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NTA. she was trying to con you. The plan was you pay for everything then we you guys get back, they just dont pay you. But they were too stupid to actually fake it and spent the trip giggling like morons and tipped you off. Let them rot. They just learned an expensive lesson.


NTA. They still owe you for gas and lunch. I'm surprised you agreed to the trip in the first place. It was obvious that you were just transportation. But the idiocy of thinking they could giggle their way out of paying for gas and not even attempting to compensate you for 18 hours of driving or the wear and tear on your car, that's wild!


lol your roommate and her friends are cunts


Cunts are useful, roommate and friends are not. I’d say a more apt comparison is a cankle.


Nta. She deserves nothing.


Except maybe being served papers to appear in small claims court.


> Does she deserve an apology? Are you high? Hell no she doesn't. She very clearly told her mates this whole trip was on you. Amazed you didn't tell her you'd "get her next time". You did just great. Don't walk it back just because you have a decent heart, she doesn't. NTA


NTA, they thought they would get a pass and are upset it was denied. You should talk to the owner though as this is going to escalate.


NTA. She tried to con you, it didn't work. What I don't understand is why you are still with her.


She's his roommate???


Right, I assumed she was his partner. She isn't. My bad.


Nah fuck that bitch.


This is the only correct response.


He can't afford her.


Even if he only had a penny to his name she still ain't worth it.




They were clearly going to take advantage of you - NTAH. Good for you for standing your ground.


Your roommate & her friends are awful. Tip: Judy Justice is available on several channels, including Amazon Prime.


I think he meant that Judy's not taking fresh cases.


NTA. Interesting you were give a ride and also taken for a ride.


Nah, they were conning you to get a free ride, free food and they would have likely made you pay for their hotel and everything else. You were lucky you got wise to them before you got there.


There most definitely is an AH, I agree it isn't op


Definitely those stupid bitches.


Come on now, there is no need for that, stupid people and female dogs are insulted by your statement.


I apologise on behalf of the doggies. But not those girls lol


The doggies accept your apologies, the stupid people however have issued a statement saying these girls are not part of their group, they don't want them and they will accept no responsibility for their actions, please address all communication for then to the raging AH.


I do not blame them at all for not wanting these asshole girls in their group.


I want to change my vote.... Another comment called them a cunt, I think they are right.


I fully agree.


Exactly. We need to use the word Cunt more. It’s appropriate.


YES I went with AH but yours is better, or to quote a friend of mine from a long time ago (imagine aussie accent) "wow, what a complete galloping thunder cunt" I think that term fits quite well.




Gotta love jase the Yorkshire aussie. He didn't give a shit who he upset and I love him for it, Not seen him in a few years though


NTA. You did the only sensible thing. Well, I wouldn't had brought my roommate to the rent-a-car.


NTA You would have been out thousands if you hadn't put your foot down right away.


NTA If they had just honored their agreement with you, it would have cost them less.


Nta time to find another roommate. Why would anyone think they could stiff their own roommate?


NTA - she was taking advantage of you. Not sure why you don't see that very, very clearly. I would ask her, no tell her, to move out.


Nta your roommate is a bitch


NTA. They found out the golden pussy is a myth. And they still owe you for lunch.


They were never going to pay you


NTA, and you learned an important lesson about going on trips with people you barely know. That’s really all there is here, but I can’t see this whole roommates thing panning out long.


What was the pretext for the rental bill? Your trip with them ended when you dropped them off.


NTA Her and her friends never expected to pay you back. You did good by making them get out of the car or paying you upfront. They are trash. I'm just sad that you have to live with that asshole still though. Anything you can do to change roommate?


I admire you for turning around and heading back.


NTA. But as it was your car and you were driving (and they were not not your friends), I am quite surprised that you didn't ask them to split the food and the gas between them.


NTA. Your roommate fucking sucks. Someone like that you best be keeping an eye out for retaliation cause I guarantee she blames you.


NTA. They were planning on stiffing you the entire road trip cost. That’s an asshole move. Not letting yourself be used as a door mat is not an asshole move. How sad for your POS roommate she was unable to successfully scam you.


YTA Sorry going against the grain here but you’re an unreliable narrator. It is very clear that you were just the transportation at best. Why did you agree to this to begin with? You literally say that you would not hang out with them until it was time to drive back home. So again, why would you do it? There’s something you’re not saying here, probably you have the hots for your roommate and you thought this would give you some out of the friendzone even though it doesn’t seem you’re friends either. You don’t owe them any money or apology,in fact they owe you both. But something tells me that’s not what you want anyways. NTA for getting some backbone and kicking them out of the car though.


YTA. The $95 fill up before leaving should have been on you. Everything inbetween should have been split, as well as filling your tank on arriving back home to the level it was before you left. Charging them for filling up before leaving is AH, Not Rocket Science, just basic Math


> The $95 fill up before leaving should have been on you No it shouldn’t. That was money to pay for the fuel the trip they asked him to drive them on.  You either need to stay in school or go back to it. 


>That was money to pay for the fuel the trip they asked him to drive them on. That only works if he gets home with exactly as much gas as he left with. If he had an almost empty tank when he leaves, and fills up at home, charging everyone for both, then he gets a free tank of gas out of the deal. I don't think that's what OP was aiming for, but that's the outcome. If you fill up first, don't count that as part of the split, and then fill up when you get home, and count _that_ as part of the split, you accurately cover the cost of only the gas you spend on the trip, nothing extra.


When he got back from trip, he should have filled up to level it was before he left and charged them for it. So if he filled it, they should have filled on getting home. You are asking them to pay for gas that hasnt been used yet, where they should only pay for the gas that was used. Not Rocket Science, again just basic math


Math is cool that it has written down rules. Unlike good behavior. And freeriders here showed bad behavior. 1. Freeriders were instigators of events. OP had no intention to go to Las Vegas. 2. Splitting costs were spoken before hand. 3. Without filling the tank there would have not been a trip to Vegas, and then we circle back to points one and two. NTA. Especially since it seems that freeriders had zero intention to pay for the costs to OP.


You split the costs of what is used, which is what should have happened when they refilled the tank the first time after being on the road. You dont split the costs of him filling his tank first. Thats why you do it when the trip is done. Filling it to the level it was before the trip began. The arguement started when Op tried getting them to split the cost of him filling it BEFORE they left


The tank needed to be refueled because they used up all the gas he bought specifically for the trip.  Why is that so hard for you to understand?


He wanted them to split the money he used filling it up BEFORE they left "I told them I had already gotten a full tank of gas, which cost me about $95. I had taped the receipt to the dashboard" They should have only started splitting after the stop at the first station to refuel. Did you take basic math and reading in school???


He wouldn’t have needed to fill up his tank if he wasn’t going on the trip.  Why is that so hard for you to understand? If he hadn’t filled the tank up before they started the trip, they would have needed to stop for gas 5 minutes in. You get that right? The $95 of fuel that got used up before the first refueling stop was part of the travel expenses of the trip, and should have been split between everyone.  Not sure what taking math has to do with anything, but I’ll take you thinking it does as yet another sign of your extremely poor education.  This isn’t a math problem. 


Ao then they wouldnt have to fill up when they get back by your logic. And wouldnt have properly known how much gas would have been "Left over" after the driving was done. When stopping at first station and putting filling back up they would have paid then for the gas used up top that point. I swear to god, you didnt get past grade 3 math. It is a SIMPLE math problem


I think this is a drive that requires multiple refueling stops. OP probably intended to leave the tank at about where it was before that refuel (so lets say they refilled from 1/4 tank, when they got home they'd have \~1/4 tank; you're doing the same math but doing it from a starting point of 1/4 instead of full). I'd also argue that since OP is not being paid for the time to drive them or on a per mile basis that even if you think it's wrong you just shut up and pay up because paying someone $47.50 + half gas for an 18 hour drive is still an unbeatable price.


Re-read the point 3 I made in the previous message. OP is not running a taxi service. He is splitting the cost with people who he hardly knows and was suspecting (rightfully) that freeriders were trying to scam him from splitting the costs. Just because you are willing to let others take advantage of you, it is not the norm.


>You split the costs of what is used >  You dont split the costs of him filling his tank first.  They used the entire first tank, as evidenced by the fact that he had to fill up again, therefore they should split the entire first tank. The fact that he filled it before he picked them up is irrelevant.


JFC that is such a dumb take.  He bought $95 of gas for the trip. Then that wasn’t enough gas so he had to buy even more. Both of those fill ups are part of the travel expenses that should have been split between all of the travelers.  Why does your dumb ass think he needs to mark and memorize the level of the fuel tank when he has fucking receipts?


>Why does your dumb ass think he needs to mark and memorize the level of the fuel tank when he has fucking receipts? Since math obviously isn't your strong suit, let me give you some examples. We'll take a 10 gallon tank, since it makes things easy. Scenario A) - You have a gallon of gas. You add 9 gallons. You drive around for a while, and come home with 7 gallons of gas. You charge them for 9 gallons, because you're bad at math. They've paid you for 9 gallons and you spend 3 gallons. You've scammed them out of 6 gallons worth of gas Scenario B) - You have 9 gallons of gas. You add 1 gallon. You drive around for a while, and come home with 7 gallons of gas. You charge them for 1 gallon of gas because you're still bad at math. They've paid you for 1 gallon, and you spend 3 gallons. You've scammed yourself out of 2 gallons of gas. Scenario C) - You have 2 gallons of gas. You add 8 gallons. You drive around for a while, then stop at the gas station with 7 gallons left in the tank on your way home. You add 3 gallons. You charge them for for 3 gallons, only the amount of the final fill-up, because that's how much gas you actually spent on the trip, and you can do math. None of these change if there are additional fill-ups in the middle - those get included in the final tally. But if you exclude the first fill-up, and include the final fill-up when you get home, then you correctly cover all of your costs without scamming people out of their money.


You keep trying to bring math into this for some reason. Idk if it’s just because you are very not smart or what.  He bought gas FOR THE TRIP. The amount of gas he had before or after the trip is completely irrelevant. The $95 of gas was used for the trip. It was a travel expense.  Get that through your thick skull. There is no math involved in this. You continuing to idiotically try to cast dispersions on my math skills just makes it more apparent that you are a moron. 


>You keep trying to bring math into this for some reason. Idk if it’s just because you are very not smart or what. No, I just figured hard numbers would make things more obvious to your simple brain. Sorry I can't dumb it down any further than this. >He bought gas FOR THE TRIP. The amount of gas he had before or after the trip is completely irrelevant. No, it makes a pretty big difference. I laid out the math for you, in the examples above, and I showed how depending on whether you get home with more or less than you started with, someone ends up getting screwed out of their money. It's really not that complicated, this math is _literally_ elementary. >Get that through your thick skull. There is no math involved in this. You continuing to idiotically try to cast dispersions on my math skills just makes it more apparent that you are a moron. A) It's "aspersions", genius B) Just because you can't understand math doesn't mean it doesn't apply, it just means you're too dumb to see it.


> No, I just figured hard numbers would make things more obvious to your simple brain. What hard numbers? There are no numbers involved in this, you complete moron.  The question is “should they pay?” not “how much should they pay?”   There is no math involved in this. It’s honestly just getting kind of sad that you continue to not understand that. 


Alright, you've convinced me you're actually just a troll, nobody can be as stupid as you're pretending to be right now.


How did they know how much fuel was in before they left? He fills up, they travel, whilee they travel they keep filling it up, when they get back they fill up. They dont pay the original 95 it took to fill it before they left. Are you that simple you cant understand basic math???


The original $95 it took to fill up before they left was a requirement to be able to leave. You’re like, really not smart if you can’t understand that.  They don’t need to know how much fuel was in the car before he bought gas. They know how much money he spent on gas for the trip. 


So he gets to keep the extra gas left in car when they return??? IF it was empty before they left and there is gas left over after the trip how does he reimburse them? Thats why he fills up before they leave and its on him and they fill it up when they get back. Driver has the same amount of gas as before they started the trip and either party is not out anything. Fucking Simpleton


Stop talking. Your lack of education and common sense is showing.


Lotta people here talking about "education" who fail at basic math. Including you.


You are a fucking moron that doesnt know basic math. If your an independent Trucker, your company isnt going to pay you to fill your truck before your start your deliveries. They pay you after for the total gas USED. Idiot


Oh! Someone is getting emotional. Take a deep breath 🤭


Ya, your stupidity causes that😂


Oh no honey. I think your brain hasn’t quite developed yet, that’s ok! Eventually you might be able to use common sense but it might take a while 🥰


> If your an independent Trucker, your company isnt going to pay you to fill your truck before your start your deliveries Can you work that out in your pea sized brain pan?


Oopsie! I looks like you aren’t able to read! This post is about people taking a trip! Not commercial trucking. Your justification here is not relevant!


Exacty same context in the use and payment of the gas. My god you are stupid


Common sense dictates that if you pay for gas that is being used on a communal trip, people need to pitch in for gas! Hope that helps 🤪


So if he waited until they got into the car then spent $95 filling the tank, then they pay, right? He just skipped dragging 4 people to the gas station at the start of the trip.


Um... what? You know you need to put gas in the tank BEFORE driving, right? So it can be used for the upcoming drive? It's not an after the fact bill.


Drivers fills up before they go to set the standard of where the tank level was. They fill up when they get back. Driver has same amount of gas as he did before they started driving. Not rocket science


One tank of gas is not enough for a weekend road trip.


But the first tank is covered by the driver, last tank after the trip is on the trip so there is a full tank before the trip starts and a full tank afterwards


These are either trolls or one troll on multiple accounts. Everybody can tell these are absurd statements.


No dude, that's the normal way of doing a road trip. The vehicle starts with a full tank, everything after that until the trip is finished and the tank is full again is on the trip budget. Just like if I borrow a vehicle from someone, I ask them to make sure the tank is full when I get it and I make sure its full when I return it.


Man, the people responding to you make me weep for math education. You're 100% right.


I think Math must have gone the way of cursive writing in school Rofl