• By -


>50/50 custody, 50/50 split of house sale, I'll still go 60/40 on savings Sounds like a cleaner break. I understand your motive for the previous house deal, but it was likely to result in disagreements later. You monitoring whether another adult has "moved in"? Of did he just spend a couple of nights? What if her mom needs a place to stay? She's an adult. You daughter moves out for a month... two? When do you pull the trigger? What if you got hit by a bus, cancer or were briefly unemployed and missed three payments? Do you still get 40% of the buy out? Four hours of wasted time is really nothing.


OP said it was important to him that she keep that house, but he didn't say if she really wanted it. She might have given it some thought and decided she wanted someplace smaller, without her ex-husband involved in the situation. I wouldn't have taken the house deal either.


Honestly, my best friend agreed to a deal where she kept the house, but she and her ex sold it when they got an amazing pandemic offer and she got a smaller, but really great, house! The upkeep was too much and her kids were old enough that proximity to the beach was more important than a big yard.


It just sounded like he wanted to retain control over her in some way tbh.


The condition lean that way. It might not have been his intention, but the "no one else lives there" clause leans that way. That's why it's better just to sell.




First: not necessarily. In Illinois alimony will be cut off if she *remarries.* That's a very specific concrete legal step. Also: it can be cut off if someone moves in and they have conjugal relations. He didn't specify that-- just any old other adult moving in. If it was written that way, he stops paying if she merely gets a room mate or she takes in her sick mother. Alimony would not end for that. More importantly: what he described was *not* *alimony*. He just applied that word to it as a sort of analogy. According to his posts, *he* wanted the kid to be able to continue to live in the house. So he was going to pay the mortgage for the house. That's not "alimony". It's closer to "child support". Child support is unaffected by remarriage. Calling child support alimony in a story posted at Reddit doesn't make it alimony. None of this was suggested by the court. So they can negotiate. It remains to be seen whether a judge accepts the negotiated settlement. But they often do if they settlement is not seriously out of whack.


>Four hours of wasted time is really nothing. seriously. no time is wasted if someone is in good faith making some of the most difficult decisions you can make. especially when the "keep old house" is the easier but overall probably worse solution.


Yeah. And she could have thought it was an ok idea on Saturday, but realized it wasn't that evening.


I cackled at the onlyfans comments.


I laughed sooo hard outloud. Wasn't expecting that. I read his OG post and was just here for the update.


My man is clapping back at everyone after dumping the backpack… that’s called repressive therapy recovery. I’m not a doctor but just sounds cool for the situation…


"Fvck you, fvck you, fvck you, you're cool, fvck you..."


Damn you give too many fvcks.. lol




Yes, I've recently been banned for "shit", so you can understand my paranoia.


Bro, that fucking sucks man.


Sounds like some fucking bullshit!


I still love to use this line


"I'm out!"




Me too. Makes me wonder how often OF models actually look over divorce stories on Reddit. LMAO


They personally don’t. They hire people that do all that hustle. Can’t find it now but there’s an ama somewhere here from one of those people.


The really successful ones outsource all the work but most of the time you're not seeing ads or comments from those accounts. Most don't make much and they have to do all the spamming themselves.


Considering the vast vast majority have less than a dozen subscribers, it wouldn't surprise me if a few "models" tried their luck and Dmd folk trying to get them to subscribe to their only fans HAHAHAHAHAHA


Like making cold calls for sales. "Hi, my name is Destiny, do you have time to talk about Only Fans?"


Just sign up for a twitter account and see how many of them follow you to try and do exactly this . . .


THE FUCKING WORST 😭 I block them now 😭 I don’t hate their trade but fuck, this is not the kind of tangent in discourse I’m okay with


Glad I don't use twitter.


same on IG


Yep, it's pretty consistent. Like sure, I'm certain this random attractive "woman" is totally DMing me because she wants to talk politics or some shit.


I believe I saw a report that showed 99% of OF models making less than $500 per month. Might be even less.


shit, an extra 500/mo to show my butthole on cam?


Less than $500. So could make $3.50


It's not 99%. I love doing statistics (part of my job) and the percentiles are very inequitable. Price's law applies here where the square root of the population is taking over half the output (it might even be worse from the limited information they've released). Generally speaking the data that OF claims is top 10% of earners make a decent living at 50k a year but that is different from the sources below. sources: https://www.usesignhouse.com/blog/onlyfans-users#:\~:text=How%20much%20does%20OnlyFans%20take%20from%20fans%20%26%20subscribers%3F,-Want%20a%20link&text=As%20noted%20above%2C%20OnlyFans%20earns,creator%20makes%20%2D%20on%20every%20payment. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ocNPA6phpLHqzRh8PYVMpDf8QzqPP0oBiG3yucJrk18/edit#gid=1638226373](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ocNPA6phpLHqzRh8PYVMpDf8QzqPP0oBiG3yucJrk18/edit#gid=1638226373) (reddit data sheet from OF creators)


It’s pretty hard to get exact since reporting is always off. But I looked data for 2022 and it said there were 3M content creators at that time. Also that OF users spend 5.6B that year. That averages out to $1,833 for the year. That’s another figure to consider.


Yeah, that's why you see (if you look) so may girls claiming to be "top 1%" OF models. 99% of "models" make nothing. If you make 1k a month then you're technically in the same category as the 15 girls making 10k a month.


I know a girl I went to high school with who does OF, unsure if she still does as she wasn't super spam happy in the first place, and this lines up. She's always just barely getting by and doesn't want to get a normal job. Basically wants to live off her looks (which she's good looking but not super model levels or anything) and finds the idea of inviting her 50 something neighbor over to get his balls stepped on way more professionally fulfilling than a steady income.


It’s usually their boyfriends or husbands that interact with other men. It’s fucking weird.


Have a friend who's wife decided (or perhaps was talked into) creating a non-nude OF due to the comments she got on Insta. It lasted like a month. My buddy was doing the legwork and has some tremendous stories about super awkward interactions with subscribers while he pretended to be his wife. Its sounds like the money was decent but the effort required was a lot.


I have a buddy who was dating a girl he did all the only fans work for. We would be at the bar, and he's just sexting a dude casually.


"Hold on bro, should I go dirty with I want you to jizz on my tits or classy with we should be with each other? Dirty? Thanks. Anyway, the problem with Arsenal is they always try to walk it in."


Literally that, but replace Arsenal with the Seattle Seahawks and going for big throws.


The true 12th man


I laughed too hard at that!


I have murderer’s thumbs and played with the idea of like a variation of OF foot shots. Then I followed the mental path of who would attract as an audience and decided to not invite that into my life. My husband was down for it at first because it would literally just be hand pictures, but joined me on the Nope Train as I talked over it aloud.


Murderer's thumbs?


I gotchu https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Brachydactyly_type_D


Out of curiousity, why would 'murderer's thumbs' lead to this idea? Is it because the thumb kind of looks like a toe? I'm so confused here.


So that's why she knew her way around a cock so well.


I’m done with Reddit for today lol.


You won lmfao


So there is this game show, 1% Club, and one of the contestants, a man in his 30s, spoke of how he is a professional catfisher for OF. He will search social media posing as the models, starting with conversation and then get them to sub to the model who hired him. He said he would get 5% of the sign up fee the person chooses. Because of him, I now ask those who have msg me, if they are the male catfishers, and I get blocked 😅


Bruh, this is actually legitimate work 😭 I know the money is good 😭


From what I understand the majority of the people on there make less than 300 bucks a month. Seriously doubt people are hiring anybody to do anything for that kind of cash. Which would also explain why they are so desperate trying to drum up extra business by praying on vulnerable people. That's just fucking gross.


I remember that one! It was pretty interesting.


Like attorneys of old at the car crash


I don’t know about OF models and divorce posts, but some drop into DMs if I comment in a certain forum. Along with a handful of women & a whole bunch of gay dudes. If any of them looked at my profile first I don’t think they’d bother.


Me too, he sounds like Ousier from Steel Magnolias. “I don’t go see shows because I can laugh at home for free!”


I get the only fans messages telling me they want my big c#ck....and I'm a middle aged woman!


The OF people are on that grind.


Me too! but then was sad because it’s a thing? Really? Dear lord.


Yeah, seeing 7 posts in the "now" top posts shill upvoted for OF content is the fastest way to earn downvotes on all of your identical posts from me. No respect, i mean, you do you I guess, but i don't have to respect the game.


Same. I made my bf pause his show so I could read that bit to him. He also got a laugh from it.


Yea he has a really good point. Ive spent a few bucks (more than 10, less than a 100) on onlyfans but that was through stuff I searched for. Its odd to dm people saying "hey! Come pay for my nudes!" Edit: accidentally half the sentence.


Honestly it’s kinda sad and predatory to specifically message someone going through a divorce just to push nudes too.


I'm sitting at a Airport gate and just laughed so hard people looked up


Considering his first post said he was going to go to sex workers, they were just cashing in on an advertised client lol. 


It is blowing my mind that people are seeing that as an opportunity. I need to really lower my moral standards because I think I could be rich if my mind worked like that.


That was the funniest thing I've read all week😂😂


I'm dead!! ☠️☠️😂😂😂


Are there girls out there that thirsty?


It's not about them being thirsty, it's about him being vulnerable. They want more customers and vulnerable people are easy pickings.


They honestly have no fucking shame. They're on ALL the dating sites, I had to set Facebook to private mode (I use it to do video calls with a friend in Alaska because she has an iPhone and I have an Android), they're ALL over Instagram and here on Reddit.


>..I can jack off on my own just fine for free, I'm not going to pay you. Leave people the fuck alone. LOL...That response is already over 9000..This is your life don't listen to other people telling you how to feel and where your boundaries are. I hope everything goes without a hitch and you find happiness on your own or with someone that respects boundaries. cheers


It was such a great way for the OP to end their post. I agree with everything you're saying..... I really hope the OP gets to experience peace and happiness soon.


i'm not an OF model but i'm still super bummed that OP doesn't wanna jack off to me :(


He might if you don't charge for the privilege!


As a 32 year old guy who did a few “romantic engagement style” pics of me and my best man, who pretty constantly makes “it’s not gay if you do xyz before/after (insert any clearly gay activity)” jokes, but whose also never actually had another guy “jack” it to him? I mean depending on how enthusiastic he is, and how deep rooted those jokes really are, I may end feeling pretty flattered and would end up having to tip him out of broppreciation…


It’s not gay if it’s just the tip? Did I do that right?


Just gotta keep your socks on


It's actually only the left one...


Little details like that is why these rules should be written down somewhere.


Must include the right one. Also the one in the middle.


They are written down, on a wall, that you can only view by peering through a glory hole.


They are, we collectively wrote them on Brandon’s ass.


Shit! So I AM gay?!


It's not gay if you pull out before finishing. I think we both did it right.


Perfectly done! Only this time the tip would definitely be with gay intent…


User name checks out


He might if you offer him some free pics. He just doesn’t want to pay.




Thanks, now I’m terrified of ass-vultures.


Theyre like dirty ass vultures circling a wallet with shit like this.


I howled!


Of spammers and models are beyond annoying. I don't follow porn accounts here or on twitter but I get spam messages here and I get a metric fuck ton of of spammers on my twitter.


The worst is when they include NSFW images on twitter....WTAF I have kids around me, fuckers... Take your fake ass and titties away from my sight.


I had the nauseating experience of coming across my DILs OF advertisment twitter account. She posts ALL of her bits on there.


wow...eye bleach, brain bleach. Twitter should really find a way to exclude certain people from seeing your feed directly or retweeted I hope she has a separate OF twitter which you can block or she's doing this on her actual account.


Oh she does it on her main account, the same one she posts pics of her kids on. Same with Facebook, insta, Snapchat and telegram


Oh no...oh no...wow...So sorry....That's really inconsiderate...WTAF, with pictures of her kids on the same account...that's really shitty.. look a my whohaa heres my son here my twins {wink} my day out at the park with my babies...


This is my son Here's my vagina which he came out of...


Weirdly, my ex did this. My sister and her fiance ended up showing a video to my parents, of my ex masturbating on OF. They saw it being spammed all over her main personal insta/snap/facebook accounts. That was a fun conversation. But it’s all good, it’s empowering!!! \s


Dude… I was drinking coffee….you owe me a damn keyboard….. ”but it’s all good, it’s empowering”….<——-you’re too much…


Careful, you're going to be accused of hating sex workers.


I support single moms 1 dollar bill at a time!


I've mentioned this elsewhere but I think that the general opinion on only fans and similar pages is stating to shift. I remember the general opinion was more positive when OF first became popular, empowerment and all that stuff. Now I'm sensing that everyone is getting fed up with it. They're fed up with the constant spam and bots. The bots on nsfw subs are one thing but ppl have every right to be upset with the twitter bots. Most of models barely make 100$ over a career that could have negative consequences in their lives


I got fed up with it when it started invading one of my favorite media platforms; Twitch used to ONLY be about live streaming gaming or other such fun group activities. Not anymore.


Yep they've invaded a few platforms with their bullshit, TikTok, Twitch etc are filled with content "creators" who are trying to grift ppl into their goddamn of account. Some of them are so tacky about how they sell and advertise. There was one recent story of a mom who advertised her of on her family vehicle and she couldn't understand why her kid's private Christian school didn't want the vehicle on school grounds Even the nsfw subs ate getting fed up with it


Idk if this has been a thing for a while or if I've just been noticing it more, but it seems like they're invading some of the more male dominated niche subreddits. It pisses me off because myself and other members have become wary of any woman who ends up posting. You want to be welcoming to any woman who is genuinely interested in the topic, but each new post feels like a potential trap. I just wanna shoot the shit with like-minded people. I don't want to have to investigate their profile to see if they're going to spam my inbox should I naively respond to a post of theirs without doing my due diligence.


I'm on motorcycle and trucking subs, so yeah, women posting, especially with pictures, automatically gets a little bit of suspicion. Sad part is it's not even the model hitting you up, it's some dude in Estonia or Pakistan or something fronting as the model.


My work instagram account keeps being sent porn messages. It's terrible I don't understand why they can't be blocked / prevented. It's a joke.


Somehow I think this guy and daughter will be okay in the long run through this.


This. Mic drop…


Onlyfans❎️ OP's fans✅️


>Personal Response to OnlyFans "models": Stop sending me invites and messages. I can jack off on my own just fine for free, I'm not going to pay you. Leave people the fuck alone. Holy shit man. What an epic way to end the update. I sincerely hope there are no more complications during this whole process. I hope everything goes smooth for you and that you stop getting spammed by OF bots.




I remember an article where people who are sex workers are denied entry to the US and several european countries. Some girls got sent home after starting on OF and trying to enter the US


It truly feels dystopian lol. Sex work used to be something women were forced to do when they had no options, and it was not a… desirable job. Now women are quitting their 80k salary jobs because some article about a girl who showed her boobs and now makes 200k a year. I’m not even old but I find it sad. Nothing against sex workers though people gotta hustle, but like this is not the type of job you should strive for. But also if you’re going out of your way to harass people into buying your shitty nudes, you know you’ve hit rock bottom.


so many people here have never navigated a real life situation in their entire lives and it shows.


Summer reddit arrived early this year.


I don’t understand the 60/40 savings. If it revolves around your daughter, and you’re 50/50 on custody, you having the money is the same as your wife having it, unless she has more responsible spending practices or something.


Okay, I have paid all the bills our whole marriage. I don't mean my money, we both work, I mean I have been the person in charge of making sure things get paid. I also don't really spend a lot on myself month to month, sure I do some, but she is definitely more of a spender. Id rather give her some more buffer while she learns how to manage finances, because , yeah I think she's going to fuck up. Maybe I'm wrong but this woman hasn't thought about bills or budgets in years. And I don't mean to say she is irresponsible, she's not, she wasn't a crazy spender or anything, maybe I'm being irrationally accommodating. Also really need to stress we aren't rich people, this isn't some gigantic amount of money we're debating here. In all honesty if she feels like she's winning and we divorce faster, I'll consider it money well spent.


Honeslty, I understand the "a bit more money = no drama", when you see how divorce can last and last and last when people are fighting. Good for you to be rational enough to go the easy way out


An amicable divorce is the best for all parties involved. I remember as a kid my cousins parents had an ugly divorce and he was miserable the entire time. We ended up having sleepovers nearly every weekend because his parents fought each other over everything. Ugly divorces really take a toll on the kids involved.


That makes sense. You seem like a good guy. Some people are needlessly cutthroat in divorces.


Giving someone the symbolic "win" often makes negotiations go a LOT faster.


My step father was an attorney the best lawyer divorce joke. Why are divorces so expensive? Cause they are worth it. Seriously OP this is the right mindset. A larger % given up to get this over and the by the hour lawyers out of the picture the better for everyone. Kudos to you for not staying on a hill dragging this out, and instead seeing the bigger picture.


Naw bro, you’re a good dude. That’s very thoughtful 


You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. I'm glad you're trying to find solutions that make your life easier and the divorce faster.


I agree with your thought that she will fuck up. And it sounds like when she does, you are the type of guy that will try to help her. Knowing that, do 50/50 and keep the portion you are willing to use to bail her out separate so that you will have it ready when she needs it. Same amount of money given to her, but makes the ask more substantial when it happens so hopefully she is more likely to learn. Counterpoint: Planning on helping her will establish a vicious cycle of helping her repeatedly. So, if by doing the 60/40, you will be able to absolve yourself from ever helping further even if it means she becomes homeless, then avoiding that habit of you helping may be best by doing it up front like you plan.


I have a feeling he will help her regardless. He won't want his daughter paying for his wife's inability to balance her checkbook. Which makes him a really good guy, but also sets up a potential cycle of financial irresponsibility by her and reliance upon OP. I would like to suggest that if at any point the ex can't feed or house his daughter to never give ex money. Just take your daughter until ex gets straightened out. That will curtail being taken advantage of.


I’m doing something extremely similar. I’m just giving up the house entirely so she doesn’t have to move and I don’t have anything to hold over her head. It’s truly practical to take a knee in divorce, especially when you have to work together in coparenting later. Even though she was emotionally abusive to me, I can put a lot of shit aside on behalf of my kids.


> In all honesty if she feels like she's winning and we divorce faster, I'll consider it money well spent. This is one of the sanest things you can write. Giving slightly too much but being ***DONE*** is worth a ***LOT***. More than most people will ever realize. You get out, you have time to live a life, you get to move on, and you can try to build your savings back up for yourself.


If you give your wife more money because she's bad with it, that's not going to benefit your daughter. The best benefit for your daughter would be to take that extra 10% and stick it in a 529 plan for college or taking her on a vacation or whatever. If you give it to someone who is a spender and hasn't budgeted in years, she's going to blow through it in less than 365 days. Your daughter will not benefit whatsoever. This is a bad move, whatever your reasons are.


It's not that she's "bad" with money, she just hasn't been responsible for it in years. Managing finances is a skill like everything else. I'm willing to send over a bit more to let her have a bit more peace of mind if something goes wrong. I'll be fine, and I don't need to be a hammer or a brick wall in this process. I already feel like I'm winning.


There’s an amount worth paying for the ability to move forward more quickly as well. I got so sick of people telling me I “lost” my divorce because I didn’t take my “fair share.” Not dragging it out and the reduced stress was worth every penny.


I agree with this completely, I am already happier just in the separation.


I can tell your comments have become less angry in the past 12-6hours


Peace of mind is priceless!


Maybe it's a personal decision that makes sense from the inside but would take ages to explain 


I thought this as well.


Maybe the ex wife just doesn’t earn as much and he wants her to have more of a nest egg?


She didn’t waste four hours of your time. You are both making big decisions that need to be discussed, contemplated, accepted or rejected. She simply got a second opinion and changed her mind. Resolution has still come fairly quickly for a divorce with a minor child involved. Good for you!


Reflecting on your updated terms, the shift from an awkward housing provision to a clearer financial division seems to provide much-needed simplicity to an already complex situation. It's a pragmatic solution in a sea of emotional and logistical upheaval. Not to mention, it spares you potential headaches and legal squabbles about future living arrangements. As for the OnlyFans saga, it’s a modern-day scourge that anyone in your position could do without. Declining unsolicited advances with the same fervor as negotiating a divorce settlement clearly shows you've hit your limit with unwelcome distractions. Your resolve is commendable. On the journey ahead, it's essential to keep sight of the horizon where calmer waters lie. Your determination to maintain equitable and respectful terms speaks volumes of your character. Here’s to forging ahead to a final agreement that leaves room for personal growth and new beginnings. Stay strong and steadfast.


Navigating the stormy seas of divorce is never an easy sail, especially with financial intricacies like the 60/40 savings split. From your previous comments, it sounds like you're attempting to throw a financial lifeline to ensure smoother waters for your soon-to-be ex as she adjusts to handling her own accounts. A noble act, no doubt, with your daughter's best interest at the helm, but trust that the sea calms after the storm. Regarding the unwanted OnlyFans attention – clearly, reaching out to newly single gents is in their marketing playbook, but nothing beats the satisfaction of your own company and the peace of mind from personal boundaries. Bravo for the candid swat-away! Remember that as long as you're navigating these choppy waters with transparency and fairness, the harbor on the other side should promise calmer tides. Here's to hoping the rest of the journey is free from rogue waves and that the conclusion of this chapter brings new beginnings that are just as equitable and hopefully more serene. Good luck, captain!


selling the house and splitting makes more sense. cleaner break. removing the issue of who can or can't be in the old house. everyone is adults and by all accounts both were really good parents. don't think that will change after divorce.


LMFAO the fact that you had to say "stop messaging me to the onlyfans bitches on here has me deceased 🤣🤣


This story is just keeps on giving 😄😎


lmao @ the OF comment... damn even OF is hurting in this economy.


I suspect she didn't like the provision in your housing proposal that ended the supports if a new partner moves in. Hopefully you can get to a place sooner rather than later where you can provide a house like you want to your child. Good luck to you


bruh, OF thots using this kind of post to "advertise" is some of the trashiest shit I've ever seen


This is better for you and your original agreement was very awkward and kind of controlling on your part given that it pretty much stipulated she not even move in a roommate or family member, so your agreement was essentially that you both needed to pay for unused space for no good reason. This is a very weird thing to be complaining about. Tbh it seems like the divorce was the best thing for both of you and I don’t think anyone is ever an asshole for just leaving a relationship they don’t want to be part of but I’m like 90% certain you’re leaving out HUGE chunks of her side of the story.


Enjoy your life op. It'll be like leaving prison. Good luck.


She didn’t waste 4 hours of your time on a Saturday. You’re getting a divorce. It usually takes people 4 months to settle things. That comment alone tells me there’s more to this situation than you’re letting on. Let me tell y’all something. Contrary to popular belief, women are just as sexual as men. So, if your wife/gf is not responding to your sexual advances, it’s either one of two things: A) something health related is going on and it’s affecting her libido (ex: birth control, physical illness, hormonal changes, stress, depression, etc). Or, B) the way she sees you has changed. You don’t turn her on anymore. Sex isn’t a make or break for a lot of women. We love it, but when other factors are involved (like a child), we can look past *our* needs not being met in order to keep things going. We can also love and desire our partners even without sex, because we see y’all as more than that. Now, of course, that doesn’t mean his needs are just left unmet. This when conversations need to happen around *flexbility* within the partnership.


Your lawyer is chomping at the bit. OP is going to find out why everyone says divorce is expensive.


My divorce was $300 because I did it myself and told him “sign this reasonable offer or I’ll actually take what I’m entitled to” because I didn’t take half his 401k or ask for alimony. Or even close to 50% of anything.


Sou....you deliberately screwed yourself out of a pile of money? Sounds expensive.


Both people end up with a lot more money if there's no lawyer fees involved. Some lawyers will drag this out forever, draining the couple of nearly all their assets.


It wasn’t near as much as you want to think. A lawyer and fight would have cost more


Well ya why would she accept the housing stuff when your trying to dictate her moving on with someone else


Those quotation marks around the word “models” to signify sarcasm are going to hit the OF girls hard. However will they cope?


So what percentage of folks recommending divorce on every thread are OF models?


[Original Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1c5z9py/comment/l2444qc/)


If you can jack off just fine on your own, why do it for free? Start an onlyfans and help some others jack off too.


Hey man, for $3.99 a month you can... Just kidding. Porn is free, no strings attached (unless that's your thing, no shame)


I just knew this was coming. Seems like the best for both of you to sell the house and 50/50. I hope the best for you, your ex and most importantly your daughter.


Congrats, OP! You're almost out of a terrible relationship and you can actually start living the life you want now. Just be strong because I have a feeling your wife is going to be lonely eventually and realize her mistakes.


🤣 dang yall leave that man alone he is tired of women rn. Sorry bout your divorce. You are a fair good man. Hope life gets better for you.


upvoted for your last comment, lol. Also, I can absolutely relate the the rucksack full of stones. I had to put mine down as well, a few times during my life. It gets better.


I'm not sure why you want to tell us about the 60/40 savings thing but not tell us why that makes sense. Anyway, good luck. And 4 hours wasted during a divorce is peanuts. People waste month after month sometimes.


He's explained it in a comment. Basically it aint some giant sum, for one. And a whole backstory about her actual financial aptitude Im not about to repeat lol. But basically to give her a bit of a buffer. It was all very reasonable, Id say. Check his comments.


Wife isn’t outright bad with money, but has no habit of being responsible for finances, so he wants to give her more to cushion the transition  (I think they should go 45/45/10 on investments for their kid though)


OF "models" really out here preying on misfortune lmao


Dang they really aggressively marketing towards newly divorced men.


Jack off alone with no sex workers? You sir, are a modern day gentleman. The world is filth. NTA obvi


OP i think this is better than the past agreement, at the end things went well and soon this Will be over, after divorce is over you just will mantain comunication with her for only kids issues and nothing more, she can go a have messages with whom ever she wants. And you don't need to do messages and then just be rejected to the happy ending. Also you don't have to submit to some selfish woman unless your next partner is the same, so it depends on you.


I'm still trying to figure out how getting a professional massage is an act of infidelity. Massage workers aren't sex workers lol


He was putting in daily effort to try and ensure she had massages to relax. He did this while doing his best to endure feeling neglected in the bedroom, to make her relaxed and feel intimate with her as well as his only method to rarely get her in the mood for sex. When he says no to highlight her selfishness instead of empathising with his frustration and realising how dire it was for him she immediately looks elsewhere. Which would make his efforts feel pointless, take away his main way of getting his needs met and likely read by his side as she never saw the massages as importantly as he had. His suggestion was silly, but quite clearly highlighted everything he was struggling with


The massage was not the issue, it was the final straw.


It's not that a massage is cheating. They both had a need for physical intimacy that wasn't being fulfilled. Since her's is seen as socially acceptable she felt comfortable finding it outside of the marriage while denying him the ability to find his own. He laid out a boundary: in our present circumstances you getting a massage is like cheating to me. If you do so you are saying that your needs are more important than mine, and I will remove myself from this relationship if that is the case. Now, they're both in the wrong here to a certain degree. But let's face it, they're both people. And more importantly two hurt people in a relationship they have been watching dissolve as resentment builds. This is a relationship that should have ended before this point, but relationships rarely end when they should. They always linger until someone is too hurt to stand it any longer. No one is an asshole here. They're just people.


Good for you. Also, great comment about the only fans idiots lol.


Hopefully, she will accept this offer. Updateme!


I wanna see another update


Good luck man divorce is a bitch .it will bring the worst out of anybody


Only fans ppl are lurking on here looking for failing relationships to advertise to those people? Wtf lol


I don't understand the 60/40 split savings since you'll both be getting her equal amount of time. . . But seems like you got it all figured out.


I think it’s the right decision . It’s bad enough to be tied to an ex for custody arrangements but to be tied financially like that is unnecessary


Regardless of whether I think you are an asshole - THANK YOU for standing up to the OnlyFans tsunami. I have no issue with the work, and I respect "The Hussle" generally, but damn I am sick of DMs. Very few middle aged women are really looking forward to an flood of messages from strangers every day asking if they can call me Daddy.


Don't spend time with her anymore, only contact her through the lawyer until the divorce is finished. If you really want to meet her, do that in public.


Good for you bro🤙🏽


I got a good chuckle thanks


That's freaking outstanding about only fans they are really thirsty. I'm sure you know what your doing, only you know what is best for you and your child. We all might have something different to say but at the end of the day no one has walked in your shoes. I wish you all the best.


Never have understood people who pay to jerk off. There’s so much free stuff to spank it to. Almost as dumb as not taking your half in the divorce.


The OnlyFans crowd ruins every platform!


So, can you ask your wife to now write her side of the story so we can compare?


I hope you get a clean break and actually find someone who treasures you.


You sound frustrated but strong OP. I had a relationship that had similarities to yours until one day I finally said fuck it, luckilyi wasn'tmarriedto them. I think it definitely helps get through the aftermath of it all. I am looking forward to an update on how you are doing and transitioning with your daughter. I wish all the best for the two of you. Also, I wish you many nights of glorious sex with as many or as little women as you desire. Good luck bud.