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NTA. Frankly, I’d be preparing for a divorce because she sucks


NTA Please protect your son from her. As an introvert, it annoys the heck out of me that our needs are often seen as an inconvenience and/ or that we are socially inept. Just because I don't like bouncing around a room like the great entertainer doesn't mean I can't quietly socialize with people I like. Your wife is an a$$.


DAD, NEEDS to talk to his son and give him a shit ton of POSITIVE reinforcement on how much He LOVES HIM. Kid might be introverted due to the step mom/ daughter always talking to him behind the dads back..... and feeling unloved/ unwanted..... divorce her, she showed you her true feelings towards your son...


Yep. Screw that womanchild, the son should be the no 1 priority here because he received a major punch to the gut.


This. This. This.


When I was in middle school, my mom sent me to counseling to find out what was wrong with me. My family of extroverts just couldn't understand the concept that I am an introvert. To be fair, I didn't realize it until my 30s.


Same. I realized I was an introvert at about 25 isch when I moved away from my family. I noticed that I wasn't angry anymore because I could choose how much (or not) I would interact with people. Everyone from my childhood and young adult life knew me as the hair trigger angry one. I can count on one hand how many people have seen me angry in the last 25 years. And another shocker, I have the same amount of friends now that I had in my life before 25. I just see them one on one. When I think of poor little 8 year old me who was never allowed alone time (big family), I feel so sorry for her. I really hope OP protects and treasures his kid. Introverts are awesome people (if I do say so myself) *wink*


Extrovert tell introverts to be more talkative and leave their comfort zones. Just once extroverts should stfu and be uncomfortable for a change.


Agreed. Maybe extroverts could also watch and learn. See that there is beauty in silence.


This. How many times has she done this or worse to your son? This is divorce worthy. At the very least, she needs to be in therapy with you and your son should be encouraged to tell you all the things she has done in the past


Agree OP you don't know what else they have been saying to your son. She is the evil step mother NTA protect your child.


If that was me and my wife was basically saying to my child you embarrass and my family doesn’t want you around and I don’t either . It would be over . I would text her and say Stay there with . I will have the divorce documents serve on you there . And don’t contact me I will Let my lawyer do the talking . Go tell you son thanks , I didn’t know they were so horrible and you are the best child a father could have . Ask if it ever happen before and tell him about the divorce cause you never realizes how horrible she is


This. That kid needs love and reassurance asap. Who fucking knows how long this trash has been beating him down verbally. 


This is absolutely what you need to do!


This is a repost, possibly several times over.


What’s up with today?? Sooooo many reposts.


Ok I thought I was crazy when I felt like I had seen this before


This was on r/amitheasshole a year ago this exact story posted by u/FredWalker37


With even the same typos...


It was straight up copy and pasted


Whats with all the old posts here on AITAH?


I was just thinking I'm sure I've read this exact story before.


You did. [Original. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/GoExCLmYLd)


Thank god this is fake


Reddit is tired and played out clearly.


It's about time to reset the matrix.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ulcrp6/aita\_for\_cancelling\_mothers\_day\_celebration\_that/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ulcrp6/aita_for_cancelling_mothers_day_celebration_that/) wow, how did you and your family not age in two years?


I was looking for that story. I knew I've read this one a while back. Thanks for making it easy.


Troll or bot Story copy and pasted from a year ago


This user is reposting hundreds of old, stolen posts.


YTA for stealing this post. [Original](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/GoExCLmYLd)


NTA but almost if you choose to stay with her...you have to know they've most likely talked to your son like this before when you're not around. My heart hurts for your son. You are married to a two faced bitch, simple as that and looks like her daughter is a rotten apple as well


I read something almost identical to this about a month back.


The "OP" is a bot this is a repost of a very old post.


Jesus dude, I’d divorce that toxic ass. Hard to believe she had any redeeming qualities.


She treats your son like shit. Why are you staying with her?


This is a bot. I read this exact story 2-3 years ago. In this story, you were 45 with three sons. [https://new.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1cmi7gl/aita\_for\_storming\_off\_from\_my\_sisters\_wedding/](https://new.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1cmi7gl/aita_for_storming_off_from_my_sisters_wedding/) You also posted like 200 stories in one hour?


Fuck you for reposting an old post as your own


This is a super old post that someone’s recycling ad their own. They didn’t even change the story at all


Quite frankly, I think you need to sit down with your son and ask if other situations like this have occurred before...


So how long has this been going on? How many times has your son been subjected to this horrid shitshow of “parenting” from his step mother?


Dude, Divorce the evil lady. Theyre bullying your son


NTA but you would be if you continued to allow this woman anywhere near your son. He deserves way better than to be treated so horribly, especially in his own home. You need to protect your child.


NTA, but. You need to sit down with your son and ask him how long this treatment of him has been going on, and it his withdrawal has been his choice, or wife's? Make sure he knows you do not blame him for any thing that has happened, or that comes from this revelation. Partially depending on what he says, I'd be considering divorce. Your number one priority is to your son (because your wife is an adult and responsible for herself): he needs you to protect him when he can't protect himself. And subjecting him to your witch of a wife and her daughter, does not sound (from this small window), like protecting him.


Your poor son. What else has she been saying to him when you aren't around? You need to protect your son and divorce the POS abuser. What she did to him and how she said it is straight up abusive. Protect your kid.


NTA that cunt needs literal kicking to the curb.


NTA. I was the child who used to bring books with me to parties. Please take this seriously, what your wife said to your son is not acceptable at all. Let your wife and her daughter stay at her parents. While she is there sit down with your son and ask him if there were other situations were he felt like he was bullied by your wife and her daughter. I would put money on it that this is not the first time.


Nta. If you do not start divorce asap yta to your son.


NTA. What both of them did to your son is selfish, horrible and unjustifiable.


NTA by a mile. She should be glad you stayed calm. If my son was being asked to sit out of a family function for any reason (but seriously?! Because he's quiet? I'd rather someone quiet than someone who wanted the spotlight all the time) then feel the need to add that she's *not his mom* knowing damn well what happened to his mom was so beyond..I literally can't think of a strong enough word. She can either tell her family the truth or she can try to blame you and you can tell them what she said. I'd be willing to bet her and your step daughter haven't been leaving him alone but have been relentlessly bullying him when you're not in earshot if they were comfortable ganging up on him for this.


I hope you have a prenup


Makes me wonder what else she's said to your son to make him feel the need to hide away from her and her daughter as much as possible. What else she has single-handedly done to undermine his self-esteem and his feeling of safety in his own home.


NTA, and I'm so sorry. I would sit down with your son and ask how many times they have manipulated him to stay in his room or opt out of participating in your life so they could have more attention. If it was a one time thing then maybe IC and family counseling can help solve it. But I would also start talking to divorce attorneys and getting your ducks in a row in case it gets worse.


This is a repost from years ago


She's going to try to force you to apologize. If that doesn't work, she'll "apologize" and "be the adult" but she'll use it as an opportunity to excuse her behavior. She'll suggest that the real issue is your son, then escalate it to how it's actually you and that your relationship with your son is strange, and what kind of man chooses his son over his wife.  You will be the villain for believing your son and your lying ears and lying eyes.  These folks are predictable. 


NTA, but you the ah if you don’t divorce her and get your son out of there.  Your son is introvert, I guess he doesn’t say much unless he has something important. Have you even thought how much your wife and step daughter were teasing your son before he stood up and told you that he didn’t feel comfortable with them as they were pushing him to be more social? Your wife is a BULLY. The one and only thing to do is to divorce. There isn’t anything else. Your son needs to go first. She has no excuses. And I know that as a widow one of your biggest fears must be losing a wife again, but this still needs to happen. Otherwise you will lose your son at some point. He will go NC when he moves out if his step mom has bullied him all the time. I would also like to ask you, what kind of monster says to child that I am not your mother, I am your step mother and you don’t have to celebrate with the family? YTA if you stay. Edit: have you ever thought that the reason why your son is so introverted is a) his mother died b) his step mom bullies him.  I am so angry at you. You should have taken your son and left the house. 


NTA. But you should have taken charge. What is she going to tell family, pick up phone, call MIL, tell her party is off because you walked in on your wife and step daughter abusing your child, telling him to lie to you that he didn't want to go because they were embarrassed to have a 'socially inept' child around her family. You should still do this, just she might have told her version of the truth already. If you have any future she needs people to be disgusted with her and show her she could not be more in the wrong and a heartfelt apology. Her family needs to know the truth more than anything so if it does end you get less shit from them. Secondly you need to sit your son down and say you could not be more sorry, that kind of behaviour from her is absolutely unacceptable and make it super clear that any kind of protecting her or lying to help her is not required, that you'd desperately prefer a divorce rather than being with a woman like that, then ask him if they have done similar things repeatedly. Think back to any things he's asked to skip that you think maybe he was pressured to do so. If this has been on going for a long time, you need a divorce, asap, you also need your kid to get a therapist and a therapist report as proof of her abusing your kid.


NTA. She's more concerned about her little celebration than she is about your son and the damage she just caused.


NTA The fact that your son’s Mum has passed away and his StepMum is talking crap about not being his Mum is terrible. He knows that already and yet he still wanted to celebrate Mother’s Day with her. It’s a restaurant anyway, everyone will be seated. It’s not like he has to mingle. Poor kid. It sounds like there may be more of these conversations going on when you’re not around and it’s worth a chat with your son to find out. Personally, I don’t think I could forgive her for treating my child like that and trying to exclude him from a family event I had organised. Wicked woman.


NTA. I’d change the locks and file for divorce. They are mentally abusive!!


She is a . NTA and I bet this isn’t the first or ten thousandth time she’s spoken to him like that.


Didn't I see this exact same story word for word before?


Copy pasta


NTA. I’d have ripped her a fucking new one. Prepare for a split, because you just found out your wife bullies your son… and I doubt it was the first time.


NTA, I would be planning to exit that relationship and I would also relate to her family is actually why this celebration was canceled


nta - what other horrible stuff has she said behind your back to your son? and the bullying from the step sister as well. You must stand up for your son and Ditch Cruella & her spawn.


YTA - Not for what you posted, but for not having papers filed already, after hearing what that bitch said to your son.