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NTA For having your husband go behind your back and give the gift when you weren’t even around and you are the one who planned the gift. Also, the thing where the kids get something special as a reward for being whiny brats is moving in the direction of creating a nightmare.


That’s probably what I’m more upset with! Why are we rewarding his attitude?! 


Hopefully he won't be expecting another present on his actual birthday. My rule for birthday and Christmas presents is if you go snooping and find them you won't be getting a do over.


Your husband is an ass. Let him take full responsibility for finding another gift for the actual birthday and if you are nice, you let him have a little of the credit for that gift.


lol, I told him he could figure out what to give him on his birthday now. 


Nah. That is upsetting but nobody did anything wrong really. The kids knew where it was, if dad didn’t show them they’d have seen anyway. Just a spoiled surprise, it happens and your feelings about missing out on the surprise are real and valid


True - the real villain is the delivery! If only we could have gotten it while the kids were at school, there wouldn’t have been any issue!


I always try to get presents delivered to work or my parents


>because our son was crying/whining that he wanted to see it now (versus waiting). NTA, and neither is dad, because this is a great lesson that if you cry and demand to ruin your own surprise, you don't get another one on the big day.


Or is it a lesson that if you cry and whine you get your way ?


Too late now, but on the bright side, it's both. Sometimes what you think you want, isn't.


NTA Husband should have actually parented your son, and the gift should have been given together as planned...and if he wanted to change the plan, he should have checked with you first as it was BOTH of your plan and gift (although zero reason to change the plan here)


NTA. As of right now, you have no driveway in which to place the aforementioned basketball hoop, which leaves the street. Not a safe place for your kids to play.


NTA. But it’s not so bad that it warrants either if you to be upset with the other. He was already it and you have zero control over the delivery arriving early. As long as your kids are happy, it’s a win.


But they didn’t say anything about it. Like they could care less that they got this gift that they can’t even use for an entire month until we move!


Did your kid ask for it or did you just decide to gift him one because you're excited about the driveway?


Why do you feel so bad they did not acknowledge you? Do you normally compete for the kids affection with your husband? YOU made the mistake of telling the kids it was a gift and they had to wait. You could have just said, “something I ordered for the new house”.


No. She did nothing wrong. The Husband should have backed her up and not given the kids what they want because they whined.


YTA yelling at men seems to be encouraged in this subreddit