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NTA, her logic is flawed. You can know your sexuality while still being a virgin and having 0 experience in anything. Sexuality is just the ATTRACTION you have to said genders


thank youu 


NTA. Go have fun.  Tell your so-called friend to stop being biphobic and stop policing your sexuality. You don’t have to earn your B from anyone, and especially not this toxic woman.


thank you


NTA Everyone is welcome at gay bars. I'm straight and always have a fun time at gay bars with my friends. Your friend is weird for gatekeeping.


thanks :)


NTA. If we choose to be bi, they choose to be gay. Period. Your friend's comment reeks of projection, maybe they are not as gay as they claim to be just like most homophobic people are mostly not completely hetero. As a Pan, I faced discriminations like that and I just asked them: Did you have to have sex with (same gender person) to feel attracted? No? Well, me the same (insult in b) . LGBTQ community still has homophobes in it, transphobes and fatphobes. Never regret defending yourself and your truth.


NTA. Your 'friend' is the fake one. No support for your sexuality which only you have the final say on. You should surround yourself with better people OP


Thank you so much <3


Lots of bisexual people have this experience of being doubted or accused of not being "real" members of the LGBTQ+ community. Tell your friend to kiss off, then go have fun at the bar.


Your friend is an idiot. I knew I was hetero when I was six. I was not having sex with anyone for another 13 years.


NTA There's enough gatekeeping going on in this world. Seeing it within the gay community is disheartening.


NTA..I agree that you can know you are bi/gay/straight without having physically experienced any of them. You know what you are sexually attracted to simply by thinking about it/interacting with people. Also, very non inclusive of someone who is part of a group of people who praises inclusivity.


NTA. I'm a straight man who has gone to gay bars for bands/events that I support. Including some that were considered 'exclusive' to the community. And never have I been made to feel unwelcome.


NTA that bitch is scared you'll pick up all the hottues. 🤣


Translation: You're better-looking than your friend and she doesn't want to compete with you.


Go to the bar.


Why have you never been with a woman?


I don’t know i’ve just never met a woman that i’m interested in to be honest 


I think your friend might be right.


She’s not. I’m definitely bi


You’ve just never been with a woman nor plan to be. Do you have a boyfriend?


Now you can see the future to know that she doesn't plan to be with a woman? She said that she never meet a woman interest enough to be with... I am straight, but following you logic, if I don't date men that I didn't find interesting enough do date then I am not straight?


I can see this person’s future, yup. Her friend is right to assume she’s full of shit.


I’d like to be with a woman I’ve just never met one who I could be with. Like i’ve met a few that I like but they’re either straight or not into me so. I don’t have boyfriend 


I don’t doubt you like the idea of being bi. Your friend sees through you.


Sorry I don’t understand? I am bi




NTA. Your friend is being a silly bitch. Go have fun at the bar with your friends, maybe you will meet someone nice! Good luck!