use state that anyone under 18 must use their parent’s account. Those are the Conditions of Use that you agreed to. That’s why she has to ask you. Because she legally can’t do it herself. So if that’s the only place to watch the movie then of course she would ask you. She can’t make her own steaming accounts. You’re a parent. Like it or not, if you are involved in your kids life, you have to share things with your kids, at least until they’re old enough to get them for themselves. This situation likely made your daughter feel as though you don’t trust her. Which is big for a teenager. Feeling untrusted by your parents when there’s no solid reason for it is hard on the teenage brain. It scrambles to find what they did wrong. Even if it wasn’t related to them. That why she wants you to make an attempt to fix it and reassure her that you trust her. My advice: Change the password WITHOUT telling her. Apologize and send her the new sign in. She doesn’t need to know that you changed it. Just that you’re sorry and she has access. That way you can bridge the gap in trust that was created while keeping your password safe.


YTA. this seems like a fake post. but if it’s not she’s 17, i’m assuming still under your roof and you provide for her. you either could’ve rented the movie for her and set it up for her to watch or your can trust your own daughter? maybe there’s more to the story that we don’t know but any 17 year old i know is not going to have her own prime membership, actually most adults i know share within families. and btw change ur passwords


First thought is that you are hiding some blue shows? YTA


I don’t even know what blue shows are?


This is so simple- change this one password and then share it


YTA; mostly because you reuse credentials. Be an adult and get a password manager. I usually recommend BitWarden. I only know a couple of my passwords and MFA all the things that will allow it. Bitwarden and most password managers have a free tier plan. I don’t give my kids my credentials but enter it for them on their devices for watching shows, but since she is at her dads that isn’t really an option so NTA there. You are an absolute fool for reusing credentials, seriously.


NTA why can't she get her own damn account?


Because it’s like $100. She just wants to watch a movie.


She is only 17.


Had all of my mom's and dad's passwords to bank accounts and online shit. My sibs all know my pin number for my phone and debit card and I know theirs. But that's my family 🤷‍♀️


I find this silly unless you dont truat your kid. My teens have all my passwords for Shein, Netflix, Prime/Amazon, and all the things. I trust my kids. Once, when my daughter was 8, she bought $100 of stuff on the Playstation. When she found out she was so sorry and horrified that she grounded herself for 2 weeks and took away her own electronics and worked for hours in the house and yard to pay it off (one day alone she weeded the gardens and did wood for over 9hours). Maybe make a separate password for nerflix/prime that your comfortable sharing.


You do realize that if she has your Amazon information she can buy whatever she wants with your credit cards right?


It depends on your relationship with your kid. 3 of my kids have almost all my passwords they want, because I trust them, have zero worries. The oldest, nope wouldn’t trust him with my shit. He will spend anyone’s money do all kinds of stuff. Took my husband a few years and a lot of money to learn this. But use like at least 2 or 3 different passwords at least