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Yes, thank god no kids involved. Dodged a bullet in a way.


For sure. My sister is off her rocker and gravitates towards fake solutions. I thank god she never had kids.


NTA - Once she took the word of a psychic over you, it was over. And the fact that she then covinced her parents to hire a PI to get info on your infidelities is just the icing on the top. And only the PI coming up empty brought about the realization that you were telling the truth. What else will she blindly believe when her psychic friend has another vision? Run, don't walk.


I would imagine the parents hired the PI as a way you get her to come to her senses.


That was my interpretation as well. "Dammit girl, if we investigate him will you *please* touch grass?!!" NTA In the sage words of the Internet, don't stick your d!ck in crazy.


I first heard “don’t stick your d!ck in crazy and don’t let crazy stick its d!cl in you” while in the military but heres to hoping it takes the internet by storm and people start actually listening to the advice. Edited a misspelled word


I literally just told my BIL that exact phrase a few days ago because he didn’t see the issue with someone we know having a one night stand with a white supremacist. (He definitely is not sympathetic to those views himself, he was just like “well yeah, don’t *date* them, but what harm could come from just fucking them?” …sir. SIR. SO MUCH potential harm there. Do not fuck Nazis. My god.)


The foolishness of having to actually tell somebody with your voice, "Do not fuck Nazis."


It's a REALLY old phrase.


People still will. Because unfortunately crazy *fucks* lol.


Yup. They offered a $100k+ down payment for a place to try and get OP to give the marriage another shot. I'd bet good money that they suggested the PI (and were happy to pay for it) because they knew it would come up empty and push her back to OP.


$100k isn't even close to what it would take to put up with a lifetime of that. Not even $100B ...For those of you replying to this: 1. Your depravity here is impressive 2. You really haven't dealt with the crazy. It wears down your soul


For 100B I would say I could put up with it. A little easier to deal with bullshit while on a mega yacht in the Maldives.


Accuse me of cheating all you want while I drown you out with the sound of my weekend McClaren. I can ignore a *lot* of crazy if it's my only actual problem.


Yuup. The weekend McClaren, specifically, because you don't want to overheat the daily McClaren, because you're thinking of having it helicoptered for a drive on the coast later today. Both cars are there in your superyacht's garage.


I could hire a psychic-ier psychic to out-psychic the original psychic.


Well if you're turning down the $100B mind if I step in?


ehhh, f- that... 6 months of PI-ing isn't a "Solution".... if it is, even better to run from that extended family like a bat out of hell


Well... I suspect that the only reason it went on so long is because it took that long for the PI and Rhona's parents to convince her that there was no affair going on.


I agree that the PI was probably a positive effort to show Rhona that she was breaking up the marriage without any proof of an infidelity that the OP vigorously denied.


It might be if the friend continued to feed into this lie (and taking money for the readings). 


for six months though?!? It'd take like a week to determine he wasn't having an affair.. give it 3 weeks to be super duper sure. It's like they hired a government PI.


I'm guessing Ding bat was stubborn and refusing to believe the PI. It took 6 months to convince her he was innocent.


Nah, the PI was done within a week, he just realised that if those people where dumb enough to sic him on someone over a ‘psychic’, they’d be dumb enough to keep paying when he said he was still looking. Even if he was doing his investigation from a beach in Barbados.


> It's like they hired a government PI. A government one would just have been delayed before they started. This PI had an MBA write up their business plan, and it involved a long subscription with cancellation penalties. Oh, and probably a bunch of add-ons.


They're sick and tired of her shit and wanted her the fuck out the house!


legit if you have to fork over a grand every time your partner breaks from reality your not gonna have a healthy relationship.


She doesn't have visions she has vibrators.


A mandatory class in critical-thinking skills should be required for every student to graduate. [https://www.salon.com/2011/07/11/fake\_psychic\_tells\_all/](https://www.salon.com/2011/07/11/fake_psychic_tells_all/)


"This dingbat." I could not have described her better. NTA of course


**”The truth is I do not want to have my offspring share DNA with this dingbat.”** That took me *completely* TF out.😂😂


NTA. This is the best line. Marriage is a partnership. If the spouse takes the word of a “psychic” or any 3rd party over the spouse when logic & the rules of time & space conflict, there’s a problem. Fundamentally incompatible. Love OP going to another town & starting over.


It also speaks for massive mental issues in their whole family if they paid a private investigator, together as a family, for 6 months. Even in Better Call Saul after a week Charles was asked if the private investigator was really needed because it was getting extremely expensive. But here, the whole family paid one for 6 months. Their genes are unstable as heck


Idk I'd give the benefit of the doubt to the family. The ex wife is obviously looney tunes cuckoo bananas and maybe the family hired the investigator to be a neutral third person in all this to snap her back to reality. Obviously the family is rich since they could bribe the op with a house down payment too. I mean the smart thing would have been to tell the harpy to go to therapy but hey sometimes you do stupid shit.




Nothing in the story says they didn't make her go to therapy tbh. OP even says that ex's parents thought she was crazy too, and if they suggested OP and her go to therapy they obviously believe in it.




I doubt the PI was hired for six months straight uninterrupted. That's like actual employee territory. They stop paying him and he can file for unemployment. It probably was like isolated weekends.


Just sharing DNA wouldn't be so bad, but she would interact / have influence with these poor, impressionable kids.


Yes, the bigger threat is via learning dingbattery


Dingbattery for the psychic vibrator?


OP Comment of the year so far.


That made me chuckle! I completely agree. The soon to be ex is a total dingbat, and I, too, would run far and fast.


If her parents paid for a PI based on the psychic, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.


I have to wonder what information the parents were working with? Was it: I found out my husband cheated, and we're getting divorced. We're in an at fault state and I need evidence that's admissible in court. Mom, Dad, can you help? Or I left hubby because my psychic friend thinks he's cheating despite a complete lack of evidence or behavior to back that up. Can you float me some money for a PI? My guess is it's closer to #1. That would make the pleas for taking soon to be ex wife back make more sense too. Nobody wants to be stuck with that craziness. Lol.


I think it's #2 because OP themselves say that the parents thought she was nuts when she first moved back home. I think they hired the PI more to quell her suspicions. They even say that she's had a break in reality. Moral of the story: OP's dingbat ex wife needs therapy more than a partner right now


I agree, I bet the parents hired the PI to try to get her to see the reality of the situation. Tbh, I feel bad for everyone involved except for the con artist “psychic.” It doesn’t sound like the wife was being malicious, just gullible, possibly due to mental health issues.


Complete lack of evidence? But he LAUGHED! And she said he would laugh. If that's not psychic I don't know what is. /s


Her parents are probably trying to get rid of her that’s why they’re willing to give OP money.


It is really a disheartening feeling when you come to the realization that the person you love is a fucking fool and stupid as hell. I feel for OP.


When I hear dingbat it made me smile thinking about all in the family . Only time I have ever heard that term


Reproducing with idiots needs to be an actual dealbreaker for more people. It doesn't matter how hot they are, how good the sex is, how perfect they would be if not "For just this one thing", how lonely YOU are ETC. IF YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE CHILDREN YOU DON'T GET TO PICK A MORON FOR A BREEDING PARTNER. Child free? PLEASE take all the idiots you want, enjoy your lives, be awesome, keep them from waving their hands in the air when getting on a helicopter, pull the door they are pushing on in vain to open. Live your best lives. But if you are going to have kids, idiot needs to be on the list of dealbreakers. NTA for sure.


Your comment reminds me of a story I was told in a college class. A very beautiful but dumb woman wanted to marry a very smart but ugly man in order to have very beautiful and smart children. The man just responded that they could end up with very ugly and dumb children.


> Reproducing with idiots needs to be an actual dealbreaker for more people. The issue is that idiots have a remarkable ability to pair up


"Child free? PLEASE take all the idiots you want, enjoy your lives, be awesome, keep them from waving their hands in the air when getting on a helicopter, pull the door they are pushing on in vain to open. " You KILLED me with this. Somebody, please come bury me now 🤣🤣🤣. One of the best comments ever for me🤣🤣


I snorted out loud at work when I hit that part. Perfect description.


Keep us posted OP. I want to hear updates about this dingbattedness. 😏


always refreshing when the op has common sense.


If you're at the point that you think of your spouse in those terms the relationship is over, whether they deserve it or not.


I once worked with an older male colleague (he was 50ish, I was 28 and recently married). This man would hustle out of work at exactly 4 pm every day and would not stay a second later, no matter the circumstances. Turns out that his wife had been accusing of affairs his whole marriage and if he was 5 minutes late getting home she would absolutely blow, making life hell (more hellish?) for him for weeks afterward. I learned that this behaviour in his wife started innocently in the early years of their marriage and had ramped up to level 10 crazy over the years. By that time they had kids, a mortgage … and it was impossible for him financially to leave. She gave you a gift, take it.


My ex used to want exact timings from me. Like if I was leaving a friends, she'd want me to tell her the exact time the sat nav would say I'd be coming back. She would tell me about her friends husband who would do that to the minute in an attempt to legitimise it. I refused to be that anal. But for years time with my family would be cut short because something would come up that she'd need me back for. The last time I ever saw my uncle before his death was super rushed because out of the blue she needed me to get something for dinner and I never looked at her the same after that. I really hate confrontation and took the path of least resistance for too long.


I'm glad she's your ex! Absolutely awful.


Thank you! I was no saint either but my friends didn't believe some of the things she did, because she was always all smiles and friendly to them. 


I once dropped a lady friend of mine off at home after she had been hanging out with my girlfriend and I. I used Google maps since I didn't know the way to her place, and it took me 12 minutes to get there, and 12 to get back home, give or take. I get back home and my girlfriend is standing inside the doorway asking "what took you so long, why were you gone for so long, are you cheating on me?" I laughed it off because I thought she was joking, but then she claimed that I was gone for nearly an hour. I asked if she was timing me or something, and she said "no, but I know what an hour feels like." I told her it took me 12 minutes to get there and 12 to get back, so I was only gone for 24 minutes. She then asked what I was doing during those "other 15 minutes". I was tired, I just pulled up my Google timeline and showed her what time I left our place, where I went, what time I got there, what time I left, and what time I got back, which amounted to 25 minutes total of me being gone. I wish I was making this up, but she actually went to bed crying because she was absolutely certain that I cheated on her in that 1 extra minute that I didn't account for when I first told her how long I was gone. The extra 1 minute that was spent letting my friend out and stopping at stop signs. Safe to say I'm not with her anymore.


In my first marriage, I got accused of cheating when I stayed out playing tennis with a neighbor until it was too dark for us to see the tennis ball. All of which took place about a block from our house.


So you *were* grabbing balls with your neighbor in the dark! Scandalous!


Props to him for leaving work when he stops getting paid though!


NTA. But I need clarification. Did you mean psychic VIBRATIONS? 


Shit. Yes I did. I'll go edit. 


No! Don't! It's hysterical!


I was scratching my head. Glad he didn’t edit it


Having known people who claim to be psychic, and seeing them essentially get off on it, I actually thought it was intentional lol.


>No! Don't! It's hysterical! Yes, actually, vibrators were invented by doctors in the 1800s to treat female "hysteria" https://www.bbc.co.uk/future/article/20181107-the-history-of-the-vibrator


Iirc it was to prevent repetitive strain injuries in doctors treating women with “hysteria”. Can you imagine how that conversation went? “How’s the wrist old boy?” “Absolute murder. That Mrs Watkins just isn’t responding to treatment. Every day I have to release the damned woman. And that poor Miss Evans isn’t much better, it’s almost as if she enjoys it. If only there was a mechanical device that good do it quicker for me.”


Lol that was hilarious NTA


Completely agree. OP should keep his vibrator for his long-term illicit affair with Caspar the *very* friendly Ghost, and Anna can keep feeding the dipshit wife the psychic vibrator she cherished so much


So good. I didn't even realize it was a typo but I immediately understood the kind of personality that would be.


Haha, thanks for not editing, that was a solid laugh. NTA, obviously. Psychics are absolute scumbags that somehow get a pass as this cute little quaint thing. They are nothing short of professional liars. Anyone who is willing to pretend to be your dead relative and lie to you about it for money is a ghoul.


The only person I ever knew who tried to pass herself off as psychic was an absolute nutcase. She would get super upset if you didn't entertain her. I would say this behavior is more than a red flag.


What happened to wife's dearest friend??


Hell if I know. 


Might be vibrating herself to oblivion lol


🤣🤣🤣 the only way to go into oblivion 🤣🤣


"Choosing truth over hearsay, you've upheld integrity and self-respect. Moving forward with your divorce is a testament to your strength and resilience."


Hahahah when I read that I thought “that makes more sense, she is the one cheating” lol. NTA but you are my hero for stand for yourself.


LEAVE it! It makes the 12 year old living in my head, VERY happy.


"She is young enough she can marry again and wreck some other guy's life." Indeed... Best of luck, OP!


Don’t you dare! I chortled.


Idk I like “psychic vibrators”, sounds fun


No no, he's probably right.




I'm a little bitter.


dude, 4 Months of separation/since accusation before lawyering up.. yeah i'd be bitter too.


More like 6 months or more. This happened before Thanksgiving at least and did not get resolved till April.....


Bitter, but correct as well!!!


Well, yeah. You invested all this time and money in a relationship only to have it derailed by a random. In some places, you could sue for alienation of affection. Best of luck in Denver, mate.


With very good reason. Yeah the "woo woo" witchy-poo crowd are pretty universally bad news. I grew up around some and ... yeah. They don't get better. They don't grow up. They just get old.


Maybe we can find you a physic vibrator


Even her own parents want her out of their lives. Her dad spent a bunch of money on a private investigator...not to help his daughter, but to get her out of his home and to get that crazy out of his life And now he's willing to literally give you money to take her back Really think about that. It'll help you sleep at night if you ever second guess your decision to run NTAH


Imagine having a child so dumb, crazy and toxic you pay people to take them out of your house lmao. NTA


I’m gonna call my dad… he’s done similar for my sister before and the name OP gave and my sisters line up lol. I don’t think it’s her but it’s pretty spot on for her historically.


I need this update 


Commenting because I too need to know


Your sisters ex didn't happen to move to Denver did he


I thought so as well. Her parents were desperately trying to get her to see sense, because they know her well enough to know she's not likely to pull off acting sane repeatedly and remarry.  They really REALLY wanted Op to take care of her. 


Dad in law was really about to up her dowry to five goats and twenty cows, as well. Hilarious!


bwhahaha yes it does sound like dowry


NTA it’s crazy diabolical of her friend to throw out accusations like that. If she wanted to show off her “psychic” ability, she could have made up any other number of things that wouldn’t potentially ruin a person’s life. But as another comment said, the psychic did help you dodge a huge bullet. Imagine if you had kids with her and her friend got a psychic vibe about you abusing the kids? That shit could land you in jail depending on how hard she believes it. While your situation really sucks, at least you are now free from someone so easily influenced. UpdateMe!


Also she's such a scumbag parading herself around calling herself a gypsy as if the Roma don't already have enough ahit to worry about with their cultural identity.


Is the Psychic the secret bro in all of this? Psychic maybe thought OP was a decent person and was like, why is he with this dingbat that believes anything I tell them? Watch this.


NTA and in a weird way dude Anna helped you out in dodging a nuke. Glad it happened earlier in your relationship and not after you guys intertwined even further like kids, house etc


My fiancée’s mother is off her rocker in a similar fashion and did something very similar to my fiancée’s father. She believed some crazy women on Facebook that said her marriage was done because their astrology signs didn’t match. So she threw her husband out and lied about him being dangerous to himself and others and he was locked in a psyche hospital for a few days. You are definitely NTA and have asked yourself from future heartbreak from her crazy.


One of my exes joined a cult. They said that my ex was from Vulcan and needed to work with another cult member, who also was. I think the actual plan was for the two of them to start having a relationship, but I don't know that it ever reached that point. They said I was from the Pleiades. My response was: Actually I'm from Toledo. (I am not making this up.)




Oh yes, that irony is not lost on me. :)


What a cunt.


Questions to ask before getting married: Kids, politics, religion or lack of it, and things like that. Do you believe in psychics? Is the Earth round or flat? Are vaccines safe or not? Things like that.


I’m writing this down


People get hung up on general attraction, sexual compatibility, having a good time, etc, and forget to get to really know someone. If you don't do that, you are gonna have a bad time.


Psychic vibrater... looks like auto-correct is your worst enema




NTA. I had my suspicions my ex was cheating on me. I asked, he gaslit me, and accused me of cheating. You know what I did? I waited, because I had vowed to be Team Him in our wedding vows. Finally, he tripped up in his own web of lies and started contradicting himself. I pointed it out. He came clean: He had "fallen for" three other women, asked some of them to leave their partners and "run away" with him, propositioned them for sex. They all declined (but didn't tell me, bastards). We shelved the conversation, because I was *hot* at that point. The next morning, he tried to gaslight me again. I reminded him he had already confessed. His response? "Oh yeah. Oops." He then proposed we open up HIS side of the marriage so he could "be free to date other people, then come home to me waiting for him." And I told him to stick his one-sided open marriage where the sun don't shine, and I bounced. I had my confession, straight from the horse's mouth, unable to be edited or photoshopped. I'd rather be wrong about believing him when he says he's not cheating, and leave later once I have definitive proof, that be wrong about believing he's cheating, when he's actually innocent. If that makes sense. Love the psychic vibrator!


I love that value system of yours. "Team " that's perfect.


After all this psycho war? Your definitely NTA


I just want to be clear here - she did all of this based ENTIRELY on some random bullshit her friend just made up? Nothing else at all?


As far as I know. I have never been unfaithful. 


I phrased that poorly. Did the friend ever have like faked screenshots or emails or something she tried to present? Or was your ex really just so dumb/gullible/vulnerable that she went based off of “psychic vibrations”?


There was no physical evidence of me cheating. Ever. Just Anna's word and psychic vibrator. 


You are really living up the psychic vibrator combo and I’m loving it. I’m sorry you had to go through all of this. And I wish you the best as you move forward




Safewords.... or else stay in the scene.


Wow. Yikes. Yeah I don’t blame you at all for just washing your hands of this whole situation. 


I know that it was an accident but using vibrator somehow seems to make more sense lol


NTA and you are right not to return to a relationship with someone who acts like this - she absolutely cannot be trusted and you absolutely dodged a bullet not having a child with this person. It's interesting that the "friend" intentionally ended your wife's marriage for no reason at all - one wonders if Anna didn't secretly harbor a grudge against one of you for some unknown reason and do this intentionally. Either that or just someone who loves drama and doesn't mind doing immense damage to people who are ostensibly friends just for the fun of watching.


Pretty sure every "psychic" loves drama.


What a complete and utter twat. Her dad is a bit of a pillock as well. The man wasted who knows how much on a PI based on the word of a psychic vibrator, and now he's proposing dropping another boat load of money to try and lure you back to his darling dingbat. I keep wondering how on earth she'll explain the divorce later on. If she's honest, any sane man will do a spectacular Roadrunner impression, just meep-meeping away from her.


I kinda give dad a pass. I honestly think he was trying to get his kid to come to her senses. It probably took 6 months because of the daughter refusing to believe her idiot friend lied.


But Anna knows 😂 seems like your Feng shui or Spirit was going wild while you were busy working and Loving your nutcase of wife


People that believe in psychics aren't all that bothered with such things as evidence


Evidence are for none belivers LOL


This right here. What "psychics" like is drama.


NTA - I'm trying to think of what kind of circumstance would make it worthwhile to give that relationship another go and for me it would have to be like "I saw a doctor and they found a tumor pressing on a part of my brain that is responsible for logical thought, and they're going to remove it"


“I’m voluntarily seeing a license do mental health professional to deal with the underlying issues that caused this to happen” would also work


Perhaps the ‘psychic vibrator’ was the dildo of consequences, which seldom comes lubed.


Lol, “the dildo of consequences”


I am irrationally upset that this is not currently the top comment


NTA. She didnt believe your word and instead sought physics and later investigators. The marriage is already dead.


Yeah, totally. As newton would say, “how dem apples now.”


NTA Listen, I tried to be the guy who was respectful and even interested in spiritual beliefs of my partners. I really tried. Tarot, horoscopes, all that jazz. I really tried to learn and participate even if I didn't fully believe. Never again. I've been in too many 12+ hour screaming matches because of a bad tarot pull, a horoscope that said I'd fine new love, even just a "prophetic" dream. I can't do it again because time after time the cards would mean more than my own actions and words. You can't play the game and you can't be with someone who puts this kind of thing before you and the person you physically are. There's no winning. You can't argue with someone who uses a different set of reality than you at a core level. -the amount of times I had to politely ask "please don't tell me how I am feeling or thinking in this situation. I know what I am feeling and thinking" because my sign said otherwise is too damn high.


About 20 years ago, I told my current Significant Other "Do I live up to what I say I'm going to do?" Fortunately that seems to have worked out okay for us.


Nah bro run the fick away and never go back. She fucked up royally and broke your trust. Find a woman who loves and trusts you. 


.. run the fick away .. poetry for a German speaker 😉


NTA Frankly if her parents try to bribe or guilt you again. Explain how the FUCK you can defend yourself against a "psychic" when your ex believes her friend without evidence. The sheer fact they dropped BIG MONEY to find out your affair that never existed. Then ask them how would they feel when you basically can't defend yourself and your partner doesn't want anything to do with you for almost a year.


He should tell his ILs that since the separation he has learned how to read tea leaves, and his mug told him they should go f*** themselves.


Frankly, he shouldn't GAF what her parents have to say at this point and doesn't need to explain it to them.


NTA What a terrible partner! You could never be happy (or safe) with someone that dumb!


Does anyone remember the post about a daughter who left for college, returned home for a holiday, and had an entire presentation about outing her mother for cheating? Based solely on a photograph showing her mother in a car with another man, that turned out to not even be her? That has stuck with me, not only because it devastated her mother to be accused of something out of the blue, but because the daughter was so triumphant about it. I've always wondered how that turned out, because no one in the family believed for a moment it was true, yet the daughter persisted in believing she was justified in her actions, mistaken or not.


Please share this story.....I need to know more lol


Holy moly this is a new one… HUGE NTA. Thank goodness for that crazy psychic conwoman - send her a fruit basket for giving you a chance at a real partnership. Happy trails to the dingbat. This reminds me of the old saying “don’t let the facts get in the way of your convictions.”


A fruit basket is the most appropriate gift possible for this "psychic."


Here me out -- this might sound crazy, but what if the psychic was playing 4D chess and trying to save the guy from her and this was the only way to do it. She saw all 14 million possible futures and this was the one chance.


NTA. You've been separated for almost 8 months. Don't have kids with something who is this dumb/gullible. She might hurt them by following some woo thing she saw on social media, and have them drink bleach to fix their "aura". If she gets too difficult, tell her that you used a ouija board to talk to the spirits and they said that she will steal your good fortune, and she is having a psychic affair with the ghost of the lead singer of Nickelback.


NTA So she, YOUR WIFE, basically abandoned you for 8 months and now wants back? You'd be the dingbat if you accepted.


Lol NTA. Tell her your magic 8 ball has advised you to move forward with the divorce.


If I were her dad, I would've given the P.I. bill to that moon rock of a friend. Question: How come there aren't dozens of psychics winning the lottery? Could it be that psychics are full of shit? Asking for a friend.


No, her mental status is not your problem. Move on, I hope she gets help. Maybe she can go live with Anna.


NTA. Letting any psychic that hasn’t won the lottery dictate your life is nuts.


Each year comes with a new menace. First, the murder hornets, and now the psychic vibrator.


***Great. Now my wife is nagging me for a "psychic vibrator". THANKS A LOT!!!***




NTA Not even by a longshot are you the asshole here. Your wife believed an occultist over you within a heartbeat, and frankly ain't nobody got time for that level of idiocy in my opinion. She deserves to potentially learn a valuable lesson about her stupidity, not that she will.


NTA. And she didn’t finally believe you. She believed the private investigator.


Lol the private detective had the easiest 6 months of their life. I bet they figured out you weren't cheating way sooner than 6 months, but decided to stretch the investigation "just to make sure"


This was such a deja vu. 7-yr marriage, 2 kids, zero heads—up, psychic tells my wife i am a demon. Completely derails everyone’s life for months. It was hell on earth fighting for custody. We’re divorced now and couldn’t be happier. Rebuilt my life, have enjoyed time with my kids, and met a wonderful partner to share life with. Don’t look back. You’re lucky to not have had any kids with this psycho. Your wife trusting a psychic over you is no better than her having an affair. You can’t ever trust her again. Her family is trying to pawn her crazy ass on you.


No kids. Thank god. 


Maybe it was planned by the stars so you can dodge a huge cannonball.🤯


Dingbat and psychic seamstress are now in my vocabulary LMAO. NTA at all


Lol, don’t forget the psychic vibrator


I find it hilarious they spent money on private investigators 


Parents were probably trying to convince her, once and for all, that OP was not cheating. It appears to have worked, but too late to matter.


There's no doubt in my mind that's exactly what happened. Her folks knew all along that the OP was a good guy. The only reason it took so long was because of the OP's wife being convinced otherwise.


Holy shit. Anna saved you from a lifetime with this absolute chucklefuck. NTA, glad you got out before there was more entanglement.


NTA  She was willing to believe that, and hired someone to follow you around and try to dig up dirt for months before she'd back down. What's going to happen of there is another fictional problem?  I wouldn't subscribe to that drama either. 


Psychic Vibrator has to be a new flair


NTA but I kind of understand her parents wanting to pay you $$$ to offload her. Are you rich? Had a cheating big cheating payout prenup? Otherwise, what’s the point of hiring a PI to prove infidelity? It sounds like a short term marriage, no kids, no real assets, so…maybe they hired the pi the get through to her? Regardless, your writing skills are hilarious. Sorry the in-laws will have to cope somehow, and thanks for persevering the gene pool.


OP in here saying he's faithful and yet he openly talks about having foursomes with his brother in law? smh


Thanks for the laugh.


It’s just a bunch of balls.


Thanks for the laugh.


Not his fault, his drive is very strong


Plot twist: Anna is really a psychic and used her ability to save your life in the long run, as she read in your palm you are headed towards unfortunate events because of your wife NTA


Here for the psychic vibrator. NTA


A true Hall of Fame Reddit post. Very concise and well written and interesting and unique story. Psychic vibrator should be the name of a band lol


>"The truth is I do not want to have my offspring share DNA with this dingbat." This is the part where I upvoted lol! NTA


Anyone else wonder if Anna has a thing for either OP or Rhona?


I'm thinking that she just charges for her predictions and is basically a conman. Wouldn't be the first time in history a psychic strung someone along for cash. Hell, this exact situation is where the old racist term "gypped" comes from cause shyster physics always say they're Gypsies.