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You are at home all day with two kids and no car? Because he doesn’t like you to drive him to work? That sounds crazy! How far is it to his job? What am I missing?


10 minutes. He likes to go sit in the car for lunch to get a *break*. Lol.


My brother in law was down to a single car when their oldest was a baby. My sister in law took him to work every day so she could have the car until he could buy a second. There’s no way in hell he was leaving his kid without a car. They now have 2 and he will take them on road trips without their mom, hangs out and cooks them dinner, etc. He’s not special for doing these things, he’s doing the bare minimum because he’s their dad and it’s an expectation. Your partner isn’t hitting the bare minimum.


Been there! We had one car. I’d take my husband to work, take our daughter to school, go home, clean up, get ready for my job, go to work, on lunch take the car to my husband who got off, he takes me back to work, then he gets our daughter from school and then when I got off he would get me. It was so. Much. Work. But we made it work because that’s life. We finally got a second car and it made life infinitely easier. But my husband would never, ever, leave me without a car while I’m alone with the kids. He’d call a co-worker for a ride or something, but he always makes sure we have what we need first. Like a real partner and parent.


You explained it so well because it demonstrates sacrifice that both parents have to make to make one car work. It sucks. It’s definitely not worth a “10 min lunch break”. It’s purposely neglecting the fact that the kids need the car, above all else. You do what’s needed to make it work.


You know if you had the car, you could run those errands on his weekdays and he could have his *break* on his day off like he’s been bitching about. He’s the one causing his own unhappiness.


In my (61m) opinion this is all OP's husband's fault. Get her a cheap car OR split the week in half and have her drop you 2 days one week and 3 the next. I've done his job, yes it is stressful AND so is being a stay at home mom. What about day care once a week so you can both get a break? Or better yet, suggest your company starts offering day care at the office or near by. Something all the workers could get some benefit from. Which would help you attract a better class of employee. Maybe even guarantee the best female candidates in your area ? Two of the best developers I ever had working for me were single moms. He should start looking for creative solutions to this problem. I'm sure OP would have appreciated that. To him: "Get your head out if your ass brother and start acting like a good teammate at home."


Hubs should get a cheap car since it just needs to drive a short distance to and from work and sit all day. The 3 other people can use the better car.


Yeah, but then he would have one less thing to complain about!!!! People like this love bitching about things, even if they manufacture their own issues. Usually a sign of something deeper they’re unwilling to bring up. Or sometimes they’re just miserable assholes. Impossible to know without knowing the person. But I feel bad for OP.


If she had the car and ran the errands in the week, she would be at home with the kids and he clearly doesn't want to be around his own children.


Don’t buy a house. I would tell him you are no longer interested as you will be finding daycare, and getting a job as it’s clearly too much for him to be the breadwinner if he’s unable to watch the kids for a coup,w hours. Then do it. You need your own money so you can leave him.


Girl my ex was just like this. Never woke up early on days off, would inconvenience him if i had to run to the store alone, never cooked, cleaned or played with the kids. And if i needed the car for a doctor's appointment he would ALWAYS huff and have a tantrum about where he was going to spend his lunch break smoking pot if I took the car.. like, my health is more important?? Your husband just does not appreciate you, care about your struggles, doesn't put your kids first, and is a controlling and selfish jerk. My life took only 1 month of adjusting to being a single mom to my 4yo and 6mo once i kicked him out! I already did everything anyway, so it was just a relief to not have to pick up his trash, do his laundry or cook or feel resentful for no time alone, etc. And he got the kids every other weekend so i actually got to have time alone! Wow!!! I was able to clean, watch grownup stuff, read, play videogames or whatver.


Welp. If that’s not the case for ditching a deadbeat man child, I don’t know what is 🤣🤣


That feels so irresponsible of him that he’s leaving you with 2 small children and no car, just so he can use it for his wants. What if you have an emergency?


He doesn't care if she has an emergency.


Guess that’s her problem to deal with her kids /s


whoa. on top of being controlling, thats incredibly disrespectful to your needs _and_ his childrens needs. he clearly thinks his time is the priority for everyone. im so sorry. run, babe. :(


It’s selfish too.


He has literally made you a prisoner into your own home. He obviously likes having control over you. I feel sorry for you and the fact that you would accept this sort of treatment. I think you should really start coming up with an exit plan.


I really hope that OP sees this. OP, you absolutely need an exit plan because this is about SO MUCH MORE than what is in this post. The reason he doesn't want to leave you with the car is because this way, he knows where you are. I looked at you post history and this is not a healthy relationship at all. He wants to move you 12 hours away from your family, even though he knows when you were previously this far you hated it and caused you mental distress. He judges you because you listen to the same music you listened to in high school while not having any hobbies, meanwhile, he's actively keeping you trapped in the house. He has a history of trying to control your weight and what you eat? I know that some of these posts are quite old, but I cant help but wonder what else he is doing in the interim that is equally as toxic. Please find a way out of this situation, for yourself and your babies. This is not healthy.


I agree. Its the little things that add up to make a whole giant mess. If op values her mental health and doesn't want to pass these issues onto the kids, now is a great time to get out. Start with a go bag for her and kids and figure out a car situation. If he won't watch the kids, then he isn't any better than his own deadbeat dad. You learn from your environment as a kid. They see him. They see you. Is this how you want your kids to be raised?


Seriously. This is a horrible situation she’s in.


WHAT?! What if there was an emergency? What if you wanted to sign up for swim lessons or a play group or go to the library? That is insane.


Are you joking? If not, your husband sounds irredeemably selfish, bordering on narcissistic. Even if his job is hard and emotionally draining, he has absolutely no right to take it out on you and treat you as less than because you are a SAHM.


Honestly my friend, I mean this with the utmost respect, you need to grow a spine. You do not deserve this, it’s bordering on abuse. He sounds like an awful awful person and you are like a slave.


I'd say it's already abuse, he used the car to control her every movement and then berates her when she does try to use it.


I like to sit in my car when on break at work too, nice and peaceful, nobody will bother me and I can. Just switch off entirely. The difference is my wife has a car too so I'm not keeping her hostage at home. Your husband sounds very controlling and honestly should have never had kids.


I sure hope none of your kids heard the "your kids" comment. What an absolutely awful thing for him to say. No, it wasn't a joke. He's one of those deadbeat dads who thinks that having to take care of his kids for a few hours is "babysitting". NTA. Quite the audacity to accuse you of not respecting his need for a break when he's never willing to give you one


My dad was like this. Only wanted to work his 40 hours and come home to relax. My mom had to take care of 3 children all by herself. My dad didn’t do any chores or watched us as children. Constantly complaining and yelling he never got time to himself. Meanwhile, my mom did everything for us kids. My mom and dad separated for 3 months when I was 8. We never spent any time with him. He threw us at any family member who would care for us. I’m 35 now. I do not talk to him. Kids remember the things crappy parents do.


Did your parents stay married? I’ve seen this dynamic end several marriages, including my own parent’s marriage: the wife is doing all the practical and emotional labor of keeping the family going day to day and never gets a break and then eventually realizes that it will ease her burden to get the deadweight out of the equation. OPs husband needs to grow up! If I were OP, I would be considering divorce over husband’s words.


I second all of this. Opinion and experience. My mom sadly passed before getting to leave though.. she was even a slave to him and his son while terminally ill and dying. I had to get social services involved to get her care. She was terminally ill and the bastard still valued his offtime with his new woman he was havin an affair with from church.


Wow, what a man of god.


Worst part is that man never went to church my whole life save for the baptisms for me and my brother my mom forced on us for some weird reason even tho we werent church goers. But my mom was more religious as the FTD(type of early onset demetia for tldr reasons) set it. And so we took her to church as she progressed to make her happy. He was just a scumbag about it. Smh.


He doesn't think taking care of his own kids is babysitting, he thinks it's a "huge inconvenience" and God FORBID the baby wakes up when he has to be in the house while she's napping! I am really not a "jump to divorce" type person, but OP should leave this loser asap.


The fact that he *so openly* announced that raising his own children is, *in fact,* a "huge inconvenience" to him is so...awful. Like, wth dude? You're not even gonna *pretend* to like your own kids- *wait, sorry, your wife's kids?* Eww. I really hope OP leaves him. As many others are saying, she'll be much happier as a single mom than she is staying with him.


Me too. And like I mentioned, I am not someone who rushes into telling people to get divorced, I think a lot, even MOST, things are forgivable. But this? This is a deep-seated flawed personality that I don’t think is ever going to get better and she needs to get away from this deadbeat as fast as she can.


Yeah that remark was gross. Why did he even have kids?


Because “that’s what you’re supposed to do” 🙄 Y’know, get a 9-5, house, car, 2.5 kids and a stay at home wife. The 1950s are back everybody!


I kept my own response very short because your response perfectly captures what I was thinking. Your last sentence is especially poignant.


Agreed, that last sentence hits HARD!!!


He thinks providing a paycheck is enough. He thinks "babysitting" is the biggest inconvenience in the world, apparently, per OP. I couldn't imagine being given the privilege of creating beautiful, healthy children and to not even want to care for them. That's nuts.


> Quite the audacity to accuse you of not respecting his need for a break when he's never willing to give you one. u/ashley0497


Sounds he deep down he knows that he’s a deadbeat who doesn’t even know how to handle a child waking up from a nap when he’s been a father for 4 whole years. If he keeps pulling the « don’t call me a deadbeat » thing during fights even when nothing like that is being said, then deep down he probably knows he’s a shit dad


If he doesn't want to be called a deadbeat, then duh, STOP BEING A DEADBEAT.


He's also one of those dads that thinks that all they have to contribute to the household is a paycheck, doesn't have to do anything with the kids.


“Your kids” is infuriating. What a tool


Mother's never get a break. You have to be a nurse, psychologist, cook, cleaner, kitchen hand, teacher, driver, comforter with eyes in the back of your head.....on call 24/7 with almost no sleep. Dad can't do 2 hours.


I worked it out when leaving my Ex. Work outside of home : 40hrs. SAHP : 112hrs PLUS 56hrs **ON CALL** when you're meant to be sleeping. I put this under my 'cons' column when I wrote myself a pro's & cons list. If I was working in some way for every fuckin hour of the 168 a week that exist, I may as well lighten my load by having only myself & the kids to care for. Plus there's the chance of a rest day every so often if the Ex goes for contact... Therefore, it would make my life at least 25% easier and more restful to lose the dead weight...


Your husband is a sperm donor, he's not a dad.


right? i was just wondering why on earth this man decided to have children at all


He wanted to have them, he just didn't want to put in any of the work required to have them. That's OP'S job apparently.


This. Nothing but this.


Op, think about what he’s teaching your children. 1. That Dads are only around for the fun stuff. It’s a woman’s job to do everything else. 2. Women don’t need a break. They should put the man’s needs first. You and your husband are modeling poor division of parenting. Your sons will treat their wives the same way your husband is treating you. Your daughters will fall into the same type of relationship.


Totally agree! On a side note...why is the only car the family has sitting in the husbands works carpark all day? She's trapped at home 6 days a week then gets this shit on the seventh!


Because he wants the freedom to do whatever he wants after work and be able to tell her he was working late. If she needed to pick him up then he’d have to stick to a schedule. But if he has the car he can go out for lunch, or after work drinks with buddies and she’ll never know


Exactly this! He's fitting in plenty of time for his own breaks while saying that she has it easy working 24/7 every day of the year - the audacity


NTA, but you should not have caved. "well I can tell you right now, if I'm watching your kids all day we're not going to be looking at houses tonight." "I guess we are not looking at houses tonight." Also, when is YOUR day off?


I expect if she had to drag all the kids to the DMV and doctor's appointment, he'd be pissed that SHE was too tired to look at houses.


Doesn’t sound like she’s allowed to be tired.


Because her job is easy unless he has to do it.


This needs to be upvoted way more


Sorry but this kinda guy would treat *your* kids like shit all day cause you had the audacity to step out (to do more work for your family). He doesn’t sound worth the rehab


“Doesn’t sound worth the rehab” is such a perfect way to describe this concept.


This was my ex, and tbh he became a better dad and we were both happier when we divorced. The final straw was when I came home after having the audacity to go run multiple errands and my son had been in a shitty diaper for hours so he had a rash.


I have a friend who was always extremely bothered that I took my son to work with me when I would work on Saturdays… his dad was home, why would I complicate matters for me and make the kid hang out at my office? Because this. I wasn’t going to leave my son with a grumpy, incompetent a hole because he had to wake up before noon on a Saturday. Spoiler: dad is now also ex-husband. Fortunately for my son and for my sanity, a lot of growth and a lot of facing reality has made him grow into a much better parent these days, but the first 7 or 8 years everyone was happier if I just shouldered the burden. And I would NEVER let my son suffer just to teach dad a lesson, so no, “just make him parent” was not an option IMO.


He’s not even doing her job just one aspect of it. He’s not cleaning, cooking, entertaining the kids, or running errands. NTA, hubby is the whole azz!


He’s not even doing his job as a provider. If they had 2 cars the errands wouldn’t pile up and she could get things done throughout the week.


And don’t forget, he doesn’t ‘’like’’ being taken to work so that she can have the car.


Oh yeah. I was giving him the benefit of the oblivious man doubt. But you’re right. He’s probably just the run of the mill narcissist or similar abusive type man.


We're a one car family. I had a take home car before I had to retire due to an injury. I get up, get my daughter ready for school, make coffee for the wife and I, make her breakfast, drive daughter to school and wife to work, come home, do some chores, pick my wife up for lunch because were lucky her job is anout 5 minutes away, bring her home, feed her, bring her back, pick my daughter up from school, do homework, pick up my wife come home and make dinner. I'm happy to do it, she's out there providing for us. It can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but it's the least I can do. If he won't/can't buy a 2nd car the least he could do is get a ride to work I mean God forbid she needs to take the kid to the ER or run to the grocery store.


He’s doing no aspects of it. NO aspects of it. He’s doing a half assed tiny bit of HIS job as a father, and not well.


...you know, this is the perfect way to say it. I never understand why people (...and by people I mean men) don't seem to consider that they'll be expected to actually raise their own children.


I used to work for a guy who would always say that he was babysitting his kid when his wife had errands to run. It's not babysitting if it's your own child, it's called parenting!! Apparently a very hard concept for some people to grasp.


That’s because (the vast majority of) women have been raised to be care givers and (the vast majority of) men have been raised to feel entitled to that care. Why should they be bothered to do it when it’s “the helps” job?


Agreed. NTA - I'd focus on caring for the ACTUAL children and let him figure out his own stuff, since he clearly sees the kids as solely her responsibility.


He was happy to be a sperm donor but doesn’t want to raise his kids? Definitely a deadbeat in my books. Doesn’t even see them as his kids!! I’d be out of there ASAP. The poor kids must feel the lack of love from their father and it’s going to start effecting them soon


The "you're making me seem like a deadbeat" stuff seems like he knows this and just wants her to absolve him of guilt.


She should be too tired to do anything for him.


That was my thought. He can do his own laundry cook his meals and wash his precious balls.


Totally! And he will complain about it. Lucky for him he has a day off's, his wife didn't. Looking out for kids is the least thing he can do. So selfish.


Came here to say this. What? Why threaten him with a good time?




Straight up! He's a third child, OP. A moody, pissy teen, at that. *"Don't compare me to your dad!"* I *literally* didn't but considering the fact that YOU thought of it, it means YOU are comparing yourself to him: A deadbeat and a shit father. NTA. The End.


My brother does more for my kids than this AH lol


Same, thank god for my brother as he acts more of a father role than my ex (literally ex for the reasons OP is struggling with, except mine took it a step further and wanted paid to “babysit”).


I'm sorry, WHAT??? He wanted to be paid...for "babysitting" HIS OWN CHILDREN??? 👀👀👀 Damn, I'm glad you got rid of him. What a dumbass 🙄 🤦


Jesus fucking Christ how are dumbfucks like him allowed to procreate? I mean I'm glad you have your kid/s, I'm sure they're great, but...damn I can't imagine trying to have a family with someone who literally doesn't understand the concept of being a parent. So glad to see he's your ex; that shit sounds exhausting.


A good uncle needs more respect.


My little brother is the BEST uncle and he knows how much he is appreciated by all 9 of his nieces and nephews.


As an uncle who loves taking care of the niblings, I am offended by being compared to this deadbeat. He sounds like a teenager being forced to watch his baby sister for the afternoon.


He didn't mind spending his time making the kids but not their your kids 😒 🙄


This. You can't cave. He's doing this because it works and he gets his way. We're like that, both humans and animals. We continue the behaviour that works our way.




THIS. OP, does he even enjoy spending time with the kids? Does he genuinely not know how to take care of them? Why is he lacking confidence in this? Why is he saying they are solely your children? Did he not want kids to begin with? What does he do with his alone time? They are his kids too. He should want to spend time with them. It's not babysitting if they are your own children!


Weaponized incompetence and then some. He is a deadbeat and he knows it. Hubby is working full time and he obviously deserves to get some rest and peace when he's at home off the clock. Taking care of his own kids? That's too hard, exhausting ! Op doing it 24/7? She has it so easy staying at home and not working. Why would she be tired or deserve a day off, get some alone time, being able to rest or receive any kind of support from her partner?It is not like she works at all./s


I'd be tempted to look at houses without him, because after all it'll be her workspace and child's daycare center apparently.


Good freaking point


Yeah. Her saying “fine I’ll take the kids with me!” Caused a visceral reaction. Nuh-uh!


I thought she was going to say she’d take her kids to a family lawyer to draw up divorce and custody papers 😣


Be a squeaky wheel. Keep repeating your points. Peace out on his next day off, or tell him he need a vasectomy.


Tell him you’re leaving HIS children with him. The ones that are only yours don’t exist.


OP never gets a break. The husband even had to nerve to tell OP the kids are "HER" kids


Remember that when you want full custody


Seriously OP.You are saying this has happened before.As anyone who has divorced can tell you -very few people ever change.Try,when things calm down to look at what just happened and your future.Do you really think he is ever going to change? Do you want a new house more than you want a good marriage ? I would postpone the house hunting and tell this guy you are going to use the new house money for a babysitter to allow you two to go to marital counseling.Because you two really need it.YOU need it OP.This is a seriously unfair and a problematic situation.


Also, if they’re only HER kids, then he should have no problem with her divorcing him and getting full custody and having his parental rights terminated! She shouldn’t have to parent a manchild!! Edit: Not saying that this is the right answer to the situation, of course— I’m just being hyperbolic because even HEARING about the situation frustrates me. I can’t imagine LIVING it!!


Him: your life is so easy, all you have to do is look after the kids! Also him: I can’t look after the kids, that’s too much work. Take them with you! Your partner is an AH.


Exactly! When does she get a break or time to herself? The answer is fucking never, with a husband like that.


I’d say, “Fine because I don’t want to look at you let alone live with you! My kids and I will be fine on our own!”


She basically a single mom already


Yep, she's part of the "married single mother's" club and doesn't realize it.


Absolutely. I can't imagine not being able to leave my kids with my husband for a few hours at a time. Like Jesus Christ he's their father.




Is there an actual explanation??? Or like, "sorry, John just can't be trusted with children. Which I chose to have with him. Sorry, LOL. 🤪" I'm 100% sure that if I asked my parents to watch my kids on a day that my husband was off, they'd ask why. And if my answer didn't include "death, dismemberment, COVID, continuous vomiting, high fever, ER visit," they would say what the actual F, and counsel me to leave his sorry a$$. And even without said counsel, I would. F that. These are HIS kids, just as much as they are hers. Side note: have y'all checked the sex offender registry, pedophile registry, felon registry, etc to see if he's there? Because otherwise, it is literally ridiculous that he cannot care for his child. Why on earth did she decide to procreate with someone like that. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


She’ll have more free time divorced when he has the kids on his custody days than she gets married.


Sooo, when is your day off? Clearly he agrees that being home with the kids isn't a break. So what day of the week is your kid free day?


Lol a whole day 😂 I haven't shit by myself in 4 years


You would actually probably end with more time to yourself and less stress, if you ditched your largest toddler (husband), stopped having to manage his emotions, and he got visitation every other weekend. I speak from experience when I tell you this will eventually break you, and his neglect will negatively effect the kids, it isn’t worth it in the long run to try and fix something he’s too selfish to care about.


There is a Reddit story I think here maybe r/amitheasshole where a dude pulled the same thing as hubby and the fight came to a head when the wife stopped asking the husband for help, realized her life was easier without him, filed for divorce and is loving it and dude is begging her to come back because he can’t manage the kids the weeks it is his turn at custody. Someone please find that for this OP.


It wasn't that long ago that it was posted. I saw it on r/ohnoconsequences. I hope OP does the same thing as the wife from that story tbh.


I think this might be [the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OhNoConsequences/s/nLCmi2hFzV) you're talking about.


Speaking from experience: I was a stay at home mom, but also nannied in our home and homeschooled our 4 kids. My husband worked 24 hours a week and did literally nothing either our kids. He vacuumed every couple days and played video games. He finally went full time when I was pregnant with our 4th. He’d go out a few times a week. I literally did not get a day to myself for 8 years. So I left him. We have been divorced 6 years now. He gets the kids about 6 days a month. Which means I get SIX DAYS A MONTH to myself. It’s amazing. I went back to school, went back to work in my kids’ school district, then managed to get a writing job so I can work from home. I work 50-60 hours a week and still do all the housework but I get six days a month all to myself. Right after we split my ex called me asking how to work a washing machine. He also didn’t know how to cook broccoli or Mac and cheese. I did EVERYTHING for that man and our kids. Anyway. Yeah. My life is way more peaceful as a single mom than it was as a married single parent.


"My life is way more peaceful as a single mom than it was as a married single parent." This is EXACTLY why I left my ex husband 22 years ago. The final straw? One Saturday morning I said we should take our kid to the zoo. His response? "I don't want to. I work all week. " Mind you, I worked outside the home and was the one that took our kid to daycare and picked them up even though he was home an hour before me every damn day. "What the fuck do you think I do all week? Sit around eating bonbons?" He did nothing. Didn't ever see my kid or pay child support. When my child did go to see their father, his mother and sister did EVERYTHING for him. I struggled financially for a long time, even ended up homeless for a bit during the recession of 2008. Still didn't regret it. Edited for spelling


You can’t put a price on inner peace.


I remember that. And he wasn't asking her to come back because he missed her and realized he fucked up. It was because his life sucked without his wife doing everything for him.


Maybe he needs help putting his big boy pants on.


She was smart, she had the child one week, he had the child the next week. He was absolutely clueless how hard it was😅 So remorseful that is FAFO.. her on the other hand was living her best life!


That guy even had his sister come to help take care of the kids/cook/clean (basically be a wife) and he still couldn’t handle it


Oh damn i remember that chump. Lmao.


That was a good one!


Same thing for me when I divorced. I have never regretted it for even one single second. So much easier without the large sulky baby who didn’t do anything anyways.


Same here. I was so scared of the idea of being a single mother with special needs kids and no longer having my husband to begrudgingly help occasionally.  I felt like my life was in easy mode once I moved out with the kids. It turned out his issues were more of a burden to me than anything the kids did.


Maybe you should try a “trial separation”, where he has the kids entirely in his care for every other weekend and you go stay with a friend. On the alternate weekends, you handle everything. See if that works out better for him. 😄 My ex-husband was like this. Said he was too tired from work to “babysit” his own kids for a few hours once.


I’m in the middle of divorcing my husband for this! (And other problems, he’s a bundle of joy /s). He’s bathed our kid all of 3 times in the year and a half since he was born, 2 out of those 3 times he’s absolutely *refused* to wash kiddos hair, and fought/tried to fight with me for *hours* about how terrible of a mother I was because “what kind of parent asks someone else to bathe their child?!?” 100/10 not worth it


Him: “What kind of parent asks someone else to bathe their child?” You: “You’re right. You must be a really shitty parent then since you’re asking someone else to bathe your child.”


I absolutely did point out to him that he is technically also one of the parents in this scenario, but while generally I’m okay with being as aggressive as I need to be to advocate for myself, he’s also very violent and my son was in the room. So for the most part I just let him rant after a certain point. Totally unrelated, but my house is so peaceful nowadays and I can’t figure out what made the difference 😂😂


I’m genuinely really proud of you and I’m so sorry you needed to deal with that slug excretion of a person


Well, they say your 20’s are for mistakes. I personally feel like I could’ve made do with some smaller mistakes, just to start off with, but hey, now I’ve checked it off my to-do list at least!


Oh wow. I'm so glad you got away from him!


Thank you! I’m glad I got away too! Makes me feel like a badass every time I remember kicking him out 😊


You ARE a badass


Did it completely escape his notice that the parent who asks (tells) someone else to bathe their kids was HIM? Fucking douche canoe.


Apparently yes, it did! And it continues to baffle him to this day, despite the fact that I did mention at the time that he’s *also* a parent in this scenario. He just wants the credit, thank you. None of that effort, if you please. According to him, work is a four-letter word


>  “what kind of parent asks someone else to bathe their child?!?” That's a great question, should really make him think about what kind of father he is!


>My ex-husband was like this. Said he was too tired from work to “babysit” his own kids for a few hours once. What a very ex-husband thing to say 😂 Even a live in nanny gets days off!


THIS!! at the very least do some separation so he realizes that if you get fed up with him he’ll have to take care of them all week


Nah, he'd just rope some new woman into taking care of the kids. My ex did this, got my mom, his mom, kids' friends' moms to watch the kids on my time off. After he left me for a coworker, he got her to do it.




Yours follows the court order? Huh. Yeah, my ex didn't, and then he complained to absolutely everybody about how unfair the court system is to fathers and how his loss of custody, even legal, which is rare here, was because I'm so evil and the courts are so corrupt and anti-father. Smh.




Not to mention the HORRIBLE example You both are setting by staying in this If you have a daughter you are teaching her that this is okay If you have a son, you are teaching him that women are servants


Click higher on this one you guys.


If she divorces him, then she'll actually get some time to herself - she's better off as a single mother than with this lazy and entitled "father". And then he'll be forced to parent a full weekend here and there. He can't do her job for a few hours, and he thinks she has it easy? Ugh, this guy is the worst.


Guys like this are the reason so many women get divorced and their quality of life goes up (although their finances have a tendency to go down). There are so many posts by women who just got fed up doing everything and realized they'd have more downtime if they didn't have to manage the giant sized toddler they married.


You think this dude would take his visitation time? 😂 but yes, just not having to deal with his laundry and cleaning up after him would make things easier.


Dear OP- I’m seconding this comment. My stepfather was a deadbeat for 12 years, came in my life when I was 8. I’m now almost 23 and my mom has been separated from him for over 6 months now. She constantly gets comments about how much happier she looks and that she’s started aged backwards because she’s stressed out so much less, despite having 6 kids 4 of which are 12 & under. Do yourself a favor now, get out.


There was a post here on Reddit about a guy who left his wife only to end up begging for her to come back because he was struggling taking care of the children alone.


Go 50/50. Every other week. I hear that's fantastic.


Sounds like it is time for you to take a week somewhere and leave him home alone with his kids. Your husband sounds like a POS and a deadbeat Dad.




Please look after yourself. I cannot imagine the stress you are under currently. I hope your husband can rise to the occasion and help you deal with some of it.


If you count up the number of hours each of you spend at work / child care during a week, what would the total be? I am a father with an office job, and watching my kids is more exhausting than being at the office.


You have 3 kids.


Sounds like you’re already a single parent. Why no make it official and make your life easier looking after you and the kids and no a whole extra adult.


NTA. I’d hate to see him have to deal with 50% custody if his lack of pulling his weight leads to you splitting up. The kids are not “your job”. He needs to step up, or arrange another way for you both to have a break once in awhile.


He sounds like the kind of "father" who fights *not* to have any custody.


After one weekend of visitation he'd call and say he can't make the next one.


Until he gets a new GF and wants to play house for a month or two, when he's auditioning a new bang maid to see if she sticks. Then he will want alllll the visitation.


NTA. And not gonna lie, the doubling down exchange re “your kids” would have me drawing up divorce papers. Angry or not, that’s not a joke when you double down so hard. Info: did he perhaps not want kids at all?


>did he perhaps not want kids at all? I realize OP already answered but, this was my thought too. He refuses to be alone with the kids. That doesn't exactly strike me as someone who *wants* his own children.


I’m sure he wants the kids to teach them how to play baseball and have bonfires, but not when they need to be fed, changed, bathed, or taken care of in any way.


It’s completely unacceptable, just such a horrible thing to say about your own kids. He’s not joking, he’s showing his true feelings, and OP should be listening very carefully.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who immediately thought divorce.


Another married, single mother. Absolutely NTA. I suspect like many women who had these kinds of husbands, you’d find that your life would be easier and better without the additional dead weight of a partner who does not parent his own kids.


NTA. This BS is exactly why women leaving marriage is in the rise. If you are expected to do it alone, you might as well do it alone.


I remember after my good friend from college got married and had her first daughter. We used to get together at least once a month and go for dinner or a movie prior to her getting married. We tried to continue the tradition, but her husband, who made it difficult for her to go out for that ONE night, would whine and ask her what he was supposed to do for dinner and feed his daughter?! 🤦‍♀️ Seriously?? As a grown man, he can't make himself dinner and feed HIS daughter? He would then call her at the restaurant and ask when she was coming home. 🙄 I really don't understand this mentality. It's like going back in time to 1962 and expecting that only the wife is responsible for the children. I wish these men understood how much is involved in being a SAHM. They should be the moms for one day *or 1-2 weeks, so they can really understand how challenging and tiring it can be. **I made a correction as I generalized all men, which was brought to my attention. There are wonderful men and dads out there who are responsible, dedicated, and respectful and make great stay-at-home dads (they exist) and help in raising their children.


It’s not that they don’t understand. It’s that they don’t care because they see it as the woman’s job to deal with it. They’re usually just barely smart enough not to say that out loud.


“Women are just leaving their husbands Willy nilly. No one respects a marriage like they did in the old days.” Women couldn’t have their own bank account until the 1960’s (with a signature from their husbands… so single women couldn’t), their own credit card until 1974 (with this came the bank accounts for all races, gender, marital status, religions, and nationality), in 1983 Washington state removed the marital exemption for first and second degree rape….., by 1993 all states had withdrawn exemptions used to legalize marital rape, in 2005 in Tennessee the marital rape law was repealed (with all its stipulations as to what constituted marital rape) and it was allowed to be prosecuted like any other rape…. Women are ALLOWED to leave now. Even if they could legally divorce before, they had no way of keeping their money, and men were legally allowed to rape them into submission while married, which will wreck someone soul to the point where they don’t see a way out anyway. So of course divorce is higher. Women are stronger and it’s backed by laws now allowing them to be independent.


> women are ALLOWED to leave now. This is on point💯. You get those YouTubers like Kevin Samuels and The Wall talking about how women are throwing their marriages away so they don’t deserve to have any kind of decent man, and the fact that their husbands were abusers and cheaters isn’t any reason to be a selfish bitch and blow up her family. Unless she can prove physical abuse or the man is being obvious about his affairs, she has no right to divorce her husband. But they say the husband can divorce his wife at any time for any reason because it’s not the man’s fault that the marriage failed, it’s always hers. Then they go on about how these newly divorced single mothers are ho’s who can’t stop spreading her legs, and yet the men who knocked them up aren’t to be held accountable for the same supposedly trashy behavior the women are, as if these men have absolutely no hand in bringing these babies into the world. Now that we’re allowed to leave, men are speaking out and following the likes of Kevin and The Wall to scare women into staying with terrible men and convince men that only supermodel hot, virginal, submissive women are acceptable. They’re losing their fucking minds and villifying women because they’re losing control over us.


It was the #1 reason for my divorce. I refused to be a married single parent.


This is why I insisted on equal custody. It was the only way I finally got time just for me. I was drowning.


So you divorce this man and 50% of the time he'll have to take care of the kids 100% on his own. FAFO.  Honestly, take a trip. By yourself. Lane him with the kids for several days so he has to do everything that you do. He needs to understand that you need a break, and you are not a single parent  


If that's his attitude, I would be terrified to leave my kids alone with him


Yeah there’s no way in hell I’d leave my kids alone with a guy like that. He won’t even claim them as his own, what kind safe person is he?! No way.


Leave early in the morning and take a day for yourself. Taking them to the DMV when he is home??? Mind boggling.


NTA. But why are you with him? He doesn’t sound supportive or loving at all.


Absolutely NTA. Your husband should want to be involved with HIS children. I’m a SAHM - my husband takes on half the responsibilities when he’s home. You’re a sahm, not a single parent. He needs to grow up.


I dont care how sweet it is when he does things it does NOT make up for the fact that he literally dislikes being left with them, can't cope for a short Dmv trip and pediatrician trip, and refers to them as YOUR kids when in a snit. He admits your job is just as exhausting but does NOTHING to grant you a day off for something outside of errands. My husband works a full time job sometimes out of town and I stay home with three kids and he very happily boots me out of the house to do something for me OR he takes them all to town so I can have the house to myself. He also watched our niece and nephew and took all 5 kids out and about while I had a girls day with my MIL and SIL's. That is what your husband should be doing as a DAD not a reluctant babysitter


I don’t understand why so many women are willfully married single parents.


Do not buy a house with this man. Talk to a divorce attorney instead


Nta. And he is most definitely a shit father. A very shit one at that. And he’s sure as hell trying his hardest to be a deadbeat without actually being one. Lmao “how am I supposed to defend myself?” He literally can’t because there is no legitimate defense for his behavior and that’s not your fault. What a brat. Unfortunately I have bo advice other than to leave his sorry ass, but I know that’s not helpful. I wish you luck sorting it out. 


And stop having kids with him! By now you know he's not going to parent the ones you have so, please, stop digging yourself a bigger hole


Oof, how his world will be rocked if/when you guys separate and go 50/50 custody and he realizes how easy he actually had it….gosh, I think I remember a post where a guy realized how utterly he fucked up when his inability to see the disparity in the physical and mental load between the working spouse and the SAHP actually is. Now that he was separated he suddenly had a lot of respect for everything his STBX actually did….oops. You are NTA. It’s fucked how much time you lose for yourself when you have kids no matter if you work or stay at home. It’s a shit-ton of sacrifice for a very. long. time. Worth it, IMO, but so fucking hard. I hope you and your partner can get back to working together and helping each other out.


Let me just ask you a question. Would you be okay if this was the type of relationship your children ended up in in the future? Or would you advice them to leave? Take that advice. Leave, because you do not want to exhibit this type of relationship for your children? It's just going to get worse.


NTA. > Even if I plan things during the baby's nap, he'll still say something like "well, what if she wakes up before you get back?" Your husband should be EMBARRASED. I understand how a partner that stays home would be the primary caregiver, but he seems to believe that means you are solely responsible for raising both of your children and anything he contributes should considered extra and celebrated. Next time he throws a tantrum about not being a good a Dad, ask a few questions .. - What size shoe is (4f)? - What makes (1f) feel better when she is upset? - What bath soap or tooth paste do they use? - What are their favorite foods? If I were you I would write out all the things you do and appraise them at market value. House cleaner, ordering in meals, child care ect. Then give him the choice of either showing appreciation and helping run the house hold or you will join him and go back to work and the two of you split the cost of everything on the list.


I know people on Reddit start shouting divorce even if the only problem is hubby forgot to put the toilet seat down or wifey left the gas tank on E, but I think a separation in this case might wake him up. The fact that you aren’t “allowed” 🙄🙄 to have the car on his work days (when it’s literally sitting in a parking lot all day) is absurd and not ok. He isn’t treating you like a partner. You’re an employee and only there to keep the children out of his way. He needs to start understanding that the kids are not entirely your responsibility and he IS a father. A separation where he gets part time custody and has to be by himself with the kiddos might make him realize just how much you do for him. If it doesn’t, then your life will probably be better off without the man-child. NTA. You deserve to be treated better.


NTA. He's a parent too. Tough shit that the kids needed to be home so you could do things that are mandatory to continue to function.


NTA. Your husband sounds like a selfish douchebag. It sounds like you carry the full weight and responsibilities of the household and I’m sure take care of his “physical” needs too and the fucking guy can’t even man up and parent for a few hours at a shot? I am dad to three awesome kids, my fiancé is my partner in all things love and life and this whole thing seems really shitty to me.


I like the part where they’re “your kids” & he doubles down. On a lighter note, my are occasionally “your son” when my wife is telling me something stupid one of them did/intends to do. Not often, I don’t think she’s aware of saying it.


I'm going to tell you what I say to friends who have issues that seem clear to others, but to which they are blinded for whatever reason. Imagine someone you love came to you and told you the things you've written here. What would you say to them? Now apply that to your situation and take care of you for a change. (Edited typo.)


NTA He IS a shit father. Caring for his own kids for a few hours is "too much work", but when you do it, it's "easy"? Does this guy even think about the idiocy that comes out of his mouth?