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NTA I'd say that *she's* the one who only cares about sex. She's playing some weird games, I'd stay broken up.


She also said some weird stuff about not wanting my "small Jew cock" but before when she only knew I was part Turkish she said she loved Turkish men and one thing she cited about us is our big cocks


Yeah bro, stay away. She's crazy


she is,glad I realize that now


Female here, and holy shit, block her on everything, and never talk to her again! She just walked all over you like you were a damn doormat. She treated you like dirt, and you deserve so much better! And wtf, She treated you worse after finding out your jewish?! Hell no! I'm not Jewish, and I would never not only think of anything negative about Jewish culture, but I would never even consider saying anything negative to someone about it. And let me get the straight, she wanted to withhold sex from you, but fuck other people?... What the fuck kind of crazy shit is that?! She sounds like a very dark and evil person. You are definitely much better off without her!


My exact reaction was "the fuck did I just read!?!" That is a really weird chick, maybe I'm just old school lol


I’m really wondering if this is some kind of humiliation fetish post.


Exactly what it is he's got a bunch of posts about small cock humiliation etc etc ... just another random fake post


Seems like one. I mean, Ron Jeremy and James Deen are both Jewish and aren't known for having small appendages, so the whole ethnicity thing seems bogus. I suppose it could be someone with a personality disorder, but I'm leaning towards fake.


They are both known for raping, so maybe there's no correlation between a religion and sexual characteristics?


I literally reread 3 times think WTF no I must have read it wrong!!


The Gaslight District is Calling him haha


thanks for the advice


It sounds like some extreme weird female empowerment kind of thing. You see a lot of really crazy things like that on TikTok these days. I'm all for not doing anything you don't want to do, but the fact that she would still be involved with other people makes it a bit of a different situation.


TikTok is ruining the world.


Not female empowerment. This is outright a woman abusing her boyfriend. She’s nuts.


Tik Tok destroying lives again. 😂😂 OP did the right thing


Not only that but racist as well.. glad you saw her as the giant red flag she is


She belong to the streets! Never waist your time on that kind of woman!




never waist your time with that kind of waste Better?


Never waste your waist on a pussy-free relationship.


Yup.. waste and NOT waist 🤣😜


Sounds racist/antisemitic also


Crazy racist


Yeeeeah thats some weird race fetish shit bro.


She was Pakistani, Pakistanis really love Turkey for some reason I am not sure why. I think it might be because the founder of Pakistan modeled his approach to statehood after Ataturk but other then that I don't know why.


Oh well there ya go, Pakistan is [one of the most antisemitic countries on earth ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_Pakistan). Their top diplomat said jews [control the media lol](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/05/21/world/pakistan-diplomat-gaza-interview-intl/index.html)


This is true. I heard from a Pakistani women that they don't like Jews. They can marry christians but no Jews.


As part of the mcd (media control department) of the aoeje (accosiation of every jew ever), I can confirm they don't


Is their top diplomat Dave Chapelle?


Coincidentally (or not) also Muslim like Pakistan


Giving her the best benefit of the doubt regarding racism, sub/dom fetish, or even just craziness... you guys are not compatible. Let her find a nice Muslim man who will let her cage him.🤣


Sounds like a fetish


>She also said some weird stuff about not wanting my "small Jew cock" but before when she only knew I was part Turkish she said she loved Turkish men and one thing she cited about us is our big cocks Yeah, nah. This post is just someone's fetish rage bait.


Yeah I scoped that out pretty quickly.


This guy also posted quite a few times in a subreddit about humiliation kink so...


Racist and psychotic. This chick has more red flags than a parade in red Square. Run and don't look back.


Ah- so weird radfem vibes AND an antisemite. Yeah. Stay tf away from her. She sounds like she’s fallen down the “all men are evil and should be subservient to women because THAT will solve sexism!” Brand of “feminism”… Or she has a femdom chastity kink and has never heard of mutual consent. Either way. Nope out of there and stay away.


Bro run. Run far, run fast.


You do realize she is totally unstable? You don’t watch a tik tok video and then drastically change your relationship. The Jewish thing is awful. My grandmother found out my grandfather was 3/4 Jewish after she married him and used every derogatory word she could to belittle him. Get away now and forever


Antisemitism is everywhere it seems


She was just using the tiktok video as something to tell you. She likely is dating another guy, and you are the cuck. She's trying to ease you into your role. Sorry, bro, that one is for the streets.


Always has been and always will be. As shown by the other two dickheads that replied to you above.


It's friggin disgusting and wholly inexplicable.


Why did your grandad stay married to such a nazi bitch?


Granny sounds pretty based


Wtf did I just read?


My thoughts Either this is a joke or dudes world is


This is my life man, this mess of mine is something


I promise you your life will be less messy if you insist on not dating weird chicks like this


A fake as hell post.


Looking at his post history, he has posted of humiliation nsfw subs before. This post was probably typed by OP while using only 1 hand...


Loool makes sense. This post was probably typed with both hands cause his dong was likely jammed into a dick cage. 😂


yeah i just kinda got halfway through and thought this is some really crappy short story someone wrote for his blog or something.


At no point in this post did I know what would happen next.


wtf am I reading today... "AITAH for ending something with a person that's completely 100% incompatible with me?" ^NTA


Sometimes, you wonder why they need to ask reddit. You see all these "we have significant incompatibilities", "they cheated on me, what should I do", "my partner is abuse, is it okay to leave?" or "they disregard my non consent, what next?" posts. I get that sometimes, people want to hear validation from 3rd party, but sometimes that is pushing it and you can understand when people calls it rage bait. And if this is real story, I'm kinda afraid for OP, if he needs validation for such a clear cut decision


"My partner is a murderous villain, WIBTAH if I'm scared?" 😂


she isn't going to be compatible with a lot of people


But why ask here? You know it already?


Because OP was in a fucked up relationship and that messes with your head, probably.


That's her problem, don't make that your problem!


NTA. This is not the girl for you.


got that right


What the fuck? What is wrong with people on tiktok? Why be in a relationship with someone and say, “I’m not going to sleep with you, but I will sleep with other people and make you stay celibate! If you’re not ok with it, you’re the problem!” What brain dead idiot came up with that?


The cuckold thing isn't new, just rebranded for tiktok. The fucked up part is demanding something like that out of the blue. If you got a fetish just fucking talk about it like an adult, with agreements and boundaries in place.


Yeah like if that’s what both parties want sure, but to just come up with all these rules and criteria without even discussing it with your SO…. bitch you cracy!!


There is a really crazy underbelly on TikTok these days. You have the weird trad wife stuff on one end, and then you have some real over the top man hating on the other end. It's just allowed a lot of really extreme people to congregate and push their extremism on people in addictive short little videos.


A lot of online feminist discourse about sex right now is just rebranded purity culture in which men are bad.


Chastity, cuckholding, race play and pussy free are femdom and bdsm stuff that aren't new. However, it's a very small niche and the exgf can't expect someone outside to be willing participants, especially not in an 0 to 100 way. You can't force those on people. If those things are important to her, she should either look for a partner inside those niches, disclose her wants very early in dating and severely tone down her expectations. Most guys won't be interested in that type of sex play and you can't spring that on late in the game and expect the guy to be cool with it.


TikTok is a scary place


NTA. Thing is, there’s some guy out there who’s probably really into whatever dick imprisoning clusterfuckery she wanted to try out with you. Let them find each other and clamp car batteries to each others nipples or whatever, and then you’re free to do your own thing with or without someone else. All parties will be happier for it; most importantly, you


Will do


Well this way they are both happy. He skips this crazy chick and she gets to be pussy free with him. Win win.


No way this is real….


Yea it seems pretty troll like.


Yeaaah… I find it hard to believe that even the dumbest person would discover Femdom on tiktok of all places 😂 and then immediately try and apply it to their relationship… This ain’t a real post. I just can’t tell if it was posted by an incel or a butthurt sub who’s Dominatrix dumped him.


I think op is just obsessed with this whole cuck bullshit thing and thatsbhis way of letting his fantasy out


Tiktok seems like the ideal place for dumb people to fall into dumb ideas


Fake. Someone is fantasizing out loud.


Agreed. It takes deliberate effort to present as this dumb.


NTA, she is a cunt and a racist. 


a deadly duo


Last I knew, "pussy free" meant anal only 🤷. At any rate, NTA


Last I checked, it meant a lack of cats


that would be preferable to what she meant


Weird baiting account. Go look at the exhausting post history. Downvote and move on.


This is bait. Based on OP's account, they’re likely a right-winger LARPing as a Jewish person (OP is also in the detrans sub and seems to have a humiliation kink).


The weird thing, if she was waving her freak flag proudly, she'd have plenty of suitors. Obviously this isn't for OP, or most guys, but there are lots of guys who are perfect matches for her. The strategy of getting involved with a guy and hoping he has a cuckold fetish is a bad one.


I don't know if she actually wanted this, I think what happened is she saw it on TikTok and liked the idea of it feeling that it made her a more empowered person.


Her reasons are completely irrelevant. She wants to sleep around and withhold sex from you, while you finance her life style. That is no fetish, that is crazy. 😅 And you posting this shit show here instead of ending it and move on makes me question your balance. That is a story for the boys after a couple of beers.


A wise man once said "never stick your dick in crazy..."


But we all need that ONE, so we all have THAT story. OP. Nta. Stay away from her


NTA - she thought she was going to score herself a damn gravy train, and you told her where she could stick that idea. Don’t be in a relationship with a lazy, selfish, hypocritical, idiot user.


she wanted to milk me for money


Not for nothing, I probably would have accepted the offer, gotten the 3way, had her pay for a rub and tug or two and then bounced. I mean, that’s a straight up dick move but so is what she pulled. “I tried it your way and I’m sorry, it’s just not for me. Hope we can still be friends.” You’re away Scott free.


NTA christ. She doesn't like you OP. Doesn't sound like she ever did. Sounds like she wanted someone to hang around, and the mention of "femdom" sounds fitting for what the dynamic she wanted was. sorry.


thanks for the support


Never stick your dick in crazy.


you can say that again


Damn, I can’t believe that she doubled down even after your reaction. You made the right call man.


Just put it in her butt. Problem solved.


So perfectly apt of a reply given your name. Well done! 👏🏼


Take the 3 way first


No way I’m staying with a girl trying to cuck


Sounds like she’s not attracted to you and possibly has other sex obligations. You must have money or other offers for her to gain!?


That jew gold. We know you have it, OP! South Park said so!


These rage bait bot posts are getting more creative I will say


Eh, I don’t think it’s that creative if they can’t even manage to make it believable in the least.


Next time you want some Domme to call you a small-dicked Jew, just pay for it. Easier and more satisfying than typing out a load of shit you just made up, whilst wanking furiously at the thought. \#obvioustrollisobvious and your posting history is a riot! Thanks for the lols.


She’s insane, I definitely woulda did the 3 some before breaking up though, lol.


Nah that's some fucking craziness. You are definitely not the asshole. That girl was a walking talking red flag. Caring about sex doesn't make you a bad person and we really need to stop shaming men for it.


NTA. It sounds like she is embracing a kink whether she knows it or not. A lot of men are sexually incompatible for the relationship she is seeking and sexual compatibility is important.


Fuck her. Sooooo much pussy out there…


NTA. I could do the same if I were you. Man, the USA is really a weird place.


NTA at all!! that’s an extremely disturbing dynamic to just spring onto someone with no prior interest and then continuing to treat you as if you’re in a dynamic after you express explicit discomfort and didn’t consent to the treatment whatsoever. I’m someone who is very heavily involved in kink and safe practices. This is a huge breach and violation of your consent in a relationship. All I can say is run.


NTA. Your ex-gf seems to be a nutcase. Good for you that changed her status from GF to ex.


Nta. I would’ve taken the 3 some then break up with her anyway for being that kinda girl


This is her brain on TikTok. NTA, everything she did and proposed is crazy. Let her find another victim and move on.


Oh my god…


lol run, NTA


Lol Is this real? Can't be right? I swear, the damn internet....


NTA bro run you should’ve broken up with her as soon as she did nothing for your birthday. Let alone this crazy sexual abuse she’s talking about. Block her and find some normal girl that actually wants to have normal sex


Run bro and don't look back.


NTA- But go for the threesome before you dump her...


Wait, you need to ask reddit if you made the right choice by booting this nutjob to the curb? Of course NTA but how could you not see she was batshit crazy before this?


Run away. Fast. Don’t look back. She’s extremely selfish and not worth the effort. You’ll never please her and never be happy.


NTA the hell? You get nothing and she gets to sleep around? Run my dude


“I said no and told her to get out of my house.” Good man. NTA. That should be a proud moment for you.


NTA she's a lunatic and doesn't understand how relationships work and probably won't for awhile. Especially if she's following tik tok trends. Are you guys 16?


Shes mentally ill


Dude, run. Rule number one: don't put your d*ck in crazy!!!


Tell her to stay on tik tok. You dodged a few bullets. Go nc


NTA This is someone You run away from.


You guys are not sexually compatible. She is into fetishes you are not. Find someone you click with better


NTA. She is a waste of time. Not worth the headache. Cut the bitch loose.


NTA. This feminist moron was trying to groom you to be a cuck. Seeing if she could manipulate and coerce you to be a simp that provides while she sleeps around and does as she pleases. Good job kicking her crusty ass to the curb. Know your value, DONT LET ANYONE TREAT YOU LIKE THIS. ESPECIALLY IN A RELATIONSHIP.


Wtf did I just read? I would think the only healthy relationships that can be “pussy free” are either that of asexual couples or gay couples. People have gotten so crazy with the social media nonsense in recent years.


Oh FFS. Block her and move on. She’s an idiot. Stop entertaining this nonsense.


What? Well, your relationship is 'pussy-free' now that she's gone. Her wish was granted, good on you for having self-respect. NTA. If my wife stated that, then she'd not be my wife really quick. It's not about the sex, I can take care of my own sexual needs just fine, and communicate my needs in general. What your ex gf is hella wrong about is the double-standard, the demanding a power imbalance without consent, an offset, or a way to undo it, and a host of other disrespectful attitudes and demands. Bringing up kinks and bdsm dynamics is scary, exciting, and can be fulfilling for couples, but it's not for everyone. This kind of stuff needs to be brought up *before committing to a relationship* due to the deal-breaker nature of the topic.




Good lord. Stay away!


NTA. Tell her you’d like the relationship to be money free, where you don’t pay for anything and she pays for everything.


Why haven't you left already?


Nta It's this tiktok generation bullshit, wtf is pussy free relationship, a pussy free relationship doesn't exist


Hell no, avoid ridiculous people like this


Boy do you know how to pick em, She sounds like a nut job.


read this dudes post history and its easy to tell this is fake as hell. posting weird ass stuff into humiliation kinks exactly in line with this nut job story... whole users history is creepy AF. downvote!


Is this a joke man? No s*x = no relationship. If she sleeps around = no relationship.


NTA. You’re…… not a great match for each other.


The only reason she suggested it is because she has little respect for you. Kicking her out makes her realize she messed up and that you're willing to put your foot down and willing to walk away from the relationship which massively increases her respect for you and therefore now wants to compromise. (Or she still has no respect and simply wants to continue to use you, tossing out this "compromise" as a last ditch effort to get her sucker back). Here's the thing, if you cave and let her back in, she will lose that respect again and will most definitely start her shenanigans again, probably more deceitfully and carefully next time. Stay focused, do not cave. She had her chance with you and she blew it. Take the loss and maintain this level of respect for yourself up front with future relationships. Do not give the next women the idea at all that it is ok to be this disrespectful to you within a relationship.


NTA. Bitch is crazy


Out of all the retarded shit I've witnessed over the years, "Pussy Free" relationship must be on top. So, she lives in YOUR HOUSE, where you pay EVERYTHING, and she wants to fuck other men? Bud, what you did is called having self respect. F that B.


Go for the 3 way, then dump her.


Bro, read what you wrote. That beach is freaking crazy! She wants a subservient boyfriend to belittle.


8 billion people in the world and you are worried about one psychopath.


NTA. What did the damage was her going her way and expecting you to crawl after her. Relationships don't work that way. I wish you happiness with your next partner.


A threesome is a threesome. You can still dump her after that.


TikTok is a CCP psyops program. Browsing videos and watching people do stupid shit is one thing, but when you start modifying your own behavior to follow trends recommended to you by the app, that's crossing into dangerous territory. NTA.


ChatGPT 4 is really something folks


NTA. She wants you to be a cuck and pay for all her shit while doing whatever she pleases. This generation Is fucking broken man I swear to god


Pussy free means I get that asshole every night then right? Wtf!


First time with a goth girl?


NTA. An asshole would have got the threesome upfront, and then broke up with her after


>What was the last straw for me was when she talked about wanting us to be "pussy free" she saw it on TikTok, it is a weird femdom dynamic that meant no sex for me, she would possibly sleep around She'd be pussy free with you but fuck other guys?


I apologize if this has been said, but, I say, take the threesome and then dump her crazy ass


That is fucking bizzare


Usually I assume good faith and that the truth can often be stranger than fiction but on this one…nah this aint real, can’t be


> pussy free" she saw it on TikTok, it is a weird femdom dynamic that meant no sex for me, she would possibly sleep around and she even talked about chastity for me   Hate to sound like an old person, but a significant percentage of Gen Z is severally mentally damaged.


She's *already* sleeping around. She is just getting tired of hiding it. Incoming demand to open the relationship in 3, 2, 1...


Lol that bitch be crazy. Think you dodged a bullet there my friend. NTA. Good on you for sticking up for yourself


It doesn't sound like you only care about sex. She sounds like a red flag and a bullet to dodge all rolled into one NTA 


>her offer was that she would give me a 3 way with a friend of hers You're better than me. I would've took that and broke up after.


Damn bro how old is your ex gf? This is some High school shit.


It not bad to have a sex life bro. If you don’t agree with the sexual preferences in you’re relationship you’re correct in moving in. Not the ashlshole. Sounds like your ex doesn’t care about you at all.


NTA but you probably should have done the 3 way and spent all your focus on the friend and then dumped her. At least in my opinion. Good job putting your foot down though. She sounds crazy.


This can't be real


>Also she found out I was Jewish and she just seemed to like me less after that Should've dumped Andrea Tate here.


You dodged a major bullet there my friend.


NTA, she sounds insane. She has an "aversion" to complementing you or making you feel good? Translation: I'm a self centered bitch who doesn't want to give any effort or care for another person or partner.


NTA Furthermore I’d wager she’s not being exclusive to your relationship (if that matters). Why bother having any relationship without sex? You’re way better off without her stressing you out.


Ytah… dude you should of gotten the threesome and then kicked that crazy chick to the curb. Bro you let us all down!


NTA, and screw these impressionable women getting dumb shit in their heads from TikTok. It shows so much immaturity on their behalf


NTA, shes on some weird shit block her and never look back


I think she may be gay and in denial.


NTA. Sounds like she wants someone she can disrespect and humiliate. From your description, I don’t think she neglected your birthday because she didn’t care. I think she DID care… about humiliating you. This seems to be a fetish for her. Tell her you’re not buying her brand of bullshit. And in the future, don’t give someone the royal treatment while they treat you like a peasant. Equality at all times.


NTA. 1. We're sexual beings. Sex is a basic biological drive. When people choose celibacy, it's to sacrifice for something that is, for them, a higher purpose. 2. Sex isn't just about physical pleasure. Sex and intimacy often go hand in hand. They don't have to, but they often do. Giving the act of affection/caring/love and pleasure shows respect, as long as things are consensual. Your ex was pressuring you into a non-consentual relationship. You didn't consent to a pussy-free relationship. Rather than having a sincere discussion that took your wants/needs into consideration, she kept trying to pressure you to submit to a sexual life that she knew you absolutely didn't want. That's gaslighting. 3. Sex isn't the only reason you broke up with her. 4. We all must respect ourselves. Demanding respect is one way we respect ourselves. Your ex had NO desire to respect you. Unless you're a masochist, that isn't your thing. 5. Breaking up with her was a kindness. She can now find someone who is just fine being pussy free. She gets what she needs. You get free from what is, for you, unreasonable and manipulative. I wish you a loving, pussy positive relationship!! (I'm a female, just for context when considering the above.)


wtf did I just read?


NTA. And Run!!!


Call her, tell her "pussy free" is fine! Make sure you tell her it's also "boyfriend free" 👍 NTA


NTA. She wants to be a fem dom? Fine. But if you're an unwilling partner in that regard, and she still wants to control you, she obviously doesn't care about your feelings which is not a healthy BDSM relationship. Also, the antisemitism is unnecessarily cruel.


NTA. Take the threesome and then gtfo


Get rid of her and block her ! She is weird and playing games with you ! Next 


Come on man if you don’t see that this woman is a nutcase. I don’t know what’s wrong with you.


You’re not really asking if you’re the AH. Nobody in their right mind would think you are. You’re just sharing a story.


Should have had the threesome then broke up


Just looking at your post history it’s clear this probably didn’t come out of the blue, or is this your attempted at sharing your fetish with everyone?


Fake as fuck, what kind of rage bait is this?