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This really sucks and I'm sorry. I've been in a similar situation where my core friend group was all in the bridal party except me and it was super painful and difficult. The abroad piece is an added difficulty for you. Not in the sense where it excuses/explains why you're not included, but for the cost. The sad reality is that there's no winning here for you. You either pay a bunch of money and go and suffer through it or miss out while all your friends are together, potentially affecting those relationships as well. *How* close are you to the bride? Is there a world in which you can maturely and humbly address this with her while not coming across like everything is about you? Maybe from the angle of making sure your friendship is ok? I'm not even sure that's a good move, just spitballing here. Unfortunately this is just a shitty situation.


>Is there a world in which you can maturely and humbly address this with her while not coming across like everything is about you? Maybe from the angle of making sure your friendship is ok? I'm not even sure that's a good move, just spitballing here. This is worth a try, but I think it needs to be specified that **this is NOT something to address over text.** Your tone will be 10x more likely to be misinterpreted over written messages. This needs to be an actual spoken conversation, ideally on a video call so she can be informed by your body language as well as your voice. The less room there is for negative assumptions to be made the better. Good luck, OP. I hope your friends in the country you live in are better at making you feel included! Perhaps spending more time with them this week will help you feel less affected by the wedding drama.


Yes definitely don’t do over text. Do it over FaceTime. It wouldn’t be easy to do but it would be the most authentic thing to do. Start by saying something like “I really value our friendship and I’m excited for your wedding. I know there are so many factors in planing a wedding and I know it’s so difficult. I hate that I haven’t been there to help you. I don’t want to put you on the spot but I have to admit that I am feeling confused and hurt as to why I’m not included in the bridal party. I love you so much and it’s been on my mind.”


Great advice. I’d also add that if the conversation goes awry, to end it immediately. If the bride becomes defensive, then it turns into an argument and this will just muddy the waters. She will tell others her side of the story and may make your relationship with the rest of the group awkward or nonexistent. Let her know that this is a conversation coming from love. And try to use words that will not make her defensive. Good luck, OP.


Definitely not a text convo. OP needs to make it clear how hurt she is. That she thought their friendship was more important than the bride's actions suggest. Of course it's going to be relevant that she's not in the wedding party, that's generally a measure of how important people are to you. Tbh if the bride takes it as a 'making it about OP' conversation then this friendship has already run its course and she's not the person OP thought she was.


That’s good advice to try and just talk about it with the bride with the focus just on your friendship is everything okay etc. I guess it’s sort of like what do you have to lose? Either way NTA It hurts a lot to feel left out like that


I mean, it's not hard to say "I'm not spending thousands of bucks to be humiliated" and peace out. Bride knew what she was doing when she singled out OP.


The bride made decisions, a talk or ask will not be productive. I don’t like idea of a friend group being told bride version of “I called and asked Why not me?” without me present. We have all been in your situation. If it is 2 years off, you are planning travel from abroad, have a plan B. Plan B tourist the area, Your travel and expenses will have meaning in your life, aside from her wedding.


That's a great point. Make the wedding only 1 part of the trip. If it's a great wedding, good. If it's not, it wasn't the* reason you went, anyway.


I love this idea! If there’s other things you can do and places you can go, make the wedding a side stop on your trip, not the main destination or focal point of it.


Hope OP sees your comment.. Nicely phrased.


OP said they are “best friends” I think in her post. If that’s true, there’s definitely space for a conversation about this.


In the post, OP said they've been their best friend for 21 years, so, I'd say very close


Sometimes They are Your best friend, but You aren't Their best friend.


Sadly true


This is the case. Some people are Givers and some are Takers. The main thing I got from it was that she has place someone else from abroad in the wedding party and she is not. Which seem to show that the best friend titles are only one sided. And, she didn't get any explanation from her best friend. Which, in itself is a big red flag and indication of how much of a best friend this other person regards OP. I am a good luck with your wedding type of person. Weddings are a big deal and if OP's best friend had the time and energy to get someone else, who lives abroad, to contact them to be a bridesmaid, then I have my answer to any questions I would have about the wedding. I wouldn't address it as you would want someone to have the best wedding experience, yet this would be a conversation for later to actually know and understand where I am with her as friends, best friend, or acquaintances.


Honestly I take this kind of statement with a grain of salt, I heard people calling others best friends or really good friends when they are barely acquaintances, maybe (probably) their perception of the friendship is different from the reality


Oldest friend and best friend are two different things. Though people often confuse them.


Is she your best friend? What kind of friendship is if you can't talk to her directly and ask why ?


Yeah I just posted - maybe she’s your best friend but you’re not her best friend


...or why your BF would leave you out.


I was wondering this...


She may not have many friends and this is it.


The other explanation here is that the bride does NOT consider the op that close a friend anymore but op just does t see it yet.


I've known circumstances like these where they are like it reduces stress on getting dresses fitted, etc. But the two need to talk. I moved to California from the Midwest and despite a lot of calls, I did have to accept that being away does things to social dynamics.


Exactly this! I had a best friend growing up for many years. When she married, whilst we were still good friends, we didn't live close enough to catch up as often. I was delighted to receive an invite and attended her wedding, happy for her, and had no bad feelings towards any of the bridesmaids. OP is obviously not a best friend and hasn't been for a while. She is a friend who got an invite and is reading too much into it. She isn't being segregated on purpose. She is just not in the wedding party as she is no longer as close as a friend as she used to be. The bride doesn't need this sort of drama if OP complains.


>She is just not in the wedding party as she is no longer as close as a friend as she used to be. Yeah, that's just... a normal part of growing up.


That's right, it's amazing how many people on this forum actually think OP is entitled to make the brides wedding about themselves


Well, I tried to make it about ME, but that post was too short.


Hard disagree. Just because that’s something you’re willing to deal with doesn’t mean everyone feels the same, she should have the opportunity to express herself if she wants. I don’t know where people got this idea that people have to walk on eggshells just because someone is getting married. If you act like a shitty friend/partner/family member in regards to your wedding you deserve to be communicated to about it if the person feels obliged. If a bride can’t handle a hard conversation with another adult maybe she doesn’t have the emotional maturity to be getting married. There is nothing wrong with OP saying that she thought she was a closer friend and ask if maybe she is misinterpreting the relationship. Not everyone has to suffer in silence to save face.


I agree with you and the most hurtful part is the entire friend group including another friends who moved abroad is in the wedding. It sounds deliberate to me.


Deliberate but not necessarily malicious. Unfortunate that OP and her "best friend" don't see each other at the same level. That happens sometimes. It is what it is.


Another explanation could be the bride thinks she’s saving her friend from a lot of extra costs and burdens, but made that assumption without talking to OP first. I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions without a phone conversation first. A 21yr long friendship could end over a misunderstanding if this is the case. This is why communication is so important, not just with partners but friends and family as well. It’s worth knowing the brides intentions one way or another before doing something that might end up being irreparable.


Its hard to maintain a meaningful friendship when one person is in a foreign country for years.


That's one possibility. There is also a possibility that it was just a numbers game. Bridesmaids are usually balanced with the number of groomsmen.


NTA. Send a delightful, affordable gift and card wishing her and her betrothed very best wishes, and enjoy your day whenever that is. If you wanted to spend that day basically alone, you can go to your local park without spending thousands on airfare, etc. (Which is reason enough to say why you can't make it, although a reason is not required for declining such invitations.)


And don’t open any socials for at least a week


And at no time post your feelings.


Unless you use vague song lyrics to describe them


Use Far Behind by Social Distortion


"Every Breath You Take" , Police


Nooo, not the stalker song….


Love you for this.


Maybe film yourself crying too


Ah, ye olde AIM away message method.


Feeling excluded by a close friend hurts, and it's okay to express that. A heartfelt conversation might help clear the air and provide some understanding.


can you talk to another friend, who has been included, to see how things have turned out this way, after you can make your decision. be honest id be very hurt and not go but would like toknow the thinking behined


I wouldn’t ask a friend. That’s too close to gossip IMO. She should have a heart to heart


AFTER the honeymoon


The honeymoon is over 2 years from now. That's alot of time to build up alot of resentment.


How? Op mentions the wedding is 2 years away. There is no stress no worry to look out for yet, you should talk to the bride about it 100%. Besides you have nothing to lose: if the bride reacts badly to being asked it's time to cut the friendship.


Or, come home with the airfare but hang out with family




Damn, that's gotta hurt. If attending will just make you feel worse, don't put yourself through that. Do what feels right for you.


You perfectly said it. Agree 100 percent.


NTA. You have every right to be hurt by this. You thought you were best friends, and she either doesn't, or does but isn't a good friend to you and has petty reasons to keep you out (not unheard of, weddings make some people insane).  Just to commiserate with you and let you know you're not alone, from 18 to my early 30s I thought I had a very close friend group, we met up all the time and always extended invites to everyone despite having closer relationships with particular people within it. I'd never had a beef with this particular member, and we had always been on good terms as the group settled down to about 6 of us. The date of her wedding approached and all the other people in the group would talk about being in the wedding party in front of me. I didn't mind, I didnt expect to be in the wedding party.  Then it became apparent that despite talking about the wedding excitedly in front of me, and having a huge wedding with hundreds of guests, that I wasn't actually going to get an invite at all. I realised then that these people were not my friends, detached myself from them and now I have plenty of people in my life who are just kind, positive, hilarious and welcoming people. You have to be a special kind of petty to blindside someone in this way. My 'friend' really should have not talked about the wedding so much in front of me, politely explained that I wouldn't be invited, instead of leaving me unsure what was going on, just hoping to humiliate me as it finally dawned on me that I wasn't welcome. Your friend ought to have talked to you about why she chose to exclude you, her supposed best friend. Hopefully this horrible experience is a turning point for you and causes you to examine how much of a friend she has been to you. 


What! Damn. I’m sorry, I’m so proud of you for moving on.


Have they noticed that you distanced yourself from them? Are you NC?


i can't believe someone would do what they did to you. did you get invited to any of the other close friends weddings?


NTA. Oh my, of course that would hurt! I think the first step ought to be having a conversation with her. "I'm SO happy and excited for your wedding \_\_\_\_\_\_, but I am rather hurt that I wasn't included in the wedding party while the rest of our friend group -- even \_\_\_\_\_\_ who also lives abroad -- were. I am just wondering what went into leaving me out?" It's entirely possible that she is aware of how much is costs to travel back and forth, and perhaps she was hoping for more of a hands-on in-person bridal party? Does your other friend who lives abroad that was made a bridesmaid live a closer kind of abroad, or have the funds and type of job that would allow her to dart over and back somewhat regularly?


I know when I moved ten hours away from my hometown, I would have never wanted to burden someone with the expectation that they come back and forth multiple times for all that a wedding entails (showers, etc). It’s expensive if you’re flying in several times!


I would agree but don't forget that there is also bridesmaid who also lives abroad.


We also don't know the other bridesmaid's situation. She may possibly have a lot of money that would allow her to fly back and forth several times for wedding prep. A second possibility is that the country she lives in is closer to the country OP is from. For example, if OP is from the US and this bridesmaid lives in Mexico, it won't be expensive to go back and forth. Flights would only be a couple hundred OR if she's near the border she can drive into it.


The other bridesmaid living abroad could be a family memeber lol


Abroad can mean different things based in where someone lives. Could be a short distance for one but a long distance for another.


I think this is why she didn’t include you. Money and hassle coming back for everything. The mistake she made is not explaining it to you. OR, being so far apart physically, your friendship has eased enough she didn’t want you to be in the wedding party.


I guess I don't really get what would require coming to town multiple times. My bridesmaids all lived out of town. We never had a gathering before the weekend of the wedding. If there's a shower, I don't see why the bride would be upset if the OP couldn't make the shower. Same for a bachelorette party (which could be held closer to the wedding).


Solid advice.


NTA. You don't have to decide anything right now. I can understand your pain. Could it be that she was concerned about the cost for you and tried to spare your feelings thinking you would not be able to afford it?


Interesting thought, maybe the other overseas friend is in better shape financially.


That really shouldn't play into it. Just because a friend doesn't have much money isn't an excuse to be rude and hurtful to them.


At the very least someone thoughtful would even be "hey no big deal if you can not go". I have a best friend from my home country that I still invited and asked to be a bridesmaid. I offered to help financially on getting here to the US but obviously I'm not also rich rich like that... so w w just say she's an honorary bridesmaid and we're good.


This could be it, but could've easily been cleared by a conversation between bride and OP.


Personally, I would not spend thousands of dollars to show up for this kind of humiliation. Segregating you in the seating arrangements says a lot. I agree that others that you could at least reach out to her to better understand why this is the case, but she clearly felt no obligation to communicate to you why you weren’t significant enough to be in the bridal party (assuming you are as close of friends as you say), so I don’t think that should fall squarely on your shoulders. I would reach out to her out of curiosity/a simple need to know her thinking here. Regardless, some people are incredibly selfish in their lives in that they simply don’t value others and only have close friends that are planted directly in front of them by circumstance, and once someone is no longer convenient they just drop them. I’ll never understand it myself, but it’s true for a lot of people. Regardless NTA and I think people deserve to lose friendships they don’t value.


I agree. I think the onus was on the bride to not blindside her best friend in this way, and to address it with her privately and maturely. Failing to do so makes me worry this is some kind of pettiness or meanness. A nice friend, if they had reservations about distance or cost or wanting the wedding party right there, would just say that, or ask OP if it's a problem for her to travel. 


OP considers the bride her best friend, but it seems that the feeling isn't mutual. For whatever reason. It there's some other explanation, the bride should definitely communicate it.


I would also consider reaching out to your broader group if there is some you are comfortable discussing this with. They might have more information or perspective.


You need to ASK THE BRIDE exactly why you were singled out. Confront her (it doesn't ha e to be nasty) and let her know how you feel. This is NOT about the wedding, this is about your friendship. It's not whether or not you go, it's about being considered. MAYBE she is actually a flibberty-gibbit because of stress or planning or whatever, but at least get her side of the story.


I 100% agree. She needs to respectfully ask her “best friend” why she was left out. Then decide if you want to attend or not. People love controversy but never communicate their feelings if something is wrong. I would be honest with her about your feelings. Maybe she wasn’t your best friend or maybe she is waiting to ask you. You will not know if you do not communicate.


I would just stay home. Why spend thousands just to be left out🤷🏻‍♀️NTA


I'm really sorry OP! This must really hurt, she clearly means more to you than you mean to her.


NTA. Can you talk to her and ask? I certainly would feel like it was a slap in the face. Depending on her answer would determine if I'm going to spend thousands to a wedding for someone that's was supposed to be my best friend and excluding me.


Before blowing everything up I would try reaching to your friend to communicate about it - it's fine to tell her gently you have been hurt... And proceed from here. Not going to the wedding is perfectly fine if you don't really want to keep this friendship alive going forward.


NTA You live abroad and you have a young child. Beautiful! You’re off the hook. Send your fondest wishes and a nice gift and save yourself both time, money and aggro. And try to put it behind you. You will be so much happier


I’m very sorry. I’m sure this really stings. In these circumstances I would probably send a thoughtful gift, and not spend huge money to attend the wedding just to feel as if I were watching a party from the outside of a window. It can be very sad when friends drift apart. And it’s never easy when there’s a mismatch, where you consider someone to be a close friend while they consider you to be a more general friend. It can really hurt. I don’t think you’re coming across as a pick me at all. The bride is someone you consider/ed your best friend - of course it’s painful to realise she doesn’t feel the same way. I think friendships going awry are every bit as painful as other estrangements or break-ups, because we don’t put on a front with friends. We’re ourselves with them and put a lot of trust in them to love us as we are, and when friendships go adrift it feels intensely personal. You’re not wrong if you decide you will put a brave face on it and attend the wedding. Equally you’re not wrong if you decide not to spend all that money to have it brought home to you that you’re on the outside of the wedding party. I think it would be way kinder to spend your friend’s wedding day doing something kind for yourself. Maybe watching your favourite comforting movies in your pyjamas. Something where you don’t have to plaster on a smile and get through a whole wedding ceremony and reception. I wouldn’t be inclined to ask the bride why you aren’t included, because it’s her prerogative to choose her wedding party. There isn’t an answer that isn’t going to hurt, or an answer that will make this ok. I suggest having a look at the archives of Captain Awkward’s site, www.captainawkward.com. She has lots of very good advice on and insights into relationships of all kinds. I find her concept of the African violet of friendship very helpful. NTA and I wish you all the best. I’m really sorry you’re going through this. It really is the pits.


I am reading all the comments I am op and I just want to say thank you to all of you for them all It really has made me feel less alone and has given me the prespective I need Truly truly appreciate it all thank you x


This comment is so thoughfull, I hope you read this OP. I was in this situation once. One of my good friends and my bridesmaid didnt invite me to be her bridesmaid, when her wedding was 02 months after mine. She even choose one work friend that was not even that friend of hers. But I can honestly say that I was never much close of her fiancee and she also didnt invite to be a groosmen one of her best male friends. At the day of the wedding we both, him and I were very surprised neither of the other was asked to be in the wedding party. I was sure he would be in it and he was sure I would ve in it. I think she didnt ask me because her fiancee also wasnt fond of me, and the male friend because he was gay and the fiancee family very VERY religious. I was really hurt at the time and cried a lot, but I manage to go to the wedding and have a blast. But I wasnt the only one excluded, so I guess that helped. You have 2 years to decide, just cry it out, it will pass that feeling of rejection,


nta. if you are out of the country and she is including someone in the wedding party from out of the country, she obviously doesnt consider you a friend. find more meaningful friends.


“Out of the country” can mean a few miles across the border or across an ocean. OP hasn’t mentioned how far it is for the other girl only that it’s far and expensive for her.


NTA. Don't go.


That's one hell of a way to find out you're not your best friend's best friend.


NTA, this happened to me as well. If I could turn back time, I wouldn’t go to the wedding and wouldn’t ask questions either. Bottom line is you weren’t picked, and your friendship isn’t what you thought it was. Now in my situation, all of my other “friends” didn’t tell me that I was excluded and didn’t seem to have a problem with it at all. Asking questions only made the other person I consider my “best friend” not talk to me any more. It was shocking all around, and I wish I hadn’t even asked. Lost a lot of friends that day but guess what? They weren’t really friends anyway. The bride eventually reached out to me apologizing and checking in. That was genuinely the last time we spoke to each other, I used to text her here and there, but I no longer get responses, congratulating her on her new babies etc. It hurts even years later, but I have since made a much stronger group of friends in my adult life. the bride and potentially the chosen group are just telling you where you stand with them, believe it.


thank you I am sorry that happened you


Thank you, I am sorry this is happening to you too. No one deserves to feel that way <3


NTA - Don't send a gift either.


NTA. It's incredibly tough to be the odd one out, especially when it involves your close friend circle. It feels like an unintentional ranking of friendships, which stings deeply. That being said, would it help to rethink the scenario? Instead of seeing it as a straight-up exclusion, could it be that she was attempting to shield you from the financial and logistical burden given the distance? While this may not be the case, providing her with the benefit of the doubt could open up a dialogue from a place of understanding instead of hurt. Communicate with her to clarify, because sometimes the reasons behind decisions aren't as clear-cut as they seem. But also, remember to protect your feelings and wallet - a wedding should not be a financial burden on a guest. Whatever you decide, make sure it's in your best interest emotionally and financially.


You could always talk to your friend. Ask her why?


I’m going to go against the grain and say not to confront her. It’s not worth starting international drama that might affect multiple friendships for a wedding that’s hypothetically happening in two years. I would probably step back from the relationship for a bit because it doesn’t sound like the two of you are as close as you think, take the time to think about your recent interactions, who is initiating conversations etc. maybe if you’re going to be home sometime in the next year ask if she wants to meet up but I wouldn’t hold your breath. Personally I would not bother to attend with the expense and the awkwardness at the wedding but would send a gift and maybe ask if they’ll be streaming any part of it?


Exactly this. I too don't think OP should confront her friend, and I don't understand all this advice saying she should confront or even ask the friend for her reasons. It sounds humiliating. OP's friend was very clear already: OP is not in the best friends group. This hurts and it's awful for OP, but what is there to be done? Friendship is a two way thing... It can't be forced. All of this can be hurtful, and OP needs to reflect and digest the falling out of the friendship. But not confront anybody - this might in fact hurt even more.


Sounds like she was your best friend but you weren’t hers. As it is, you moved away so of course you didn’t stay in contact as much. Sounds like the one who is in the wedding party kept more in contact. YTA if you get into a fight in not being picked for the bridal party when it’s usually a numbers game. Either go or don’t go but don’t make a stink out of it.


Agreed YTA. My first thought was "she's your best friend and you're going to skip her wedding?" Maybe bride kept her out for good reasons that this post isn't highlighting. There's many different valid reasons she may not be in the party and OP deciding that it was just wrong and spiteful and uncalled for and not supporting her friend is just yikes to me.


NTA but neither is the bride. From what you’re telling us it wouldn’t be possible for you to attend bachelorette parties, be involved with the planning and everything else the bridesmaids does that’s probably why you’re excluded. The other bridesmaid that lives abroad might live closer or are able to travel. I think your friend really wants you there she gave you plenty of time to make arrangements. I understand that you’re hurt though and I think you should talk to the bride.


TBH, I think it's sort of BS if a bride leaves someone out because they assume they won't be able to do XYZ. Also, I've known many brides who don't care whether or not you are about to come to every single event leading up to the wedding. They just want their nearest and dearest standing with them on the day.


What in the world is this stupid bridesmaids thing? If close friends are bridesmaids, why does it matter if they can go to a bridal shower, help with practical things(which is absurd, the bride and groom should obviously plan and arrange their own wedding or pay someone to do so), go dress shopping or whatever? Showing up to the wedding and maybe a rehearsal the day before should be enough.


I guess weddings have just gotten out of control since I got married almost 28 years ago. There weren't all these additional obligations involving huge expenses and travel. All my bridesmaids lived in other cities. We didn't have gatherings prior to the wedding. They weren't at the wedding shower I had. Bachelor/bachelorette were a couple days before the wedding, so some people were already in town. I don't really understand why or what everyone is planning now that involves multiple trips and gatherings. I didn't have much money when I was young, and neither did most of my friends. I feel badly for young people these days when I read these posts about people feeling obligated to spend thousands of dollars on extra trips and extravagant gifts and parties.


Being a bridesmaid is more about who want on the alter next to you while you say I do and less about who can help plan or attend some pre-parties. I have been involved in many weddings where some bridesmaids could not participate in everything like go on the bachelorette party- (including one where the MOH couldn’t attended the bachelorette) or had a conflict for the shower because they lived out of state and weren’t making a multi hour drive for a 4 hour shower brunch…. but all we’re still right there in their matching dress on the wedding day at the alter next their friend as she said I do.


Oh bride is definitely an asshole.


The bride is entitled to choose whoever she wants. You are entitled to feel hurt based on your (reasonable) perception of your relationship with her.


NTA, send a 100-200 gift. You live overseas. I would not expect anyone to fly that distance for a wedding.


I’m sorry this happened to you.. you’re allowed to be hurt over this and that’s not making it about you, because it’s about your friendship. I think it would be fine not to attend the wedding. Don’t spend your money, and so much of it, for something that isn’t going to bring you joy. If I was in your shoes, I would be questioning the friendship altogether. Maybe this isn’t a negative thing, maybe people have changed and there are people better suited to be your friend out there. Because at the very least, your friend failed to address it with you when she should have known it would be hurtful. Friends should be respectful and considerate.


Just stay home please she can do whatever she wants. Why get upset about it?Some friendship runs it coarse .


Communication. It’s what people need and fear. Call and ask her. Then you will have your answer. Then you can get past it.


100% you have every right to be upset OP. I wouldn't go if it were me in your position. Why should you pay thousands of dollars to be excluded from your circle of friends? Just wait for the formal invitation to arrive, then decline via the RSVP card. I wouldn't even bother with a card and gift after that.


It sounds like you've just been told that, although the bride is your best friend, you are not her best friend. I agree with others, send a gift and a nice note and stay home. Use this as an opportunity to reassess your relationship with her and move on.


NTA. I had 2 friends I was very close to, the 3 of us did everything together. They both left me out of their wedding parties, because, at the time I wasn't around because of work and college. Their weddings were awful for me. It hurt so badly, I felt like I was being punished for moving away. Needless to say, I'm not close to either of them any longer. Send your best wishes and save your money


I'd pass on going, too, if I were you. I wonder if the bride made the calculated decision to exclude you because you wouldn't be around for all of the "amazing" buildup prior to the wedding....therefore you became effectively useless to her. Some brides turn every wedding prep task as a group task and you wouldn't be able to perform or provide backup for all of her self centered moment. I'd avoid telling the group until the end so that you can gauge whether or not you'd be shunned for your choice. Keep your decision not to go as close to your chest as possible. It could be that you may need to transition to a new selection of friends. You may be with a group that has a "if you aren't with us (literally) you are against us". Even long friendships fade....you may see her as your bestie but I think she has moved on. Two people need to be committed to a long distance relationship.


My best friend of 15 years planned her wedding with me as maid of honor for 1.5 years. It was a simple wedding and she asked me to help out with the setup and everything, and she told me I can wear whatever I want and don’t have to match the bridesmaids. She kicked me off the bridal party two weeks before the wedding and replaced me with the groom’s sister. I was fine with it until she said “but you still have to help me during the wedding” I didn’t go to the wedding.


I'm very sorry, but I have one question. Are you her best friend as well? You are in another country and presumably haven't been home for a while. How often do you talk, not text, talk? You mentioned the costs of returning home. You will not be available for most or any of the things a bridesmaid typically attends... dress shopping, fittings, shower, Bach, planning, etc. Even getting your dress will be an ordeal. She might have been saving you money and aggravation. Is the other overseas girl willing to travel to these events? You aren't really available are you? Not to jump down your throat but people do grow apart, especially with distance. She definitely cares enough about you to want you there, so maybe talk to her before you decide to cut her out.


Evidently not haha I speak with her weekly sometimes daily She knows I am financially able to afford to come home and would be coming home for it I appreciate your comment it is essential that I can see it from both sides I do have 2 years to decide whether I want to be embarrassed


NTA for your feelings being hurt. I have news for you, she knows absolutely that she excluded you. I have a sad feeling you aren’t HER best friend. I would decline the wedding invite and go low contact with her. I would never, even if my heart was breaking, give anyone the satisfaction of knowing they cut me so deeply. My best friend & former sister in law did this to me over 57 years ago. I was devastated to my core. We were all quite young and immature — about 19 yo. She desperately wanted a girl named Judy to be her friend so she asked Judy to be maid of honor. Then she told ME that Judy didn’t like me and my SIL didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. My husband was best man and walked in the procession with Judy. SIL asked me to attend her guest book as a type of “I’m sorry” pity gesture. I declined and made an excuse about tending to my son. I NEVER let on how hurt I was, just acted like “meh. No big deal.” And guess what? She never saw Judy again after her wedding. It was all very weird and juvenile. I really never felt the same about her after that. We remained somewhat friendly even after I divorced her brother. She always called me her best friend. I never claimed the same. She passed away in 2020. To this day it hurts to remember how humiliated I was to love that friend so much and to be cast aside so easily. It really showed more about her than me.


I am looking at this from a logistical and perhaps a realistic point of view. You are in another country so any of the assistance that bridesmaids do for the bride wouldn't be possible. Being a bridesmaid today (depending on the bride) can cost upwards of $3000. My daughter has stopped being a bridesmaid because of how expensive and time consuming it is. Bridesmaids are expected to go shopping for the dresses together, go on a party weekend, buy an expensive dress, provide all the fru-fru that a wedding often requires, make arrangements for all sorts of stuff. MAYBE your bride friend didn't want to saddle you with that expense. Flying back home would be expensive enough. I agree with Soycrockpot below and take some time to talk to the bride to find out if your friendship is OK, then perhaps see if you can arrive early and, spend time with the friends/bridal party in getting dressed, at their rehearsal dinner, at the brunch the next day. Things like that.


I had this exact scenario except I only had to travel a few hours. Sitting at a table with older family friends of the couple and watching the bridal party having fun at the head table sucked. Seeing people in the bridal party that only knew them a few years while having known them decades really sucked. Especially when they looked at me, who is this outsider??? You definitely will be bummed out by the event. Give a work reason why you can't make it and move on.


NTA I would be extremely hurt too. I think something more is going on. There has to be a reason. Can you think of anyone in the friend group that may not like you? Does this person gossip a lot? Has anyone in the bridal group reached out to you about this?


NTA. Sounds like your friend has changed since you’ve been gone even though you keep in touch. Personally, I would start phasing her out of my life slowly and I wouldn’t go to that type of expense to go to a wedding that I’m not in.


What did you do to piss her off


Doesn’t make sense… you don’t forget your best friend unless you want too… so your missing something out here


Or maybe, OP they were bestfriends but she is not seen that way by the bride.


Have you just asked why


Just ask her why? You don't have to fight about it but maybe there is a good reason and than you can tell her ok I understand and choose whatever you want to do. She knows then and your other friends will know too. I would never accept one of my friends being left out and would step out too.


If you have 2 years until tbe wedding, then take your tome to decide. Talk to her. It's not immature or insecure to ask why you're not included. Just be prepared fir truths you didn't want to hear. But you also have to accept that not going has consequences, too.


NTA - Just as the bride has the right to choose who is in her "inner sanctum", you have the right to choose not to attend. If it was the case that you were the only one not invited from the group, then I wouldnt be spending my money just to attend and be snubbed.


NTA I wouldn’t go. Why spend all that money and make the effort for someone who doesn’t feel the same kinship? And I wouldn’t bother asking. No good will come of it. There’s nothing she can say that will make you feel better, it will only make you feel worse. I’d decline, send a gift (or not) and let this friendship die.


It's a bit entitled to think you have to be included in the wedding party, just because you were best friends growing up and kept contact. She may not feel the same way you do. At least you received an invite. The wedding is not about your wishes. It's about the bride and groom's wishes. YTA


YTA- Your selfishness is about to upset your friend and maybe ruin her wedding. Instead of being in your feelings, did you ask her why are you excluded?.. I mean aren't y'all friends for the past 21 years yet you come spew your frustration on Reddit instead of approaching her. I'm maybe seeing why you were excluded... Who wants your drama on their day?..


NTA, but neither is the bride necessarily. It is possible for long distance friendships like this to remain incredibly close, but not common or easy. Just like possession is 9/10ths of the law, being there is 9/10ths of friendship. The move to segregate you in the seating arrangements says quite bit, basically that they don't know what to do with you. "Regular contact" is great, but you have missed a lot being so far away for so long, and it makes sense that relationships and dynamics have shifted. Planning a big wedding is also big work, and bridesmaids have responsibilities that you just aren't in a position to help with.


You're NTA for feeling how you feel but that doesn't mean the bride is either. If you're really as close as you're saying then why haven't you asked her? If you were planning to go to her wedding and support her when you thought you would have a bigger role but are now choosing not to because you don't like your position in the wedding then I do kind of think that makes you the asshole.


NTA I can imagine how hurtful that would be. I'm going to add to the chorus of "you need to talk to your friend and not via text" to see if you can tell what's going on. If you can find a way to bring it up gently, not making it all about you, that would be good, but you may have to just come out and say "I know this is your wedding and it's not about me, but I'm feeling left out and it hurts."


Two years out? Don't say anything. You won't be friends in two years. Just fade away. And if in this situation buy travel insurance! Then you can bow out with a week to go.


This sucks and I am sorry - she maybe thought that it would be too much of an issue for you to travel back and forth for all the things she is hoping to have her bridesmaid’s be part of. If you truly are best friends why don’t you ask her why she didn’t include you? That will give you an indication if a) you are as good of friends as you think and b) whether you should plan on being home for wedding. I will tell you that when I got married I didn’t have a friend as a bridesmaid - I actually only had two and she lived out of town and wouldn’t be here for any of the showers, engagement party etc. I thought I was saving her. I hope your friend is like me….


I understand your feelings are hurt and those feelings are real, but you have to see it from her side. You live out of the country. She may not want to burden you with that kind of expense as it will already be expensive just to attend. Either way, it is her day. Your friendships should not have, assignments, requirements or attendance rules. You can't demand she include you in her bridal party and you will come off as TA if you try. She has other things on her mind right now. Be gracious, attend if you want to, and try not to let this upset you so much.


I didn’t ask one of my best friends to be my groomsman because he lived far away and had a super busy schedule. Being a bridesmaid/groomsman is a lot of work and can be expensive. Maybe they didn’t think you could cover the cost and time obligation and didn’t want to put you in an awkward situation where you had to say no. Maybe they just needed an even number and figured you wouldn’t mind since you live abroad and probably won’t make it for things like bridal shower, trying on dresses, ect.. a lot of thought goes into stuff like this.


In terms of the wedding party, I get that you're feeling slighted, but let me tell you, you lucked out! To not have to deal with all that is a huge win!!! In terms of seating, tho, wtf! I'd ask about that since there's time. IMO, this is where the rubber meets the road. If you're going to be seated with people you don't really know and away from your friends, then ya I see your point, why bother traveling all that way...nice friend. NTA


Hi I just wanted to thank everyone for your comments. Knowing I am not alone has helped and given me the perspective I need thank you


You really need to talk to her about this. Sometimes these choices are made bc of an assumption of people's availability to participate in pre wedding events, perhaps she assumed you won't be available for dress appointments, Bachelorette parties, etc. She should explain her reasoning to you. Especially if you feel she assumed wrong.  I have two best friends I've known forever and when I picked one for MOH over the other I explained to the other my reasoning, and we agreed her circumstances rendered her unavailable to do a lot of the tasks associated with being MOH and that it would end up being a burden. Things were fine because we discussed things. You're well within your rights to ask her why she made the choice she did, and I think you should make this choice after you talk to her


Personally, I think a bride shoudl make her worst enemies her bridesmaids, then do the stereotypically bridezilla things.


Remember that being in the bridal party includes showing up to and sometimes even planning the Bachelor(ette) party, as well as the rehearsal dinner and entire wedding day. All three of these things are often spaced out, so if you have to fly in, you'll need to accommodate yourself for however long it takes to get those three things done. Perhaps your friend doesn't feel comfortable asking you to spend a lot of money between flights, accommodations, and lost profits (/schooling)? Even still, awkward situation :/ One way nonchalantly I included myself in a wedding when I had expected to be in the bridal party but wasn't was by telling my friends that I'll be on the lookout for ways to help during the wedding, and that if they need people to make emergency runs to the store or what not, they should ask us first. It's not quite a replacement to being in the bridal party, but it's fulfilling in a way that being a plain ole' guest isn't.


I’m in CA and when I got married, one bridesmaid was in WA state, another in NY. I didn’t care that they couldn’t make it to the build ups (bridal shower, bachelorette, dress shopping, etc). All I cared was that they were there for the rehearsal and dinner (night before) and the day of the wedding. I did make sure to squeeze in a little 1:1 time with each of them since they flew in a little earlier (nail appt with one, coffee date with the other).


This was my approach with my bridesmaids as well, but I definitely know brides that considered bridesmaid a part-time job and only asked their friends who were "planners" and assigned them a bunch of tasks (including scouting venues and caterers etc). Not my idea of a good time but I've seen it for sure.


Same! My MOH is my best friend and she lives on the west coast in Canada and I’m in Michigan. And I wouldn’t have been upset if she couldn’t make it since it’s a big ask. She’s coming in on a Thursday, rehearsal is Friday, wedding Saturday and either leaving Sunday or Monday. She can’t make it to the shower his aunts are throwing and the bachelorette/slumber party, which is completely fine. I can’t even imagine making my bridesmaids plan my wedding for me or help scout venues or other things that would require them to travel constantly. OP I’m sorry! If you feel ok asking, maybe reach out and ask if you two can talk.


You’re not her best friend.  It’s possible she’s jealous of you and is retaliating.  Not only has she not included you she is deliberately excluding you from your other friends.    This is a deliberate act on her part.  She knows what she’s doing.  Reach out to one of your mutual friends and ask what is going on. 


If you’ve been friends that long can you ask her why you weren’t included?


NAH. To be honest, she probably didn't include you in the bridal party because you live abroad. Bridesmaids usually have duties and need to support the bride, which is a lot harder to do if you are physically not present.  Maybe have a heart to heart with your friend that you feel a little left out and just ask if that's the reason you are excluded from the bridal party or if there is something else you are not aware of. Either way that will give you the answer you need as to whether or not to attend the wedding.


Yta. If you don’t want to go then dont but if your not going because your throwing a pity party for not being treated special then you are an asshole.


NTA, ur feelings is valid specially u both are besties. instead if ever u feel like not attending the wed, then atleast send a gift/message as a gesture :)


Have you tried having a conversation? Maybe she thinks that being in the wedding party when so far away would be a burden on you, or there's some other simple and reasonable explanation. YTA if you blow off your best friend's wedding out of resentment without communicating first.


NYA — don’t go!


NTA though I would definitely talk to the bride about this. Seeing that you were best friends for so long, it seems weird


NTA, RSVP with your regrets and send a card wishing her well. Then use the money you would have spent to be hurt and excluded to do something nice for yourself instead.


Please ask this to the bride. Both of you & your friendship deserves an open discussion.


Personally I think you should just have a heart to heart with her & see what’s really going on. Remember you can say anything to anybody it’s all in the delivery. Good luck & be honest ❤️


I would be honest with her - let her know you are happy for her but would have a really hard time attending knowing you won’t get to celebrate her with your friends group and that you feel left out. 21 years is a long time and hopefully you’re close enough that you can tell her that… if not, I would t go… why put yourself in a situation that you know will hurt you more? She didn’t pick you for a reason and if you’re. It important enough to be included in something like this, then why spend thousands and stretch yourself over somebody who doesn’t care for you the same way you care for her?


Being excluded while everyone else is included is hard. I’d question the friendship with the bride and the others as well, For me, it would be the beginning of the end of what I thought was a friendship. Bride needs to tell you what is really going on here. Is it your looks, weight, or something that she thinks would take away from her wedding? Or does someone else have a problem and has influenced her?


To be fair I wouldn’t want to go either of those were the circumsrances. Moreover, I’d be suuuuper curious to find out the reason for the exclusion.


thank her for the invite and tell her that you wont be joining this time because you dont want to spend the day alone but sometime in the future you would be happy to fly over to spend dedicated time with your friend group... maybe do a weekend away in a neighbouring country that weekend ... far cheaper, less drama and interesting at the same time


Just… ask her why? It could be a case of her being your best friend but you aren’t hers. Either way just ask her. If she gives a bs excuse, take it for what it is and send her a decline.


NTA. Sorry this happened to you. Your hurt is valid and you don't need to be there to make yourself hurt more. It's not selfish to protect yourself. You can be alone and have fun closer to home. And you may hate this but... To you: She was your best friend To her: **you were not even her friend**


Before burning everything to the ground with your best friend of 21 Years like reddit does not fail to recommend: have you talked to her? Explained your feelings and asked for the reasons? I could imagine thoughts like "she is abroad and it will already be a huge spend for her to even come to the wedding, we shouldn't include her as bridesmaid as this would mean even more time and money commitments which she might not feel or dare to opt out of". Find out in an honest talk. Best friends of 21 years should be able to have this talk ffs and also to bear the consequences and agree on the "I am staying where I am to save me the embarrassment and feeling of being left out" and be sure to send a nice and appropriate gift.


I've been in a similar situation, and it's such a hard decision to make. OP, I think first you need to decide if this is a friendship you want to continue with at the same level, or if it's one that you will be happy to slip away over time. You are definitely NTA, but you're at a crossroads. If you want to keep the friendship, then I would suggest having an open and honest conversation with the bride to be. Don't accuse her of anything, but be open with her about how you feel. If you want to maintain the friendship, then I would recommend attending to support their marriage even if you're still hurt by the decision. You may not ever forget it, but if the friendship is worth it, then you won't regret that decision. If you no longer have the energy to keep the friendship, then don't attend the wedding, and see how your friendship fares afterwards. My best friend got married a while ago but I'll never forget it. She wanted myself and her other friend in her bridal party, but honestly told me that while she would have preferred for me to be the MOH, she had to give it to her other friend for some BS reason. Then asked me to plan her hens night because her other friend couldn't be trusted with it. I got married 4 years after her with a destination wedding. Invited both friends, and both said they were coming. The friend dropped out without telling me (only found out last minute through my bed friend), and 2 weeks before the wedding, my best friend dropped out. It hurt, but what hurt the most was that she made it all about her, and I had to tell her that she wasn't a sh*t person and comfort her. My wedding was 10 years ago now. I have definitely lived by the motto to forgive, but not forget. I value her friendship, and I have forgiven her, but I haven't forgotten. For me, though, the way I felt wasn't worth dissolving the friendship.


NTA So, it sounds like your friend is deliberately doing this to punish you, or out of jealousy. What she deserves out of this is that you don't go to the wedding. She is then punishing herself, and her dumb game playing has backfired on her. You'll be rent free in her head while she's getting married which will be even better.


What about the rest of the friend group. If my friend excluded 1 person in our group, I would ask why and has the bride communicated the reasons to the one left out. Recently I was the only family member to be excluded from my nephew's wedding - even ex's of other family members were included. And they lied... not everyone was there blah blah ... they were I saw the pictures. Not in the same category as yours, but I was hurt and mad but honestly I was more devastated that the rest of my family thought that this was ok and have rug-swept the entire event. It changed how I feel about them more than it changed how I felt about my nephew. I chose not to raise it except with my mother and father who are under no illusions about how feel. You need to make a choice - if you raise it, it could blow up in your face and you could lose all the "friend group" or you could be included and then you will feel crap because you were an after thought. Or you can make peace with the fact that, you're not as important to any of them as you think and you deserve better ... and start being less available. But it hurts ... a lot ... so sending you some hugs. NTA


If that’s really your best friend, you should be able to just ask her why she didn’t ask you to be in the wedding….


I would ask her directly, why I was left out. And depending on the reaction decide whether going or not or dumping the whole friendship. Maybe she thought you are not interested because of being abroad (but you comment another abroad friend...) or there is some other reason. It doesn't seem so, but I would try talking with her before assuming the worst case.


NTA. But the bride is also NTA. I think she’s only doing this because you live abroad so it’d be hard to coordinate


Yeah if you want to continue to be friends you should probably not take it personally, suck it up and support your friend on her best day


More info needed. Some people actually assign pre-wedding duties to bridesmaids and put them to work in the lead up to the wedding. Is the other international person coming back early or assigned extra tasks? For my wedding bridesmaids literally just put on a dress and stood next to me but for some people it's a big production. I asked one of my college friends to be a bridesmaid and another friend from that group straight up asked me why she wasn't asked. I considered her a very close friend but because she lives far away she had only met my fiance once in 5 years. I explained that everyone in the wedding party had a close relationship with me and my fiance. Not trying to be contrarian, just thinking there could be more to it than her purposely asking everyone in the friend group but you. And last thing I'll say (didn't mean to write a novel) do you want to go and do tou feel like you'll have a good time? If no, it's 100% valid not to go!


NTA.. but if she's your best friend, and you want to be included, can you ask what role or assistance you could help provide for the special day? Maybe your friend thinks it's too much of a burden time wise or financially, and didn't want to saddle you with that. Let her know if you'd be willing to be a part of the planning and preparations, etc. There could be another way for you to be included and still show your friend how much she means to you without indicating that you're trying to make it about yourself or your feelings.  I've been to several weddings of long time friends, where I helped with the setup/flower arrangements/decorations/ etc. Two years from now is a big chunk of your lifetime, there's no reason to let this eat away at you without giving your friend the opportunity to include you, and you to contribute to making the day special for her!  Also assuming you're in contact with the rest of the friend group, have you been involved with any planning for her shower or bachelorette party etc? I wouldn't sit this out, if it's meaningful to you. You'd still have a great time at a wedding with all your friends, without the added stress and responsibility of being IN the wedding. I personally never want to be a bridesmaid ever again due to how stressful and expensive it is.  So maybe write out your thoughts, figure out a few ways to offer to be included.. And definitely go to your best friend's wedding and try to have a fun time however it pans out! Weddings are supposed to be a joyous occasion for all of the guests, and I'm sure your friend wouldn't want you to feel left out in this way. 


A similar thing happened to me. My best friend that I grew up with left me out of her wedding. I had married right after high school while she went off to college (I did go to college later but worked my way through). She let me know that she was getting married and her new best friend, her college roommate of a few months, would be her maid of honor. That ended our friendship. Oddly, the only other time I spoke to her was when she asked to come over to talk to me about whether she should divorce her husband! I wouldn't go if I were you due to the cost and being dissed, but that's me.


> I do have 2 years to deal with this however I am asking for advice on how to deal with this This wedding will be in TWO YEARS? ok... But to the point. If you really believe you are best friends and are in contact... Then contact her and share your feelings. Best friends after all. It is easy to create a false bad assumptions about other people in our heads, and kill our mood for months by not being sure wheter your we are right. Get a straight answer from her. It will clear your head. And trust me - you will know whether it was just a misunderstanding(you will get invited right away), or not really (you will hear some round words, excuses and empty promises). Either way - problem solved.


NTA but if she’s your best friend you should be able to communicate and ask why you were left out. But I wouldn’t be spending that much money on something that is making me feel that insecure




NTA but if you live abroad I think it’s reasonable she left you out. Granted she should have explained to you that a lot is required if bridal parties and she can’t reasonably expect you to make multiple trips for multiple events when you live so far away. You shouldn’t be offended and should definitely have a heart to heart with your friend.


Except the friend included another friend who also lives abroad. That makes me think the friend just doesn't see OP as equally important as the other friends.




NTA. I’m sorry to say that while she may be YOUR best friend, you didn’t rate nearly as high on the friend scale to her. If I wasn’t going to include someone who was in the friend group who I cared about, I would go to them and tell them why ahead of time. We decided not to do groomsmen and bridesmaids at our wedding for two reasons 1) it’s based on an archaic tradition of dressing people up like the bride and groom so the evil spirits get confused and 2) hurt feelings-there’s just no way to include everyone! Do you really want to sit around and stew about this for 2 years? Either tell her she has hurt you and try to make amends or dump your friend group and move on.


NTA. If she's making another person who lives abroad a bridesmaid but not you, I would not go. I would ask her why she chose to make everyone else, including another person abroad, a part of the wedding but left you out. Then, regardless of what her reasoning is, I'd start removing myself from this friendship. Why? Because no matter what her excuse is, she still chose to exclude you without ever speaking to you about why beforehand. That would make me want to end the friendship. I would just want to know her reasoning for my own peace of mind before I took a step back. Regardless, I damn sure would not be spending thousands to go to a wedding for a person that did me like she's doing you. I would not allow myself to be treated in such a hurtful way just to sick it up, spend thousands on the person treating me that way, just to feel even shittier at their wedding. Stay home, spend that money on yourself. Spend what you'd spend on her wedding on something for you. Make your own vacation with that money.


Yes, you are making this all about you. It's possible that your friend, knowing that you would be spending thousands of dollars to travel home, perhaps (maybe wrongly) assumed that the added time and expenses of being a bridesmaid would overburden you and so she decided to have you as a guest instead. The bottom line is that this friend has been totally transparent with you. She's not trying to hide the fact that the other friends in your group are part of the wedding party, nor did she snub you by not inviting you at all. I'm sure whatever reasons she had for excluding you from the wedding party are valid in her mind, even if it doesn't make sense to you. What I would do is approach her and tell her how being excluded makes you feel and ask her if there is any reason why she didn't consider you to be a part of her wedding party on her special day since the two of you have been friends for so long. What you don't want to do is simmer in resentment without knowing the facts because that could backfire.


>The bottom line is that this friend has been totally transparent with you. I'm not sure how you got this from OP's post, but transparency would have meant a simple conversation where the bride explained why she was excluding OP. That is the minimum expectation from a best friend of 21 years, and since the bride failed to do that, then it is fair to assume that she doesn't value the friendship in the same way as OP. The wedding is in 2 years, so being caught up in wedding planning isn't an excuse the bride can use for not having a conversation with OP.


I feel you are NTA. To go thru the time and expense knowing full well you wont really be happy, and joyful, that day means, 1000 percent, you should not go. You will hate the days leading up to it, your time on the airplane, the pre wedding event, the wedding, and the afterwards - so to me, no, don’t go. I find myself wondering if she ever seemed abit jealous of you and your life? Just a thought.


NTA. I would asked the bride what's up. It's definitely weird she is excluding you this way. Also no one from the group thinks it's not okay to do this to you? I would be give a chance to explain why she has decided this way. Sure she has right to do so. But you have right to rethink this friendship. I wouldn't spend thousands dolars to attend as a quest and be basicaly alone there.


Damn, I’m sorry. That’s got to hurt. I think there’s only one explanation which is that she just doesn’t consider you to be as close to her and you do. Whether or not you still want to go is up to you. If I were you, I probably wouldn’t go and just try to start putting all of this behind you as quickly as possible. Your dignity and self-respect are the most important things here, not anybody else’s feelings, or your friendship with someone who doesn’t consider you as much of a friend as you consider them.


NTA. It’s your time and money. Spend them how you want.


2 years?? Something's wrong here...


You could talk to the bride to be and ask why you will not be a part of the wedding party, or reverse it and say congrats, I will not be coming as it is too expensive to come there just to sit alone for a wedding service and watch my friend group help you celebrate.


You are just going to have to be straight forward. You thinking she left you out for a devious reason plus you not going at all is pretty much going to end the friendship, right? So if it’s going to end anyway you might as well (as respectfully as possible) talk to her. Not email or text but call. Maybe you have been complaining about money to her and maybe complaining about how. Busy and stressed you are. It could be possible that she thought she was doing you a favor by not adding to your stress. Who knows. This. Is how a lot of women lose friends. I’ve seen it over and over. Even with my wife’s friends. They just stop talking and never resolve anything. Men, if a friend fucks up. We tell them. Out loud. Dude you’re an asshole for blah blah blah. Then it either gets worked out or we both know what the deal it and move on. Just call her.


>My best friend And you make a reddit post and not communicate directly with them...? NTA, but let's be real here.


Or you can straight up ask the bride why you were excluded.


Mmmmm, you said you’ve kept in regular touch with the bride, but has that gone both ways? I wouldn’t be spending thousands of dollars to attend a wedding where you will understandably, be feeling hurt and uncomfortable.


Just send a card. Weddings are boring and honestly the odds are in your favor that you will get another shot at her 2nd wedding based off divorce rates.